PAGE TWO Iffa WASHINGTON —Chairman Reed of tiie House Ways and Manna Commit tee is still demanding that the Douse (Rules Committee give Mb committee a chance to present to ti»e Douse a bill which would result in a substan tial reduction in taxes this year. It appear*, however, that the Re publican leadership other than (Rep resentative Reed—is trying to prevent Ha bill coming to the floor. The rea son is obvious: They are virtually certain that the House would vote for a cut in taxes. There is a cry that the budget must be balanced first. The trick in that is that as long as money is available by Way of high taxes, there will al ways be plenty of bureaucrats making demands for large appropriations for all sorts of government spending. I feel that we should spare no le gitimate expense to keep our country thoroughly defended militarily. At the , same time, I am very confident that the military can make many, many moves that would result in economies and efficiencies. Os course, the ex cessive spenders don’t desire this, hut it is my purpose to support aH meas ures of economy and for tax reduc tion. The present tax burden is having a demoralizing effect even on our low inoome group. Sometime ago, I saw a case where a firm wished to assist a young woman employee who had quite a number of obligations to meet. She was given a special bonus of SSOO, but when she received the bonus it amounted to only $416 because the government first (have SBS withheld. It has seemed to me that it is very unfair for the government to have to take so much out of the paycheck of the lower-income citizens. Tt is en couraging to think that the present investigation into economies will lead to some reduction in taxes. A GENERAL SPEAKS General Van Fleet, just back from Korea, has stirred up quite a (hornet’s nest in his appraisal of the conduct of the war in Korea. Most interest was centered on his statement that there was a scarcity of ammunition back sometime ago—despite the huge appropriations made by Congress for military purposes. There are those in the government who think General Van Fleet should be suppressed and not be permitted to talk the way he has been talking. But there are others, fortunately, who think the truth should come out, re gardless of whom it hurts, and that incompetence should be exposed at every turn. I am told by those who know Gen eral Van Flett that he is a thoroughly able and efficient General who has somehow or other stirred up the wrath of the Pentagon Potentates. That, I am told, is one of the reasons he is being retired at 60, just when he ap parently is in the prime of his career. It is difficult to fathom some of the MR. FARMER See Us For Your Seed Peanut Shelling Let Chowan Storage Company shell your Seed Peanuts. Then you are assured of geod, clean, uniform seed which will improve your quality and yield. We refer you to our many satisfied customers of previous years—They are our references. We have a few select lots of Farmers Stock, Jumbo, and Bunch-Type Peanuts for sale. Our mill is located at our warehouse bn West Carteret Street near the Home Feed & Fertilizer Company. - , We Are Now Open For Business Telephone 185 or 287- 3 Ch wan storage Company 1 L. E. BUNCH, Mgr. West Carteret St. Edenton, N. C. ALL SEED RECEIVES OUR PERSONAL ATTENTION. A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU. av'% it---'-''- ‘ . • activities of the military in and around the Pentagon. BENSON AND FARM PRICES Agriculture (Secretary Benson Menus to be in for a let of argument about the decline in farm prices. This sub ject has been particularly keen with respect to cattle prices. (Secretary Benson asserts that the price decline has now been checked, and that fann ers are now encouraged about tbs possibility of marketing their animals at a profit Just how Mr. (Benson wfll fare as a result of his announced program, H is too early to say. (North Caro lina, of course, is tremendously inter ested in the success and welfare of the farming population of our State and every member of our delegation in Congress is eagerly keeping in touch with the situation —with the determi nation to protect the interests of the farmers all over our (State. ♦ ENSLAVEMENT RESOLUTION At President Eisenhower's suggest ion, a resolution was introduced in the Senate condemning the activities off the Soviet Government in its vio lations of commitments made during the war at Yalta, Teheran and Pots dam. President Eisenhower apparently would be well satisfied with a reso lution that does not inclurWa con demnation of the stration, but one that shows a unified front to the Communists. That’s where the fun began. Some Republicans couldn’t resist an opportunity to jab at the (Democratic Administrations involved. They of fered an amendment doing 'just that. The Democrats, of course, oppose that—as do Republican Senators Aik en of Vermont and Tobey of New Hampshire. Senator Aiken made this grave have a cooling off period of 80 days.” Personally I didn’t see much point in making further declarations against the Soviets, since we have condemned their activities over and over 'again. This is another illustration in which some Republicans, eager to get even with the Democrats, are involving their President in a situation that ought not to have arisen. The Democrats were willing to go along with the President. President Eisenhower wasn’t attempting to con demn or vilify anyone. Housework Easy Without Nagging Backache When Iddney function slows down, msny folks complain of nagging backache, loss of pep and energy, headaches and dizziness. Don’t suffer longer with these discomforts if reduced Iddney function is getting yon down—due to such common causes as stress and strain, over-exertion or exposure to cold. Minor bladder irritations due to cold, dampness or wrong diet msy cause getting op nights or frequent passages. Don't neglect your kidneys if these condi tions bother you. Try Doan’s Pills—a mild diuretic. Used successfully by millions for over 50 years. While often otherwise caused, it’s amazing how many times Doan's give happy relief from these discomforts—help* the 15 miles of kidney tubes and filters flush out waste. Get Doan's Fills today! Doans Pills DBS CBOWDM HSRALD, EDENTON. N. CL TEBORSPAT MARCH 19. IMS. Mrs. Annie Elizabeth I Nixon Dies Wednesday Mrs. Annie Elizabeth Nixon, 83, ; native of Chowan County, died Wed nesday night off laat week at 11:30 o'clock at tile home of a stepson, H- M. Nixon, in the Rocky Hock section. (She had been ill four weeks. 'She was a member of the Rocky Hock (Bap tist Church. (Surviving axe one daughter, Mrs. Harry (Bather of Winifall; six step children, H. M. (Nixon. J. T. Nixon, J. R. Nixon and G. R. Nixon, all of Chowan County; and Mrs. R. G. (Lane and Mrs. Alvin Onley of (London Bridge, Va.; one brother Joseph Oliver of Edenton, and four sisters; Miss Ellen Oliver, Mrs. Sarah Harrall, Mrs. Martha Pede and Mrs. Minnie Ashley, ail of Chowan County. Three grand children also survive. 'Funeral services were held Friday afternoon at 3 o’clock at the home of H. M. Nixon with the Rev. Ralph W. Knight, pastor of Ballard’s Bridge Baptist Church, officiating. Inter ment was made in the Nixon ceme ’**■' ’ j SCHENLEY jj Blended Whiskey, 86 Proof. The straight whis • * kies in this product are 5 years or more old. .-■j 35% straight whiskey, 65% grain neutral [MtißuU I spirits, 15% straight whiskey 5 years old. 10 % i y straight whiskey 6 years old, 10% straight whiskey 7 years old. Schenley Distributors, 1! AMERICA GOES FORD! « „ . . • ii For ’6B, Ford brings you the kind of car you’ve always ) '. From COftit to coast folks are wanted .*.. a ear that wffl “epofl” you for ordinary j * , , , r , a ears. For in every department die new Ford offers you ! Swinging to rora America S advance! that eet a new standard for the Amerioan i “Worth More” car. It’, worth more / , a .1 „*ai. —Taka It« thick, foam rubber cushions and new Wonder When yon bny K • • • wwtll more side. Never before has a car offered you ao many , ii ... • -v* “Worth More” features at so modeat a price. See, Value . wnen you seu Check wd Teat Drive this trend-setting new Ford I § today. Discover tor yourself why the swing is to Ford. v FULL-ORCLI VISIBILITY! a ONLY V-S IN ITS MLDI A curvod ono plow wtndWold and P—j i* Pord'l MQh-.omproi.lofl ear-wide war whtdew gfcra you HOritp. V-S I. thotypo vblbWty un»m»od. ffjyßSjkjjf h YOUK CHOICI OP S MIAT dmvbsi • Only ford in B. Bold offer* PqrdomoH* .. Drhro, Overdgr* and Conventional > vy glut the ao. .avtno. of dm Automatic Power Hot ’ hioh-compression wxi mßSSfflml aMB. Pofd-i ioi-h.p. »* h. \ b the most modem Six T7i JMt Jr hi Itio low-price Bold. CBNTIR-PILL FUELINQI ' " ' - ts * —A- ttL^^. rrovomi not* sttuto on zmh v thaear 1 . Bnldiand mahaT '-' i m -. Ailing up odor from elthor ij(jg <>f tho pump. Shortor MB NSW WONDIR RIDS! K ®TI pipe l.avo. trunk *pa«* for JJIj I h.l _a t flia k ..I 1.. . .iuliui. mam IQHHMBMBKnI a ' cxlro suitcc)M< not |UfT loner morw y -« A nil .ii all arm SHOsI #■ \ I reipontfve miock aotoroen ana e ; / VI -r . wldo POWER-PIVOT SUSPINDID PEDALS I "* W °° oe * I They give oailor pedal operation, mak.'foot • I iJ ni! ,^ floo, ‘ pa ‘ ~Nod^ aroiTy noor noieto ?■•■.■. • • - • '." ■ |teiy. ■ Pallbearers wort Herman Nixon, rwlp vW®y JdUQCH WHI liifoyd Jr6*l6. Michael S. Coston Promoted IrKorea ■' <r Michael S. Ooston, son of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Coston off Edenton, re cently was promoted to the rank of sergeant while serving in Korea with X Corps. A tactical command between di visional and Army level, X Corps is one of three corps in the combat erne. Special units attached to H perform duties for some or aH off the combat organizations under Its command. Sergeant Coston, a troop informa tion and education noncornttnisskmed officer with Headquarters and (Service Company of the 188th Engineer Com bat Battalion, arriwed in Korea in January, 1952. A graduate of Edenton High School and Elizabeth City State Teachers College, Coston was a teacher for the Sussex County Public School System in TY®Tw*jy vm,, wore vnwmig xno Army in June, 1981. CENTER HILL CLUB MEETS The Center Hill Home Demonstra tion Club met Hmmttey afternoon, February «, at 2:30 whh Mrs. B. Pi Monds presiding and Mrs. O. H. I Davis, Jr., "acting secretary. The dub voted unanimously to ae-| cept the offer off E. L. Belch and be gin the building of a new eamonmitjr building and this project Started very soon. A dinner for the community will be given soon to make plans for this project. Reports were heard from Mr*. J. C. Boyce chairman, Mia. E. L. Belch, health and (Mrs. E. P. Jones, publicity, and plana given from each as to coun ty plana. Miss Rebecca Colwell, home demon stration agent, gave a most instruc tive demonstration on "Today’s Fab rics,” such as manmade fabrics now in use and those still in the testing Stage, such as nylon and orkm, dacron and dynel fibre glass and pellon. Sam ples w®re shown of these fabrics ——————————■—— —— - K K'aff f 'mm ?588§3*- : , Blended Whiskey, 86 Proof. The straight whis kies in this product are 5 years or more old. 35% straight whiskey, 65% grain neutral spirits, 15% straight whiskey 5 years old, 10% . *• straight whiskey 6 years old, 10% straight , V whiskey 7 years old. Schenley Distributors, <-• ! Inc., New York, N. Y. SCHENLEY I end uses and durability of each ex plained. . -Mrs. C. H. Beale was welcomed as « n*w member. (Hostesses for tile day were Mrs. W. J. Privott and Mrs. Lee A. Phil «P* . PRESBYTERIAN SERVICES V Services at the Preebytertan Chbrch are announced by tfce pastor, the (Rev. James MacKenzie, as fottuws: (Sunday School, Sunday morning at IQ o’clock. • Morning worship alt tl o'clock. Sermon by the pastor, one of a aeries. on the .book of Romans. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30. Lessons on the great dots, trines of the Bible. . %' Every day after school, and on Sat urdays and Sundays, the bade door of the church will be left unlocked so local teen-agers, may use the game room. Justice ia the handmaid of mercy, and showeth mercy by punishing aim —Mary Baker Eddy.

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