PAGE EIGHT Weekly Devotional] Column By James Mackenzie One of the most dramatic pages of all history is that which records the brief, tragic appearance on the world’s clustered stage of Prince Charles Edward Stuart, pretender to the throne of Scotland, known to those who loved him and served him as Bonnie Prince Charlie. In one short year, from 1745 to 1746, this dash ing, daring fairy-tale prince led a small, poorly armed, untrained army of loyal highlanders into the very heart of England. Indeed, he would have seized London, and the British crown, making himself undisputed rul er of the British Empire, had not some of his men, discouraged and homesick, insisted on turning back. The English were able then to or ganize an army, and they hunted the unfortunate prince from one end of Scotland to the other. But though they placed a price of thirty-thousand pounds ($150,000) on his head, the simple, faithful Scottish peasant folk scorned the ransom to shelter their prince. Finally he escaped to France, dressed as the maid-servant of Lady Flora MacDonald. Because of this, Flora MacDonald was forced to live in exile here in North Carolina, where to this day stands a college that bears her honored name. In her old age she was permitted to return home to die in the Scotland she loved, and for which she had sacrificed so much. Bonnie Prince Charlie, however, nev er returned to his homeland, but died a sad, frustrated, defeated man, on an alien shore. Nevertheless, his people missed their prince, and looked earn estly for him to return and deliver | them from the hated oppressor. Much of the haunting, plaintive, beautiful, Scottish folk-music centers around! him, including this song that longs j for his return: Bonnie Charlie noo awa, Safely o’ev the friendly main; Mony a hairt will break in twa, Should ye ne’er come back again: Will ye no come back again ? Will ye no come back again ? Setter loved ye’ll never be; Will ye no come back again ? But theirs was a forlorn hope, a hopeless hope. For they knew full well in their inner hearts they would never see their beloved prince again. But we as Christians can look forward i with certainty and assurance to the) return of our Prince, for just as sure as there is day and night, springtime and harvest, summer and winter, so I 86 proof. 70% 6ral* fctfral SpMh | j AustinaNicKols [ fiCaW Inc. | MSM M »■■■■> I vSHFS CARRYING OUT A GOOD NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION This lady has made up her mind to keep at least one resolution. From now on she’s going to let her telephone save time, energy and money for her. { " Convenient, fast and certain, her telephone and yours is' available 24 hours of every day for only pennies—while everything else, including time, costs mote and mowl a Norfolk & Carolina TeL & Tel. Co. Elisabeth CHr Edenton Heritor Manteo Sunbury ■ II I ' —— [OUR DEMOCRACY— byMrt 111 y jg n *THE"PiQNEEgi'-/ !r //^ricrsrc>"r//£g/gcarr><«g3-/v>csrrocv7»vecw!slSi^^~~^ A CENTURY OR SO AGO THE IRON HORS& ROLLED PROUDLY WEST ACROSS THE FLAT LANDS, BELCHING WHITE RAGS OF STEAM AND SHOWERING SPARKS -AN AWESOME SIGHT. STRADDLING RIVERS,TUNNELING MOUNTAINS, RUNNING O'"' OVER PRAIRIES,THE DURABLE AND POWERFUL STS. ..V. . HELPED OPEN UP THE CONTINENT. Today, the iron horse is giving way to sleek* high-speed V s DIESEL LOCOMOTIVES, THOUSANDS OF WHICH CARRY MILLIONS ! OF TONS OF FREIGHT FASTER, FARTHER,MORE EFFICIENTLY. ' „ ! THE TRANSITION OF STEAM TO DIESEL POWER. HA« BEEN . i MADE POSSIBLE By THE THRIFTY PEOPLE WHO INVEST THEIR SAVINGS IN PROGRESS. THEVARS 7H£BWLDtXSOFTOMQfe*O*** » .... - mm —M mmmrnm mhv m Try A Herald Classified Ad For Quick Results! shall the Lord Himself descend from heaven to receive unto Himself all those whose trust and whose hope is in Him, and in Him only. Our Lord will come again as He said, and “unto them that look for Him shall He appear the second time without sin unto salvation;” for: He is faithful that has promised, And He’ll surely come again. 1 Some of you who read these lines are not at all prepared for the return of the Lord Jesus, and you are well aware of it. Were He to come today, you would not rise to meet Him in the air, but would be left behind. Your trust is in your “good works,” your church-membership, in something oth er than Jesus (Christ and the sacrifice He made for you upon the cross. Do not think you may rise to greet Him garbed in the filthy rags of your own smug self-righteousness. The ascen sion robes in that , day will be worn by those clothed in the white-robed righteousness of Christ. 0 hasten to. come to Him before it is too late. Pour out your heart to Him in prayer, confess to Him your sins, trust Him and receive Him as your own per sonal Saviour. And you who are Christians, “abide in Him: that when He shall appear, we may have con fidence, and not be ashamed before Him at His coming.” (I John 2: 28). He’s coming back again, He’s coming back again; He went away, but not to stay; He’s coming back again. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. Diplomacy Prof: “Mr. Smith, will you tell me why you look at your timepiece so often?” Smith (suavely): “Yes, sir! I was afraid, sir, that you wouldn’t have time to finish your interesting lec ture, sir.” THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, it. C., THURSDAY JANUARY 22, 1953.' How To Relieve Bronchitis Creomulsiori relieves promptly because it goes into the bronchial system to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial membranes. Guaranteed to please you or money refunded. Creomulsion has stood the test of millions of users. CREOMULSION relieves Coughs, Chest Colds, Aryto Bronchitis i Fordemotic Drlvo, Ovordrivo, whir* sidowall tiros, 1-Re* tinted safety glass optional at extra cost. Equipment, accessories and trim sub|ect to change without notice. Y>uve got to &lit to believe it! NEW MIRACLE RIDE IN THE ’53 FORD | v Every road in America hai been "repaved”! softer shock absorber action ... FordVwider At least, that’s the way it will feel to you when front tread ... and low center of gravity ... you Test Drive Ford’s new Miracle Ride. A are blended together to give you a mating combination of ’53 Ford ride features, includ- smoothness on all road surfaces. It's a wholt ing new, more responsive springs .. . new new conctpt of driving comfort and qidtt | Ford', new Mind. Rid. ie Ford*, new Miracle Ride And thoee sou. rabbet so smooth you can even has a built in "sixth cushioned seats are so com write while riding along sense’’ that let* Ford take Portable that longest trips over rough roads! . the curves on At levtl. are a pleasure. m.a.f. See it . . . Value Check it . . .Test Drive it CHRISTIAN CHURCH SERVICES Services at the First Christian Jhurvh have been announced aB fol ows by the pastor, the Rev. E. C. Alexander; Bible School, Sunday morning at 10 o’clock; morning service at 11 o'clock; evening service at 7:80 o’clock. Wed nesday Evening Bible Class meets at :30 o’clock. Everyone is welcome to young people’s meeting at 6:30 P. M.; all services. Minutes Os County Board Os Education January 5, 1953. The Board of Education held its - | NOTICE! ~j To Chowan County TAXPAYERS The Tax Books for the year 1952 are now in my hands for the collection of taxes. We urge yon to pay your taxes now and thus avoid the penalty which will begin on February 1. * A PENALTY OF 1 % WILL.BE ADDED ON 1952 TAXES NOT PAID BEFORE FEBRUARY 2. AN OTHER 1 % WILL BE ADDED MARCH 2 AND AN ADDITIONAL i/ 2 OF 1% WILL BE ADDED FOR EACH ADDITIONAL MONTH TAXES ARE UNPAID. J. A. BUNCH SHERIFF OF CHOWAN COUNTY regular meeting January 5, 1953, at 10:00 o’clock Monday morning with the chairman, G. B. Potter presiding. The meeting was called to order by the chairman, with the following members present: D. H. Berryman, Carey Evans, J. I. Boyce, G. E. Nixon, Conroy Perry and G. B. Potter. The minutes of the previous meet ing were read and Bame were approv ed upon motion made and passed. The reports of the county treasurer , and the local school fund treasurer were read and same were adopted as read upon motion made and passed. The question of purchasing a light weight truck was discussed, and it was finally decided to repair the cab of i the old truck at this time rather than make further expenditures. The superintendent read the bills < , vwNw^awvwvwvvvvvvyvwvvvvvvvw You’re got to Value Check this new Ford’a 41j ”Worth More” features to know why Ford’s worth more when you buy it . . . worth more when you sell itl In this new ’SSFord you’ll find not only a new concept of driving comfort... you’ll find more of the things you want and nod than in any other car ever built. You’ll find the "Go” you need, in Ford’s high-compression V-8 and Six engines. You’ll find unhindered visibility . . . easy han dling, braking and parking. And you’ll discover style-setting beauty. No wonder it’s the New Standard of the American Road. * , * ’53 Ford paid since last meeting in the amount of $4,101.66. Upon motion made and passed, t}ie following were approved: Vocational teachers’ $635.00; teach erage fund, $34.32; veterans deprecia tion, $9.61; veterans program, $389.34; lunchroom program, $267.62; current expense, $2,765.76; total, $4,101.65. There being no further business the Board adjourned. G. B. POTTER, Chairman W. J. TAYLOR, Secretary To Relieve . Misery m MM C5^666