Farm - Home Week Proves Worthwhile Experience, Information * And Enjoyment For AH Who Attended According to County Agent C. W. t Overman, the annual Farm and Home ■Week program at N. C. Staite College last week was a very interesting one. Nearly 2,500 were registered and it was estimated that the total attend ance amounted to well over 3,000 farm people. Said Mr. Overman, ‘‘Farm men and women who failed to attend certainly missed a great opportunity for enlarging their scope of experi ence, information and enjoyment.” The variety of classes offered for study and discussion of farm and home problems enabled a person to select the class most suited to his needs. From observation practically all of these classes were well attend ed, and the interest was high. These classes included such things as cloth ing selection, insect control in the home, attitudes and living together in the home, making clothes and other things more suited for the homemaker. Classes principally for men were:; Placement of fertilizers and how fer-i ■ tilizers act in the soil, adding live-' stock to the farm, saving labor and; other things pertinent to the farm operation today. The evenings were devoted to group singing, led by Mr. Overman. Ama teur talent contests were most inter esting and in many cases provided much fun. The quiz program, spon „ sored by the N. C. Farm Bureau and the N. C. State Grange, provided en tertainment and fun. On each evening a very inspiring address was brought bv some outstanding speaker. HEALTH FOR ALL | ACNE Teen-agers Are sometimes the vic tims of many aggravations, some real, others fancied. One of the trials of the teens is the “adolescent affliction” known as “acne.” Acne is a chronic skin ail ment, characterized by the appear ance of small pimples and sometimes blackheads particularly about the face and at times on the chest and back. Although it attacks most frequent ly during adolescent years, older peo ple and young children can also suf fer from it. Despite years of research on the subject, the exact cause of acne is still not known. Doctors believe that acne in adolescents is primarily linked k with the physiological change and development taking place during those years. We know more about factors which aggravate the condition. People suf fering with acne should “avoid drugs like iodides and bromides, exposures | to external irritants like oils and i tars, and certain foods such as chofr-, olate, greasy and friend dishes, nuts, some types of fish, pork, and rich soda fountain concoctions. In general, acne is a chronic inflam mation of the oil glands and hair fol licles of the skin. Usually, the con dition starts when the sebaceous, or oil glands, are clogged with dirt or dead skin cells. What we know as “blackheads” are the surface ends of these clogged pores, darkened by ex posure. Pimples associated with acne result when the plugged glands be come inflamed and infected. Hence cleanliness is of paramount importance in dealing with acne. The skin, particularly the affected area, should be kept clean with soap and Chas. M. Newcomb 1 Special Representative RESERVE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Hospitalization Division Covers Accidents, - Sickness, Childbirth P. O. Box 443 Phone 662-J EDENTON. N. C. - SCHENLEY JL $3.65 4/5 QUART ||^^^D| BLENDED WHISKEY 86 PROOF. 65X GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS. SCHENLEY DISTRIBUTORS, INC., NEW YORK, NEW YORK I COTTON QUIZ! kC\HV IS COTTON PROMINENT W THE *TORIO? BECAUSE NEARLY 25,000 BAli OF COTTON ARE USED TO MAKE COTTON CLOTH FOR BOOK* B/80/NGS EACH YEAR/ warm water. Scrupulous cleanliness will remove blackheads and clogged matter and will also discourage the formation of ; pimples by removing bacteria which I might otherwise have a chance to set lup infection. | While the cause, treatment, and cure of acne are still under study, the doc tor or a dermatologist can give the sufferer relief and sometimes shorten the life of the skin ailment. The idea that acne is a necessary part of adolescence and that the teen ager will “grow out of it” is old-fash ioned and sometimes dangerous. Acne can and does leave scars on an in dividual’s personality as well as his skin. It is foolish to suffer heart ache and embarrassment from a stub born case of acne when modem medi cal science can relieve or correct most skin ailments, including acne. While neither the doctor nor skin specialist con guarantee to cure acne overnight, proper medical treatment will bring about improvement or cor- I rection of the condition in a reasonable length of time. RETURNS FROM CORNELL Miss Sylvia L. Blount, daughter of the Rev. J. E. Blount and the late Mrs. Beulah Blount, has returned home from Ithaca, New York, where she has been doing graduate work at Cor nell University. Miss Blount is a graduate of St. Augustine College and has done graduate work at North Carolina College. At present, Miss Blount is employed as a music teach er at the high school in Fayetteville, N. C. "LET OCOROC DO IT" FOR SALE THREE BED ROOM HOUSE IN MORRIS CIRCLE Completely Furnished $3,000 Cash Balance FHA Financed Twiddy’s Insurance & Real Estate Co. Edenton, North Carolina i a A or» YOURS FOR | M zM HONG PLEASURE | 'if The Edenton Restaurant is better | equipped to serve you for a clean j / ** * and pleasant atmosphere. VISIT US FOR YOUR NEXT MEAL! THE EDENTON RESTAURANT I West Queen Street Extended On U. S. 17 South of Edenton THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, N. C., THURSDAY AUGUST 28, 1952. —————————* This Week’s Poem "By WILBORNE HARRELL "Let us then, be up and doing, With a heart for any fate.” —Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. THE BRIMMING CUP When the past lies dead and the future frowns, And the cup life holds but a mocking draught; When the brow is bloody with thorny crowns And misery’s cloak we wear and can not doff; When the night seems the longest and darkest And storm clouds gather to frighten the sun; When life- seems gauntest, weariest and starkest And the stout heart quails at the course to run; When the last few grains that fall in the glass Measure my struggles so desperately grim, Can I then say: Courage, this too will pass. Can a heart hold more when full to the brim ? . . . ■ No brimming cup or heart running o’er But can with faith find room for one drop more. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. James Kermit Layton announce the birth of a daughter, born in Chowan Hospital Sunday af ternoon, August 24. The youngster tipped the scales at seven pounds and 10 ounces. ADS TOBACCO STAINS! OLAG OILS help dissolve them. Olag Tooth Paste. All drug stores. FURNISHED APARTMENT FOR rent. Call 367. tfc. EEIFER PEARS FOR SALE. VERY : good for preserving. Only a few pecks left. Mrs. Sidney Spruill, i Route 3, Edenton. Phone 515-W-2. ' ltc. GREAT OAK \fg»\ BLENDED TO WHISKEY jjflPPßk $2.001 SI pin* j mPsl $3.20 1 M ! | M proof. 19% Greta Nootral Spirits | ■ AustifedticholsS CCaIK Inc. MOoauN-MW tom ■ mmmmmwmwmwmwmwmmmwmmM NOTICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS— < We will be closed all day every Wednesday in order to allow our employees a day of rest and recre ation. The Edenton Restaurant. aug2B,sept4c FOR SALE—ONE COAL OR WOOD heater. Matches your electric range. -Finished in white porcelain. Also living room wood stove. Brown porcelain enamel finish. Bums 20 inch wood. A bargain. Mrs. Geo. ; E. Privott. RFD 2, Box 193, Eden ton, N. C. ltpd WAITRESS WANTED—GOOD SAL ary and tips. Edenton Restaurant. Phone 632. ltc LADIES—TIME ON YOU® HANDS ? ; Be a Watkins Representative and earn dollars and friends in spare time. Pleasant and dignified work, no experience needed. We prefer mature woman. White J. R. Wat kins Co., Dept. S-3, Richmond, Va. aug2BJSept4pd HOME FOR SALE—SIX ROOMS includes three bed rooms, water and lights. Less than five years old. 70 per cent of purchase price can be arranged on terms. W. M. Dar den, Realtor, Coastal flam Realty Company, Plymouth, N. C. Phone 5241, 2711 or 5841. 2tc BABY CHICKS—WE WILL HAVE a shipment of chicks Friday. As sorted breeds. Get yours soon as prices will advance in September. Halsey Feed & Seed Store. “Your Chckerboard Store.” ltc TO LET DESIRABLE CORNER room overlooking Sound. Central heat. Convenient to bath. Suit able for one or two persons. Ref erences. Mrs. Julien Wood. aug2l,2Bc HOME FOR SALE—FOUR BED rooms, two baths completely re modeled. Terms can be arranged. W. _M. Darden, Realtor, Coastal Plain Realty Company, Plymouth, N. C. Phone 5241, 2711 or 5841. 2tc FLOWERS Choice of Freshly Cut Bouquets Carefully Ensembled Corsages o Deco-Right Potted Plants. PHONE 342 Lula White’s I Flower Shop 203 WEST CHURCH STREET ••v . ' v ' . „ 7:? GREAT sM i COTY ( PERFUMES 3j^»- (' EMERAUDE a $4.00 retail value x for only fthis special offer! Now you ■* Wsr can enjoy 7 world-famous Coty I Perfumes for a remarkably low price. Buy several “Perfume Trousseaus" for gifts %,j Ml belk-tyler’s - ijji | EDEiNTON, N. C. E ease sen( t me Perfume Trousseaus al 2.00 each, plus tax />] . Name 7 _ V **use I Address * — ■ City State I Check □ M.O. O Compounded and Copyrighted by Coty, Inc., tn U. S. A. fl : ; . COLLARD PLANTS—ANY QUAN- ] tity at reasonable prices. .Good plants. Winford Chappell, Route 2, Tyner, N. C. aug2l,2Bpd WANTED—FULL TIME REPRE sentative to 3ell Life, Health, Acci- f dent and Hospitalization Insurance in Edenton and vicinity. Leads fur nished and Commission and bonus. Reply A. C. Walters, Box 391, Elizabeth City, N. C. augl4,2l,2B,sept4pd SALESMEN WANTED—BE INDE pendent. Sell Rawleigh Products. Good locality open in Chowan Coun ty. Write today. Rawleigh’s De partment NCH-310-D, Richmond, Va. aug14,21,28pd FOR SALE—ROUND BOTTOM GAS boat. V-8 motor. 22 feet long. In good condition. Apply Erie Bunch, Route 3, Edenton. aug7,14,21,22p FOR METAL WEATHERSTRIPPING i expertly installed call the Ahoskie I Weatherstripping Co., Ahoskie, N. I C. Phone 355-J. exp. aug2Bpd JUST ARRIVED A NEW SHlP ment of T. W. Wood’s good ole vegetable garden seeds. They will come up. Ask your neighbor. Also Vigoro and Nitrate of Soda. Hal sey Feed & Seed Store, “The Check-; erboard Store.” ltc TERRA COTTA PIPE, DRAIN file, Septic Tanks, Culvert Pipe, Galvanized Pipe, Pump Pipe, Strain ers, Valves and Fittings. Kennan & Corey Plumbing Co., phone 545. Edenton-Hertford Highway. tfc. Aatinrurj //y W / »omt \ Am Am met i / y with MUTUAL INSURANCE Let us show you how dividends returned by Northwestern reduce the cost of your fire Just call Li—w is no obligation. Twiddy’s Insurance . j & Real Estate Co. PHONE 413 Northwestern MUTUAL TIME ASSOCIATION PAGE THREE FOR RENT—2-ROOM FURNISHED apartment for four sober refined people. Mrs. J. P. Ward, Route 1, Hertford, N. C. (On Edenton Base road). ltpd 50 GOOD GRADE EWES. $20.00 each, registered Hampshire Rams, best bloodlines, $50.00 to $125.00. M. H. Wayne, Arapahoe, N. C. Pamlico County. aug7,14,21,28p NOW IS THE TIME TO SEE Harrell & Leary —for MEN PAINTS A COMPLETE STOCK Phone 459 fFBEI OCLOCK DISTILLED , LONDON DRY ■ GIN JI 4/1 QUART ySOttlp $ 2? OOODIRHAB I WORTS UR. 1 MORU, liUNOli i