SECTION ONE—: School Enrollment In North Carolina Highest In History Latest Figures Reveal 914,269 In School In 1951-1952 Enrollment in North Carolina’s pub lic schools continues upward, accord ing to figures for 1951-52, latest year available. Total enrollment for that year was 914,269, highest in the his tory of the State. Os this total enrollment, 720,391 were in grades 1-8 and 193,878 in grades 9-12. On a percentage basis this is 78.8 per cent elementary and 21.2 per cent high school. Enrollment in the Edenton schools for 1952-53 was 917 white and 1,047 Negro. Os the 917 in white schools, there were 361 boys and 320 girls in the elementary school and 121 boys and 115 girls in high school. In the col ored school there were 373 boys and 389 girls in the elementary school and 118 boys and 167 girls in the high school. In the Chowan County white unit 497 were enrolled, of whom 191 boys and 188 girls were enrolled in the ele mentary school and 57 boys and 61 girls in high school. In the county colored elementary schools 399 were enrolled comprising 216 boys and 183 girls. Vets’ Question Fox Q—l understand that under the Ko rean GI Bill night law courses are counted as part-time training, and may not be measured as more than three-quarters time. Are there any exceptions ? A—Yes. Night law courses approv ed as full-time courses under stand ards set by the American Bar Asso ciation may be considered as full- REDUCE PIG SCOURS and Market More Pigs per Sow Farrowed I Leder/e J A U R EOMYCi N -T.F. ~ • (Therapeutic Formula) Aureomycin and Bi 2 LEGGETT & DAVIS DRUGGISTS Phone 67 Edenton NEW 1953 ‘MAGIC CYCIE”* defrosting KELVINATOR! y m IPI pppi^^ I I ® I all THESE BRILLIANT ff' j—LH 1 NEW FEATURES I 1 li U„il I * ChortlHat 5-wol cold. No n»d ■ I to unload It for dafroutbig. | 1 "* plrtTinffli and o*or foodi at your im» /vwvwwvv-^i John Garrett and Robert and Jimmy White spent Sunday in South Nor folk visiting Mr. and Mrs. James Dail. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald James and son Billy returned home Saturday night after spending three weeks visiting friends and relatives in Texas. * ■ Misses Neldia Haste, Dot Davis, Magdalene Downing and Evelyn Har rell left Saturday for Ocean City, Md., and Atlantic City, N. J., where they are spending a two weeks’ vacation. Mrs. Ernest Kefaayes and daughter, Dolly, left Norfolk, Va., by plane on Tuesday for New York City, where they will spend several days visiting relatives. TRY A HERALD CLASSIFIED f— — n 1 * Special “GYM DANDY" GYM SETS ONLY— -527.50 IDEAL FOR THE KIDDIES! BYRUM HARDWARE CO. EDENTON vWv/www^