PAGE TWO section two- SENATOR r'N { SAM ERVIN sHA I * SAYS * r '% Washington—This in to thank, the reporters who represent North] Carolina in Washington for their' rtness and fairness. Press Conference Several days ago, it was met rary for me- to return to Washing ton for meetings of the Salmon' miner- on Inustig.Uiotis. 1 drove! to Washington from f loldsbol'v j where J had tin- pleasure of speak j ing to the North Ctiroliiiu .layv'e . ; Upon my arrival m (he Senate ft lice Building, I four.-' • ‘lie re ’sorters were calling. The Sid- j -. k'e a/.t'- X chased -hu'nch of thu'iiueh- ] heeds, but 1 enjoyed ■. eiuti the I .reporters. j Fortunate Qur country is fortuna; Iced ‘ o have alert c.u'ivs.peniii ia . who ' "ow how to go after n . story and -ho have the freedom t" repor t it. T have been impressed with tie aggressiveness and fairness of re -’oi-tbrs. As any public official ■"••9. trained reporters in virtual - -r- instance gte securing the ts and have -. a ulterior motiv They pull no punches, but -ii is rr freshing to meet with them ami to enjoy their stories :in,d phserv:: - ticinSj and to know how carefully informed they must be on so many subjects. A Few Questions Imagine your answers to such questions as. these, considering the fact that you are a candidate your self, and how easily misunderstood •’no can be in politic:,'.’ Will Esienhower run again ? Can the Democrats win in 1950'.’ What is your solution fp tin farm problem ? Who are you supporting for President If Eisenhower does.not run. who will be the strongest Reputd. can enndidate ? In fairness to the reporters anti the people, these questions require ones’ nn-wers or a frank adtnis >'3 -nt. the a-hington to. return to North Carolina, I remembered one thing—l miss; these reporters, I hope to see. a lot of them, wheti. 1 return in January. And I might turn .the tables-and ask a few questions of my own of them, namely: Will Eisenhow er run again ? Can the Ilehioerats . win in 1:956? What is. your solu tion to the farm pro 1.1 ein ? Etc. < It would be interesting to 1 know their answers? Too swift arrives as tardy Sf- tUt/.j slow. —Shakespeare j I THE BEST DEAL ON WHEELS I I RIDE TRAILWAYS 1 I t,THRU-LINERSjm iiB -- SH W _~P%PP ■<* •* ' '-’■"Si TIME SAVING TRIPS I FROM EDENTON TO: 1-way ASHEVILLE.. $10.20 3 DEPARTURES DAILY NORFOLK $ 1.90 6 ROUND TRIPS DAILY ATLANTA,GA $11.40 3 TRIPS. ONLY 1 CHANGE iJNROUTE (plua «*) ASK ABOUT TRAILWAYS independently planned • Vacation Tours. EDENTON BUS TERMINAL 322 S. BROAD ST. PHONE 186 ...I J 1e " x j Weekly Devotional Column By JAMES MacKRNZIE Sin.’, of the Spirit are far great el- ill. tile sight i*f. God lllfll.l sins, of the flesh. Foi’ I'XU-ltlple, pride j is a greater Silt than adultery, liii-. j lied is a greater sin than tmirdev. j I envy iji a greater sin than -tcalth.j ’ -so.-sip ie ae r> ati si- (ran drunk • an» --s, and biasphetny is the great I I est sin of all I Just a.; the desires of the flesh 1 - . . ~. .... i- j- .g,. ... .... 1 -nigs ». nien pro a! out..'of j 1 the mouth collie forth from the I ■'heart-.-.','. ” ( Mat* her 1 >: t H). I"; I warn us, olir BlesSi-tl 1 .Old -aid. i "That every idle ward t hat men j shall ; speak, .they shall sci\• a.- : count thereof in, the day: of iudg uii-nt," (Matthew U! fit.) Aiming the idle, words for. which: 1 ivt' sliaH, 'have give ;i 11 .a,-count - are surely tie- «• rd of : • -,n ml 1 -laiider w. Use' so readdy. Shir-I 1 •is f is the effort of 1 ■ mail pett,\ mind to d. fame tin’s "In tru-trate ; ..j,-. Slander is "ii ? .tin deyil’S 1 favorite weapons II and.jijs clul • lin 11 use it agni; ,t •• ml :il who 1 dare stand." in the: v,ay, of. their' - hell’s'll scheme . Thv (Tvyistian 1 who find , hima' il' tin- of ; hack biting atul 'larder may wail ! tejoice. for tile is .-videiKa. h. is 1 in the Will of Cod The person; l Will I indulges 111 shili'h I' I "V.■ -luViild seriously • 111. u.e l.e !.• art. arid he well may 0. guipy of hatn-d and fateeiibod..and lie wdl cCrtainly • h.-tvi- to give all account .of-li-e cult 1 ardl.y condui 1 before ... Holy audit RightebUj Cod, . I Far vorse that 1 . ml g. : sip, how'cla r, 1- (lie f profalii. 1 i; ty, h sometiiii'-s-fi el. " . ill) Ilf I1 ' |c:.ii/e 1 1 oW -crioli. ! Is to take I : tlie name of ton! in vam A . ord- 1 . inc to the Script this is the] ■worst sin we may possibly com j • mu. Only after the command j "Thou shall not take the name of j, the Lord Thy God in vain," are added the awful words of warning, J "For the Lord will : not hold him : uilth ss that takf th ILs name in vain,” .Testis had sympathy ami j compassion ter all manner of .in , . iters, hut. only ,-t::ram. words of re- I ! i.uke for those \vllo were guilty of blasphemy. I e the Old Testai ept this sm is pumsimtiip de.iia by \ • tolling. Ye.;- how flippantly Midi matter-id' f.V'tl.v w-- use 'be pre- !.' ! clous name of Cod. I"A’ n prufi ss. i • lag 1 'hristiate . not reali'/itU'' '-.iia! I they -ay. use phi ses like "L"i'd ] ; hqvi. niercy.," "uii my Lord;" and j I "idi my God ” I j Nor is it tiece. sary to speak.with ] ~ cX;c:-. v %v j * 4 -.; ‘ v * "SCISSORS BRlDGt”—Tilt* Army's n»*v% M4O Arniurt*d Vehicle Launched Bridge, photoßraphed v,title beiriß by the 17th Armored Lnßineer Battalion in Germany, is capable of spanning t i,U feet and carrying a 60*ton load. Mounted on an M 46 tank chassis, the bridge is operated by by- J draulic cylinders which launch it over a gap. One soldier ran set it up in five minutes. our lips to take th»* name <>l (Jod in vain. When an iiuiivUiual joins a ehureh, ami professes t.’hrist, lo ta kes to hi'mself, tlie name <.f Christ: t<» live a life ul fi fr to take that name* in ain. Hy the same token, art oreani/atu >ii that makes sunn- pjvtense <>!' relipion, ami i; '»• - prayer hi • ritual, tai.-v j tin- name of < »<*< 1 irf \u in \v lien if v]ponsois art iv *t it s. t liat are unf'hri - ! t uni. o.r allows thine* < to be dene in it.s reini Im r nieetitm- that make a meukt lyes the jirayei - that open ' tin-m. Ir i. of such the \V-»r honor it both oiir -.words and j hy iilli‘ li\ e>- I'hnu '-lialf lin.t take the name of the I.ord thy Cod in. vain if you haw taken name as- your own. yuaid that y*>u take it not in vain. PRESTON WRIGHT IN KOREA Airman Thi*d Class Pro ton Wright, son of Mi W J Wright of Edenton, was recently assifened to the f>Bth Fi^liter Bomber Wing a Korea based unit es the Fifth An . Force Airman \\ i a. lit at tended Hmh SehooJ. enlisted in the Air Force in« inher, IP.VI. Presently he is a member of a unit whose mission in the Fasti is votnhat readiness and air (|efV*n>»> against. pos was held fit the ( hoiiH- »>l Mr. ami Mrs. Harry E*-«* f. Sjiiiii.l in Hurt ford on Thajiksgriv- I ing Day, which was featured hy a , um fit uii >u> ilimu-i. , j Thost* priM-nt for the occasion i wui'u: Mr. ami Mr.', .less** Spin ill, Douyrlas S|)ruill and Mrs. Charlie • Lane of Fdentrm, Mrs. Dale Kvjms 1 and daughter Sharon Dale of Ta coma. Washington, Mr. and Mrs. j* Davy Akisoii and two sons Stevie land Stuart of Norfolk, and Miss ! Marie Fhaloe of C'n-sYvell. she Final Straw 1 Tin* now warden of the prison | was findintr it difficult to tfot a | telephone call thro up’ll to a friend jua the outside. Exasperated, he \ si ion fed to -the operator: “My dear younp lady, do you know win* 1 am?" “Vo,” cattle the sweet -reply, | "hut I know where you are.” | VWWV«^VVVVWVVVW>A^WVVVV»^g^' ( • tRD’S JART 15 PINTS 60 STRAIGHT APPLE BRANDY LAIRD AND COMPANY N,rth Garden. Il SrobtylU, N. 1 1 ■ llll Ji.=,‘l I MAKE EVERY DAY t-PPAY "Hold it, Herkimer S-D Day means to walk safely, too!" December Losses An Important Item In Year’s Fire Record Estimated fire losses in the Unit ed States for the first nine months of 1955 amounted tu $66k,l the National Board nl' File Und'T | writers has reported. This figure is O.J per cent above lueses for the rorrehp"ii(iinp nine months of 1954. How the total 1:955 fiiy- losses will compare with 1954’s .*87(1.9X1, 000 depends to a grt'at extent uii the losses recorded in December - always one of the Worst, month; fur fires because, of the fact' that three tyjies of hazards are present. ! I.EI.AND STANFORD I “l believe that most men who disagree never j have tried to understand j one another. The greatest fruit of understanding is cooperation.’' WE study to encompass tile real needs of each occasion. We arrange all details with j harmony and the service oc casions respect. WILUFORQ • FPFNTON. N C. l S THE HOME. 4 7U£ AiBEMARLL \mutual Burial association tyfen/itoty i YEARS’OLD I GEO.A.DICKELS I y/''' KENTUCKY I straight bourbon I WHISKY I II lOTTUO »Y j| CEO A DICKEL DISTILLING COMPANY ID It MNTUCICT II •EO. A DICKEL DHT. CO., LOUISVILLE. KY. • 86 PROOF ——— ■ . . } Types of Hazards | ' 1. Year-round hazards. Matches j | smoking and misuse of electricity j , head this list. 1; 2. Winter ha*ards principally | space beaters, heating systems and opi n fires. 11. Special holiday hazards- ill" I Christmas tree in particular. Such a combination, coming ala i time of year when had driving con | dit ions in many parts of the emin-1 try may delay the arrival of tin | fin- department, requires jjtrict oh- : servance of commoii s'-nse safety I precautions t<> guard against tl t ijiithreak of fire. A C ORRECTION' °* ■"* 1 | In lust v.’ivk's ift i.tlcl it w:i stnt 1 »'»| *th:tt tin* staff,.of thf Ft tii* m.. , Rußionnl l.ihrai'y . 1 11* n*!«•«I ii . mi'Ptinir of the North F:n"lin.t .NY | yro l.rlirai’y A scoria thin .held rn * Charlotte . Miss Hattie- .h’ll.iii . Ii j bra flan of ttrown-Carv,.| lilnu*. * was the* only om* fiN)rn Kdruton to; Attend this ftu eting I Y t fl of j the Pettigivw Re’rional l.ihrari tt te-ndui) the* N«»ttli Caio iria I ihi.ii\ Association which was hyld if» fit •* Point. From rmu on, ih'-iv tvili l»t» «-n** St.ite* l.ihrai '. A i’lfiat >" "ii" to act ion taken hy theA’linu ie-a.n Library Asaociatioii. Tin* North I-, V