PAGE EIGHT KBCTION ONE- SOCIETY NEWS Week-end At Home Miss Faye Dail, who is teaching in Roanoke Rapids spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. A. (’. ) Boyce. u— - , Returns Home Mrs. Thomas Held returned Fri day from a week’s visit with Mr. and Mrs. Fred it. Halford in Ar lington, Va, Visiting At Wilmington Mr. and Mrs. William Billings and children, Donna. Herky and Kenny, will leave Wednesrlay to spend th P Thanksgiving holidays in Wilmington. N. visiting Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Williamson, Attend Fool hall Dame Mr. and Mrs. ('. A. Phillips and son, Tom, spent last week-end iti Raleigh with relatives .-uni attended thie State-William & Mary foothill I gaW\ 'i At Rocky Mount 1 Mrs. Richard Hardin ami chil dren, Betsy, Rickie and Richard, are spending the Thanksgiving hoi. \ idays with her parents. Vlr. and Mrs. W. M. J amcs m Rocky Mount. * Fuqua.v Springs Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Hen IVrry and pops, Sam and Mich.M'il of l’ innfay Springs. formerly of Kdouton. will 1 arrive Tlmr.-Jflay to spend the holi days with Mr. and .Mrs. Modi in Belch. Week-end In K a lei till »Mr. and Mrs. (Veil Fi*y and chd diNtn, Arlene and (Veil; ;li\. siwnt the week-end in !>' imu her parents, Mr. arid Mrs. L. I Chambliss, and attendod tin* Statr- WilOiam & Mary gatne • Visiting I'amits Dr. and Mrs. A. T. Kirn my and J daughter, Robin of \L»nt ic-«;ir<» v | Minn.. ar P visit ini: Mrs. Hromiy purents, Mr. and Mrs. !leirn;m White. (.nest of l\i refits Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy ('hrstmitt of Richmond, Va., 'spent. tin* w end with Mr. Cliesi'mitt*s |». trout. . and Mrs. .). 1,. Clmstmiit. Visit At Henderson Mrs. J. H. (Vnuvr, Sr , ifui Mi Elton Forehand. Sr.. >T>‘nt a lew in Hendetson this. week. Let Me Have Your-Orders l or WHITE I IM I I (' YIvKS For TliarksKivin-K and Christmas IVr round SEE MRS. J. M. JONES Or ( all HI2-.I j 0,;*7 a.C Cj..;r l.\Ct Cvi? C' Campen’s jj ■ I your purchase j|. 1 Take advantage of today's 1| B rs \ I 8 DIAMOND PAIR £ m. . Mm 1 | CAMPEN’S l r JEWELERS EDENTON j Fluritla Visitors Dr. ami Mrs. C. A. Scarborough of Miami, Fla., .spent the week-end with Mrs. Scarborough’s brother- I in-law ami sister, Mr. and Mrs. W. I’. Jones. Week-end In Washington Miss Sahra Nunn lee, Miss Gloria ; MeCalluni, Miss Helen McDonald, I Miss Mildred Sellars, Handy West-I and Victor Tucker spent the week- | end in Washington, D. I’. I’l.vimm th Visitors Mr, and Mrs. Herman F. White, Jr., and daughter, Dinah of Flv moiith spent, the week-end With Me. White’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman White, Sr. -- —o— Thanksgiving Visitors Mr, arid Mrs. R, (’. bee of Hen (lersoiiviile. N, arrived Wedncx- • day to visit Mr. aiid Mrs. H, S. Ziegler, Sr, for Thanksgiving. | “ i M ashington \ isitors Frol', and Mis. R, F. Kyman oft | Washington, I). I’., rind daughter, Suzanne will spend Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. I ley wood S. Ziegler. Jr, Thanksgiving \ isitors Mr. and Mrs. V W Furgiuele 1 and two daughter. Martha .latte * and Harriett Randolph of Ctilpep , per, Va.. arrived Wednesday to spend.Thanksgivingwith Mis. Fur. giuele’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Wood. Visit Son Mr. and Mis. i.ep.y llaskeft spent the week end in lYoisnumth as guest S of then; soli and dangle, ter-in-law. Mr. .arid Mrs. Roger 1 Haskett. Holidays At Heaelt i Mr. and Mrs. I.rroy. Haskett left j W.-driesilay to ,-pend the Thanks i giving ludidays at. their cottage at Kitty ITaWk, They were aeroni pa 11 ied liy Mr Toot Stalling, of Smithfield, X. i.-ter of Mr Ifaskett. I fogget ( Speak or al Rolarians’ Meeting Hurry I >'*ggtflt: T 'l«j|> 1. ,11 '• I' 11' tat ion, \\ < I *l. \v;.is the prrheipul .Speaker ill lust vv eek Rot.n y mfM.ftriU’V at whieli time lie I j- :pi*k»- .tlmuH file station, whieli at | j that time cua.s .awairing authority p» go on t he ail. Mr. Hop ititi. »**!('( the Rot aria-h.> t hat h,. ami his thi •*.■ n»-mvn.>rs had. sui \ • Vueci ssfiil op. { era lion. \Y( MU he 1:11 Is lip-:uieaStine at H \ M . and.: as.s arid Terry Rennukt. ineniliers of the senior class attend- ] ed the meeting as junior Rotarians. New Exclusive Kleer-Kleen «ILECTRJ^MjNITION EIGHTS OftfafioMj, . No me'* fusvng WitK ©lrf O'lo* l*gK»|l Kl»»r Kleen'i n«w fully au'O'v'atic •lectc.g ignition burner* m*(jn smoo*f*. efF'Ci«nt J operation under All Condition* Tbot'» übhot moke* Kleer Kleer* America'* fine** furnace. Hectnc ignition burner* ore now avoilobl# en all Kleer Kl«en model*. est Vndrli ff*# *6 Pertß tkapiot Are M a aaa ■■Bkaa MM ma **iMer«.Nw«'MwetwiH.»Mk EASY BUDGET TERMS : pSScECUN^I I ■ PHONE 47 H 1— 111 HI—M Authorized KLEER-KLEEN Dealer [Hospital Patients] Visiting Hours: 2:00-4:.10 l». M.. and 0:00-8:00 I*. M. Patients admitted to the Chowan Hospital during the week of No vember 14-20 were: White Kdenton: Mrs. Lynn Morgan, j Fred Britton, Jr., Mrs. Pauline Tra- I vis. Miss Patricia t,assit»*r, Mrs. (’Kara Cooper, Miss Mable Williams, | Mrs. Jane Layden, Mrs. Helen Flu- I man, Mrs. Maxine Brown, Mrs. | Barbara Fa Hess. Mrs. Lynn Coble, ’ Robert Pate, Mrs. Barbara Scar berry, Mrs. Mary Williams. Ernest Rawlinson, Mrs. Margaret Good win, Mrs. Fatherin'* Harrell. .lamesvillc; Mrs. Nannit* S<‘\- tiui, ( Hertford; John Chappell, Cecil Tm iv. . (’o I undo a; Clinton Everett, ifolihsville: Miss Alice Riddick, j Tyner: Mrs. Nancy Lane, j Cleveland, Ohio; Dr. Morsel I New comb# Negro 1 Kdenton: Annie Lout her, James Wilson Thehna Ford. Windsor: Sophie Wiljiatn Hertford: Ruth Hetnhry. Klnora Lane, l.ueretia Welch, Dorothy 1 iand’sey. -Khuira I«ine. Roper: Margaret Y\ ehh. Fnsvvi ’l: Agnes Norman. I ■ i(*nts di charged from the hospital during the same week were: While Kdenton’; Mrs. Lynn Morgan. ,1; 1* k fjndhurn, Mtss M iblrt Wil liams. Miss Patricia Lassiter. Mrs. Barbara Searherry. Mrs. Ruth KD lintt. RbjHM-f Pate. Mrs. Hilda Bass, Mrs. Jane Layden, Mrs Barbara Faijess. Mrs. Helen Fluman. Mrs. Maxim- Biown. Mr<. Paulin,* Tra vis. Mrs. I vnn Coble. Mrs. Mary Williams Mis. Cora Bunch, Fred Britton. Jr.. NY S. Nixon, Mis. lan y II i-te, Mrs. 1 ena Bell. FIV swell: Mr, I).h»r. -, Ylexan . 1 4 r AL Min i \n.ibre .e, Mrs. M irgarcf Hateinaii 11,. >|> v• v M \ • . Riddick. M, • 1 )oi*otliy ! ; l HH-hard. ,laniesvilb- Mrs. Nannie Sexton. (’jt-»\ -la lid. 'V ■>: Dr. M ofs ( New o Hill*. YV.ihfal Mi 1 • N\ ftp. Iym as Mi N-1:< v I; I Negro Fdentoir: Mary Rankin.-- Annie I I .outlier. j ('reswell. Margaret YVehh. Ag m*. \<*riiian. Tyner: I -‘uis, T/y h»r. Hertford: Ruth Bembry. Flrmra Lane. Dorothy LindseV. YY 1 miser: Sophie YY'illiams. Births |: ”'h; during the same period /wm Mr. mil Mrs. Durwood Tn j \is, I'denton. a daughter; Mr. and Mrv Ivdward Morgan, Kdenton. a son; S Sgt. ( ‘ah in llrown, Roißr 2. Kdenton. a sop; (‘pl. and Mrs. Law- I ivnce S, arb(*rry, Kdenton, a d nigh ter; Mr, and Mrs. Richard YY'ii Lam.;. Fderiton. a son; Mr*, and Mrs. 1 John L. Harrell. Kdenton. a son. j Y'i.siting niinis.h’rs for the week Jof November 21-27 are: White, j the Rev. Francis Smith; Negro, the Rev. K. S. Parker. TRY A HERALD CLASSIFIED THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDRNTON. NOJITH CAROLINA. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 195 K. Sing In “Hansel And Gretel” WPS* f \ M i C ATHERINE KRANTZIS I A mezzu suitruno from Waler hurv, Mina Catherine- Frant zis will sing the role of Hansel in the forthcoming production of (“Hansel And Gretel.” to he pre sented in the Elementary School auditorium Monday night, Decem l her .->. at 8 o’clock. “POST-MORTEM” Continued From Fage 1, Section 1 the burdens of the world was just I exhibiting on,, of the traits that makes him one of the best-liked ' and most respected coaches in the State. He simply hates to lose. Therefore, in his business, where nothing pays off hut a winner, he has geared himself to win. And, through application of his well taught knowledge, his past two teams have done him |>roud. Rut it all blew up Friday night. And there wasn’t •> dry eye that left the stadium on its way back to Kdenton. Coach Hillings gave a set of of ficials that he classed as “incompe tent.” credit for taking a lot of the fight out of his team and indirectly liiinging alxnit the circumstances that turned a 12-point lead into a .tn,* point defeat. He pointed out several instances of ouestionahle calls that brought on his classification of the refer ees. Two la yard penalties that nullified a touchdown and a 40- yard gain on a pass play did the trick in the first half. And then. Hillings says, the slow, faltering manner in which the officials kept the contest mnv ing hurt his players. He also f|uoi. ed ,inc "f his players as saying that Cary’s second touchdown wasn't .v.-alTy a touchdown at all. He said Classified Ads HAD BREATH, EVEN ONIONS! i Fse breath-taking OLAG Tooth Paste. At all drug stores. CROCHETING FOR SALE—BED spreads, dollies, potliolders, etc. Will take orders. Call 208-J or call at 207 East Eden Street WHITE MAN. FULLER BRUSH Company has established dealer ship open in Chowan County. No investment. To qualify, neat ap pearance, married, ear and desire and need for over SIOO per week. . Must he energetic and willing to work a full six-day week follow ing proven company plan. Write or phone immediately Mr. R. L. Grainger, 420 E. Atlantic St., : Emporia, Va. Phone 2032. Sept29tf HELP WANTED—MAN WANT ed for serving farm customers with Nationally Advertised mer chandise in nearby locality. Earn ings up to and over SIOO per week possible from the start. Should he over 25 years of age with ear or light truck. For further information write R. L. Collins. Watkins Fieldman, P. 0. Box No. 113, Goldsboro, N. C. N«v10,17,24c ' 1956 MODEL MOBILE HOMES NOW ON DISPLAY! LaSalle Saratoga, M-System, Great Lakes, Whitley and Indian Also Good Clean Used Models at Low Prices Complete Parts Store and Repair Shop. Hitch Welding—Trailer Re pairing. All Makes. Don’t Cuss! Call Us! HOBBS MOBILE HOMES 7842 Hampton Boulevard Norfolk, Va. Phone MA22831 and 101 Nunn Street Havelock, N. C. Phon e 2663 N0v10,17,24,Decl r • ' ■** JEPTIC TANKS PRE-CAST, concrete. Distribution boxes, pre. cast, concrete. Pre-cast concrete grease traps. Kennan A Corey Plumbing Co., 1111 North Oak** Street JanStfe i WILLIAM BECK A native of Wades boro, who is singing his fourth season with Grass Roots Opera William Beck will he heard in the role of “Fa ther" when “Hansel And Gretel” is presented in Edenton Monday night, December 5. The opera is sponsored by the Edenton PTA. that one of his defensive stand- . outs claimed that Cary was halt- , ed with about six inches to go for ] a touchdown on fourth down in the j third period. ; Hillings said that his player told i him that he had his hand on the ball, holding it at least six inches ' away from the Kdenton goal in the middle of a pileup that halted a Cary line plunge. He Said that the official covering tile play ordered the players to “get up”; instead of physically untangling the pileup tn correctly ascertain the position, of the. ball—a service usually per formed by more conscientious cials. Hillings says that his player said that upon hearing the official’s i comand to “get up”, he wriggled himself free from the pileup, con fident that the White Imps’ drive had been halted. But, to his, and several of the other Aces’ amaze ment, when the pileup was un tangled the hall was across the goal. The little coach said that this in stance took a lot of fight out of his hoys, and seconds later the play made it possible for Cary to go ahead when the game-winning point after touchdown wag made. Then, with the pressure of the ever-shortening time bearing down on them, thd Aces took the hall on their own 19, and drove to the Cary seven, where Edenton’s last march MONUMENTS where you SAVE the middle man’s profit. 405 S. Road Street, Elizabeth City, N. C. Dial 5995. J. Winton Sawyer MONUMENTS Authorized Dealer For ROCK of AGES MONUMENTS The World’s Finest FOR RENT—FRONT BEDROOM. Apply Mrs. Harry Broughton, 49 Church Street, Hertford, N. C, Nov 18,25 HELP WANTED MAN WITH tar to sell and deliver household supplies in Chowan County. Full time. Good earnings. Can also use part tim P man. Write Raw leigh’s, Dept. NCK-310-270, Rich mond, Va. N0v10,24p FOR SALE —6-Room house with garage. Heating unit. Call 682. “PLANT FRUIT TREES NOW. Enjoy Fresh Fruit from your own home orchard and grounds. Write for Free Copy 56-page Planting Guide Catalog in color. Complete assortment of most popular varieties of Fruit Trees, Berry Plants, Grape Vines, Nut Trees and Landscape Piant Ma terial, offered by Virginia’s Lar gest Growers. Salespeople want ed. WAYNESBORO NURSER IES, Waynesboro, Virginia.” N0v4,11,18,26 LOST—KEY CASE CONTAINING three keys and car license identi fication tag. Finder please re turn to The Chowan Herald and receive reward. Nov24,Declp 3-ROOM APARTMENT FOR rent. 202 West Queen Street. Contact after November 27th, phone 294-W. ltc BABY SITTER AVAILABLE FOR day or night. Call 2381, Mrs. El lie Goodwin, Hertford, N. C. Nov2s,Decl c of the 195 ft season fizzled. Quar- j terback Stuart Holland went down | under a pair of defenders when at- j tempting to pass, and all of Eden ton’s dreams of a second straight state championship went down with him. So, Billings and one of the fin est squads in Edenton’s history, came to a bitter ending of a very | I successful campaign. Flaying their last contest for Kdenton were Hol land, Tommy Bass, Wayn 0 Koeter, ! Al Ward, Clarence Lupton, Chan Wilson, Terry Bennett, Gary Dail, j Bobby Pratt and Larry Tyncli. “Wait ’til next year,” though, is a cry that can’t tie muffled in Edenton. Coach Hillings has the i nucleus of a good team returning and though it may not . veil ap proach his last two teams, you can bet that he will again make Kden ton proud of its football squad. All that will he lacking will hi a quarterback, a fullback and a couple of linemen, and Hillingswill probably find suitable replacements to again make Kdenton a contend er—at least in its own class. • Returning will be hacks Hobby 1 Ashley, Billy Bunch, Jerry D»wn- I uni, Ray Holiowelt and Bruce White; Ends Jack Bunch, John j Kramer, Wayne Emmihizcr and Sid j White; Tackles Jesse Copeland, | | Dave Fletcher, Don Roche and Dai , las Stallings; Guards Ralph Chap-1 pell, Carl Forehand, Hilly Hairy I and Richard Canipe, and Centers Eddie George, Sherwo.ul Harrell and Johnny Speight. Starters from this year’s team are Halfbacks . Hunch and Downum, Ends Kramer 1 and Emnunizer, Tackle Fletcher, j Guard Canipe, and Center Speight. So, mayb e as Coach Hillings was thoughtfully kicking, at,pebbles on the lawn beside the Kdenton school, his thoughts were turned toward the future, and days of victory in stead of remembering tin- defeat that broke the Aces’ hearts Friday j night at Greenville. ODD ACCIDENT FATAL ■i John Cooper, colored man work iiig at Hill Ferry’s Service Station, died Tuesday shortly after an odd accident. Cooper . bail-•■repaired, a tire for a truck and while inflat ing tile tire the rim flew off striking the mail, lie died short ly afterward, bakepj^ for a sugar-restricted diet with...^|^^A that adds deli- I4'f H calorie sweetness wNDMHBV without a trace of after-taste. Ask us for the new Improved Sucaryl recipe booklet. It contains dozens of calorie saving recipes tor sugar-restricted diets. Leggett & Davis DRUGGISTS Phone f>7 Kdenton rs ■ n l AUCTION SALE! Valuable Real Estate Located In Rocky Hock < ALL TRACTS OF LAND OWNED BY V. E. TYNCH and T. R. TYNCH Saturday, Dee. 3, 1955 ON PREMISES 1:00 P.M. * ABSOLUTE FINAL AUCTION Terms Cash , i v \ —Contact— V CAMPEN-SMITH C - AUCTIONS Phone 141 or 8 Edenton, N. C. 'Robert Harrell Gets ! Bachelor Os Divinity Degree April 27th The Rev. Robert S. Harrell, pas tor of Jersey Baptist Church, will complete hig work for the Bache lor of Divinity degree during the fall semester at Southeastern Bap tist. Theological Seminary at Wake Forest. Mr. Harrell is married to the former Miss Janie Mitchener of , Kdenton. They have one child, Sheryl Elizabeth, age 2. lie was ordained by the Thanks giving Baptist Churrh of Selma. | lie served as associate pastor of Tabernacle Baptist Church in Rich mond, Va., and as pastor of Thanksgiving Church in Richmond, Va., and as pastor of Thanksgiving Church in Selma. Harrell was graduated from Edenton High School in 1941 and received his AB degree from the University of Richmond in 19ft 1. He will receive his diploma at ] the third Southeastern Seminary commencement exercises scheduled for April 27, 1956. BAPTIST CIRCLE MEETINGS | The Circles of the Woman's Mis sionary Society of the Edenton | Baptist Church will meet at the FAST tfi < . .;-y All Make Sets Don't miss precious hours of TV entertainment. Our prompt, efficient service restores your set to peak performance in a jiffy.' Harmon & White TV-Radio Service PHONE 4—Edenton, N. C DANCING! Saturday Night... November 26th From 9 o’clock to Midnight American Legion Home U. S. Highway 17... South of Edenton MUSIC BY— GARLAND ABBOTT AND 5-PIECE COMBO From WTAR-TV Station, Norfolk following times and places: Ruby Daniels at the church Mon. day afternoon, November 28 at 8 o’clock; H. H. McMillan Circle at the home of Mrs. T. C. Cross, Sr„ Monday night, November 28, at 8 o’clock; Mary PoWell Circle at the home of Mrs. Grace Byrum Monday night, November 28 at 8 o'clock; Ola Lea Circle at the church Mon day night, November 28 at 7:30 o’clock; Anne Bagby Circle at home of Mrs. Emma Bunch day night, November 29, at o’clock; Vivian Nowell Circle at the home of Mrs. Corinne Thorud Tues day night, November 29 at 8 o’clock; E. L. Wells Circle at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Ashley, Tuesday night, November 29 at 8 o’clock. 0,000 i LEVER ' FAKES || :' |2 i 1 GIANT gZ A C 1 BLUE ECONOMY OT , I DETERGENT wil(l | coupon I LUX ’ s 0 * 59 c I II bVII 1 MONEY a I LIQUID SAVER | (detergent | MIX -19 1 J LllA 2 IATH IQc j 1 TOILET 117 II I SOAP wi,h I S coupon | LUX ’o:“S2i - ! LUA I money (ZAc | 1 SAVER Dt: 'I FLAKES .., h | | coupon i WWWWAI 'll'lll •■«: •••" >: • ::• > I P & Q* | SUPER MARKET