PAGE TWO SFGTTON ONE— Tuii CONSERVATION NEWS By JAMES H. GRIFFIN, Soil Conservationist The first V-type 'litoh in Chowan County was dug on NuK»h Topnin’s farm in Kooky Hock community last week. This ditch was dug by a special type dragline bucket and can only be ihnr for field ditches. This bucket has a 15-ineh bottom. »* by 1 s*ide slope‘and is about feet in height. With a by i side slope a ditch 3 fee: deep will h - feet across the top of the newly j dug ditch. One of 'he main com plaints of the drnalP e ditch among farmers, is that the ditches are too wide and costly t > he used to drain.j fields. This new type of ditch has I a narrow top width and the cost is , about 30 cents p. r "running yard." 1 Maynard Fleet wood is digging these ditches with Hs new dine line and the first ditch he cut cost about 28* g cents per linear yard. It is ltoped that wit it more exp.-ri cnee witJi the new bucket that tin cost can b** lowered some. Mr. ■ Fleetwood is working on John F. White’s farm in Paradise Commttni- ■ fv. By Thursday of this week hr should tie on WaMsnv Goodwin's i farm in l'artulise. Go hy and see •these V-type ditches. An estima tion of tile cost of these ditehf - can : be given to anyone desiring it. | ■ Come by the Soil Conservation Ser I 1 vice office in tile post office build ! • ,ng ter an estimation of your job. ! ■ A petition has “ been received i from the landowners on -Ooffield I Lane ditch- to help them: with a drainage project : n their communi ty. Coffi.eld i.ane ditch runs be [ side the paved road in Paradise from 11. V. Bass' land to the Green . Hall road and into Pembroke j Creek. A survey will In- made soon : on this project. A-I.atio group ditch survey, has been completed and the notes are at the SCS engineer's office for design and approval. A meet- ' ing can probably tv held very soon, i An engineer.■ survey was started I Monday on Middleton Swamp at Yeopim Road. This is a tv.t the mosquito control project. The Chowan County Soil Conser vation District supervisors have I agreed to furnish technical help to both the Town of Kdenton and to the Chowan County Commissionei on.; their mosquito .control projects. The Chowan Col' ’. Supervisors ! are Lloyd C. Bunch, R. H. Hollo-j r.-stt Trio A. Webh Jr An eh Town of Eden ton. motion for recommended improve- ■ Classified Ads BAD BREATH HOSES FRIENDS! Buy breath-taking 01.At’. Tooth Paste at the drug store. WANTED TO BUY -SilA I. L glass jars with tops. Will pay 3e each. Bring to 111 ) N. Oak um Street. " ltc FIVE-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT. Hot water heat; If bedrooms with shower hath. Located on West side of Mosley Street between Albemarle and Gale Apply 1111 N. Oakum Street. Hr LOST ONE HAND TRUER with rubber tires on Hertford Road between Wade Jordan's Service Station and Edenton. Finder call The Chowan Herald. Reward. Doric FOR SALE ARMSTRONG Up right piano. flood condition. May be seen at the home of Mrs. J. H. Haskett, Highway 17, North until December 9. ltc foFsale duE-therm oil heater. In good condition. See Hunter Jafkson. 106 West Eden Street. ltp CROCHETING FOR SALE—BED gpreads, dollies, potholders, etc. Will take orders. Call 208-J or call at 207 East Eden Street. LOST—KEY CASE CONTA TNT NO three keys and oar license identi fication tag. Finder please re turn to The Chowan Herald and receive reward. Nov24,Declp s4t>o MONTHLY SPARE TIME Refilling and collecting money from our five cent High Grade Nut machines in this area. No . selling! To qualify for work you must have ear, references, $4540 1 cash, secured by inventory. De voting 6 hours a week to busi ness, year end on percentage collections will net up to S4OO monthly with very good possibili ties of taking over full time. In corns increasing accordingly. For interview, include phone in ap plication. Write North Ameri can Nut Co, Inc., 27 William Stmt. New Yavk I, N. Y. ltpd meats wats given the Town Clerk last week. More work will bo done mi the project as needed. An en gineering survey was started on Middleton Creek Monday and should be completed in about a week. All the main creeks and stream, in the county have beep looked over for possible mosquito control work by the Soil Conserva- I Cun Service engineer and other i SCS personnel. Mosquito control ! work was ~ started on Pembroke Creek about three weeks ago. Lonnie Harrell has made com j conservation farm plans on j the three farms be is operating. 1 First, all the Land was mapped ac l cording to type and placed in land classes, The farm planner then walked over tile land w ith Mr. Bar rel and planned it according to its needs a.- shown by the land classi fication. Tile Was planned on part ot the land .While wildlife borders were planned IM--ide the woods A c omplete rotation was worked out returning as muc h vi getahlcs to the soil as possible each year. Cro tolaria was planned on some of the sandy soils as a soil building crop and cover crops wero planned for about two-thirds of the cropland, j Yew pasture was planned on -one of the wetter bottoms. These are sniue of the things that ate plan neii in the complete ei.nsi nation farm plan. Six inch, tile can be bollght for , 14 * a cents per : foot delivered to the farm by truck. A truck load ■ is 2.000 feet but more than. one I order can lie placed on one truck j provided the farmers desire this j arrangement. Each farmer will get delivery on his farm as if he has [a truck load of tile. It is planned , to get a tile machine in the county if enough farmers are interested in ' tile. It is necessary that the Soil j Conservation service personnel I know your plans to get the tile , machine and the file. Tile is ap proved for ACP payment during 1956. Let’s make our plans now and begin work on tile tile. We f need it here I _ THANKSGIVING C.VESTS Mrs. J. \. Smith of Rocky ! Mount, Mr, and Mrs. William Good j.vvin of Hampton, Va., Mr. and; Mrs. R. L. Perkins and children of Toms , -• r r o-a c. f Billvt - -ft * l "’ ho'li- I days, as guests of Mr. and Mrs. W I W. Porter. ■ FOR RENT - F I’ K NISH E D i a part mint. Four rooms and • hath. Phone 79-J, ltc FOR RENT 2-ROOM APART mcnt. 206 S. Oakum St. lie WHITE MAN. FULLER BRUSH Company has established dealer ship open in Chowan County. No investment. : To qualify, neat ap pearance, married, car and desire , [ and need for over SIOO per week. Must he energetic and willing to . j work a full six-day week follow ing proven company plan. Write or phone immediately Mr. R. 1,. I Grainger, 420 E. Atlantic St., 1 Emporia, Va. Phone 20112. Sept29tf 19.76 MODEL MOBILE HOMES NOW ON DISPLAY! LaSalle Saratoga, M-System, Great Lakes, Whitley and Indian Also Good Clean Used Models at Low Prices Complete Parts Store and Repair Shop. Hitch Welding—Trailer Re pairing. All Makes. Don't Cuss! Call Us! HOBBS MOBILE HOMES 7842 Hampton Boulevard Norfolk, Va. Phone and 101 Nunn Street Havelock, N. C. PHon e 2561 NovlO, 17,24,Dec 1 SEPTIC TANKS PRE-CAST, concrete. Distribution boxes, pre cast, concrete. Pre-cast concrete, grease traps. Kennan & Corey I Plumbing Co, 1111 North Oakum Street. Jan6tfc I I . .. - ...» MONUMENTS where you SAVE the middle man’s profit. 405 S. Road Street, Elizabeth City, , N. C. Dial 5995. J. Wmton Sawyer MONUMENTS Authorised Dealer For ROCK of AGES MONUMENTS Ilia World's Finest THE CHOWAN HERALD. EDENTON. NOll Hi CAROLINA, THURSDAY DECEMBER 1, 1955. - I ■. - . W ■ ■ - 1 ' . - J _■*!. Superior Court Gets Started Day I^ate Continued From Page 1. Section I • tween indictments and present ments and the method of acting on ( each. About presentments, he said it is almost impossible for the law to be violated without sonte mem ber of the grand jury knowing j •omething about it and that it is the duty of a juror to report it. In this connection he also emphasized the .'importance of absolute secrecy of what transpires in the grand jury deliberations, amt that noth ing should be divulged after leav ing the grand jury room. He'told the grand jury that the Statutes provide for an inspection j of the county home and jail, hut ( while It is not ma.idatory, the cus tom is also to inspect all county affairs as wet! as chool buses, Wiviji! the grand jury was con sidering hills of indictment Judge Fountain dissolved a restraining or der preventing it. VV. Evans its, president of the Kdenton YVneer, Mil! >; gom hiring employees due to, non-payment of social security pay ments. The dissolution of the re straining order was dependent upon Mr, Evans paying the sum of sl,- 00(1 at once to ht applied to <3,- •is 1.72 delinquent social security payments and his 'willingness and | ability to pay current contributions and >4OO per month on the unpaid delinquent aiHount, In addition he was ordered to pay court costs and ~' reminded that if he fails to make monthly payments the restraining order w ill he in full force and vs- - feet. The. first case tried involved Willi, Morris. John .stallings, John Hardy, Moses Wilder and Dap Bond, charged with stealing hogs from the farm of West Hyrtfm. Each was sentenced to four months on the roads, suspended upon pay ing court costs aiid SI.2P each to Raleigh Leary, as well as showing good behaviour for two years. On another charge of hog steal ■ iog Stallings and Wilder were found not guilty, hut the other three were sentenced to three months, suspended upon paying court costs and $10.75 to Desoto Hurdle. They must also show good tiehaviour tor two years. George Welch was found guilty of drunken driving, reckless driv ing. possession of non-tax-paid whiskey and transporting. He pleaded not guilty, but at the con clusion of the state's evidence he entered a plea of guilty. He was sentenced to six months on the roads, suspended upon payment of , i.e slf,u, court costs and good behaviour for tw..| vi-ars. lie is also forbidden to op erate a motor vehicle until lie ha i eceived a valid license. It. D. Albertson pleaded guilty to writing a worthless check, hut Judge Fountain had not passed sen. pence up to recessing court Tues day. Joe F. Brower. Jr,, pleaded not guilty to a charge of drunken driv ing and this case was being tried when court recessed late Tuesday afternoon. , During thp day true hills were lettirned hy the grand jury, hut had not reached trial Tuesday, for the following: Bruce Hines, charged with gamb ling, assaulting a police officer, re sisting arrest and assault. Cooper Mullens Nowell, forging a name on a check and cashing it. William Burke, resisting arrest. I .in wood Riddick, assaulting a police officer and resisting arrest. Mary Elizalieth Orgain. resisting and ohstucting a police officer. Preston Woodard, armed robbery. Henry Hill, armed robbery. Willima W. Lilly, non-support of an illegitimate child. Three divorces were granted as follows: Emma S. Holjy from William T. Holly. Maurice Bonds Blanchard from Willie Blanchard. Lemuel Harrison from Lillie E. Lamb Harrison. Soil Conservation Supervisor Election Continued From Page 1, Section 1 The District program is formu lated by these supervisors and the work they want is what is done in the district. The Albemarle Dis- I trict is composed of Currituck, Pas ! quotank, Camden, Perquimans and Chowan counties, all in the north eastern part of the State. Chowan County Supervisors now are L. C. Bunch, chairman of the Albemarle District Supervisors and chairman of the Chowan County su. pervisors; R. H. Hollowed, vice chairman of the Chowan County Supervisors and J. A. Webb, Jr. All are urged to vote during the week of December 5-10 for the candidate of their choice for coun ty supervisor for the next three ye(R. Marines Plan To Play Benefit Football Game Continued From Page 1. Section I is expected to play, hut will miss valuable 'practice- t-mo IsTore the garni. The .champions' workouts have been built -around Quarterback Ken j Kite's passes, mostly to End Gene! 1 Cord irk, the league's top scorer. * Scouts front several colleges arc expected to he in the stands to look over some of the lads who will soon he discharged and will be j looking for college scholarships. I Another YMA 225 playi r will probably miss the game because ! of an injury. Fred Sherm. a 180- pouml defensive end, suffered a j badly sprained ankle in the Flying j Eagles’ last game, of the season, and isn't expected to play. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Lieut, and Mrs. George T. Ror rer. Jr., announce, the birth of a I nine-pound, four-ounce daughter. Vannessa Gale Rorrer, Loin at tin- , I". S. Naval Hospital, in Ports- | mouth Sunday afternoon. N, •.em ber 27. at 4 o’clock. 1 IDKI.IS CU B HOLDS NEXT MEETING, TFESDAV, DEC. 6 The m xt meeting of the Fidel is NCO Wives' Club Mill he held Tuesday, December fk In the game room of th. Staff NCO Club. All,: members are urged >o::ittoii<L .. -j jy. "*'* <f|l W OlVlMfi iASVWAY! w i+h \ FREE 8L SAV-A-TAPE L PREMIUMS [ LOW L FOODPRICES, NATIONAL .jot; W WEEKEND f SPECIALS 1 IN EVERY 1 | DEPARTMENT i Ik, PLUS EVERYDAY .M mm afr Icq ton ial «Jv»i "jgALLi I » i l ■ your tota l food bill is less WH E ist YOU SHOP AT c s I Plans Considered For March Os Dimes I (Contimieu from Page Owe) l in the various counties to raise funds for the March of Dimes, In cluded among this year's ways of 1 raising money are the Mothers’ I March on January 2(1, selling pc:-, j nuts for polio on January 21, sc.l-1 ing pop corn on January 20, sell- ' ing blue crutches on January 7, load blocks and \ riou.s other ac , tivitii r ligured to raise funds. Os lourse in Chowan County, the | principal method used will be a house-to-house . anvas.s. The Jay > cees are vviy much enthus< d over | the drive and are hoping Chowan | County will again this year make a substantial contribution. Boy Scouts Camp At Camp Forehand Fifteen members of Boy Scout Troop No, 156 spent Saturday and Sunday at Camp Forehand .near Handoti. They were accompanied | by Scoutmaster Jiick Habit arid As. si-taut Scoutmaster Horace White i and while in camp the hoys worked on advancement. I ID El. IS l 1.l B CAKE S \I.E Sponsored by the Fidelis NCO Wives’ Club, a cake sale will he held Tuesday, December ii. The sale will la- held in the Albemarle j room of the Dost Exchange. o. 1. CHOtCI RU CUI |r _ NU« TRIPMMB Ml ' «• *' O*"* s ROUND Slßt-OIN i t-BOHE | , STEAK I STEAK | ST EAK ! ib. 69c | ib. 79c tb. 83c | " NATUR TENDER U S. CHOICE—BONELESS SHOULDER ROAST -59 c , SIRLOIN STEAKS tb 49c IDEAL COMPANY ROAST—BUDGET BEEF 7 INCH RIB ROAST .... le 45c TREAT tOUR FAMILY —BUDGET BEEF BONELESS SHOULDER ROAST u>. 49c GRAND FOR MEAT PIES OR STEWS—PLATE 30NE IN STEWING BEEF u, 15c IDEAL FOR PATTIES OR LOAF FRESH GROUND BEEF . . . le. 29c | toiiMui store_s_|| armOUR FRANKS lb 41c t "ShoppSLh, StofipSAA,” j SPECIAL UOW PRICE! TRY A TUNA SALAD WITH CHUNK STYLE .STARKIST CHUNK TUNA 32c W SPECIAL LOW PRICE! CAN YOU BAKE A CHERRY PIE? CS PITTED ICS RED-SOUR CHERRIES ... 2 a? 41c W SPECIAL LOW PRICE! KIDS WILL REALLY LOVE AMERICAN l STRAWBERRY PRESERVES .... it 25c SPECIAL LOW PRICE! FRESH TROPICAL GOODNESS—CS BRAND j GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 2 us 39c / U. S. NO. 1 WHITE POTATOES i I0 k 254 TENDER HOME GROWN HANOVER TURNIP SALAD . . 3 u>, 25c SWEET JUICY CAIFORNIA , D ANJOU PEARS . 2 U, 25c Sovsl on. Joodi, DULANY CHOPBBD DULANY FROZEN SPINACH 285 33c BROCCOLI . 27c DULANY YELLOW DULANY GREEN L SQUASH . . u rC- 22c BABY LIMAS 27c R DULANY CANNED SWEET DOLE MNBAFM.E * POTATOES . 'k? 29c JUICE . . 2 Jr. 35e DULANY BABY WHOLE DOLE PINEAPPLE PPm OKRA .. . %;■ 25c CHUNKS . . 25c ! Masonic Christmas - Party December 14th Masons and Fastern Star mem bers will hold their annual Christ- j mas party in the dining room of the Masonic Temple Wednesday I night, December 14, beginning tit 7 I : o'clock, ! The party is for Masons and j Eastern Star members. However, | wives of Masons amt their daugh ters-and iiushands of Eastern Star members who are not Masons are also invited to attend. Ernest Kehayes is chairman of the Christmas party committee and requests all who intend to attend to notify him at once. VISIT SICK MAN Mrs. B. G. Willis and her second J grade children paid a visit to D. H. Idles on Thanksgiving eve, when they sang favorite Thanks giving songs and presented him a 1 gift of fruit. Mr. Liles has lieeii confined to his bed for three years and three months and the visit on the part of the youngsters cheered him con siderably. BIRTH VNNOFNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. William Henry Gardner. Jr., of Durham. N. C.. an- i tiotntce the birth of a second son. John Alston, born Friday, Novem-| her 25, at Duke Hospital. ROTA RIANS MEET TODAY | Edenton Rotarians will meet this | (Thursday) afternoon at 1 o’clock | in the I’arish House. The program | j will lie in charge of Jack Mooney and President Gerald James urges [ another 100 per cent attendance. _ lL _ r _. | _ fXru - u - xrtfvr - i-i. _ru-»j-u .-■-^i—i- -r- —r- ■ NCAA FOOTBALL-TV • Duke vs: Carolina Nationally Televised Game of the Week Saturday, Dec. 3rd ; TUNE IN WITN CHANNEL 7 CO-SPONSORED |wULF| GULF OIL CORPORATION AS ADVERTISED IN COLONIAL S TV SHOW "THE GREAT GILDERSLEEVE" GORTON'S FROZEN FISH STICKS V 39c Time to sove € PrMtcr I Gamble's 58c Miracle Sbortemaa SOCIETY MEETING | The Woman’s Missionary Society l of the Edenton Baptist Church will meet at the church Monday af ternoon. December 5, at .3:30 1 o’clock. Mrs. C. W. Oveman, pres. ! idem, urges a good attendance.

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