' ■• w ‘“-•rfi.WlK ■ v AUXILIARY MEETS TONIGHT The* Woman’s Auxiliary of the Wil liam H. Ooffield Post,. No. S2BO, Vet erans of Foreign Wan, will meet to night (Thursday) at 8 o’clock In the "VtFW home. 'All members are espec ially urged to be present , , jjtooms NeededJ Because df the many inquiries Mpg received for information ■bout the forthcoming Pilgrimage of Colonial Edenton and Country side on April 10 and 11; there- is a possibility that Edenton will be taxed to the Unit to accommodate visitors. v , In order to care for aa many' people as possible, the Woman’s Club is trying to make advtnce preparations to rant rooms dur- Pk»»»2. , * THE CHOWAN HERALD [Wins Scholarship] John Dobson, son of Mrs. C. Delmas {Sawyer, was notified Wednesday morning that he had I been awarded a $3,000 scholarship at Duke University. The scholar ship was won in regional scholas tic competition. Young Dobson, a member of the , senior cfiss at the Edenton Jun , ior.Senior High School, has also T been named on the all conference basketball team. Womanless Wedding Will Be Presented At I School Friday Night i > Affair" Sponsored By the MYF of Methodist Church Members of the (Methodist Youth ' Fellowship of the iEdenton Methodist Church will present a IWlomanless . Wedding in the Edenton Elementary School auditorium (Friday night, March i $7, at 8 o’clock. This hilarious come dy is packed with fun and is expect " ed to attract a large crowd. A small admission fee will be charg ' ed, the proceeds of which will go into : the church’s building fund for the purpose of adding Church School rooms. The cast of characters will be as follows: Tiny Cats, the bride—(Lloyd Bur ton. ; T: Fltrerton Barley, the bridegroom —(Rohert Marsh. First Usher—Chaplain J. I* Swin- SfWi. Mr. Henry Wheaithearts —Uncle of the bride —Bill Harry. Mrs. Wheatbearts —Aunt of the bride—George Bail. Mrs. Nosey Toadvine, a neighbor— Billy Leaser. Mrs. Übika Scraitchfieid—Corporal Stribling. Sis Eatzer Oats, the baby—(Rev. Earl B. Edwards. Hominy Grits, a colored nurse— Norman Leonard. Pappy Rock’n Rye, grandfather of the bride—Rufus Calloway. Granny Rye—Jimmy Earnhardt. (Mrs. Oats —John Goodwin. Mr. Tumipgreen, soloist—Charlie Overman. (Shucky (Stringbeans, ring bearer— Walter Holton. Miss Muddy Riceiffield, maid of hon or—Ben (Perry. Mr. Percy (Birdseed, beet irian— Hugh Thigpen. Adam.Tumipseed, official splicer— George Thompson. Mr. Knowzie Oats, father of the bride—John (Skiles. (Pete and Re-Pete Comsmut —(Boots Lassiter, Brad Williford. (Flower Girls—(Ben Browning, Jer ry Downum, Jimmy Ross, Charles Knox, Billy Moore and Robert Earl Edwards. Bridesmaids—Dr. Richard (Hardin, J. R. Dulaney, A. 18. Harless, Dr. A. F. Downum, Jesse (Harrell and the Rev. James MacKenrie. Dr. Downum Elected Red Cross Chairman # Other Officers Elected At Meeting Held Fri day Night lAt a meeting held in the Municipal Building Friday night Dr. A. (F. Down um was elected chairman of the Cho wan County Chapter of the Ameri- t can Red Cross, to succeed Geddes Pot- < ter, who recently resigned. < Other officers elected were: Gilliam " Wood And Mrs. E. N. Elliott, vice ' chairmen; Mrs. Lena 'Leary, secre tary; Mrs. Joseph Tborud, treasurer; ' Bill Perry, home service officer and 1 R- "L. Pratt, vice home service offi- 1 cer.‘ . -1 i 1 MASONS MEET TONIGHT Unanimity Lodge, No. 7, A. F., A X.M.; will meet tonight (Thursday)i] at 8 o’clock in the Court Hoyee. C. T.h Griffin, master of the lodge, urges all 1 members to attend 1 1 ~Edenton, QiowanCoimty,North Carolina, Thursday, March 19,1953. Answer The Call n———— The other day, I heard a man talking about doctors. To his way of , thinking, doctors were all a bunch of fake*. They didn’t know what watt I wrong with a person, but just guessed at it and then charged exhorbi- 1 tant fees. Another fellow said Jie had about the same opinion of lawyers; they l were all in cahoots with each other, and just took a person’s money for nothing. The judges were in cahoots with the lawyers, he said, and helped the lawyers rob their clients. Another fellow said all the churches nowadays were filled with hypo crites and sinners, and religion just didn’t' mean anything anymore. (Said he had rather not even be a member of a church; that he was better than 99 per cent of the church members and was ashamed to associate with them. Another fellow said schools weren’t what they were supposed to be, either. Said children didn’t 10am anything now except how to play ball, or sing or do some tomfool things like that. Back in’ his day, he said, schools really “learned” the kids something. Another fellow said the Red Gross was, just a lot of graft; said all the . officials got thousands and thousands of dollars a year out of the funds I contributed by individuals throughout the nation, and people in need • (didn’t get anything. ■ (Needless to say, when those guys get tick, get into trouble, see death approaching, or feel the heavy hand of disaster, they will be the first to call the doctor, see the lawyer, send for the preacher or call on the train i ed young people when they need an employee, and pray for Red Cross re lief when disaster strikes. We try to increase our own importance by covering others with dirt. Then we can say, “(Look at Me! See how big I am beside this pile of > dirt!” ' The American Red Cross has its imperfections, but it still is the great est agency in the world dedicated to the relief of human suffering and heartache. (LETTS ALL ANSWER THE RED CfcOSS CALL ... WE NEVER KNOW WHEN DISASTER WILL STRIKE AT OUR CITY AND OUR HOMES. J.S.M. Junior Class Os Chowan High Will i Stage Play Tonight “The Big Blow-up” Ex pected to Provide Fine Evening-of Pleasure Tonight (Thursday) at 8 o’clock ■the Junior (Class of IChowan High ‘School, under the direction of Miss Louise Wilson, will present a three ast comedy, “The Big Blow-Up” by Robert St. Clair, in the school audi torium. An evening of suspense, excitement and laughter is guaranteed. The entire action of the play takes place in a small town hotel with the following cast of characters: Ellen Parker, the landlady, Jac quelyn Bunch; “(Beans”, her high school age son, Roger 'Spivey; Melin da,, the new maid, Zenovah Hugo; Mugsy Morris, a young criminal, Ray Jordan; Cora Johnson, a young school teacher, Peggy Turner; Terry King, a detective, Jack Bunch; (Sandra Field, a nervous young lady, Xlvis Perry; Margot Richard's, a refined young lady, Carolyn Spivey; Katie Lee, “(Beans’ ” girl friend, Oudda Lane; Douglas IBlake, (Sandra’s fiance, .Ches ter Winslow; Mr. Field, (Sandra’s irate father, Elbert (Bunch; Mrs. Field, her anxious mother, Esther Mae Jordan. Entertainment between acts will be rendered by "the “Musical Quintet,” of Chowan High School, composed of: Britton Byrum, Leon Privott, Jack Evans, Sammy Byrum and Stuart Hol lowell. The public is cordially invited to attend. A small admission will be charged. The play is presented by special arrangement of the Ait Craft Play Company of Cedar Rapids, lowa. Hospital Auxiliary WH Meet Friday Mrs. J. N. Pruden, Sr., Will Be Principal Speaker 'The Chowan Hospital Auxiliary will meet Friday afternoon, March 20, at 3 o’clock in the Nurses’ Home. A special program has been arranged for this meeting which includes an ad dress by Mis. J. N. 'Pruden, Sr., who will speak on the subject “Early Doc tors of the Albemarle.” .The nurses’ aid program is also on the agenda, so that Mrs. Martin Wise ly, president olf the Auxiliary, urges all members to make a special effort to be present. A tea will follow the , business session. DIME SOCIETY MEETS TUESDAY The Dime Society of the Edenton Baptist Church will meet Tuesday night of next week at 8 o’clock with Mrs. L. E. (Francis. All members of - society are urged to attend. Gtee Club To Present Miss Gherryblossom : On Fridayjllarch 20 Performance Will Be ..Dedicated To Class * Os 1921 The Glee Club of Eden ton Junior- Senior High School plans to present its fourth musical comedy, “Miss Gherryblossom,” by J. W. Dodge in the Elementary School auditorium Friday night, March 20, at 8 o’clock. The yearly musical production has be come a tradition in the Edenton school, and has been a regularly scheduled event since 1949, with the exception , of the spring of 1952, when the mov ing of the school into its new quar ters on Hicks Field prevented the an nual production being staged. This year’s offering, “Miss Cherry blossom” should have a particular in terest for Edentonians, as the show has been given in Edenton once before. In the spring of 192)1 the (Senior Class of Edenton High School presented this same %nusical comedy in place of a Senior Play. Miss 'lva Pearson and Mrs. J. W. Davis coached that pro duction, and the leading role was sung by Margaret Williams now Mrs. Clarence Cates. “Miss Cherryblossom” tells the story of Evelyn Dames, whose parents died in Japan of a fever epidemic when she was an infant. (Her father’s secretary absconded with her prop erty and abandoned the child to the care of Kokemo, proprietor of a Tea Garden, who named her Cherryblos som, brought her up as a Geisha, and contracted her in marriage to Togo, a wealthy politician. (How she met (Continued on Page Twelve) BPW Club Meets At Hotel Tonight Officials Scheduled to Take Part on Inter esting Program Mrs. Annie Mills, presidient of the Edenton Business and Professional Women's Club, calls attention to the dinner meeting to be held tonight at 7 o’clock in the dining room of the Hotel Joseph Hewes. A feature of the meeting will be short talks on “(Local Government,” by four town officials including Mayor Leroy Haskett, who will speak on the framework of the city govern ment; R. N. Hines, who will talk on public works; John Mitohener, Jr., who will talk on the city budget, and John A. Holmes, who will tell about the local school system. \ The club feels fortunate in being i able to secure these town authorities, ] which presents an excellent oppor- i tunity for members to get first hand : how the management; of our city is executed. Therefore, a g-.od repre- t sentation is expected. i 11 Homes And Three Public Places Will Be Opened For Tour m . %■ Clinic Speaker (: '■■■ . DR. WILLIAM STROUD Speaking at a post graduate course on coronary artery disease at the Chowan Hospital nurses’ home was Dr. William Stroud, heart specialist. Week Os Study At Baptist Church Classes Arranged For Church Members of All Ages March is Study Course Month for Baptist Training Union Members throughout the Southern Baptist Con vention. With this in mind, the Train ing Union Department of the local Baptist Church is conducting a week of study and enlargement beginning this Monday night, March 23, at 7 o'clock. Classes are being arranged for each age group which will provide gsod and usable instruction for every member of the church. Since this course is designed pri marily for church members, it is hoped that those church members not now enrolled in the Training Un ion will come out and join the BTU members in this week of helpful study; and, will become members of the training organization. A new union is being organized for those church members of age 17 and up. This is a wonderful opportunity for those who desire to grow in service. So, no matter what age one might be—there is a place for all in this up-building program. A cordial wel come awaits all. March Os Dimes Now Amounts To $1,713.26 White and Colored Ru ral Sections Still to Be Heard From This week D. IF. Walker, prin cipal of the Edenton colored schools, presented a check for 73.57, which represents March of Dimes contributions made in the Edenton colored schools. This amount brings total con tributions to $1,713.26 as of Wed nesday of this week. An error was made in last week’s figure, making a difference of $2.14. The amount reported was $1,641.83, but when the money was counted in the bank it amounted to sl,. 639.69. The figure used last we*k was taken from reports from can-. vaasers, so that there must have been a slight duplication or else a mistake made in marking con tributions on envelopes. At any rate the contributions now stand at $1,713.26, with still reports to be received from both white and colored rural sections. Baptist WMU Will Meet At Sandy Cross The Woman’s Missionary Union of the Chowan Association will convene in an all day session at Sandy Cross Baptist Church in Gates County Wed nesday, March 25, beginning at 10 A. M. All churches in th© association are expected to be represented at this meeting. ■ami- ’' WPer Year. ! Added to List Are Elli son House and Green field Plantation MUCH PUBLICITY Problem Arises to Ac commodate Visitors Expected Edenton Woman’s Club which is sponsoring the third Pilgrimage of Colonial Edenton and Countryside to be held April 10th and l'lth is happy to announce that two homes, not previously listed as opening for the tour, have been added to the list, making a total of 11 homes and three public places. The two homes are, Greenfield Plantation, home of Mrs. George Collins Wood, and the Ellison house, home of Mrs. Fred P. Wood. From the tremendous number of in quiries being received concerning the Pilgrimage, it is very possible that the hotel, tourist courts and tourist homes will not be able to accommodate the tourists anticipated, and Mrs. R. N. Hines, chairman of the Pilgrim age, asks that anyone having rooms that they would be willing to rent during these two days bo contact her, at her home, phone 392. Anyone de siring folders to be sent friends or relatives, can have them sent by call ing Mrs. W. J. P. Earnhardt at 590. The Pilgrimage is being given wide spread publicity through the folders which have been sent to all tourists who registered for the tour in 1951, and folders have been sent to travel agencies, hotels, motels, the State (News Bureau, and other places throughout the State, as well as other states. Information concerning the 1 Pilgrimage will also be given from several radio stations. In this issue of The Chowan Herald, and in the next two issues, a list of the homes and public buildings to be open for the tour, will be given with a brief history of each. Today’s installment of homes is as follows: St. Paul’s Church—W. Church St. Open 10 A. M„ to 9 P. M. The parish, organized under the first Vestry Act in 1791, has the old est charter in the State and the second oldest church building. This build ing, begun in 1736, during the ad ministration of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, was com pleted some thirty years later. Twen ty-five years of neglect after the Rev olution necessitated extensive repairs, (Continued on Page Twelve) Civic Calendar Pilgrimage of Colonial Edenton and Countryside Friday and Sat urday, April 10 and 11. Degree of Pocahontas Easter dance Saturday night, April 4, in the Edenton Armory. (Spring term of Chowan County Superior Court begins Monday morning, March 30. Glee Club of Edenton Junior iSenior High School presents “Miss Cherryblossom,” a musical comedy, in Elementary (School au ditorium Friday night, March 20, at 8 o’clock. Lions Club meets Monday night at 7 o’clock. Chowan County Negro 4-H Clubs present program at White Oak School Sunday, March 22, at 3:30 P. M. % Red Men meet Monday night at 7:30 o’clock. Lions Club Minstrel Friday night, April 10. VFW meets in Post’s home on old Hertford Highway Tuesday night at 8 o’clock. Rotary Club meets this (Thurs day) afternoon at 1 o’clock in the Parish House. Junior-Senior play at Chowan High School Thursday night, March 19, at 7:30 o’clock. Home demonstration club radio program on WGAI Thursday, April 2 at 12:45 P. M. Unanimity Lodge, No. 7, A. iF„ & A. M., meets tonight (Thurs day) at 8 o’clock in the Court House. American Legion Auxiliary cake, pie and candy sale at P & Q Super Market Saturday, April 4. Twenty-fifth District Federa tion of home demonstration clubs meeting in the Edenton High School auditorium Wednesday, April 8, at 10:30 A. M. Dime Society df the Edenton Baptist Church will mtiet at the home of Mrs. L, E. Francis Tues (Continued on Page Twelve)