PAGE FOUR JBCTION ONE- The Chowan Herald li every Thursday by The Chowan («nld. a partnership consisting of J. Kdwin ■nflajp and Hector Lupton, at 423-426 South Sroad Street, Edenton, North Carolina. ' k Carolina J. EDWIN BUFFLAP —Editor HECTOR LUPTON—.Advertising Manager , SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One year (Outside North Carolina) $2.50 Dne year tin North Carolina) $2.00 Bin Months— $1.25 Entered as second-class matter August 50, 1934, at the Post Office at Edenton. North Caro lina, under the act of March 3, 1870. Cards of thanks, obituaries, resolutions of respect, etc., will be charged for at regular ad vertising rates. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1955 alifFToiTtoda Y it Awake thou that steepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. —Eph. a: 14. WHILE THE NEEDS of the world are multiply ing, God challenges his people to do their part, prom ising to give them His Light which brings healing, health, beauty and Life itself. Almighty God, stab us awake that »e may walk in TTiy Light and accomplish Thy work in accord ance with Thy divine plan. No Reason For Gloom Though it was a hard game to lose. Coach Bill Billings’ Edenton Aces were eliminated from the State Class A football championship race Friday night in Greenville when they lost to Cary by a score of 15-12. thereby losing the Region 1 -Championship and the privilege of playing for the eastern crown. The Edenton boys started off like the cham pionship calibre which they displayed most of the season. However, a mysterious change took place shortly after scoring two touch downs early in the first quarter, so that the team failed to click and. of course, were defeat ed by a team considered less capable. The loss stunned not only Coach Billings and members of the Aces' squad, but many fans as well. There were several close and question able plays called by officials and after the game rumors went the rounds that Coach Killings protested the game and even that the game will be replayed. However, none of these rumors had any foundation of fact. As a matter of fact, the game has been played anti the Aces lost. The show is over for this season. Though the Aces lost the reg ional championship, they and fans have just reason to be proud of this year’s record. Los ing practically the entire 1954 championship squad by graduation, the outlook at the be ginning of the season was anything but bright. Coach Billings had to work with boys Who were light in weight and for the most part inexperi enced. but despite this handicap, a team was developed which defeated all Albemarle Con ference foes and the only two defeats of the regular season were at the hands of Class AA schools. Roanoke Rapids and Elizabeth City. The Aces, with hopes of another chance at the state championship as the season progress ed, lost out,-which is nothing to be ashamed of. Had they won. there would have been much rejoicing, but in defeat true sportsmanship has an even better opportunity to manifest itself. The Aces form a creditable team and they are big enough to take their defeat on the chin as they would have been to celebrate a regional victory or even the state crown. They' have hung up their uniforms for the season and can reflect, back upon a season of fair play and good sportsmanship which netted them a just share of victories. The boys have been bene fited physically and the heart-breaking loss Friday night to Cary should tend to impress upon the boys that in the pathway of life vic tories and joy are bound to be mingled with defeats and sorrow. The hitter necessarily goes with the sweet, and they will be called upon to face both at one time or another. It was a very successful season for the Aces and with the experience gained, prospects should appear even brighter next season. Buy Christmas Seals H With the 1955 Christmas Seal Sale now un der way, it is well to point out that the active interest and support of the people of North Carolina in the fight against tuberculosis today is needed to help win tomorrow’s battle. The current year marks the 50th anniversary of the North Carolina Tuberculosis Association in its crusade to control and ultimately eradicate TB. There is a danger of becoming too compla cent as we note progress made in past years, but TB still remains the number one com municable disease problem in the state. iChristmas Seal funds are used to help make information available that will aid people to help themselves* to know what causes TB and bow to preheat it Another important task is oooperating£irith state and lbcal health depart ments by heljpiag support X-ray programs for tJpe detection of unknown TB in its early stages. Awhile thejj Jias been a marked decrease in Ae number of deaths over the years, almost as gray cases are being found now as when the Math rate was four times as high. TB is also ftteqpming more and more a problem in the - Bheard&seen B] By “Burr” Mrs. H. T. Miller, Jr., of Suffolk, historian of the Virginia Society of the Colonial Dames of the XVII Century, recently wrote an article having to do with her impressions of Edenton on a recent visit. The article appeared in The Herald and a number of copies were sent to her which caused her to write the following letter: "Dear Mr. Bufflap: The November 10th editions of your fine paper were received in good order and. please believe me, I scanned every column with keen enjoyment. 1 wish to thank you, especially, for your kindness in giv ing my little article on Edenton so much space. It is a distinct thrill to make the front page of a newspaper and I appreciate this courtesy more than I can tell you. \our paper, at this very mament, is doing quite a bit of traveling. I have many relatives scattered over the coun try—Oklahoma, New England. Florida, Wash ington, Tennessee —with whom I wished to share my pleasure and interest in Edenton and her people, and The Chowan Herald will find a cordial welcome from them all.” Durward Travis saw to it that I had a cigar to smoke Monday afternoon. Durward on No vember 15 became the daddy of a daughter, so that he finally got around to passing out cigars. He's been married a long time, so that he's had plenty of time to save up to buy cig ars. Anyway, tanks and congratulations. —o To say the least, it was a large crowd of dis appointed and sick-looking folks who came back from Greenville Friday night, where the Edenton Aces lost the Region 1 Championship to Cary by a score of 13-12. Doc Downum and I bought a cap especially for the game and the more I think about it. the more I be lieve the bloomin’ caps were a jinx. At any rate, the game was rebroadcast Sunday after noon and at least one lady was disappointed. Mrs. Myda Taylor said she listened to the game and much to her disappointemnt, the score wound up the same as it was in Green ville Friday night. She was hoping maybe the Aces would score another touchdown on the rebroadcast. And me. too! O ; —r* Uncle Sam has greatly improved the appear ance of the mail boxes in Edenton. The box es. for a long time painted a dirty color of green, now sport coats of bright red and blue paint with white letters. It is a big improve ment and makes the boxes more attractive and easier to see. o : Herbert Baker and C. D. Sawyer made an apology to me which was uncalled for. They attended the conferring of Scottish Rites de grees at New Bern last week and in the gallery' they spotted a guy fast asleep. "That’s Buff up there.” said Herbert. "It sure is,” replied Sawyer. But later they discovered it was not me, so they apologized, for I had my nose to the grindstone instead of being at New Bern. For Pete sake, just because a fellow a little in church is no reason to think he’s asleep all the time. And speaking about the Scottish Rite degrees, some time back Mrs. J. G- Cam pen was told that the exemplification of the Scottish Rite work makes for a better man, Later on she said to her son, “Allison. I thought the Scottish Rite degrees should make a better man out of you.” Izzy hesitated a little while and then replied, “Well, they do, mama, spirit ually but not physically.” o Apparently I’m trying to put Patrolman Tommie Canipe in the wrong neighborhood. In a story last week about Mrs. Canipe coming to Edenton from Weldon. I said they are liv ing at 106 East Albemarle Street. As a mat ter of fact, they are living at 106 East Carteret Street, quite a difference in the neighborhoods. o . Some of the football fiJhs should take a few lessons in spelling. On the Aces’ football sched ule hanging in Leggett & Davis Drug Store somebody printed the score of each game as it was played. Os course, Murfreesboro was not on the schedule, so on the bottom was written, “We beat Murphyiesburro 33 to 6. Os course, I didn’t see what was written about the Cary game, but they might have written “So solly.” older age group, both from the standpoint of cases and deaths. With the active interest and support of the people of North Carolina in fighting TB we can look with confidence to the future when TB will be ultimately eradicated. “With this objective constantly in mind,” says Mps. J. A. Moore, county chairman, “I earnestly hope that the people in Chowan County will help us celebrate the 50th anni versary by buying more Christmas Seals than ever before. When you buy Christmas Seals, you are attacking the TB problem at all levels. No home is # safe from TB until all homes are safe.” _ i THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 24, 1955. New Housing For State Hospital Employes j This view shows several of the attractive concrete block houses in the new 50-unit housing develop ment built for employes of the State Hospital in Raleigh. The State considers this one of th L . best housing j investments it has ever made. _ | AUTHORITY FOR EMERGENCY LOANS EXTENDED THROUGH DECEMBER 31,’56 Affects Loss as Result Os Damage Caused By Hurricanes The local Farmers Home Admin istration office advises that th e au thority for making Production Emergency Loans to eligible appli cants who suffered substantial damage and losses as a result of Hurricanes Connie, Diane and lone has boon extended through Decem ber 31, 1956, in 38 northeastern North Carolina counties including Chowan. At the same time, au thority for the making of Economic Emergency Loans was also extend ed through December 31, 1956. 'The . extension of authority for making Production Emergency loans and Economic Emergency Loans opens up a new realm of credit for farm ers who have suffered losses and are unable to obtain the necessary credit from private sources accord ing to E. E. Morgan, County Su pervisor, also many more farmers will ho eligible to receive the need ed credit and assistance Offered through th e Farmers Hom e Ad ministration. Both typos of loans. Production Emergency and Economic Emer gency. hear 3 per Cent interest on the unpaid principal and are sched uled for .-repayment over the mini mum period consistent with the borrowers' ability to repay. Emer gency loans may he made for the purchase of feed, seed, fertilizer, replacement livestock and equip ment. for other .essential farm and home operating expenses; and for ToseTjgly fat IV TEN DAYS OK MONEY BACK If you ar P overweight, here, is the first really thrilling news to come along in years. A new and con venient way to get rid of extra pounds easier than ever, so you can lie as slim and trim as you want. This new product, called DIATRON curbs both hunger and appetite. No drugs, no diet, no exercise. Ab solutely harmless. When you take DIATRON. you still enjoy your meals, still eat the foods you like but you simply don't have the urge for extra portions and automatical ly your weight must come down, because, as your own doctor will tell you, when you eat less; you weigh less. Excess weight endan gers your heart, kidneys. So no matter what you have tried before, get DIATRON and prove to your self what it can do. DIATRON is sold on this GUARANTEE: You must lose, weight with the first package you use or the package costs you nothing. Just return the bottle to your druggist and got your money back. DIATRON costs $3.00 and is sold with this strict money back guarantee by: MITCHENER'S PHARMACY Edenton—-Mail Orders Killed " ji ENGRAVED OR PRINTED all types of social printing ia at your ;Wir mmsElilMm Ii command. We will be glad to make sug- ? A gestions, show you samples and quote tB t, / r p~ r \ pricss ... all without the slightest ob- ym \ XX. . >* ligation on your part. j 1 Wedding Invitations /jPf/ and Announcements f < ■ /.rriT In the wording, design and printing of \ . j j£\ the formal Announcement or Invitation, \ / it is' of the utmost importance that cor- ve<^•• V rect form be observed. Our familiarity with the established customs applying to SEE SAMPLES AT THE OFFICE THE CHOWAN HERALD I th e replacement or repair of build ings, senses, drainage and irriga- I tion systems on individual farms which were damaged or destroyed by the disaster, also for the pay ment of interest and depreciation provided in each individual case ad vances for this purpose are neces sary in order to enable the appli cant to retain possession of the property involved. Any established farm owner or farm operator who is primarily en gaged in farming is eligible to receive an emergency loan if he has suffered a substantial loss as a result of drought, floods, storms or some other natural calamity, is unable to obtain from other lend ers the credit required to continue his normal operations and has rea sonable prospects for success with the assistance of a loan. Complete information on emer- j gency loans may b e obtained by j contacting the local Farmers Home j Administration office located oyer the Bus Station in Hertford or by j contacting E. F. Morgan, County Supervisor, at the ASC Office in Edenton on Wednesday morning, from 9:00 A. M., until 12:00 noon, j Too many of us, when we ac complish what we set out to do, ex- j claim, “See what I have done!” in- j stead of saying, “Sep where I have ; been led.” —Henry Ford. 1 m C YEARS OLD j ** 86 PROOF j | KENTOSjJp I $ 35 i 1 PINT \W|g|l *3 75 % or -C JKeiituc/u/ Jtive/i— - mco»»o»«Tlo NICHOLASVILLE. Camfi^)u/±cn U,/ x i FUTURE FARMERS’ CHIEF —Don Dunham, 10. of Lake vjew. Ore., has been elected j president of the Future Farmers j of America, niecting in conven- I tion at Kansas City, Mo, Well. Well! 1 like the silent pictures the best, Their return 1 would greet with a, j shout. j To see a woman open her mouth, | And not a sound comp out. Which? \ Hostess- Our dog is just like ! one of the family. I Bond \ isitor Which one? i . Letter to the Editor "j > PRAISES USO The Chowan Herald: I would like to take this oppor tunity to publicly commend Mrs. R. P. Badham for the splendid work that she has been doing and is still doing for the United Ser vice Organization here in Edenton. The service personnel at the lo cal air station arc in the service of their country and we all realize that they would prefer to bp in their own hom e town. It is the duty of the citizens of Edenton to assist Mrs. Badham in every way possible to make these boys feel at home. During the last war a large num ber of service men were invited to the homes of residents of Edenton every Sunday for dinner. Although we are not at war now, these boys are here not of their own choice, but to serve their country and I am sure that they would appreciate be ing invited by our citizens for a Thanksgiving or a Christmas din ner. Our town benefits a great deal from the presence of an air sta tion here at Edenton and we should show bur appreciation to the per sonnel stationed here by providing assistance at the USO and inviting the boys into our homes. Yours very truly, ERNEST P. KKHAYES, Mayor of Edenton. Now Girls Confusion—-One woman plus one left turn. Excitement Two women plus one secret. Bedlam—Three women plus one bargain. Chaos —Four women plus one luncheon check. TRY A WEEKLY CLASSIFIED ML , HEAT YOUR HOME A 7 FOR PROMPT DELIVERY! | HARRELL OIL COMPANY 3! fcn LOUIS HARRELL rafl Hr a m Am mmV -rt—r-xi-il-n For Building Material SEE US FIRST For years our firm has specialized in ideas and materials for home and farm con struction ... remodeling and repairing. —— ❖ DISCUSS YOUR PLANS WITH US! ❖ Dealers In Windows, Doors, Roofing, Insulation, Sheetrock, Cement, Plywood, Lum- X her, Moulding and a complete line of , building materials. 1 M. G. Brown Co., Inc. PHONE 9 AND 493 EDENTON, NV-C. ♦.”•. • c, . IN MEMORIAM ’ In memory of my loving hu*- 4 . hand, William J. Wright. November 10, 1H54, th e Lord - cd you home; 73 To a beautiful place, never more to roam; And left the children and ! londly and sad With no other one their love to share. * t t I am thinking today as the time draws near'. Os the lonely hours we had to share; As my memory searches through the years w P lived together. My heart yearns for the love you gave us all. But of precious memory dear and sweet I hope some day.we will meet at the Master’s feet. Then We will share our llov e to gether, With Jesus and one another. Your wife, Mattie Wright And Children p Virtue, wisdom, goodness and real worth, like the loadstone, nev er lose their power. Riehard E. Burton. Basnight Grocery EAST QUEEN STREET DonH- Forget .. Cigarettes! OLD GOLD America’s First Family oLCigarettes vas’Y*;;...- ; futer kings keguiar § K "*° SU6