SECTION TWO— North Carolina Ranks Low In Comparison With Statesln Most Os 23 Educational Items Among 23 items indicating ability, effort and effect of public education, North Carolina usually ranks low as compared with other states. North Carolina makes its highest score, 7.0 per cent, and thus is at sixth place among the states, in the per cent of elementary school teach ers employed in 1953-54 with less than four years of college preparation. Arizona ranks first in this respect with a percentage of 2.5 per cent, whereas South Dakota with 99.0 per cent of its elementary teachers in this category is forty-eighth, or last. North Carolina’s lowest score is the 28.7 average number of pupils per teacher which puts this State in for ty-sixth place. The U. S. average is 24.1 pupils per teacher. The range in this item is from 14.6 in North Dakota to 30.6 in Alabama. On effort, which is measured by the per cent that total current school ex penditures fom State and local sources is of average income payments, North j Carolina occupies seventh place with a score of 3.02 per cent. Average for j the Nation on this item is 2.27 per| cent, whereas the range among the Weekly Devotional Column | By Tames Mackenzie ' 1 “Some Christians enjoy their salva tion; others just endure it.” The above quotation is taken from 1 one of the most courageous and con secrated Christians it has ever been my privilege to know. Bob, who was a classmate of mine at Moody Insti tute in Chicago, was bom with pa thetically deformed legs. They were normal from the thigh to the knees, but from there to his feet was only a few inches. When I first knew him he resembled nothing so much as a person walking around on his knees. 11l never forget how earnestly we prayed for him when he dropped out of school for a term to have his feet amputated, so he could be fitted with wooden legs. Nor will any who were there ever forget the day he returned, and gave his testimony before the en tire student body. “I was shaking, with fear as they wheeled me into that, operating room,” he said, until the words of Isaiah came to my mind: ‘Fear not: for I have redeemed thee. I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine. When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and fSill EXTRA SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK ’39 Ford, 2 Door Sedan test drive Ford, 2 Door Sedan The New 1954 ■ " ■"— FORDS ’52 Ford, 4 Door Sedan 46 Cnev., 4 Door oectan TBEN rou WILL AGSEE overdrive, radio and heater THEY ARE TOPS! - — 1 — 1 ' v 1951 Pontiac Deluxe 1950Ford*2 dr. Sedan FOUR-DOOR .. . 8-CYLINDER ■ ■ ■■ . 1 —* AlMoCo A-l Used Cars North Broad Street EDENTON, N. C. __PhoneJZ_ | Page Eight states is from 3.70 per cent in New Mexico to 1.75 per cent in Rhode Isl and. Ranks 44 and 45 are more common for North Carolina on these 23 items. This State ranks forty-fourth in the number of school-age children per 1,000 wage-earning adults, in income payments per child of school age, and in income payments per pupil in av erage daily attendance. In income payments per capita, in per cent of school age children in school, and in per canita retail sales, North Caro lina ranks forty-fifth among the states. Another item on which North Car olina is relatively high is the aver age number of days attended per pu pil enrolled. According to the study this State ranks fourteenth in this respect with a score of 161.4 days. Average for the nation is 156.8 days, and the range is from 176.3 days in Nevada to 140.2 days in New Mexico. I On all other items North Carolina ranks twenty-second or lower, mostly ! below thirty-fifth. through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle iupon thee. For I am the Lord thy God, the Holy One of Israel, thy Savi our’ (Isaiah 43:1-2). Then I began !to sing to myself (and Bob began to sing): 1 In shady green pastures, so rich and so sweet, God leads His dear children along; Where the water’s cool flow bathes the weary one’s feet. Housework Easy Without Naming Backache When kidney function slow* down, many folks complain of nagging backache, loan of pep and energy, headache* and diiiinaaa Don’t auffer longer with theat discomfort* if reduced kidney function la getting you down—due to each common caueee as stress and strain, over-exertion or exposure to cold. Minor bladder irritations due to cold, dampness or wrong diet may cause getting up nights or frequent passages. Don’t neglect your kidney* if these condi tion* bother you. Try Doan’* mild | diuretic. Used successfully by millions for 1 over 60 years. While often otherwise caused, lt’a amazing bow many times Doan’s give happy relief from these die comforts —help the 16 miles of kidney tubes and filter! flush out waste. Get Doan’s Pills today! Doans Pills THE CHOWAN HBBALD, EPBNTON, If. C., THURSDAY, JULY 1, 1954. §§§§ SERMONS I g HMta|l|l —By— p FRED DODGE |j Text: “The best reformers begin on themselves.” G. B. Shaw. A little girl had not dusted the furniture to the satisfaction of her grandmother. She was required to re peat the task a second, and then a third time. Finally, when her grand mother still did not approve, the little girl looked at her grandmother intent ly and said, “Grandmother, that dust is not on the furniture. It’s on your glasses.” We often see sights of which we do h God leads His dear children along. Tho’ sorrows befall us, and Satan op pose, God leads His dear children along; Through grace we can conquer, defeat all our foes, God leads His dear children along. Away from the mire, and away from the clay, God leads His dear children along; Away up in glory, eternity’s day, God leads His dear children along. Some through the waters, some through the flood, Some through the fire, but all through the Blood; Some through great sorrow, but God gives a song, In the night season and all the day ■ ■■ ■> w » [pr- ■««! MOUNTAIN )■ RIDGE ML I STRAIGHT BOBRBOH WHISKEY iflEI i NOW 5 YEARS OLD *='* V $ 335| *2l° Ik 4/SQnrt J «■ fta* . IOUUOH L • YEARS OU> • 88 PROOY A WlU ***l L-rur-WM-»/xwwy>rvr><-.r-» •* %• not approve. It is so easy to criticize, that we rush to state our views. We must remember that when we set our| selves up as critics, we are especially ( open to attack. There is much to un-, derstand in the actions of others. Before Christ started out to criti-j cize the evils of His times, he spent | forty days in the wilderness, meditat ing and praying. Yet we leap to criti cize folks at the drop of a remark. Perhaps we should stop long enough to wipe our glasses, anyway. The furniture may not be so dusty after i all. long.” Bob had an effervescent sense of humor, and at times it was danger ous to be with him. Once when we ; had meetings together he informed the congregation that I had been a child prodigy concert pianist, and that I had turned down several offers from leading symphony orchestras through out the country in order to go into Christian work. It was all that I could do to act “modest” and get out of making a fool of myself at the church piano. A casual observer would never guess he had wooden legs. Once he came out to hear me preach, and sat in the front row dur ing the entire sermon, industriously scratching one of his wooden legs. At another time I went into his room at school, and found him sitting with one. of his legs off, arid lying across his lap. He had discovered that by hit- i ting it in different places with a wood- ’ en coat hanger he could r ake it sound 1 like the diferent notes of the scale. ! These he had marked out with a pen- : cil. As I entered the room, he was beating out, “When the roll is called i up yonder, I’ll be there.” And he will, too—with many tro phies of grace along with him. He is a zealous and earnest soul winner. 1 Often have I seen him kneel down in 1 the gutter to pray with some down , and-outer from the skid-row section : of Chicago, and lead him to Christ, r j Such is his spirit, and the Lord has r' honored it by blessing him and us -, ing him. For example, more than any 1 I other man he is responsible for the - j success of the nation-wide high-school i i 3 BIG Baseball GAMES Saturdays Sunday Monday, 3rd - 4th- sth July 3rd E. City BP. M. July 4-5 Edenton 2:45 P. M. Edenton Sluggers Vs. New York Blue Sox New York City, N. Y. jßible-dub movement Today, at twenty-seven, he is pas tor of a thriving church in New Bruns wick, New Jersey, is married, and has two children, a boy and a girl. In addition, he Is professor of Bible History at Shelton College, and has made a name for himself as a Bible teacher—especially for his studies in Daniel and Jude. His life verse is Romans 1:16 “I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ for it is the pow er of God unto salvation to every one that believeth.” In Doubt Lawyer (handing client SIOO) — Here is the balance of your awani of SSOO, after deducting my fee. Why do you frown? Aren’t you satisfied? Client—l was just wondering who got hit by the car, you or I.