This is the Law By KOIiKKT E. LEE (Fur the N. (’, Bar Association) Farm Animals Mary Riley took onto her prem ises a brood of turkeys she found on a public road in a mistaken be- Biof that they belonged to In r. She was later notified that they be longed to John McDaniel, After such notification, she put them back on the public road. McDaniel was never able to locate his tur keys. May McDaniel recover from Mary Kiley a judgment for the value of the turkeys? Yes. Mary was not legally ob ligated to remove the turkeys from the dangers of the highway, hut once she did so she acquired pos-, = session of the turkeys; and became what we call in law a “bailee”, and as such she could not negli gently dispose of the turkeys. The ! replacing of the turkeys on the ! highway was a negligent act on the j part of Mary, No one is required to take, af firmative steps to save the person , or property of another from in jury. Our law does not require any one to assume the role of the Good Samaritan. But if an indi vidual does undertake the duty of ! the Good Samaritan, he becomes li able for the negligent manner ill i which he carries out his actions. Green discovered a stray horse in his garden. He immediately drove the horse into the street at (he most convenient place. The horse was subsequently killed by.i . gives you a • 1 SSSTA-i^ Thermo-Base units offer you true heating comfort . . . warm floors, worm walls and uniform tem perature throughout the house . . . PIUS a constant circulation of air that's j I humified and filtered ... its the ideal system for AIR CONDITIONING as well Oft heating. Thermo-Base units are as inconspicuous as wooden baseboards . . . harmonize with any type room decoration. i —PLAN NOW!-—- j t# enjoy luxurious warm air I comfort. COME IN TODAY and let us explain the System! Edenton Ice Co., Inc. PHONE 47 —ill , WWVW>C v</ * ■ “IMAGINE! Jv^ I station-to-station J* ■/ I//L/ we can MAKE / 8 THREE CALLS FOR AV jggjr'' /I ‘ r THE PRICE OF TWO” / /|| 11 Station-to-station long distance service is so thrifty—especially after 6 p.m. or all day Sunday. ‘j So on your next long distance call just tell the N operator you’ll talk with anyone who answers. e . That way you can actually make three calls for the price of two. |J >o Norf. & Car. Tel. & Tel. Co. n itNOINNMNf 1 Elizabeth City . Edenton . Hertford ylWp' Manteo . Sunbury "DATE” WITH DESTINY —Gen. Pierre Boyer de Latour, newly appointed resident general of French Morocco, accepts the tradi tional Arabian offering of dates and milk as a sign of hospitality as he visits Oued Zem, scene of a recent bloody uprising of Berber tribesmen. He replaces Gilbert Grandval as France attempts to r »ol seething unrest in North Africa the driver of a truck ,some miles a*\'ay. May Brown the owner of tlie horse. ivToy* r the value of the hois* i iom (ireen? N'o. (Ire* n neve/ assumed eus- I: tody or possession of the horse. He got rid of the animal as soon as lie saw it on his land. There was no conduct on his part indicating 1 that In* intended tp -.take possession [of the horse. He never became a 1 “bailee” <<Tthe pniperty* Smith’s cow has * sen pod f rom an enclosed pasture. Smith is of the JU r JOE THOKI.D SAYS: JL Guard your home and your business with Nationwide’s extended coverage insurance. Cash value security at low cost. Don’t delay it today. Tonight may be too late. Call— JOE THORUI) 201 Bankrof Edenton Bldg. P. O. Box 504 PHONE 175-W I IATIONWIDE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY *.v* HOMI o**'C» • COIUMSUS OHIO *■»«<-’ ... s i opinion that the cow can be found f | on the land of Jones, hut Jones has * j forbidden him to set foot on his J land. What can Smith do? -1 It is a criminal offense for a . person to enter upon the land of ■; another after he has been forlml ? den t“ do so. f Smith should make a written af i fidavit before a justice of the peace; i that a specially: described cow of liis has strayed away, and that bed has good reason to believe that it i is now on the land of Jones. If he A^VWW~W/«/WWWWVWV>JVWVX' Legal Notices NOTICE OF SALE OF CHATTEL PROPERTY ! Th(> undersigned will offer at . pubtii' sale for cash in the high est .Judder, lit the residence ad' Mr. Baker Boyei on the S. E. Morris- | Shiinnoiihousi- Farm hiealed iin the l". S, Highway 17 between Kilen- I ton. X. and Hertford X. a 1 11:00 A. M.. oil Dceelilher S. !0.7.7. tin- following chattel |iri|icrty own ed by the late S. K. Morris at the time of his death: 1 Karmall ”0” I’raetor. With mid. ' die busters and cultivator at tachments for same t I 1 Disk Harrow j 1 Goodrich IV;,unit Digger I ! Cart and Wheels and sundry farming implements and uten sils . VIRGIE G. MORRIS AND WILLIAM S. MORRIS, Executors of.. Estate of S. E. Morris Ite AI) MIN ISTR ATOIFS NOTICE Having qualified as Administra tor of the estate of Corinne B. Siti son, deceased, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all. persons having claims against the estate of said rieeeased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Edenton. North Carolina, on or before the 24th day of November, • 1956, or this notice will lie pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per- I sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. . j Thjs 24th dav of November. 1955. I SHELTON W. MOORE, Administrator of Corinne I B. Sitison Estate. Nov 24,Dec 1,8.15,22,29 c I ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE I Having qualified as Administra- I •trix of the estate of Esther Harris, I deceased. Tate of Chowan County. I North Carolina, this is to notify all: I persons having claims against the I estate of said deceased to exhibit I them to the undersigned at Edeii- ), ton. North Carolina, on or before | the I.7th day of November, 195(1, or | this notice will lie pleaded in bar I of their recovery. All persons in- I debted to said estate will please I make immediate payment. This ITtli (lav of November. 1955. 1 BESSIE BLOUNT WALTON, g Administratrix of Esther Harris Estate. Nov 17.24,Dec 1.8,15,22 c I North Carolina, Chowan County. NOTICE The undersigned, having quali- I tied as administrator, C.T.A.D.Ii.N. I of the Estate of Mrs. Claude Wood- I ard Norman, deceased, late of Clio- I wan County, North Carolina, this I is to notify all persons having I claims against said estate to pro- I sent them to the undersigned on H or before November 19. 1959, or H this notice will be pleaded in bar I of their recovery. All persons in- m debted to said estate will please ■ make immediate payment to the ■ undersigned. This 10th dav of November, 1955. M ERNEST W. LEARY, ■ Administrator, C.T.A.D.Ii.N. ’I Os Mrs. Claude Woodard B Norman Estate. Edenton, N. C. N0v10,17,24,Dee1,8,15e B NOTICE OF EXECUTOR fl Having qualified as Executor of B the estate of C. D. Hollowed, de- B ceased, late of Chowan County, fl North Carolina, this is to notify.all B persons having claims against the K state "f (Said deceased to exhibit H them to the undersigned at Eden- H ton, North Carolina, on or before B the 19th day of October, 195 G, or ; fl this notice will be pleaded jn bnrjß if their recovery. All persons in- B iebted to said estate will please -B make immediate payment. jfl This 19th day of October, 1955. I sl W ELDON A. ■ HOLLOWELL, fl Executor of Estate of fl C. D. Hollowell JtICV.Nf TIC.D-'CDtclcWsVa THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON. NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 1. 195,5 [does this, thi' justice of the peace may, in his discretion, allow Smith to enter on the premises of Jones with one or more servants, with out firearms, is the daytime, for the purpose of making a search for the cow. White has expressly forbidden Black from entering upon any land that he owns. White has leased a portion of his land to Brown. May Black enter upon the land Housed | to Brown with the permission of Brown? Yes. In the absence of any re strictions upon his tenancy, Brown has the exclusive right to control the possession of the land lie has leased and to determine who shall lie permitted to come upon it. Black is violating no law if he en ters, with the Consent of Brown, that portion of the land leased to ( Brown. Landscaping- Makes Our Highways Safer Landscaping and planting of roadsides to make them safer; quieter and more beautiful is, fa vored by practically all motorists, according to the American Asso ciation Os Nurserymen. Roadside plantings, while beau- I AT THIS TIME QF THE YEAR WE FIND OUR USED CAR LOT OVER-STOCKED DUE TO THE I SALES OF THE NEW ’56 MODEL CADILLACS, BUICKS, OLDSMOBILES AND PON TI ACS... WE SELL RELIABLE USED CARS Want an exceptional buy in a finer used ear? See Us! From now ’til December 31 is your chance to buy a better car at a lower cost to you. These are fine ears, many have been traded in on the fabulous 1956 model CADILLACS, BUICKS, OLDSMOBILES AND PONTI ACS ... Come take a look! HERE ARE A FEW of OUR OUTSTANDING VALUES! 1 1953 OLDSMOBILE Super “«S(S” 2-door sedan. Fully etiuippcd; extra clean, one owner. I 1953 (’HEVROLET “150” 1-door sedan. Heater, del roster ; extra clean, one owner ear. 1 1953 PONTIAC “8” Chieftain deluxe 2-door sedan. Fully equipped: one owner. Very low mileage. 1953 FORD “V-8” Customline 4-door sedan. Two-tone paint, while wall tires, tinted glass, Fonlomatic transmission; one owner car with low mileage. 1953 CHEVROLET “210” 4-door sedan. Fxtra clean, one owner. I 1953 CHEVROLET lielair 2-door sedan. Radio and heater. One-owner car. 1953 DESOTO Firedome Club Coupe. Two-tone grey; fully equipped. One owner; very clean and a low .mileage one. 1953 FORD “V-8” Crestline Victorian Coupe. One owner; extra clean. 1953 OLDSMOBILE “88” 2-door sedan. Fully equipped. One owner. Very good condition. A real bargain! I FOR BETTER USED CARS COME TO I Chas. H. Jenkins Motor Co, Inc. I 105-109 E. Queen Street Phone 147 Edenton, N. C. I r— —1 I MAKE EVERY DAY S-P PAY I “Let’s give it an overhaul < . we want it in tiptop shape for S-D Day!” - 1 tiful, also should ho functional in purpose, it is said. I’roperly plan ned plantings screen out noise ami j dust ami other distractions, (leaden j traffic noises, make highways | quieter. Planted dividing strips j f; between opposing traffic lanes cut j : . dowti glare .and serve as directional j - guides. Certain types of shrubs., . can sgrve as soft.landings Torwars j • going off the road oil. dangerous | stretches or curves, while shrubs - and trees also in many cases can 1 ! prevent landslides and falling rocks, as well as elusion and its , consequent damage and unsightlis . ness. j Motorists are said to feel that I if they have to pay for roads through tolls and taxes they ought | to lie as attractive and safe as their tax money can make them, as Well as tlie safest possiuble surface on which t<> drive. A poor man is a healthy man; a healthy man is a rich man. —German Proverb. Housework Easy Without Nagging Backache Nagging backache, headache. »>r muscular j aches and paihs may coniCon with uver-cxer ticn, emot iidtal up.stMsor day today atress and strain. And folks wildcat and drink unwisely j sometimes suffer mild bladder irritation I ...with that restless, uncomfortable fceliniz. , if you an* miserable and worn out bocauHe , ! of these discomforts, Doan's I’iHa often help I j by their pain * elievintr act ufh. by their sooth ing cir.ct to ease Itladder Irritation, and by their mild diuretic action through the kidneys tending to increase tlie output of the 15 1 miles of ki«lney tubes. i So if nagging backache makes you feel I j dragged-out. miserable... wit h rest less, sleep j lci-s nights ... don’t wait.. .try Doan’s Tills... > get. the same happy'relief millions have en joyed for overtiO years. Get Doan's Tills today! Doan’s Pills Ad Nu. 117—41 lines * We have no quarrel with the person who sells for less because lie knows what his product is worth. However, if you're the type of person who wants something special in a line motor ear. we're the people to see. You’ll'find a fine selection to choose from, many are 1-owner cars in the “pink of condition.” • • fill MAKE CARS ~ GsW SEVEN STAR JL DO'Proof $0.45 , G.W i “' " I sEv r R j It it it ir it ir it ja| H •(•*( MW «n,|..a« i ■»•(. Itwitlt B| V BLENDCD WHISKfY . 3 1V,% STRAIGHT . T 1 WHISKEY 6 YfARS OR MORC 010 . 62'/,% 1 GRAIN NturRAL SPIRITS . GOODERHAM 6 WORTS LIMITED. PEORIA. ILLINOIS 1952 I‘LVMOIiTII Criiiiliiook I 4-door sedan. Extra clean ~, a very good buy! 1952 FORI) “V-8” Customline 1 2-door sedan. Priced very low for lliis special sale! 1951 BUICK “56-R” Riviera 2-door sedan. Fully e([tiipped; white H wall tires. 2-tone paint. 1951 ( HEVROLET Convertible I Coupe. Fully equipped. A-1 condi- H Lion: priced very low, 1950 PONTIAC “6” Deluxe sedan coupe. One owner; low mile age. white wall tires. 1949 OLDSMOBILE “98” 4-door 1 sedan. Four new tires; low mileage ... a very good buy! 1948 PONTIAC “6” Deluxe I sedan coupe. Fully equipped. Hydra- H matic transmission. Very good paint. H Extra clean car. 1948 DESOTO Custom 4-door sedan. Fully cquip|>ed; new H paint. Very cheap transportation. B 1947 FORD “V-8” 5-passenger I coupe. Radio and heater. Extra clean. B PAGE THREE SECTION TWO-

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