Volume XX, —Number 42. Plans Now Shaping Up For Local Talent Show On November 6 ‘Fabulous Follies of ’s3’ Will Be Presented In School Auditorium RIOT OF FUN Jaycees, Woman’s Club And BPW Club Spon soring Show Plans are going forward for the ■“Fabulous Follies of Fifty-three,” which will be presented in the Ele mentary School auditorium Friday night, November 6, under the sponsor ship of the Edenton Woman’s Club, the Business and Professional Wo men’s Club and the Junior Chamber of Commerce. Mrs. Frank Holmes, a member of the Woman’s Club, wrote the follies and is also doing the di recting. The cast is composed of all local talent and the evening promises good entertainment, as the show is chock full of hilarious comedy, danc ing, singing and attractive back grounds. The curtain will rise promptly at 8 o’clock with a chorus composed of Tressie Bunch, Evelyn Jackson, Kath ryn Cozart, Mary Harding, Lib Lay ton, Nellie Jones, Kathryn Goodwin, Juanita Stokes, Virginia Perry, Betsy Chesson, Kathryn Forehand and Jack ie Ricks. The group will do a song and dance routine to “There’s No Business Like Show Business.” The following will participate in the “Old Fashioned Walk”, Laura Satter field, Molly Wisely, Peggy Holmes, Lena Harrell, Grace Sawyer, Ruth' Vaughan, Ruth Bennett, Corinne Thorud, Paul Partin, George Alma By rum, Lewis Leary, Gilliam Wood, Dickie Dixon, Pete Manning, Jimmy Ricks and Bill Cozart. A skit, “Modern Mama,” is expect ed to draw many laughs. The charac ters are: Judge, Tom Byrum; Cindy Lou, Jane Holmes; Catfish, Wesley Chesson.' “A Pretty Girl Is Like a Melody,” will be a chorus and dance composed of Ruth Conger, Carrie Earnhardt, Martha Leary, Ruth Phillips, Arlene Fallis, Dotty Turveville, Sarah Boyce, Marion Cross, Dorris Boyce, Nancy Wood, Betty Dixon and Mary Shep (■Continued on Page Seven) Forest Ranger White Collects Over 200 Bushels Pine Cones Sent to Nursery to Pro duce Many Pine Seedlings F. V. White, Chowan County For est Ranger, says there is more to this business of forestry than meets the eye. Take pine cone collection work, for instance. Every fall the Division of Forestry goes out and collects the pine cones which become the “moth ers” of millions of tiny pine seedlings grown in the state-operated nurseries. Mr. White has just collected over 200 bushels of loblolly pine cones for this purpose. The cones are gathered as soon as the seeds inside have matured, but while the cone itself is still closed. The closed cones are then taken to the nursery and put into drying sheds. When the cones open the seed is col lected and eventually planted. From the planted seed springs the (Continued on Page Two) Mrs. Martin Wisely Will Be BPW Speaker The Edenton Business and Profes sional Women’s Club will hold its monthly meeting Thursday night, Oc tober 15, at the Barker Community House, beginning at 8 o’clock. A feature of the meeting will be a talk by Mrs. Martin Wisely, who will tell the group of her. recent visit to her native home in England.' Mrs. Wisely will also show colored slides to illustrate her talk. t Mrs. Evelyn Jackson, president of the club,.urges all members to take this opportunity to hear Mrs. Wisely, who delighted the club members when she told of another visit to her home several years ago. VFW AUXILIARY TO MEET The Ladies’s Auxiliary of William H. Coffield Post, No. 9280, Veterans of Foreign Wars, will meet tonight (Thursday) at 8 o’clock in the VFW Home, Mrs. Ellie Mae Parrish, presi dent, urges all members to attend. . • iif"; ■ "* J 'v v ■ THE CHOWAN HERALD 12 Are Awarded 1953 Safe Driving Awards In order to stimulate safe driving, State Patrolman Mack Rogerson and Van B. Pierce, who are stationed in Edenton, were authorized to issue 1953 safe driving awards, which en titles the holders to a free pass to the State Fair in Raleigh October 20-24. Patrolman Rogerson was authoriz ed to issue five awards and Patrol man Pierce seven, which were as fol lows: Patrolman Rogerson—William El ■ ton Boswell, farmer; Mrs. Myrtle Barrow Hollowell, housewife; Hector Lupton, newspaperman; Arthur Lewis Pollinger, a Marine; John Albert Wynne, Jr., colored school teacher. Patrolman Pierce—Miss Ann Jane Partin, Miss Edna Louise Snell, Dav id Benjamin Browning, Jr., Oatman Branning Perry, Andrew Jerome i Fleming, T-Sgt. Thomas H. Scrugg, i and Mrs. Eliza Knight Elliott. Annual Halloween Parly Scheduled To Be Held October 31 ) _ Woman’s Club Expects 1,500 Children to Eta- * joy Affair r The playground committee'of me Edenton Woman’s Club aaounees ' that plans for the annuajHjlHoween Party being made. Thevp«rty will be held at the children's playground at Hicks Field on SlKfrday iftgh t, Oc | tober 31. t ' There will be v §.'blg par£3e with chil ’ dren dressed in "RaTrelMfen costumes, , along with decorated bicycles and . wagons, which will be headed by the Edenton Junior-Senior High School j Band. The children are urged to com ! pete for the costume prize, as well as ’ the prize for the best float. All ' floats are restricted to those not mo -1 tor driven. Arrangements are being made to include all the entertainment and re | freshments that the youngsters have I enjoyed each Halloween since the. par- Ities have been given. The club wo men are expecting approximately 1500 children on hand for the affair. ; Aces Meet Tarboro In Another Home Game Friday Night ; Local Outfit Faces Very ! Rugged Schedule Re ! mainder of Season With a record of one victory, a tie ! game and three defeats thus far this • season,- Edenton’s Aces are scheduled * to meet Tarboro High School in an > Albemarle Conference game on Hicks Field Friday night at 8 o’clock. The * Aces have been defeated by Roanoke - Rapids, Chowan College Freshmen • and Elizabeth City. They tied Wil -1 liamston and won a conference game • from Columbia. Little is known about the strength of the Tarboro aggregation. They ! were defeated last week by the Hert ford Indians by a score of 25-6, but Hertford is believed to be one of, if not -the strongest outfit in the con , ference. Coaches Ben Perry and Al ton Brooks are putting the Aces through strenuous drills and are some ■ what optimistic that they will add an s other game to the win column Friday - night. •. r The Aces have a rugged schedule for the remainder of the season, for i after Friday night’s game they will 1 meet the Hertford Indians on Hicks > Field October 23. Then on October . 30 they lace the rugged Ahoskie team > on Hicks Field. The final two games on the schedule will be played in t Goldsboro November 6 and the last ( game in Plymouth November 13. , Edenton’s up and coming high l school band will be on hand Friday i night and it is hoped a large crowd of fans will turn out for the. game. JAYCEE CAKE SALE l Edenton Junior Chamber of Com- I merce will sponsor a cake and pie t sale Saturday morning, October IT, r beginning at 10 o’clock. T& sale will - be held in the Hughes-Holton hard-! ware ptore. ~ j '. "Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, October 15,1953. | GOOD NEWS FOR FISHERMEN | ww m PI * * * In above picture one-inch bluegills are being removed from a tank to be released in Pembroke and Yeopim Creeks. At left is Gashouse Parker and behind him W. M. Cozart. Right, front is Gibson Brickie and back of him is Game Warden Robert Evans. In lower picture Gibson Brickie is shown releasing the fish as Gashouse Parker looks on.—(Evelyn Leary Photo.) Emmett Elliott Dies As Result Os .22 Rifle Bullet Fired In Head Prominent Chowan Far mer Victim of 111 Health i Citizens in Chowan County from one end to the other were shocked Thursday'moming of last week when it was learned that Emmett Nowell Elliott died in Chowan- Hospital short ly before 9 o’clock as the result of a self-inflicted bullet wound in his head. A .22 calibre rifle was used. Mr. Elliott had not been in good 1 health lately. He had been a patient in a Norfolk hospital for a short time and was scheduled to return, so that the only reason for his action was brooding over his health. According to reports, Mr. Elliott was unable to sleep and early Thurs day morning he went to another bed room, where his wife thought he went 1 to sleep. However, about 5 o’clock she heard a shot and rushing to the room she found him mortally wound ed. Dr. L. P. Williams was summon ed and Mr. Elliott was taken to Cho wan Hospital, -Where he died without regaining consciousness. (Continued on Page Nine) AuxiHary Os Legion Conducting Annual Membership Drive Committee Appointed to Secure Members For New Year Jlrs. J. L. Chestnutt, president of the American Legion Auxiliary calls attention to the fact that October is membership month for the Auxiliary, so that all members are especially urged to pay their dues during the month. The Auxiliary is hoping this year’s membership will be the largest in the history of the organization and Mrs. Chestnutt has appointed a committee to work with her in securing members. This committee is composed of Mrs. L. S. Byrum, Mrs. Wallace Jones, Mrs. John Graham, Mrs. Edmond Mills, Mrs. Martin Wisely and Mrs. John r Speight Skiles. An Auxiliary mem bership card will entitle the holder to enter the Legion Fair October 26-31. Officials Os State i Library Delighted I With Edenton Visit • Appreciate Hospitality At Edenton Elemen tary School 1 Ernest A. Swain, principal of the I Edenton Elementary School, last week 1 received a very pleasant letter from l Cora Paul Bomar, State School Li ' brary Adviser, and Celeste Johnston, 1 assistant, expressing their pleasure • and appreciation of the hospitality experienced when they visited the 1 school September 29. ; The letter, copies of which were : also sent to Miss Myrtle Waff, li -1 brarian of the Edenton Elementary 1 School Library; Superintendent John A. Holmes and Homer Lassiter, Divi ; sion of Elementary Secondary Edu ■ cation, Raleigh, follows: “Dear Mr. Swain: Miss Cora Bo < mar and I appreciated the warm hos : pitality which we received during our 1 visit to your school on September 29, ■ and we enjoyed being your guests at • the lunch room. We noted with plea ■ sure the interest among the faculty : in the library program and the wide use of the library by both teachers and pupils. Miss Waff is giving very fine library service to your school. (Concluded on Page Two) Over 200 Attend , First Meeting Os PTA Association > State Senator A. P. God win of Gatesville Prin cipal Speaker ! i Edenton’s Parent-Teacher Associa , tion, having held its first meeting Oc r tober 12, at the Elementary School, ! boasted an attendance of over 200 in terested persons. i The meeting was called to order by : Mrs. Roland Vaughan, president, and . the' devotional was presented by the s Rev. R. N. Carroll, pastor of the . Edenton Baptist Church. W. T. Harry gave the welcoming . address, during which time he asked , for a presentation of teachers by Ger i aid James, principal of the Junior - Senior High School, and Ernest A. > Swain, principal of the Elementary (Continued On Page Seven) Fair Will Be Held In Edenton October 17 Civic Calendar 1 Legion Auxiliary meets Tues day night, October 20 at the home of Mrs. Gene Perry at 8 o’clock. Edenton Jaycees will sponsor j a cake and pie sale at Hughes & r Holton Hardware Store Saturday morning at 10 o’clock. National Business and Profes sional Women’s Week observed i this week. Third degree will be conferred upon a candidate at the meeting i of Unanimity Lodge, No. 7, A. F., ( &A. M., tonight (Thursday) at j 8 o’clock in the Court House. Edenton Chapter of the East ern Star will meet in the Court [ 1 House Monday night at 8 o’clock. ; Home Achievement Day held s today (Thursday) at the Chowan Community Building. American Legion membership * c drive now in progress. Ladies’ Auxiliary of the VFW 1 meets tonight (Thursday) in VFW ! home at 8 o’clock. Annual Halloween Party on (Continued on Page Ten) ! j Local Woman’s Club i loins In “Help Home Project”; Official of State Federa-' tion Speaker at Meet- ' ing Last Week - ( ( At the October meeting of the ; Edenton Woman’s Club held last week in St. Paul’s Parish House, Mrs. C. A. Phillips gave a report on the district j meeting held at Movock and told the club members of the several awards and prizes won by the local club. Plans for the annual Halloween par [ty were outlined by Mrs. N. J. George, playground chairman, who announced that the party will be held this year on October 31, at the playground. The club voted to sponsor the “Helpj 'j A Home” project and Mrs. Ben Per-, ry was appointed local chairman. Mrs.: Gerald James was welcomed to the club as a transfer from the club at j Gibsonville, N. C. i Mrs. W. J. P. Earnhardt introduced t Mrs. John Bonner of Elizabeth City, •, corresponding secretary of the State Federation, who spoke on the sub ject of “Unity-Vision-Service,” which g is the Federation’s theme for the f year. B Nelson W. Stevenson, consultant of the State Welfare Department, pi'e sented the program of the “Help A 5 Home” project to the club, explaining to the group how the project will sup ' plement the work of the Welfare De -1 paremtn. Mrs. W. J. P. Earnhardt is the State Chairman of the “Help A Home” project. Town Councilmen ' In Lengthy Session j On Tuesday Night Rider’s Lane Problem Consumes Big Por tion of Time With a full agenda, Town Council men held a lengthy session Tuesday night, with the Rider Lane problem I consuming a considerable amount of the time. Three colored people living on the road complained that dust has become a nuisance, Harrison Spruill again complained that speeding trucks damage his property and make life a virtual torment at his home. Besides, representatives of the Blades Lumber Company and the Coastland Oil Com pany were on hand to see what might ' be done in widening the road and put * ting it in passable condition the year * round. After lengthy discussion a motion was made and passed that if the two 7 concerns would buy a 10-foot strip of 1 land from Dr. L. A. Deese at a cost 3 of SI,OOO the Town would do all it > could to put it in passable condition and when funds Were available to £ hardsurface the road. In the mean -1 time the Street Department was in - structed to put oil on the road to - eliminate the dust. . Horace White made a request that T the town put into force a plumbing (Continued on Page Seven) $2.00 Per Year. Cross Section of Activi ties Will Be Demon strated By Scouts publiclnvited Three Troops Will Parti cipate In Edenton’s Demonstration Boy Scouts from all over the Albe marle will gather in Edenton this Sat urday, October 17, to stage a “Scout ing in Action” Fair. The fair will be a show window of Scouting. The pur pose of the show is to acquaint the public with some of the activities and skills of Scouting. Sixteen troops will put on different demonstrations simultaneously from 11 A. M., untd 5:30 P. M. Each troop will have a tent in which to put on their demon stration. Scouts have been preparing for weeks in order to give the public a good cross section of their activities, such as: Cub Scout family activities, Cub Scout advancement. Cub Scout crafts and games, Boy Scout camning, cooking, building, arts, crafts and col lections, first aid, seamanship, and an exhibit of jamboree souvenirs. All of the above demonstrations will include plenty of action so that the public can actually see what the Scouts do. Troop 170 of Rocky Hock will dem onstrate knol tieing. Troop 154 of Center Hill will dem onstrate wood work. Troop 156 of Edenton will demon strate cooking. T. F. Lowry, chairman of the camp ing activities committee, will be the overall chairman with S. S. Campen of Edenton in charge of the Edenton fair. Hubert Williford is in charge of physical arrangements and Charles j Overman will be in charge of judging and awards. This same fair will be shown in Elizabeth City on October 24 on the Court House lawn from 11 A. M., un til 5:30 P. M. The public is cordially invited and there will be no admission charge. Legion’s Chowan j County Fair Little. Over Week Away Officials Predict Bigger Fair Than Ever Before With only a little more than a week off, plans for the American Leg ion’s Chowan County Fair are rapidly being completed and from present in dications this year’s fair will eclipse all previous fairs. Members of the Legion have been working like Tro jans on the new exhibit building on the Legion’s property on the Windsor highway, so that everything will be in readiness for the large number of ex hibits and booths expected. This will he the first year the fair will be held on the new Legion site and far more room is available for parking and attractions than was the case at the Edenton armory. Ample space is also available for exhibits and various entries in the fair. The Pen Premier Shows will be the midway attraction, which boasts the reputation of being the largest truck show on earth. A free attraction to thrill fair visitors will be Billy Out ten, who will dive into a tank of wa ter from the top of a 110-foot ladder. Many other shows and attractions are scheduled to be on the midway. Premium lists have been widely dis tributed in Chowan County and early next week a 24-page fair edition will also be sent all over this and adjoin ing counties. Willis McClenney, manager of the fair, as well as W. J. Yates, are ex pecting this year’s fair to be the best ever staged by the Legion and, of course, extend a cordial invitation to everybody to attend. Holly Homeplace Sale Postponed To Oct. 17 Due to the death last week of E. N. Elliott, brother and uncle of Mrs. W. H. Winborne and children, the sale of the W. A. Holley homeplace lands has been postponed until Saturday mom- ' ing, October 17, at 11 o’clock. The sale will be conducted at the premises under the same terms as set forth in the previous notice of sale.

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