Plans Shaping Up for Potato Festival taLGtyMay M Beauty Queens From Albemarle Counties Will Compete Plans are rapidly shaping up for the annual Albemarle Potato Festival to be staged in Elisabeth City Fri day, Saturday and Sunday, May 29, 30, 31 and indications are that the event will 'be the biggest and most colorful yet staged. W. P. McDowell, Jr., chairman, has announced that more celebraties than ever before already had'accepted' in vitations to attend the annual classic honoring the Albemarle Irish potato, a very important cash crop for farmers of Northeastern North Carolina Which will be coming into its own about the time the program is being staged. Another highlight Os the three-day event will be the annual spring power boat regatta which will be Staged un der the direction of the Pasquotank Yacht Club and which will be run on | the beautiful Pasquotank River. Beauty queens representing every county of the Albemarle section will compete for the right to be crowned Miss Potato Festival and a parade fea turing a score or more high school band's from North Carolina and Vir ginia, along With scores of floats and marching units, will highlight the event. A pageant, dealing with -the history of the potato as it affects The Albemarle, also will be featured, along wWh a state-wide baton twirling con test for high school band majorettes. Defense Bonds Sales • Gain During February North Carolina sales of all series of U. S. Defense Bond’s in February of this year totaled $4,973,983.60 com pared to $3,416,1149.60 in the month of February 19512, for a gain of 44 per cent, IW. H. Neal, State Chair man of the iU. IS. Defense Bonds Ad visory Committee, announced. He al so announced that national sales fig ures of all series for February were $414 million • which is .22 per cent above sales for February 1962. Sales of Series E and H bonds in North Carolina during February 1953 were $3,804,365.50 compared with se ries £ sales of $2,788,784.60 in Feb ruary 1952. (Since the series H bond, which was first offered for sale on June 1, 1952, is a current income companion of the series E bond, cur rent sales of the two series were re ported together. Education is the cheap defense of nations. —Burke. ! PEANUT GROWERS ! i ij Les , <| | Satterfield & Leary Bros, f In Edenton i; I Shell Your Seed Peanuts I <► < > TWO COMPLETE SHELLING UNITS. One ma- ; > 3! chine set up for BUNCH peanuts at all times—one ma- 3> :: chine for JUMBOS and VIRGINIA RUNNERS. I <> < > HAND PICKED AFTER SHELLING— || :: READY FOR PLANTING :: <> < > ;; FREE STORAGE SPACE UNTIL YOU ARE READY <> \\ TO HAVE THEM SHELLED 111 o A jj Limited Supply of Seed Peanuts for Sale | ■; REMEMBER, an EXPERIENCED OPERATOR can <> 31 save you money. 3 ! o < > .<> < > 3 3 Our plant located on North Broad Street in front of 8.8. H. -3 3 ;; Motor Company. » 3; We have installed a New Electric Ma chine for the purpose of treating your ii Seed Peanuts, which is of vital rmport ance to aH Peanut Growers. Satterfields Leary Bros. EDENTON, NORTH CAROLINA ; “Oldest Seed Peotud Skelters In the Albemarle? | Easter Seal Boy Opens Campaign | >£ ; n r ‘ v <| I ’I State Treasurer Brandon.P. Hodges receives the first sheet of i Easter Seals from six-year-old Roy Edward Finer, Jr., of Wilming ton, thus officially opening the 1953 Easter Seal campaign m North Carolina of which Hodges is State Chairman. Edward is official ambassador of the North (Carolina Society for Crippled Children and I Adults which is sponsoring the 20th annual drive to raise funds for crippled children and adults in North Carolina. The appeal is being conducted on a statewide basis and continues for one month, ending Easter Sunday, April 5. . _ j-.-. _n_- -vwxr iTXvw Wl nni rf-WAAO in n/1 oliwnlkc Ivocf l’n rl T»ir fI?A« lOVioIAnC /»O tv» 11 ra C qnrl For most trees and shrubs the best i 1 time to apply fertilizer is at the time ( the buds begin to swell or when spring £ is just around the comer. At this ■ time the plants are beginning active 1 root growth and leaf development and ( are abie to make use of the soluble i ' salts in the fertilizers. An excep ' tion to this rule Would be azaleas ' which should be fertilized as soon as • they ar e through blooming. ■ Although there is somie variation in the requirements of different shrubs i it is usually safe to apply three to 1 four pounds of a 6-8-6 or '6-10-5 • fertilizer per 100 square feet of bed ■ space or from onefourth pound to on e , pound around each shrub 'where plant t ed separately according to the size > of the shrub. A 6-8-6 fertilizer means • that it contains 6 per cent available - nitrogen, 8 per cent available phos phoric acid and 6 per cent avail able potash. The fertilizer should be : thoroughly raked into the soil under ! the shrubs and watered in if the soil THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, N. C„ THURSDAY MARCH 26, 1958. is dry. For azaleas, camellias and other acid-loving plants there are special acid-reacting fertilizers, or a mixture containing one-third sulphate of ammonia and two-thirds cottonseed meal may be used. Shade trees and fruit trees require a WHITE’S LANDING FISHERY Rocky Hock OPEN FOR BUSINESS Monday, Wednesday And Friday Harrell & Nixon Jim) dm of American cars... ■■ I The Striking new Bel Air 4-Door ~ Sedan, one of 16 beautiful JSjKN "" models in 3 great new series. Only th« world’s largwt producer could build a cur llku | // || * . ( m_ f) f thte at such low cort *0 youl IX I W \t) tl 11/ A This is an entirely new kind of car-a car so luxurious, so I V| Jf J 1 ill % lr /II VL 1 richly finished in every detail that it stands out, above and Vy>— •* \J\J W beyond all others in the low-price field. In the new Bel Air Series you will find four wonderful , models-the 2-door and 4-door sedans, the sport coupe, the ! convertible. Every one of these new 1953 Chevrolets brings Jjyj i «4T| • ImM ■ you new high-compression power, new and greater performance phis amazing new gasoline economy! Here is a wonderful choice. Wouldn’t you like to stop in IgHHBBBi “* ~£IIZ 3^LMORE PEOPLE BUY CHEVROIETS - b dtptndtni on availability of malarial.) THAN ANY OTHER CARI B. B. H. MOTOR COMPANY - YOU JC FRIENDLY CHEVROLET DEALER? K. Broad and Oakum Streets Edenton, N. Cl little different treatment than shrubs. The feed roots of trees are not close to the trunk but extend out to a zone under and just beyond the tips of the branches. Therefore the fertilizer should be applied in this zone «hd not near the trunk. Apply one tb two pounds of a 6-8-6 mixture the first year and’ about four pounds per inch of diameter of the trunk of the tree each year thereafter. If the land is cultivated the fertilizer may be cul tivated in, otherwise it should be ap plied in holes made with a crowbar or soir augur. For grapevines, apply one-half pound of a 6-8-6 mixture the first year, one pound each the second and third year and two to three pounds per vine per year thereafter. Stable manure is an excellent fer tilizer for trees, shrubs and vines and should be used if available. Work Injuries Increase In N. C. During 1952 . Official records of the North Caro lina Industrial Commission show that industrial injuries in the state in creased in 1952 over 1951. The re port shows that for 1952 there was a total of 96,275 injuries reported com —FIVE OCLOCK DISTILLED LONDON , DRY ■ : GIN A HILL PINT 4/f QUART •OODIBIAB A WOtTS LTD. PIOIIA# ILLINOIS , pared with 94,765 for the same period i in 1951. This is an increase of 1.6 i per cent. The month of September i led all other months with a total of 9,523 injuries reported. Deaths due to industrial accidents showed a remarkable decrease for the same period. In 1952, there was a total of 131 deaths compared with 163 in 1951. The month of July led with a total of 18 fatalities reported. Fortitude I take to be the quiet pos session of a man’s self, and an un disturbed 1 doing his duty whatever evils beset, or dangers lie in the way. —John Locke. R/^VWVWS/VWSA^WVWN^/VSrfWVS/VN^WWVi DON’T WAIT For the finest flowers and veg etables, get your WTffcvM seeds today at... \4tiflr E. L. PEARCE ; ROUTE 3, EDENTON, N. C. Phone: Rocky Hock 123 MR. FARMER —Have you heard about VERTAGREEN FERTILIZER? It is giving extra yields which means extra ssss in your pocket. Make your own test and be your own judge. Try it on that special lot of Watermelons, Cantaloupes, Beans, Mar ket Corn or Field Corn. We now have for immediate delivery a full line of AR MOUR’S FERTILIZERS, Nitrate of Soda, Lime, etc. Place your order now. See us for your Seed Requirements such as Hybrid Corn, ! Snap Beans, Potatoes, Soy Beans, etc. Quality Seeds make _ a good investment. EDENTON FEED & LIVESTOCK COMPANY 1 MILE NORTH OF EDENTON ON N. C. 32 Earl G. Harrell Haywood Jones PHONE 788 Who serves His creatures. They serve God well —Mrs. Norton. To Relieve - JP9 Afleery CP^>66 T«»UTS-SAMI HUT Offices For Rent The Offices on King Street Formerly Oc cupied by Dr. A. F. Downum. Apply to J. N. PRUDEN PAGE ELEVEN