PAGE SIX ACTION ONE BPW Club Planning Legislative Agenda Kick - off Dinner For New Year Planned | January 19 At a meeting i f the Edenton Business and Professional Women’s dub held Thursday night in t In- Court House, the following legis lative platform was presented rmil explained by Mrs. Josie Ruth Carr, legislation chairman, and others on the program, which the dub voted in favor of 1. Advancement of the postion of women and use of women's full capacities as citizens, including (a) Equal rights for women amend ment to the United States Consti tution; (h) Jury service for we-I men; (c) Equal pay for comparabV work; (d) Uniform retirement agr under the social security act: tv) Increase in the amount of earned income permitted to a person re ceiving social security benefits; (f) Removal of and prevention of dis crimination on the basis of age, sex, or marital status. 2. Support of legislation within the framework of the United States Constitution to implement a for eign policy which promotes peace and. national security, including I fa) To strengthen and make ef fective the United Nations: (b) To advance international economic de velopment through technical as sistance and reduction of trade bar. . riers; .(c) To strengthen the North Atlantic Trdatv. orga nizrvf ion... ;l. Tax Adjustments directly af fecting the interests of employed j women, including (a) Allowance of j. an increase in income tax deduc tion to an employed person for cost? of the care of dependents lie cause of said employment; <li> Lib eralized allowance of deductions for medical care; (c.) Permit a son or daughter to take double income tax exemption for a parent or par ents aged. Over 65 year.? or blind to. whom they have contributed more than one-half of their sup port. ■l. General, including <ai Civil Service appointment based on com petitive examinations and retention and promotion based on efficiency and length of service, (b) The club , opposed compulsory government j controlled health insurance and medical care. Participating in ti..- P- m i Dl cussion were M rs. Isa rga ret Plit li is. ic, public affairs: Lena Jones, edu cation and vocations; Mrs. Amir Jenkins, International relations.. and Mrs. Margaret White, health and safety. Mis-- Inez Felton, president, pro. sided and heard reports from the various committee chairmen. Mrs. Margaret Phthisic gave no inter esting report on the mid year meet, ing held recently in Rocky Mount, and also said plans for the Christ mas parade wei> progressing .nice ly. Mrs. Anne Jenkins reported that the: Christmas box for war or phan Paola Sclip had been mailed. Mrs. Annie Mills requested those wanting Christmas cards to see her immediately, and also bring alone' their coupons. Reservations for Bosses’ Night Christmas party should lie made with Miss Goldie I.ayton. who also asks that the gifts for the party lie at her of fice by December 3. Miss Beulah Perry requested members of the club to be at the armory at 8 i o’clock on Wednesday night. No- I vember 30, to help stuff bag* for the Christmas parade and party. The president announced that Mr:*. Richard Goodwin, a member \ of the Woman’s Club, asked that all members of the BPW Club at-i tend the performance of “Hansel' and Gretel” at the Elementary! School auditorium Monday night, December 5. As a “kick-off” for the new year a dinner meeting will be held Thursday night, January 19, at the Joseph Hewcs Hotel at 7:30 o’clock with Miss Uena Jones in charge of the program. j New members welcomed into the club were Miss Lula Williams. Mrs. Ethel Simpson, Mrs. Nezzie Haste and Mrs. Jane Quicksall. Baptist WMU Plans Hold Week Os Prayer * A Week of Prayer for Foreign Missions will be observed by the Woman’s Missionary Society of the Edenton Baptist Church the week of November 28 through December 2 There will b e a meeting each afternoon of the week at 8:30 o’clock at the church. Mrs. C. W. Overman, president, urges a good attendance of mem baca to hear the interesting and in. formative programs which have bam prepared. I Plans Shaping Up For Christmas Party I Continued From Page U Section 1 ' urged to enter floats. Miss Goldie Layton, parade chairman, asks that those entering | floats or taking part in th P pn- I rode in any way, to congregate at j the bull pork at 3 o’clock so that , the line of march may he formed I and final instructions given. The parade will start from the j hall park promptly at 4 o’clock, ,ui- j Ruing Broad Street where it will proceed south to East Water Street and on to the Court House Green, j where the children’s party will lie j held and Santa Claus holds court. | The line of march will lie headed j liy highway patrol cars, and oth- | eis participating who have so far | reported to the parade chairman, are the color guard and marching unit of the Edenton Naval Auxilia ry Air Station, Jaycees, Woman’s Club,' Lions Club, Kindergarten, Chowan High School and Western , Auto floats,. Boy Scout marching j unit, Santa Claus in his beautifully j decorated float, with a unit of j horseback t illers bringing up the rear. There will also lie three I bands in the parade including the j t Plymouth. Windsor and Edenton j High School Bands. Miss Goldie Layton say? there is still time for ' those who desire to enter a float, and asks that she. lie-contacted. Drivers of floats are requested to keep moving on Water Street .until they reach the intersection of. King ami Oakum Streets.. while walking units will-disband oh Court Street in order to avoid congestion and confusion. A first prize of Slodlrt will he given for the best float, and #IO,OO for second place, Mrs. Percy: Smith, hospitality chairman, will lie in charge of tile prizes and judg. (4>l Mrs. Adelaide Chesson, party chairman, announces that four lanes will he roped off this year for both the whit,, and colored children , in order to expedite the distribu- j j tion of hags. There will he en trance-- from both King and Water Streets’. Members of the American I egiop Auxiliary, with Mrs. James fuzzi-ns: as chairman." will bp. in charge of the distribution of the wli ite children's hags, with the h. 1 p .of the National Guard and Boy Scouts, wild, the Colored Junior Woman's Club will handle distri- • I buiiiui to tile colored children. Tie- j j ket will be distributed to the ' t.-aciiei-s throughout the county for tin school children. Santa’s reviewing stand at the Green: will be decorated by mem bers of the Degree of Pocahontas, with Mr- Ellie Ma,. Parrish as i chairman. After the children re-1 reive their.bags Santa Claus will, then take over arid hear requests from: the little ones. Bill Cozart will act as master of ceremonies. Chief of Police George I. has issued the following traffic and parking regulations which will lie in effect on December 1: 1. There will he no north-bound traffic oii Broad Street when the parade enters Broad Street, until after the parade has passed. 2. All streets entering Broad Street will lie clocked while the pa rade is in progress. . 3. Tile following stieets w ill lie blocked from 3 P. M., until after the parade and party: Court Street from Eden to Water Street: j East King from Broad to Oakum | Street; Water Street from King to CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING r .a ufl ' —gs/e-. .... ' Bring Your PORTRAITS PHOTOS - PRINTS ,-■ OIL PAINTINGS LANDSCAPES * * i , -To % Edenton Furniture Co. r ; WE HAVE 50 STYLES OF | PICTURE FRAME MOULDING ON HAND •I . • Expert Workmanship Quick Service Reasonable Prices £ Broad Street. 4. Parking will he allowed on Broad Street from 2 P. M., until after the Christmas party, without paying meters. !». Parking will he allowed on the parking lot at the nolie,, station during the day. 6. City police will Handle traf- I fir at intersections, highway patrol j will lead parade and military' pdliee i will work at intersections. / Miss Beulah Perry, chairman of ! hags, requests that BPW members ' report at the armory Wednesday night, November 30, at 7:30 o’clock to help stuff the 3,000 hags to he distributed. Members of the N»- I tional Guard will assist in the I preparation. Methodist Bazaar And Turkey Dinner Scheduled Dec. Ist Women of the Edenton Methodist j Church announce that in eonjunr j tion with their bazaar on Thurs day. December 1. a delicious tur -1 key dmner will be served. The ’ menu will include roast turkey with j dressing and gravy, candied yams, given beans, cranberry salad, an ' pie sauce cake with cream, hot j rolls arid coffee. The dinner will be served from 12 noon to 2 o'clock. The women of the church are getting in readiness the numerous gift items and foods they will have on sale beginning at 10 o’clock. Mrs. W. J. P. Earnhardt and Mrs. George Bail will be in charge of the booth featuring plants and. shrubs. They will lie pleased to' receive [plants and shrubs anyone wishes to contribute to the bazaar, j Richard Lowe Wins 4-H Peanut Contest Continued From Page I. Section 1 place State winner, but this year he realized one of his greatest ami j bitions. He has been an active 4-H member for seven years, has serv | ed a? president of his school club 'for two years, of Advance Local! Club for a year, has served as a County Couneil officer and 4-H Junior Leader. Dick is also a mem. her of the Statewinning vegetable production team. He and his part- j ner, Sherwood Harrell, will compete! in the National Vegetable Growing | contest, which is sponsored by the | National Junior Vegetable Growers j Association at New Orleans, Louis ! iana, on December 14. Dick has never let discouragement and de feat disappoint him. and he has completely lived up to the 4-H mot, to “To Make the Best Better.” 1 Legion Will Sponsor | Dance Saturday Night . Ed Bond Post of the American Legion will sponsor another dance in the Legion Home next Saturday night, November 26. from 9 o’clock to midnight. Music for the dance will he fur nished by Garland Abbott’s 5-piece Combi from WTAR-TN. Norfolk. A large crowd is expected to at tend the affair. _ J^ro - LJ - u - u - u — » » Don't Neglect Slipping FALSE TEETH Do false teeih drop, slip or wobble when vou talk, eat, laugh or sneeze? Don't be annoyed and embarrassed by such handicaps. FASTEF.TH. an alkaline inon-ucid) powder to sprin kle on vour plates, keeps false teeth I more tirmly set. Gives confident feel ing of security aud added comfort. No gummy, gooey, pasty taste or feel- I ing. Gtt FASTEETH today at any drug counter. THE CHOWAN HERALD. EDENTON. NORTH CARPI,!N>. TKUr.jDV ' IQ'TMBPP- 24 195 g. Prominent Singers In * “Hansel And Gretel” t , Continued From I’nge 1. Section I ed in several leading roles with the r ' Hagan, Germany Opera Company— ’ Several roles she learned while in North Carolina. Sophia Steffan, of High Point, ’ who electrified audiences with her j ’ portrayal of Carmen with Grass I Roots Opera, has w in national hon. I f ors and is now appearing in ora ' toria and concert in New York ’ City. • Elfego Esparza, basso of San Be. nito, Texas, who sang the 1951-52 season with Grass Roots, won top 1 honors at a Belgian conservatory and starred at the Stadt Theater in Gelsenkirchen, Germany. John Shearin, bass-liaritone of) Weldon, recently finished an en gagement with a summer operetta I company in Hyannis, Mass. , Miss Catherine Frantzis recent i ly graduated from Marymount Col lege, majoring in music. Her ex- I perienee in opera includes leading role? in Amahl And Th,. Night Visitors, Hansel And Gretel, The Old Maid And The Thief and Mud- ' ahip Butterfly. A former student of Wolfgang Sehanzer, Miss Front- ' zis has appeared in New York’s Town Hall in oratorio conducted by J Hugh Ross. She has been, soloist with the St. Cecilia Choir in New j York City. Mr. Beck graduated from Duke, University in 1951 where he was ! baritone soloist with the Glee Club j and with that organization appear led in concert in many different cities in the United States. While I . at the Durham institution he was! | also active in th,. famed Univer t sity Choir arid the Hoof *n Horn ; musicals. During the summer months he studied at Juilliard School of Music in New York where he appeared in several op era productions, and at the Man-j ; nes School of Music where he sang —- Be sure you get a Modern Truck New Chevrolet Ihskltoce Trucks * YraraftolMT Amtriea't Bat Selling Truck / v B. B. H. Motor Company, Inc. * “YOVR FRIENDLY CHEVROLET DEALER " M. Broad and Oakum Streets Edenton, N. C, Marcello in La Boheme. He sung in Amahl And The Night Visitors with a San Francisco troupe where he gained aurlaim for his portrayal of King Melchoir. For its roster this season Grass , I Roots Opera picked singers from i Florida. Virginia, Connecticut. Tex. as, Arkansas and North Carolina. These young artists were chosen j I after auditions in Now York,} I Washington and Raleigh. North ’Carolina gingers who are interested in preparing for a professional ca reer are urged to contact the Com pany at Box 1406, Raleigh to nr- ( range for an audition. “The Telephone And Hansel and Gretel” will he presented at Ele mentary School auditorium Monday night, December 5, at 8 o’clock. 1A chorus made up of local chil dren is scheduled to appear as the Gingerbread Children. I Postmaster Chestnutt Urges Early Mailing i rT I Continued From Page 1, Section I check through it. Make sure that j each address includes the full name, street and number, city, zone \ I. and state. Then, pay a visit t« tin* 1 Post Office, stock up on stamps 1 (use three cent stamps on your Christmas cards for first-class mail I service) and ask any questions you may have about, mailing regal a j tions. i Yoll can do this tn a leisurely j way if you will com e to the Post ' i H~r i [ CALI\ A\/'^ V TUI mi* RUW j »W»KTION j Call Edenton 551 coll, j Look for new CONCEALED SAFETY STEPS - a mork of today's most modern trucks that new Chevrolet Task- Force trucks bring you. They stay clear of snow, mud and ice to give you firmer, safer footing. , J Office before 10:30 A. M„ or lie- 1 i | tween 1:30 anil 3:30 P. M., thus! 1 | missing the rush hours. On your ; I way home pick up a supply of | heavy wrapping paper, sturdy t-mp | ty cartons, strong cord and kraft i paper adhesive tape. A modest in vestment in these necessities will pay big dividends in safe delivery | 1 of your cherished Christmas gifts. After your gift wrapping and; [lacking is complete, plan your j mailings so that those for the most distant points go first. Try to get all long-distance mailing into the Post Office before December sth and those for nearby points should be. mailed by December 10th. You will he glad you did. .-v>«vww^«-»VMVW>AqAAAe»ww < A»vwwvvvv>. # JT-n- LT-Lg-s --LT-L ill COUNTRY I O I GENTLEMAN "IMAGINE! I STRAICHT SOURISH by colling / jM/kt i vs WHISKEY station-to-station 7 ,y YKARS we can MAKE TI / Vs /l U OLD THREE CALLS FOR AY JBT /J Station-to-station long distance service is so thrifty —especially after 6 p.m. or all day Sunday. So on your next long distance call just tell the operator you’ll talk with anyone who answer*. 11 That way you can actually make three calls for J1 >Norf. & ( ar. Tel. & Tel. Co. M Flizalieth City . Edenton . Hertford VRRNf J y Bottled By Manteo . Sunbury J. K DOUGHERTY'S SONS, Inc. Distillers Philadelphia, Pa. This is just one of the ways you’re way ahead with new Chevrolet trucks! They're to day's most modern trucks. And that holds good under the hood! These handsome huskies offer you the shortest stroke VB’s* in any leading truck. Or, you can have the most modem valve-in-head six on the market. All engines have : Jaycees Start Contest | For Outstanding Man Continued From Page 1. Section 1 standing service in the community during the year 1955, who will be honored as ’’The Most Outstanding Young Man of Edenton In 1955.” ! The honor was won last year by James P. Ricks, Jr. . Qualifications to he taken in con. | nection with nominations for the award include: For service rendered over and abov e the usual calling of his busi ness or profession. Contribution to community wel fare during 1955. Participation in all around com a 12-volt electrical system. You get today’s most mod ern cab, too with advanced features like the sweeping pan oramic windshield, bigger side and rear windows, and High- Level ventilation. And you get the most mod ern truck styling going. Chev rolet trucks are Work-Styled for your job. raunity activities. , Evidence of lasting contribution to the community. Exhibition of leadership ability. Evidence of personal and busi ness progress. Cooperation with individuals and j civic organizations, i Nominations may be made for j any young man if he is a Jayrectoto | not. At the same time Edenton’g out standing young man is honored by local Jaycees, more than 2,000 other young men will be recognised in similar ceremonies by Jayce«a all over America. Still another thing you’ll like about new Chevrolet trucks is their modern Ball-Gear steer ing. It makes turning and ma neuvering far easier. Come in and see why any thing less is an old-fashioned truck! *VH standard in L. C. F. mod els, optional in most other models at extra cost.

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