SECTION ONE— PAGE TWO Among Service People By JOON AYNES l WWW W WMWWVS^VW> < WWWS^N >^W i - ~ What happened to the column last week; Well, it’s like this ... I Major Aynes returned from the severt week school at Sandia, ! Albuquerque, New Mexico, and we J took a short leave. We visited my; twin and brother-in-law, Lieut. Cmdr. and Mrs. Robert C. Bam hardt, Jr., at the Naval Academy : at A/inapolis. In away, I was glad I missed getting out the column, because so many people asked why it wasn't in the paper. I was pleasantly sur prised to find the column has so many readers. Other Marine families have been J away on short visits, too. Cherry Point was the destination for most of them. Capt. and Mrs. John Bax.! ter and daughter, Ann, were guests; of Capt. and Mrs. Ainsworth, i I Chaplain and Mrs. John Mates also , | saw the Ainsworths at Cherry Point while combining business < with pleasure. Capt, and Mrs. George Metz saw Mrs. M. K. Pey ton while at th e large Marine Air Station. Mrs. Dayton Robinson and j children were spending part of the time Capt. Robinson was on maneu vers with Capt. and Mrs. Reed, there. Maj. and Mrs. H. F. Smith have been to Washington, D. C„ visit- | ing friends. Mhj. and Mrs. Charles Jones re turned from a two weeks’ leave in Florida where they went swimming every day. Maj. Perry P. Mr Robert returned to Edenton from Boston, where he had .gone to see his father, who was serihusly ill. With hint were his wife’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. How ard Payson. The Paysons stayed I with the Me Roberts several days i enjoying their small grandson. Scott Payson Mcßohert. Week-end guests of Major and Mrs. E. K. Griswold were Capt. and Mrs. Stewart Schuyler of Carqp Lejeune. Capt. and Mrs. Harold B. Roth. Jr., entertained her family last. week-end. Her parents made the trip from Annendale, Va., to visit the Roths. Mrs, Dwight Douglas, widow of Lt. Douglas, is spending some time in Edenton with Lt. and Mrs. Rich ard Trundy. Lt. and Mrs. Louis Gasparrae. Jr., are new residents of Edenton. At the business meeting of the Officers’ Wives Club, Wednesday. November 2, plans were made for a pot-luck dinner to be given Novem ber L Hostesses in charge of ar rangements will he Mrs. Russell Dyer, Mrs. Richard Skinner, Mrs. Harold B. Roth. Jr., and Mrs. H. S. Lowrey, Jr. Wives of officers with last names beginning with letters A through H are asked to bring desserts; I through Q, main dishes, and R through Z salads. All are asked to bring enough to serve twelve. There will be a fiftv-cent charge for bachelors and invited guests. The nursery will be open from 5:30 P. M., that evening. The Officers’ Wives Club was also asked to take over the refresh ment and Senior hostess jobs for the month of December for the USO Club. They accepted, but I wonder if the ladies of the town know that it is most unusual for officers' wfves to participate in USO work. In most other com munities it "just isn’t done”. There I are reasons for it. The men are uncomfortable to find that the Sen. ior hostesses are officers’ wives. The object of the TJSO is to enter tam the servicemen away from the base. For a man to discover his C. Ol’s wife is chaperoning a party makes it just another base activity and the whale spirit of the com- I inanity making him welcome is I lost. to • to It was decided at the business tl ■nee tin* to have the December I meeting moved up to November 30 ] and the luncheon to December 14 I n order net to conflict with holi- I lay lsnvus; Election of new offi- I ■era for toe ▼Wes’ Club win bo 1 aeid at too November 30 meet- I ng- A nwwAiwfnct taft WAS I jivea at toe heme of Maj. and Mrs. I I. K. Beyls by M» Hoyle and I !f rs. Damid Wiley tost Thursday. or or -1 TTuritomamt taaa added to the j parbp vdtoalA. Bkbnrd Trandy to. ] mWnd'a toli|l Si cnII from too hoapHal with toe new* that, “It’S a bay*" U, Ttundy bad boas per- ItoM that ho Slight as well wait at too party for the word as at the < hospital. H e left the party im* j mediately to see his wife and little David Lawrence. --- , • Lt. Col. and Mrs. Jay MacDonald j were host and hostess at their home on Blount Street Friday even, ing, to the officers and officers’ j wives of Lt. Col. MacDonald's 1 squadron 225, and guests. About | a hundred guests enjoyed the cock, tail party and superb buffet. Everyone is making plans for the Marine Corps Birthday Ball, Thursday, November 10th. It’s tlv 180th anniversary of the Marine Corps, Hope all the men away on maneuvers will bp back in time to | celebrate. Happ.v Birthday! j CIVIC CALENDAR j (Continued from Cage One) Marine Corps at a Marine Corps birthday ball to be held tonight (Thursday) beginning at 8 o’clock. December term of Chowan Coun ty Superior Court will convene in the Court House Monday morning, j November 28. Edward G. Bond Post No. 40, ot the American Legion. William H. ; Coffield Post No. 9280, Veterans of Foreign Wars and the Ladies' Au xiliary of both organizations will observe Veterans Day. Edenton Rotarians will meet for, their regular luncheon meeting to | day (Thursday) at 1 o'clock in the lunch room at the Edenton Junior- Senior High School. Chowanoke Council No. 54. De gree of Pocahontas, will meet Fri day night, November 11, at 8 j o'clock in the Red Men hall. Annual husbands supper will he ! held at the Oak Grove Community Building Friday night, November| 11. at 7 o'clock. Chowan Tribe of Red Men will i hold a “Dutch” oyster roast at Jackson’s Radio Service Monday night. November 21, at 7 o’clock. Chowan Tribe of Red Men will meet Monday night, November 11. when degree work will be confer red. Junior class at Chowan High School will present a three-act farce, “Take Your Medicine” in the' school auditorium Friday night. November 11, at 8 o’clock. Ed Bond Post No. 40 of the| American Legion will sponsor a dance in the Legion Home Satur-, day night, November 12. from 9. o’clock to midnight. I Edenton’s Lions Club will hold their meeting next Monday after noon. November 14, at 1 o'clock in the cafeteria at the Edenton Jun ior-Senior High School instead of 7 o’clock Monday night. An emergent communication of Unanimity Lodge No. 7. A. F., & A. M., will he held tonight (Thttrs.! I day) at 8 o’clock for the purpose ] of conferring th e second degree. Sunbeams of the Edenton Baptist Church meet Sunday next morning morning- at 11 o’clock. Air Force recruiting representa tive at the Edenton Post Office Thursdays from 9:30 A. M., to 3:30 P. M. USO Committee will meet at Ho. tel Joseph Hewes Monday night. NOTICE! I The Board of Public Works is considering: the pur- I chase of a new street lighting: system for the business ■ I section of the Town of Edenton on Broad Street between I Church Street and Water Street. ■ Samples of the type of lighting which the Board is con- ■ ■ sidering are the ones now located on poles on South ■ Broad Street. I The Board of Public Works will meet in special session I I on Tuesday, November 15,1955, at BP. M., in the Muniei- I I pal Building to hear comments from interested citizens I I regarding this type of lighting system. I I TOWN Os EDENTON I BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS A. B. Harless, Chairman I Ernest J. Ward, Jr., Clerk I THEY’LL FARM SOUTH-AMERICAN STYLE —Six months of work on South American farms is ahead lor these 4-H Club members, meeting at Fan American Union headquarters in Washing ton DC Dr Anibal Buitron. right, shows them examples of Aztec art Chosen for their out standing worts in the national 4-H organization, they'll make the trip under the International Farm Youth Exchange program. Frojl left, standing: Charles Dunham, Gooding, Ida ; Kenneth Morgan, Phillipsbuig. Kan Billy Perkins, Howard. Kan.; Lawrence Fenske. Hankinson, N.D.; Gav'.e Gil mour Jetierson Che Seated, from left' Donald Erickson, Centennial, Wvo.; Mary Ann Moon, Amrret. Muir.: Farrell Wankiei. Jr.. Levan. Utah; Mary Louise Ansberry, San Ardo, Calif. November 11, at 8 o'clock. Methodist ladies plan to stage’ j their annual bazaar Thursday, De-j cemher 1, beginning at lb A. M. in ; the educational building. ( Annual bazaar sponsored by the Auxiliary of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church will he held in the Parish House Tuesday. November 13. from >l> A. M.. to fi P. M. | FHA representative in County Agricultural Offices each Wednes- 1 day from 9 A. M. to noon to handle loans to farmers due to damage caused by hurricanes. Edenton’s Christmas parade and party will be held Thursday after-j noon, December 1, at 4 o'clock. Edenton Jaycees participating in ! campaign to help raise funds tor financing the l\ S. Olympic team, j ! VFW Post meets in VFW horm j Tuesday night of next week. Fund raising drive for the Eden-; Pal Day will be observed at the; colored USO Club Friday night. I November 11. beginning at 8 o'clock. i ton swimming pool still in progress. VFW Post home open every Fri-I day and Saturday nights for mem bers and guests. CARD OF THANKS I want to thunk my many friends I for all the Cards, flowers and vari-1 1 utis other kindnesses extended me | while I was a patient in the Oho-J wan Hospital and while I was . on- 1 ' valescing at home. . MRS. RUBIK BYRUM. p - - MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS NOW FOR THE TRADITIONAL TURKEY DINNER i i To Be Served at the Annual Bazaar of St. Paul’s Auxiliary Parish House... November 15 6:30 P. M. $1.50 Plate Call Mrs. Gordon Bennett—sß3 TIIE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, NO\ LMHFR 10, 1355. Stephen Burch Is j ; Winner In Contest 1 : ' “Voice of Democracy”! Contest Finals Held , Monday Nitfht i I Stephen Burch, son of Mrs. Mar-! , guerite Burch, was declared thej I winner in the county elimination. Voice of Democracy contest held Ln the Elementary School auditor!-; i uni Monday night. Young Burch,' j an outstanding student at Chowan , . High School, won out over Caleb! i White, son of Mr. and Mrs. Horace \ White, who was declared winner in ' | the Edenton schools. ! . ■,■ •; ■ ■ . -i Tile Voice of Democracy routes* 1 | Is sponsored by the Junior Cham h< r of Commerce. : Young: Burch was presented a handsome trophy and certificate by | West Hyruni. Jr., chairman of the contest committee. White was. al so awarded an attractive certifi cate. I The winner has previously taken top honors in public speaking con gests, and at Chowan High School [lie is a member of the Beta Club, | .Monogram Club, Dramatic Club, j Glee Club. Debating Team arid is president of the 4-H County Cbun ' oil. ; " ' , Degree Work Tonight At Masonic Meeting | C. VV. Overman, master of Una. | nimity Lodge No. 7, A. F.. <6 A. M., '! has called an emergent eommuni | cation of the lodge for . tonight j ntoil 14am# Tiihac** SPECIAL! SIO.IKI OFF ON ' Coats - Suits TOPPERS \\Y carry the best as adver tised in Vogue and other magazines . . . Swansdown, I’rincess and \ noth Craft. AYjtt Shifnm'nt of Christmas I'urly Dresses Preston's Coves you up to twice the heat! Its heavy, cast iron construction gives constant, even heat and lasts a lifetime. Patented Sieg lermatic Draft prevents smoke and soot—regardless of weak and defective chimneys! The tinish is porcelain fused to the metal—not just baked on paint! It won’t discolor or flake off! And the Siegler is so silent—only the warmth you enjoy tells you it’s running! ' No other home heater offers the comfort, safety and health for your family you get with a Siegler. See a Siegler Oil Home Heater today! The Siegler Corp., Centralia, Illinois.