Farm Information .Most fie Furnished - When Listing Taxes # ViV-’ - - List of Questions and Answers Listed For Those Concerned 'With the month of January set aside for listing property for taxation, farm owners and tenants must furnish some facts for the list takers. This information is not used for tax pur poses, but is secured for the Crop Re porting Service. For the information of those con-j cemed, the following questions and answers are furnished by the Crop Re porting Service: Question: What is the farm census | good for? , Answer: The farm census is the only source of reliable county facts that farmers and farm groups have for planning future operations. It is a working tool that enables them to find out where they are so they can ■plan where they are going—to profit by past experience. Question: Doesn’t the United States Census’ provide the same infor mation ? Answer: Yes, the U. S. Census pro vides basically the same information— but .the U. S. Census is taken only once in five years; then it is one to three years before .the information is made public. The North Carolina farm census is taken every year on the State, county, and township levels. By planting time of. the same year, individual summaries begin to come in from the Crop Reporting Service in Raleigh, enabling farmers to take advantage of the information while it is still freeh. Question: Is the information in the census report used to determine a farmer’s taxes? Answer: No, all information given in the farm census is confidential —it cannot be used for tax purposes. The farmer is protected by law and need not hesitate to give a complete and accurate report. Question: What is the greatest ad vantage of the farm census? Answer: Probably the greatest sin gle advantage is the thinking habit that it creates in the farmer. Be cause they are called on each year to supply this information, these farm | ers are conscious of their lands and I their crops—and in turn they do a ■better job of fanning because they HHbw what they have in the land and Hive a pretty good idea what they get out of it. Question: What relation does the farm census have to crop acreage al lotments ? Answer: When further crop acre age allotments are created—and they will be when conditions warrant it— the farm census information will be the guide used in determining county acreages. * Question: Is county participation in the survey voluntary? Answer: No, each county is re quired by law, through its County Commissioners, to see that the census •s taken annually. The State pays Housework Easy Without Nagging Backache When kidney function slows down, many folks complain of nagging backache, loss of pep and energy, headaches and dizziness. Don’t suffer longer with these discomforts if reduced kidney function is getting you down— due to such common causes as stress and strain, over-exertion or exposure to cold. Minor bladder irritations due to cold, dampness or wrong diet may cause getting up nights or frequent passages. Don’t neglect your kidneys if these condi tions bother you. Try Doan's Pills —a mild diuretic. Used successfully by millions for over 60 years. While often otherwise caused, IPs amazing how many times Doan's give happy relief from these discomforts —help the 16 miles of kidney tubes and filters flush out waste. Get Doan’s Pills today) Doan s Pills ■ aiiMUtXMiiiHMSpkih | twenty cents ito the county for every acceptable report on a minimum basis to help ease the financial burden on the county. But* the success of the census does depend largely on vol untary participation rather than com pulsion. Question: Is the farm census a du plication of efforts carried on by other agencies and organizations ? Answer: No. Some farm organi zations do conduct surveys on the county level, but these are usually of a specialized nature and are seldom as comprehensive as the farm census summary. The farm census is the only survey designated by State law for the purpose of gathering informa tion for preparing official estimates. Question: How can the summary be accurate if some enumerators esti mate a farmer’s crop without even W 1 M BARGAINS I S Year-Round .'w.'.fcw’—, m MMUt m *—v 0 Penny’s worth from each food purchase! Every day fQr I_ J 7 V< AIR throughout this brand new year you can be sure that JL Self-Service y i* ' you will do better at this exceptional market ... a good qt mn »m a •wjt 'rj ,r Tp X Conditioned buying habit! oUrEK IVI AKIVCi I meats |g§|| j|| QUART WAY.PAC—WHOLE j I / "Ms.*--ft TbeefroasT1 m ( lb /lo o STANDARD SIZE—BOX OF 80s .ARD |WAraiHS,tiox. tßc A SubtinU j|| 1 A/% 1 1_,b * durkee iii *• I^c I COCOANUT, pkg. 49c I juicy Florida wesh _ # grapefruit A|| OTATOESJ * 5c a/ p 0 lb. bulk 49c C homf nwKV FREL J||| . *—— HOME OWNED I* \RKiN(. ——. Large Crisp Iceberg .1. IN 11 .. K Si lettuce i - jy raw chops, h sscß & ifc* (M, L r...31c =f 9 Green Tender 1p & Q QUALITY Pint Standard Pint Select ||||| CABBAGE | GROUND BEH, lb. 45c _79c 89c §§ THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDBNTON, N. C„ THURSDAY JANUARY 1, 1953, contacting him? Answer: This has been known to happen in some isolated cases that is why statisticians of the Crop Report ing Service study each farm record carefully and compare them with prev ious years. Discrepancies in the re port will be investigated and correct ed or the report will be eliminated as unacceptable. Question: Suppose a farmer is out of the county a great deal and is not available when the survey is made — how can he make his report? Answer: He can designate a ten ant or some one else who is familiar with his farm to report for him. This is provided for in an amendment to the original State Farm Census Act of 1921. Also, forms for making census reports are available for use of absentee farmers. Question: Do tax listers have to list the farm census rport ? Answer: That is up-to the discre tion of County Commissioners. Origi nally the law required tax listers to report for the census, but a 1951 amendment provides that Commission ers may appoint any one of their Choosing for the job. Incentive or re ward pay is provided by the State as an aid to getting a better census enu meration. Question: Does the State provide! any other assistance with the farm census ? Answer: \es. Another provision of the Act as amended makes it pos sible for County Commissioners to call on county farm and home dem onstration agents and vocational agri culture teachers for cooperation in an Wwww\/n/vwvn^wv/srwvw^^vwws/s/w educational capacity. They can help by conducting classes for enumerators and other interested persons. CHRISTIAN CHURCH SERVICES Services at the First Christian Ihi.'vn have been announced as fp’ o'A’s by the pastoi, the ttev. E C V.exanUe.. Bible School, Suadaj morning at 11 o’clock; morning service at 11 o’clock; evening service at 7:30 o’clock. Wed nesday Evening Bible Class meets at j :30 o’clock. Everyone is welcome to j young people s meeting at 6:30 P. M.’ > .11 It’s not the brains that matter most, but that which guides them—the character, the heart, generous quali ties, progressive ideas. —Dostoyevsky. MASONS MEET TONIGHT Unanimity Lodge, No. 7, A. F. & A. M., will meet tonight (Thursday) at 8 o’clock in the Court House. New officers, which were recently install ed, will fill their various stations and places and C. T. Griffin, the new mas ter will make committee assignments. For that reason he urges a full at tendance. Emergency Fund Mother—Robert is complaining that since he got a car you have been holding back some of his allowance. Is that true-? Father—Yes, I am keeping back part of it to pay his fines. A man never shows his own charac ter so plainly as by the way he por trays another. —J. P. Richter. PAGE THREE

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