I Gardeners are already becoming dahlia-conscious, probably because the roots are now being extensively adver tised in the garden magazines and newspapers and are also being sold by seed stores and chain stores. One of the most frequent ques tions being asked me is: When will you plant your dahlias? I usually plant more than 200 root* bat I never plant before May 1 'here at Ral M / ( //jiSBA „ , _ FAMILY SIZE—PORTERHOUSE, CLUB O* Freshly Caught Chesapeake Bay T-BONE STEAK 9£ c / DUCKuMu »• c round stub 99 * H |gff\ CHUCK ROAST, lb 63c GROUND BEES’ .. siRT/tmCTßAk^ii 79 c W ap eVrui T (gj "(I6 HEW »HIUSSUE NOWATCOLOmAijI HAVE YOU SEEN THE EVERYWOMAN’S M ilfflWAfria ■Hte APRIL EVERYWOMAN’S? N | f* A d | thrift SALE SPECIAL 1 AR g I • I Del Monte Pineapple 'jg mNMfIW R f 2»S J JUICE fgwi^^ UNCLE BEN’S RICE tlM*L aHr Please be patient. We expect our full shipments very H |T\ M THRIFT SALE SPECIAL shortly, and vou will have a chance to purchase volumes to H Sfrf STARKIST TUNA ■<■■ THRIFT SALE SPECIAL-PINTY MOORE STOPS houskh'oold odors for light fluffy pancakes we Jmm fl£ It nrrr CTrW wizard-wick 39c aunt jemima r ißc ® # JUP JfaiKfl■■ W AH.Vw grand for cookies-nbstui economical liquid wax k Fl 24-0* JA« MORSELS tS 22c AEROWAX »r«* I ! |1 F" MORTON SALT tSt He LIQUID STARCH 19c ■U .z« sai ~- a z™™« ask” n«B«r -h* Iv&f’tgiSSlA aa V UIAWIIAIU KEN-L-RATION ’f.“ ISc SWEET FICKLES 41c ■ pSt 29* . LOO CABIN :rt.27« KLEENEX I7c YOUE eigh. My advice would be to plant during early May in the central and western • portions of the State and about May 25 to June 1 in the extreme eastern portion of the State. The dahlia is a fall flower and will give you better blooms in the fall if it is not planted too early. If you grew dahlias last year and left them in the ground over winter, THE CHOWAN HERALD, BDENTON, N. O, THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1952. they ahould be taken up now before they send up stems above the ground and become divided. Bven if you want only one plant, divide the clump, plant one division and give the others away. Leaving the clump in the ground will give you several main stems, a lot of early flowers and usually poor flow ers in the fall when they ought to be at their best. In digging the clump be careful not to break the necks of the tuberous I roots. Some varieties have very slen der necks. In dividing the clump you must have at least one bud or eye and one root with each division. You will find the buds on the main stem or at the base of the stem —not on the root itself. Usually you can get from three to five divisions from each clump. These divisions can be kept in a cool place, covered with peat mos» ■or dry sand until the proper planting time. Sometime in April in this column I will discuss varieties and give plant ing instructions. Positive Proof Gladstone used to tell his friends about a neighbor’s little girl who real ly believed in prayer. Her brother had made a trap that caught little sparrows, and she prayed that it might fail. » Suddenly her face became radiant | and for three days she prayed hard, and her faith was so absolute, that her mother asked one morning, “Julia, ■ why are you so sure your prayer will be Answered ?” j Julia smiled, “I know that my pray er will be answered, because I went out there three days ago and kicked the trap to pieces!’’ Mrs. Temperance Eason Dies At Home At Tyner * - Funeral services for Mrs. Temper ance Eason, 87, who died Sunday at her home in Tyner, were held Tues- j ! day afternoon at 3 o’clock at the resi- | dence of the Rev. Ralph W. Knight,! pastor of Ballard’s Bridge Baptist Church. He was assisted by the Rev. | John T. Byrum of Belhaven, a former! pastor* Burial was in the family cemetery. Surviving are two sons, W. R. Ea-1 PAGE SEVEN json and E. R. Eason of Tyner; two brothers, J. W. ‘Baker and D. R. Baker of Tyner, aqd a sister, Mrs. Emma Forehand of Golerain. Safer Cough Relief When ac*r dniM or old fell to «loy gm- chert cold dotft ddgfc fuL proven ingredients and no aar cotica to disturb nature’s pm ness. H goes right to the seat of the trouble to aid nature soothe and heal law, ten* der, inflamed bronchial membianen Guaranteed to please you or druggiat refunds money. Creomulsion has stood file test of many millions of users. CREOMULSION [ nUs*M Csagbi, Chart Colds. Acuta BraacfeMi