Volume XX—Number 13. n ; n I line Drawing Near For Edenton’s Tour On ApriMl) And 11 Requests Still Continue To Come In For In formation With the Pilgrimage of Colonial Edenton and Countryside only two weeks off. (April 10th and 11th).final details are being ironed out by Mrs. ' R. N. Hines, chairman of the tour, and members of the Woman’s Club. Be quests for folders and information con tinue to pour in, and everything in dicates the largest crowd yet in at tendance of a Pilgrimage, the third ever held in this historic old town of Edenton, which has, on many oc casions, been described as being like Williamsburg, Va., without being re . Stored. A booklet, with pictures and com plete Histories of old homes and build ings in and around Edenton, is now being printed under sponsorship of the Woman’s Club. This booklet will give histories of 39 homes and build ' ings, witfi the research of each place being done by Miss Elizabeth Moore, a member of the Woman’s Club. Miss Moore has done an invaluable service to the town and county, as well as to the country, in her painstaking work on these old buildings, many of which are nationally famous. Mrs. Willis McfClenney has compiled the booklet for the Woman’s Club. This week brief histories are list ed of five of the homes and buildings to be open for the tour. The first five were given in last weekte Chowan Herald. The remaining four will be given in next week’s Herald. The Booth House—N. Granville St. Open 10 A. M., to 12 M., and 2 to 5 P. M. Date of construction of original (Continued on Page Eight) Civic Calendar Pilgrimage of Colonial Edenton and Countryside Friday and Sat urday, April 10 and 11. Degree of Pocahontas Easter dance Saturday night, April 4, in the Edenton Armory* Fashion show at Merry Hill High School Friday night, April 10, at 8 o’clock. Spring term of Chowan County Superior Court begins Monday morning, March 30. Lions Club meets Monday night at 7 o’clock. Red Men meet Monday night at 7:30 o’clock. Fire Chief R. K. Hall will be gin fire inspection in business sec tion the first week in April. Lions Club Minstrel Friday night, April 10. VFW meets in Pest’s home on old Hertford Highway Tuesday night at 8 o’clock. Rotary Club meets this (Thurs day) afternoon at 1 o’clock in the Parish House. Home demonstration club radio program •on WGAI Thursday, April 2 at 12:45 P. M. Unanimity Lodge, No. 7, A. F„ & A. M., meets tonight (Thurs day) at 8 o’clock in the Court House. Chowan County Commissioners will meet in regular session Fri day April S, at 10 A. hL, instead of Monday, April 6, due to Easter Monday falling on the latter date. This will also be a continuation of a meeting as a board of equalisa tion and review. American Legion Auxiliary cake, pie and eandy sale at P & Q Super Market Saturday, April 4. Twenty-fifth District Federa tion of home demonstration dubs (Continued on Page Eight! Piano Students Os Mrs. Mooney Win High District Honors Mrs. C. B. Mooney was very proud Saturday morning when the district music festival of the National Federa tion of Musk was held in the Wo man’s Club building in Elizabeth City. ’Mr*. Mooney entered seven of hey piano students, of whom five was awarded a superior ratifig and two received excellent rating. Those who were awarded superior rating were Patricia Bunch, Beverly Conn, Ruth Sbokely, Jimmie Cozzens and Brenda' Mooney. 'Rosa Hollowell and Linda Leary Judge for the festival was George Perry, director of piano musk at East Carolina College, Greenville. In com menting upon Mm. Mooney’s students, IMr. Petry made this comment. “Your students performances were most out . * ' ''ft-' -w'' THE CHOWAN HERALD CHOWAN COUNTY HOSPITAL | IkE 1: 1 1 ' SimS' . ; > Mi - .Jpg fell -•*. - -. . m 1 ' - ijll ' ' * 1* ;■ '"v ■ 1. I . -■ I IMm&ih.— ■ Above is pictured Chowan County’s Hospital, where no little amount of work has been done to beautify the grounds. Only recently Frank Hughes and Worth Layton planted 51 dogwood and two holly trees, which is very much appreciated. The grounds beautification committee is appealing for more trees and flowering or evergreen shrubbery for further beautification purposes. Anyone desiring to make a contribution should contact either Miss Rebecca Colwell or Mrs. John G. Wood. Elimination Meeting For BTU Contestants In Edenton Sunday Winners Will Take Part In Regional Meeting At Ahoskie An outstanding feature of the Bap tist Training Program is the annual elimination meeting for participants in the five major projects of th e year— the Hymn Festival, Adult Bible Read-1 ing Tournament, Better Speaking Tournament, Sword Drill, Junior Mem ory Drill. This elimination meeting will be held for participants from the < churches of the Chowan. Baptist Asso ciation on Sunday afternoon, March 29, in the Edenton Baptist Church at 2:30 o’clock. Much interest is cen tered in this meeting as it climaxes months of preparation and determines .the representatives of the association at the Regional Training Union Con vention. The Training Union departmental leaders of the Chowan Association will be in charge of the elimination pro ceedings. Miss Carol Jean Bizzell of ’ Elizabeth City, as chorister, will con duct the Hymn Festival in which choirs and choral groups will par- 1 ticipate. The Adult Bible Reading 1 Tournament is under the direction ; of the adult leader, Mrs. A. R. Cooke 1 ; of Hertford. The Young People’s leader, Mrs. Ernest Sanders of Eliza beth City, will conduct Ithe Better ' Speaking Tournament. The Sword 1 Drill for intermediate ages is under ' the direction of Miss Jennie Lou iNew- : bold of Elizabeth City. Miss Newbold is intermediate leader. Mi’s. Lean Leary of Edenton, as junior leader, , will conduct the Junior Memofy Drill. The successful participants in each of these tournaments will represent fContinued on Page Five) Officiais Speak At , BPW Club Meeting Operation of Town and < Local School System Explained Three town officials and one school official were guest speakers at the dinner meeting of the Edenton Busi- i ness and Professional Woman’s dub in the Hotel Joseph Hewes dining i room Thursday night. Mrs. S. C. ; Malls,_ president of the chib, presided, : but called upon Miss Lena Jones to : have charge of the program. The three speakers were Mayor I>* ■ roy Haskett, J. Edwin Bufflap and R IN. Hines, representing the Town of 1 Edenton and John A, Holmes, super intendent of Edenton Schools. Mayor Haskett spoke about the gov- 1 eminent of the town as a whole. Mr. ' Bufflap explained the mechanics of 1 the town’s budget and Mr. Hines ex plained the operation of the Electric and Water Department. Mr. Holmes in his usual interesting manner told about tile progress made by the Eden (Continued on Page Foot) Degree Tonight At Masonic Meeting Unanimity lodge, No. 7, A. F. A A. M„ will meet tonight (Thursday) ' at 8 o’clock in the Court House. C. T. i Griffin, master of the lodge, states < that tiiq first degree will be oonfer attemL ' 'Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, March 26/1953. Question Os Title To Hicks Field Is Again Up For Discussion School Board Chairman Thomas Chears Suggests Joint Meeting With Town Council or Friendly Suit to Determine Legal Title With some agitation on foot to erect a new and more adequate fire sta tion, and the supposition on the part of some that the building should be built on Hicks. Field, Thomas Chears, chairman of the Edenton School Board, again questions the authority of the Town of Edenton to have jurisdiction over Hicks Field. Mr. Chears refers to an opinion handed down from Attorney General Harry McMullan and is very anxious to reach some decision relative to proper title to the Hicks Field prop erty. In order to reach an under standing he suggests a joint meeting of Town Council and the Edenton School Board to iron out the matter or even instituting a friendly suit to de termine legal title to the property. ; In that there is some objection to change the location of the fire sta tion and the supposition that, if built, it would be located on Hicks Field, Mr. Chears recently sent the following letter to Mayor Leroy H. Haskett: “Noting that there is a request before the Town Council for a part of the fair ground property on which to build a fire Station, I am reminded of an opinion rendered by the Attorney John Dobson Will Enter Duke In Fall One of 12 Winners In i Angier Duke Prize Competition As was announced briefly in last week’s Herald, John Thomas Dobson, son of Mrs. C. Del mas Sawyer, was one of nine high school seniors from North Carolina and three from Mary land and Virginia to be named win ners in Duke University’s 1953 Angier Duke Prize competition. The winners were selected last week-end alt Duke during a final round of tests and'interviews. Each prize, awarded on the basis of character, scholastic ability and promise of po tential achievement, will provide a maximum of $3,000 for four years’ study at Duke University. Young Dobson is a senior at the Ededton JunSoiMSendor High School where past and present activities in dude Student Council president and vice president; Junior Class president; basketballl co-captain; representative to Boys’ State; Honor Boll; AIA high School All-Northeastern Conference basketball co-captain; representative. Beta Club; band; baseball; Monogram Club. All 12 winners will enter Duke Uni versity next Fall Cpl. Thos. E. Goodwin Presented Gold Star Marine Corporil Thomas E. Good win, 22, son of Mr. and Mrs. William T. Goodwin, Route 3, Edenton, wae ( recently presented a gold Star in lieu ifl’jlfc’eecand purple heart for wounds received in action against Chinese Communist forces in Korea. Corporal Goodwin is in the ‘Seventh Mlartnes, First Marine Division. 'General, with which opinion you are acquainted, that title to the fair ; ground property is vested in the Eden ton School Board. “The School Board desires the mat ■ ter of title be settled and I am sure that is also the wish of the Town 1 Council On receipt of the Attorney General’s opinion the School Board, i as a matter of record and as a protec- I tive measure, adopted a resolution di i recting that in cooperation with the 1 town authorities friendly court action be taken to determine title. However, the writer thinks the matter could be settled by negotiation and personally favors this method of settlement and believes it reflects the desire of the School Board. ‘Will you please appoint a time in the near future for a meeting to gether of your Council and the School Board for a thorough discussion of the matter for the purpose of reaching an agreement. You might think it well to have a committee from the Council meet with the School Board in the meantime for an exchange of vidws; this with the thought that it may be helpful in effecting a settlement mu tually satisfactory.” Miss Susan Thigpen In Recital April 7th Assisted By Cpl. Billy Leazer and Norman Leonard Miss Susan Thigpen, a senior at the Wesleyan Conservatory of Music and School of Fine Arts in Macon, Georgia, will play excerpts from her graduat ing recital Tuesday evening, April 7 at 8:00 o’clock in the Edenton Metho dist Church. IShe will be assisted by Norman Leonard, soloist, and Cpl. Billy Leazer, pianist. Her program will be as follows: 'I Organ In Death’s Strong Grasp The Sav iour Lay JBach Antiphon, 1 Dupre (While the king aitteth at his table, my Spikenard gendeth out the per fume thereof. HI Piano Sonata In G-Minor Schumann Prestissimo Andaritino Scherzo—Allegro Molto Rondo—(Presto in ■Capriccio—Op. 76. No. 1 Brahms Capriccio—Op. 76, No. 2 Intermezzo—Op. 76. No. 8 Intermezzo—Op. 76. No. 4 !TV (Recitative Handel Thou Shalt (Break Them (From the Messiah) Norman Leonard, Soloist IV The Maiden and the Nightin gale Granados El Vito Infante Intermission (Continued on Page live) Iredell House Now i Being Beautified For Edenton Tour Exterior Painted and a Picket Fence at Rear Is Planned Repairing and painting of the James Iredell House, nationally famous as the home of James Iredell, an Asso ciate Justice of the Supreme Court under George Washington, is under way, with the front of the lovely old home on East Church Street already beautified by a first coat of paint. , Members of ithe James Iredell Associa tion and the Edenton Tea Party Chap . ter, D.A.R., who are custodians of the home, under ownership of the | State of North Carolina, feel confident that the house will be in complete , readiness for the Pilgrimage of Co | lonial Edenton and Countryside, to be held on April 10th and 11th. Members of the Iredell Association and the D.A.R. Chapter and friends are asked to contribute funds, if they so desire, for the purchase of paint. It is hoped a second coat can be ap plied to the house and paint is also Continued on Page Eight) Methodists Present Womanless Wedding Entertainment In School Auditorium Friday . Night Friday night at 8 o’clock in the Edenton Elementary School auditor ium a womanless wedding will be presented under the sponsorship of the Methodist Youth Fellowship. Pro ' ceeds of the entertainment will go into the church’s building fund to build church school rooms. The affair is expected to provide a delightful evening’s entertainment and it is hoped the auditorium will be fill ed to capacity. - 1 Those who will take part in the wed ; ding are Lloyd Burton, Robert Marsh, Chaplain J. L. ISwinson, W. T. Harry, George I. 'Dail, Cpl. ißilly Leazer, Cor poral Stribling, J. Edwin Bufflap, the Rev. E. B. Edwards, Norman Leonard, Rufus Caraway, jimmy Earnhardt, John Goodwin, C. W. Overman, Wal ter (Holton, Ben Perry, Hugh Thigpen, George Thompson, John Skiles, Boots Lassiter, ißrad Williford, Ben (Brown ing, Jerry Downum, jimmy Ross, ‘ Charles Knox, 'Billy Moore, Robert Earl Edwards, Dr. Richard 1 Hardin, J. R. Dulaney, A. 18. Harless, IDr. A. F. Downum, Jesse Harrell, the Rev. James MacKenzie, Thomas Francis, Milton Bunch, T. B. Williford, Ervin Griffin, Dr. Wallace Griffffin, Robert 1 L. Pratt, Parker Helms, two “gentle men” guests and music by “three notes.” |_Fire InspectionJ Fire Chief R. K. Hall announced I Monday morning that he will be i gin a fire inspection in the busi ness section of Edenton beginning the first week sh April. Prior to this inspection Chief Hall urges all merchants to clean i up back of their places of busi > ness, aa well as investigate the in terior of their bail dings «nd re move all fire hazards. j?.00 Per Year. ScHf% Trictdum At Meeting March 31 Citizens Urged to Take Part In Considering School Needs Parents and interested citizens of Edenton are invited to attend a meet ing in the library of Edenton Junior- Senior High School, Tuesday evening, March 31, at 8:00 o’clock. At the suggestion of Gerald D. James, principal, the Parent-Teacher Association is sponsoring this public discussion of the high school curricu lum and its possible need of revision. During the past several months the faculty of Edenton Junior-Senior High School has been making an intensive study of the present curriculum. There has been a consistent effort to make the curriculum meet the needs of the youth in the school and com munity. The public is cordially invited to show' its interest in this important phase of school work by its attend ance and by taking part in the dis- I cussion. Fight Continues To Extend Blades Street Continuation Will Elim inate Danger On Rider’s Lane Members of the Blades Lumber Company met with Town Council Wed nesday afternoon in the interest of ex tending Blades street through the Hal sey Hardwood Company property across the Norfolk Southern Railroad -to connect with Rider’s Lane. This street extension will allow the Blades concern to use the road, thus taking off Rider’s Lane a considerable ■ amount of heavy traffic. , Rider’s Lane has been the source of many headaches on the part of | town officials, the Blades concern and the Coastland Oil Company. ■ Despite no end of work on the part of the Street Department and the Electric & Water Department, water lines are continually broken and the road remains in very bad condition. Frequently log trucks had slipped into the ditch and loads of logs dumped along the road, which is too narrow for two vehicles to pass, especially in wet weather. Efforts were made to secure a strip 1 along the property owned by Dr. L. A. i Deese in order to widen and hard surface the road, but Dr. Deese was (Continued on Page Four) Hospital Auxiliary Is After New Members Interesting Meeting Is Held In Nurses’ Home Friday Afternoon The Chowan Hospital Auxiliary held a very interesting meeting Friday af ternoon in the nurses’ home. Mrs. Martin (Wisely, president, told how plans are shaping up for the much needed nurses’ aid course. Miss Jewel Graves recently imet with a group to discuss the 'Red Cross requirements for this course. (With Mrs. Arlene Jackson Fallis as teacher, it is hoped that a definite date for beginning Work can soon be announced. Mrs. L. IS. Dyrum is heading up the annual membership drive. Funds rais ed in this way make a great deal of good work possible. IShe will appre- Oontinued on Page Eight) County Commissioners Will Meet On April 3rd Chowan County Commissioners will hold their April meeting 'Friday morn ing, April 3, at 10 o’clock instead of the usual first Monday due to Easter Monday falling on April 6. At this meeting the Commissioners will also be in an adjourned meeting of a tax board oYequalizatioif and review, when any matters concerning property j valuation will be considered. Orders Now Being ! Taken For Rat Poison County Agent C. W. Overman is in the process of taking orders for rat bait for a rat control campaign to be staged about April 1. Orders for bait may be placed with canvassers in each community. In event a community leader does not contact any person by March 28, the order should be placed at the county "agent’s office. Orders are nofar being taken at the office.

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