PAGE EIGHT SECTION TWO- Mrs. Vail's Book Draws Comments “The Year’s at the Spring” Enthusias tically Received Thin in what sonic prominent re viewers, poets and writers are sav ing about “The Year’s At The Spring," Ruth Vail’s latest hook of published verse: “Your hook is delightful beyond words . . . and then your Sing! j How it does sing to the lit' of its ) own mUsic.”—James D. Donaldson, author of Leaves, and other, publi cations. Regional Chairman for National Council for. tlic promotion of poetry. Korkport. lr\as. “Y’our originality of ’■'■'imagery : amazes, and I am Moved at all the beautiful pictures, you paint in The | Year's At The Spring'.” Anmibelle | Merrifield, author of (Ira.. Notes. Member Poetry Society 01 Ameri ca. Poetry Society, of London, 1 Prize winner, "Top poet." VV ma t- . ka. 111. . , “The popihs of Kufh Y.iil you tained in her styoiurl•■■■hooky Ihr | Year’s At Tlv Spring, an soundly constructed and reflect th«* 'pint utility and ripened.uridcisi.Hirliug of. an author who is doing -her .hit in ' helping push tlve world in the right direction. I h>vi* licr poems and read them again and again.’’ Mary Boyd Wagner. Author <»;' Roots and other publications. Member National League of Ame.ncan l’< n i Women. A poet of wide reach ;m *i 11 it mi -dollars a j tJiii‘tcen-ft»hl increase—while the, .Josephiiir K. IcOckenhy. Author} I j. of Bright Thicket Os the Stars, j life.. Tacoma, Washington. I ' V- , “I will enjoy your hook each t into' I read it .” I\ niina King I Lily. Author of-. Silver Moccasins. How- ( •■••••. '• ■ : [ crinu Vgates. M• t n I*•r of Avalon,. Mid Wesf (’haparral I'oeis. I’l'ib-j; of itj thy m g 1 zrnes 1 ikJ win ; tier us various uteiary prizes. Sc- j « attic, Washington.. ;a I ]' I **l have taken • »ith .y•■ur IhMiiv . . You .'must . lui.vo taken "great delight, in Wfit ing it . . your , publisher is t" i‘e. aenuratulaii (|; .; <; • • • Wa t ney .supply at this rate I can he considered norma l rat lie r J than a prglude t»> ay infla-I t ion. “Yours, are tender songs, sung! from fin- heart which is tin- only source of sohg t«> me.” Jocelyn May Sloan. Poet, Kocliestef, N\ Y. 'A our hui'ly book is here; Soon I sh ill have a pub t evening all to tiiyselfv then I shall stroll through t hi, beautiful garden of dreams.” | .Margie I*. I’oswell. A lit Ivor of 111, Light Still Hurt is. past I’resi- ! ih nt American PoYtr.v League, Ka-I di<> t’oimncntator. newspapor eol j ummst, teacher and 'ecturer of poe- j : ry, criticitl a fticli»Member Ya - i t;pna! Le.igu*' of American. Pen I Wont* n»•(.*.A.A.A., Americati Liter ary Ass*'ciation. L'edonit'ipn (’liap ,itaal Writers and other literary croups. W’iiuii’f «*f niany national If will be there in case he needs it for safety in passing . . . or to answer the challenge of a mountain roan. And even when not in active use. that reserve of power will add to his motoring pleasure. It will bring him confidence and contentment and [xrace of mind ... and it will provide unusual operating economy and dependability. Os course, Cadillac's magnificent performance is only part of the cxcit ing Cadillac story for 1 916. There is inspiring beauty . . . and extraordinary luxury . . . and superlative craftsmanship. Why not stop in soon and see what we mean? We’ve got the keys and the car—all you have to provide is an hour of your time. We can promise you ... it will be the most revealing sixty minutes you ever spent at the wheel of a motor* car. poetry uwiml.s und honors. Fort i Worth 4, Texas. “The Year's At The Sprint? is a lovely hook! You may well he proud." Helen Waterhouse, Poet, ‘ author of many beautiful poems, i Tarnma, Washington. A descendant of Commadore i I'erry, Mary Alice Hart, author of I The Tim e For SinpuiK, writes, “I i am still reading your hook.” i Mrs. Corinne Sitison Dies Thursday At Home Os Daughter Mrs. ('orinn,. Ri-ouprHton Sitison, 77, died Thursday morning at 5 o’clock at the home of her daugh , ter, Mrs: Shelton Moore on North ‘ llniad St following a brief ill ness. She was a native of Per : (pitmans County, tile daughter of | the late Thomas Sutton Rroughton ; iYATemorTam In memory of J. Franklin Perry, wlio went to live with God N’ovem j her 24th, 1952. ! We’ve journeyed on three more ( years 1 At a sad and lonely pace, | For there is no one else in this old world ! That can come and tak,, your place, \Ve ip raved the p raver of Hannah of old, tlver twenty one years ago. If God would give us a son to love lie may take him where li e wanted him to go. (loil answered our prayer with a sweet little hoy, I Which. was. th,. pride and joy of our heart; | Then called him hack. liom e three years ago No more from Him to part. 1 Fathers ami Mothers take note of this, 1 lie kind and considerate to your . girl or hoy. For you will never know how you have, been blessed Until God calls them to “That Other Shore." MOTHER AND DADDY. c * /vwv^ uvwvw<^AWAßA' and Mary Long Broughton. Surviving are two sons, James Andrew Sitison of Mt. Airy and Clyde T. Sitison of Allentown, Pa.; I on e daughter, Mrs. Shelton Moore of Edenton; six brothers, Harry, Rroughton and John Broughton of | Hertford, Jesse Broughton and Jul- j ian Broughton of Detroit. Mich., Louis Broughton of Savannah, Ga., und Sam Rroughton of Portsmouth; two sisters, Mrs. Milton Hail, Sr., , I OLD STOVE IgROUND-UP j ( / BU V NOW j J SAVE NOW J { on a modern new / WjMagic H GAS RflNG f MODEL GRS6AL LOOK AT THE LOW PRICE TAG! LOOK AT THE COOKING FEATURES! v J •BED WHEEL OVFN REGULATOR Assures pedert results every time \ /A • MAGIC CHEF UNI-BURNER One piece, easy to -emovc and clean \ • • SWIN6 OUT BROILER large broiling area, easy to use \ o ** ooo *' • MAGIC LITE PILOTS... Save gas. keep kitchens cooler \ Harrell Gas & Coal Company t 4JI South Broad Sturt PHONE 652 EDENtON i don't 1 Iflf ond IEDMI H»i« winter Discover the miracle of . . REVOLUTIONARY! PATENTED! ffe| cool -MM Siegler Heaters • Giv« you patented Heat Tube* ! ij' that use the hotte»t heat instead JiV 1 l of toting it up the chimney I Y [“_) j j • Give you the patented, built-in 1 / JW blower system that forces heat 1 r down to the floor! "Travels" heat y/j jEBEfjJb to every room instead of wasting H on the ceiling. FLOORS GIT THIS 7 —— * * Stilt T NOT THIS ♦ ORDINARY HEATERS ’| V c,,11N6S (most of it on your ceilings 1\ \ lose a lot of It up your chim* ’ neyl You pay for heot you . ) f COLO never get to use I By- r.- FLOORS V « Quinn Furniture Company Edenton, N. C. and Mrs. Mary Harrell, both of j Hertford; five grandchildren and j three) great grandchildren. She I was a memlier of the Bethel Hiip- I tist Church. Funeral services were heM F'l'i- I | day afternoon ;,t •'! o’eloek at the j home of Mrs. Moore with the Rev. Ralph W. Knight, pastor of Bal lard’s Bridg,, Baptist Cliureh, of ficiating. Burial was in Beaver Hill Cemetery. Measuring Stick At dusk Eph came in from the j field to find his friend, Erasmus, waiting for him. “Golly, hut 1 shn am tired,” Eph complained. "Whut youall been a-doin'?” asked Arasmus, "Well, you see,” explained Eph, “Paw's been a-settin out fence posts, and I’m just five feet tall. ■ ( So I been a-layln' down an’ a-get tin’ up an’ a-layin’ down and a-geU fTjf / rfWff Enjoy Warm Floors! Vi/arm Floor Heat "travelt” to every room without costly furnaco pipo* or registers to install! If your rooms and floors are so cold, you shiver and shake all winter—you’ll say Siegler’s new “Traveling Heat” is a mir acle -a miracle of comfort! You’ll never again have to worry about the children play ing on cold, drafty floors—be cause (he new Siegler Oil Heater gives you warm floors! You’ll never again have to live in 1 or 2 rooms all winter —because the new Siegler actually “travels" warm floor heat to every room in your home. In every way, Siegler is the finest Oil Home Heater you can buy. A Siegler pays for itself! Saves up to half the fuel! MONEY BACK GUARANTEE OIL HOME HEATERS r "with th« Potnttd H*ot Tub*>" tin' up all around Ids ten-acre field bo's ho could measure them posts ten feet apart.” TrTMiHIORLVM ~ In loving memory of my dear mother, Mrs. Dora Lee White, who passed away two years ago today, Novemhi'c 23, 1963. November brings hark sail memor ies Os mv Mother who has RyWato rest. l And those who think of her Today Are the ones who loved her best We watched you slowly fade away; W 0 could not keep you here. With aching hearts we had to part With one we loved so dear. Those hands that toiled for me ara folded. Your dear warm heart is still. A place is vacant in my heart Which never ran h,. filled. You (est behind some broken hearts, That loved you so sincere: That never did or ever will Forget you Mother, dear. People think the grief is lessened. Though the smile may hide the tea rs; But sweet memories will linger Despite the passing years. They say tim,. heals all sorrow, And helps us to forget; But time so far has only proven How much we miss you yet. God gave to me a womlerful Mo ther Who for nip did her best; And when Her work on earth was done, God called her home to rest. Deep in my heart is a picture, Worth more than silver or gold; Ft’s a picture of you, dear Mother, Your memories will never grow old. God gave me strength to fight it. And. courage to hear the blow; But what it meant to lose you No one will ever know. Gone But Not. Forgotten, Her Devoted Daughter, I Mrs. Clarence. Ward c Gives you up to twice the heat! Its heavy, cast iron construction gives constant, oven heat and lasts a lifetime. Patented Sieg lermatie Draft prevents smoke and soot—regardless of weak and defective chimneys! The finish is porcelain fused to the metal —not just baked on paint! It won’t discolor or flake off! And the Siegler is so silent —only the warmth you enjoy tells you it’s running! No other home heater offers the comfort, safety and health for your family you get with a Siegler. Sec a Siegler Oil Home Heater today! The Siegler Corp., Centralia, Illinois.