PAGE TWO r, meeting Wednesday of last week received a petition lo request the State Highway and Public Works Commission to hard surface or pro vide an all weather road in West over Heights. The road in ques tion leads from U. S. Highway 1" last east of Westover Heights and continues to th e paved section of road in Westover Heights. The road is approximately yards long and along the road are seven houses. The petition, bearing IS signatures of pronerty owners, was approved and will be sent to the State Highway and Publia Works Commission for considera tion. civic calendar! I —■ s (Continued from Page One") Monday night, September 19, at 7 o'clock. A dance, sponsored by Ed Bond Post of the American Legion, will le held in the Post home Saturday night, September 17, 8 P. M„ to midnight. Edenton Rotarians will entertain the white school teachers of Cho wan County at a banquet to be held in rhc Masonic Temple Thursday night. September 22. at 7 o’clock A baseball game will be playid on the Chowan High School dia mond Tuesday night, September 2d, at 9 o’clock with Chowan vs. a ttam made up of Cross Roads play, rrs. Dr. Edward A. McDowell, Jr„ of Wake Forest will preach at both sort ices next Sunday, September 13, at the Edentor Baptist Church. Advance Home Demonstration Club will meet at the Advance oDntii>tis Although deterioration is .ideated for all areas of the St .p the most severe damage is repr.i t ed in tha Coastal Plain counties j Band Association’s Committees Named Enthusiastic Meeting Os Group Held Tues day Night i 'i- i Band As.-ooiation met Tu< d..y night in the hieh school lunch 1 room with C. B Mooney, president. presiding. The following comm t 1 tie- were appointed for the coming ye..i: So,ml —Margaret Bunch, rhai,- man Anne Cate.-. Ruth Stuklev. Lena Hollowell and Mrs John Me • I- ei vet*. Majorettes—Dick T a r k e n t o n. )...i gr.ret Bunch and Lena I.earv 1 lumportation—Mr. and Mrs Mi Pin Belch, chairmen, Ruth Stub: Icy. N. .1. George, Mi. and Mrs Emmet; Dail. Uniforms-—Mrs. Gordon Bennett chairman, Mrs. Erie Haste and Mrs. C. B. Mooney. Finnrce—The . Rev. Gordon Ben nett "and Jimmie Partin, co-chaic nii a. Lena Leary. I uhlieity—Mrs. C. B. Mooney and M/s. Kathleen Skiles. Membership—Mrs. Erie Haste, iin >mnn, Mrs. R. 1.. Pratt. Mrs R t.ert Boyce and Jimmie Partin. Miss Lula Williams, Band Direr tor was introduced to all band pat ents present, after which she gave ~ report on the progress of the band since the opening of school Ehe stated that much interest is he mp shown in that several new hand stud* nts had been enrolled, ‘-■'ne a ! so stated that rehearsals will be ■mi next week at th Elementary Scrtoc’ for fourth and fifth grade students. The Band Association will hold regular meetings on every third Tuesday night in each month and voted to conduct a membership arive in the near future. ' Much in terest was shown by the large at tendance of band parents present as well as students. Rerteshments, w-hich were served by Miss Delphia Rawls and her Home Economics Class, were en joyed by everyone present. 60 JAILED IN AUGUST Jailer Herman White reports that during August 60 persons were placed in the Chowan County jail. Confinements ranged from one to 18 days and the expense amounted to $292.27, which includes jail and turnkey fees, scouring the jail, telephone and soap and washing powder. ROTARIANS MEET TODAY Edenton’s Rotary Club will meet this (Thursday) afternoon at 1 o’clock in th* Parish House. The program will be in charge of Bill Cozart and President Gerald James : is urging another 100 per cent at tendance. , i x M |tf .. ..... fwd L jgSgff: I COOD NEWS FOR CRAN’PA ; President Eisenhower beams as he tells reporters attending' a White House press conference that he’ll be a grandfather for the fourth time along about j Christmas time. Son John, an Army major, and wife Barbara, are expecting a new playmate for David, 7; Barbara Ann, 5, and Susan Elaine, 3. Billings Speaker At Rotary Meeting Promises Good Foot-j ball Despite Green [ And Light Team Coach Hill Billings was the prin cii .1 -peaker at la-i wit-k’s Rotary meeting at which time In- -poke about til. prospect -of till- Edeliluli ACI - t*'ll Bill m-- itltlt i-.owti the Un,- of -h. squad, mak-i.g hi-k i connio-nt .il-oiit each box in uiiif.-r.rn this -..ason "V... are gi.-i.i and light tlii." yt ai ' said Billing.- “and . while we’ll certainly asq oo m jI YOUR OLD WASHER CAN BE YOUR DOWN PAYMENT Quinn Furniture Company EDENTON, N. C. THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, NORTH CAKOU-NA. THURSDAY. SKI”!EMBER 15. 11*55. Edenton Aces Lose Opening Game (Continued trout l’ugt-One) mid a pass to Dowmnn was good for a first down. After Holland chalked up another first down, Dowuum crashed through for lb* ! ir/t tot: hdown. The try for ■ \ point tailed. Alter Edenton kicked, lioalio! e Rapid;, was forced to punt, and with the bail on. their own 35 Hoi• land shot a short pass to Jerry Dow hum, w ho outran Roanoke Rap. ids tr.eklei-.-; aftei Johnny Kram-i U’.oekci' out the .-mo,ct dangerous one midfield. The quarter-ended w All 'lie Aces le-idiliy 13-0. Rc.i.ti ke wapitis scored its first [touchdown iii the. vin.nd quarter j Edenton kicked ami Hnliaiid inter [, epti-d a pass, hut the Aces lost tin hr.ll on, ;their own 35. Roanoke R-Vpiiis passed 'for a first down and i - . was then that lhll\ Bunch in tiy j mg to Break op. a pass, lipped it into tin hands, of Harris. The try v or extra point was-good, so that the More at half time u;. : 13-6 m favor ot tlie Aces. Edenton kicked to tin- sc - orn! half and Euanone R.,p,. i hulked up three successive fir.-t down.-, after which a pass netful tiiea second touchdown The extra [point wu.- good which knotted tin . s. ole at 13-13. J The Aces had the ball on the Ro- I anoki Rapids 3:> at tne beginning ot VALUABLE REAL ESTATE The John Griffin Store property iocated on the South side of hast Queen Street in Edenton, N. G., wiii lie sold at auction on Saturday, Oct, Ist, 1955 AT 10:00 O’CLOCK A. M. ❖ TERMS OF SALE CASH - Right Reserved to Reject Any or All Bids —❖— W. J. Berryman the fourth quarter but lost it on j ’ down., and resorting to the air, a, I pass conneeted for the winning i I touchoown and the extra point was! j nude, so that, tile filial score was, !2d do 13 Edeiitoii had eight flirt downs while Roanoke Rapids chalk- j • i up 111. I ’! A large number of Edenton fol-j . lower; attended t!ie gallic and wertq I very well impressed with t lie show i lug made hy tin* Aii-s in their first ! c .‘(Hi,, of tile season. l-.ach liny I pltiyei*. creditably with deny Down-, ! uni, Stuart Holland, Chan Wilson, Wayia Eiiimiiiizcr, Jolinhy Ktami i „rd Albeit W ard looking best. band uniforms wanted .»! Lulu W illiams, new dircotor ,v i i ( .t E«ieiitcin Hieh Scliool Bund 1 1.-4 ;' iii>ioiis to get all bam} uni* j : r.ii.-t not now in ;ise. Anyone hav ! i!i-.« uioloin ir •» que. ted to phono ’ r - h Mi SI INS MEET TONIGHT I Unamuiity Lodge No. 7, A. F., ,v A M.. will, hold a stated coni* ■j tion tonight (Thursday) at - 8 o’clock C. W;, Overiiian, master ,of tin lodge urge- a full attend ance. 4 . __ - t onfined to home U. H Haskett i- confined to hi? 1 Ivomc due to a leg injury wmie hr w..- vacationing at Kitty Hawk, file accident occurred when Mt. li .-kctt was tiit by a big wave > hi!e in bathing. Sound Side Road On County System j Maurice 1.. Uum-h, clerk to tiv'j [ C b o w a a County Cor .aissione last week wilt notified by the Stale Highway and Public Works 1 Commission that at its tueetin.f I held August 25, it approved the ud , dit ion of a road to the County high wax system in Yeopim Township. | Slug i sav\ W-. \f> f JERRY-LtARNIN' \ f ,s a 'S * Vthese bovs^tmwo^w/ Here’* a simple plan for sending your youngsters through college: If you want to give your children the bene fits of a college education, you d better gtart preparing for it now. And one of the easiest, surest ways to do it is by in vesting regularly in U. S. Savings Bonds through the Payroll Savings Plan. Here's all you have to do. Sign up at the pay office where you work, and tell the people there how much you can afford to put aside each payday. They 11 save that amount for you. It will be set aside from j-o-ur salary before you get your check. That money is imested fur you m the world s safest investment—V. S. Savings Bonds. The Bonds are made out in your name and given to you. Then you just hold on Jo them and let the interest pile up. Xl'hen held to maturity (9 years and 8 mouths I each Series E Bond pays an aver age of per year, compounded semi Safm as America - Buy U. S. Savings Bonds Th.V S Qoifrnmer.t tot, not pay tor thu adititatn, Tit. Tutuary V.portm.nt UtVt*. A /or thtir patriot* dor.tUon. tne Adiertwg Council tsnd The Ch owan Herald © 77tW BMYS uieretADVERTISED •F *nd' 'd ond progressiva merchants in ail-out support to their local trod* organizations. Too, th# best buys offered by th# merchants in/ our community or# th# newspaper for the best items / Shop with th# merchant who Cdftp* x ©merchants' organization . . . and j ■ us# the newspaper as O shopping j|, t Yoyr newspaper mgn is your friend . . . wprk with him in ypur advertising program ... 1 and REMEMBER . . . planned ad vertising is the beat advertising. The North Carolina MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION, Inc. 812 R*l#igh Bldg. y lUWgh, K C. . Serving Merchants in Every County of the State ’ ! v , 'Ph, mad is known us the Sound 1 Slide Road. I COUNTY COUNCIL MEETINGS j Mrs. Hattie S. Byrum Chowan County Home Agent, announce? Unit v meeting of the Chowan Home Demonstration Club County Council will meet Wednesday after noon, September 28 at 2:30 o’clock i in the Chowan Community Build- ’ annually. And now, with 0* automatic extension privilege it will go on P 6) ln # that same fine interest for 10 more >*«!»• That means a return of up to SIBU fur each SI.OO invested. Start right now towafd important gpab like college for the children and retire- } ment for yourself. Sign up for the too- ’ venient Payroll Saving* Plan. Want your interest paid * as currant income? Invest in 3% (arias H; United States Government Series H Bonds are new current income Bonds in denomi nations of SSOO to SIO,OOO. Redeemable at par after 6 months and on one month a written notice. Mature in 9 years, 8 months and pay an average of per annum if held to maturity. Interest paid semiannu ally by United States Treasury check. . Series H may be purchased through **/ bank. Annual limit: $20,000. | ing. The Rocky Hook Club will act ' ns hostess. EASTERN STAR MEETING Fidenton Chapter No. 302, Order of the Eastern Star, will meet Mon. day night, September 19, at 8 c Vloek in the Masonic Temple. Mrs. Louie- George Wilkins, worthy ma tron, urges every member to aA ' tend _