PAGE TWO -SECTION ONE j CHRISTMAS SAFETY TIPS f 1 By BILLY GOODWIN, Chowan Senior I-H Member ...I ———l I am sure that all who read this nrtlclf will want to he alive next Christman. Many people will never live tp see another Christmas be cause) of an accident this Christ mas. ' There are many ways that these" unlucky people will die, hut the highest rate will be on the highway. Retjently S-D Day was observed. This Safe Driving Day was set for only one day. S-D Days can and should he observed at other times. I Speeding and drunken driving are the main causes of highway acci dents. You can never tell when the other driver is under the in fluence of alcoholic drinks. Near time there is more drink- end when under the influence of drinks, these drivers cannot drive as good as they can when they are not drinking. Please, if you are going to drink, get some one else who is not drinking to drive your car or else stay off the highway. When driving, whether | drinking or not, die not speed, on the highway. Remember, speed:lk the npmber one highway killer. Many people will lie killed c>r in jured in other types of accidents. | 'Many oeoble will be hunting dur-, ire the da vs before and after! Christmas. When you; are hunting, you should always tie sure of what you are shooting at before you shoot. Just recently you might have read in the paper where a man was hunting and someone be- : gam shooting it rifle toward him. He had to tie down and then just barely missed being shot. Another man got his arm shot recent ly in j this same area. The accidents, could have hcen prevented. It’s up to ‘he hunter to prevent these. Many hunters may plan on build- ' jr~ a five to warm or to: cook their meals. When you build fires, be sure that there is no dead grass or dry brush near the fire that : might catch fire from the original j one and bum the entire woods, ■pvt. fire would not only kill the 1 ga— o in this area, but could seri ous’-- miu re someone who could not gp* away from the roaring flames. .Mann: fires are caused by careless hn-'-e-s. When hunting, always re- ' jn ♦Tint pnnelessriess is the c- —, n-nnv fires and. nearly all a- • -‘■s Pn ring Christmas time, there I^C^ whatis i \-V|.y CHWSTM/'S lil , W made of? . Vjj ;V/ 11? Well, it’s thing* like good cheer j :* jflg _y •• • friendship .. . love, liappi- i < ness... good wi11... and there's | ; \ ijfiH the lau £ hter °‘ ch ‘ Wren the 1 \ v*SB '** cheerfulness of good fellow- |j< 3'- ship. . . the warmth of a Yule i »t|M log and the mystery of gaily ,'* V|| ,j|H wrapped packages .. . Christ- jj mas is the worship of the Prince j |l of Peace ... the singing of car- i j( \. v iljAHfl ols ... trimming of Christmas ■ trees and the lighting of candles ;j| \v • /flfll .. . It’s a marvelous experience jl v X .gn ’ made up of things wonderful ; jj | S ’ <9B and beautiful and cheerful. May i 4 all of il ** y«“*e»ioy- jj ,VW jl •1 si .Quinn Furniture C°- j J ■■ I ‘i e | will be a lot of firecrackers shot. If not properly handled these can ' beeomp dangenws. It is fun to I pop firecrackers, hut you have to be I careful to have any fun. Don’t hold a firecracker in yniur hand af ter you have ignited it.‘ In trying to prevent' accidents I around Christmas, let’s remember I the following safety ruins: 1. Never drive a ear when under the influence of alcoholic drinks. | 2. Don't speed on the highway. ii. He; on the lookout for care less drivers. 1. He sure .of what you are shoot ing at before you shoot. 5. Unload yuur gun before eivss , mg fences or ditches. 6. Don’t build fires where a for est fire might start. .7. Never hold firecrackers in your hand after lighting them. 1 Henry X. Hassell Dies After Lengthy Illness Henry Newton Hassell, 61. died} Friday afternoon at l-i: ls» o’clock j . at the Veterans Hospital in Dur ham after a lingering illness. A ' native of Washington County, lie j lived in Edenton 13 years and was j a retired farmer and taxicab opera- j tor. Surviving are his wife. Mrs. Sa die Hassell; a son, Roy M. Hassell .. of Edeiiton; a daughter, Mis. T. J. Furlough of Oreswell; two sisters, Mrs. Mary Spniill of (’rcswell and i Mrs. Laura Smith of Norfolk, and two grandchildren. He was a veteran of World War 1 ! 1 and a tnem'ier of Philippi Baptist Church at Cherry. Funeral services; were held ait the Edenton Methodist Church Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock, The Rev. Luther Ambrose, pastor of Philippi Church, officiated, as sisted by the Rev. J. Earl Richard son. pastor of the Edenton Metho dist Church. Burial was in Beaver Hill Cemetery. Pallbearers were Stanley Spruill, Jennings Spruill. Wilbur Arnold. Mitchell Edwards and Leoans Hop kins. Bo faithful over home relations; they lead to higher joys: obey the O i'den Rule for human life, and it will spare you much bitterness. ■ —Mary Baker Eddy. THE CHOWAN HERALD. EDENTON. NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY. DKI’EMIIKit 22, IMS. ■ 11 —' I .» ttmmmrn m—mmmmmmmmm ' 1" "'. »i——i— !_= b | SCIENCE IN R iJ| YOUR LIFE ! Vegetable Virtues 1 The legions of Rome probably con sumed more cabbage per capita than any other army in history. While this ancient partiality to the leafy ■ vegetable may not impress students I of military logistics, modern medi cal scientists find ejjgjt it significant. For -CJL the Roman warri z' ors favored cab f.A j; bage not for its I’ i pungent flavor, V I’wizyiwA but as a dressing | Vb-djuf ' for battle wounds. ! V In the light of ; * recent discoveries, . Cdt tjy gjjj such age-old herb- ! al remedies may have been more effective -than scientists once be lieved One U S. physician reports that raw cabbage iuice is rich in a substance believed to tie helpful in healing stomach ulcers. Substances I deadly to many kinds of germs have " been found in other vegetables, in cluding carrots, okra, cucumbers and onions. Some common fruits, too, contain microbe killers One tropical fruit | known as jagua has been used as a medicine for centuries by Carribean : peoples. Researchers at the Univer- j I sity of Puerto Rico recently isolated j an extract from, the iagua which | hits; the bacteria that cause intesti nal infections. Though many hlghv plants har ; bqr antibiotic-like substances, our j most potent drugs have been searched out among the simpler forms of microscopic life in the soil. ! Since the discovery of penicillin, I scientists have tested soil samples from all parts of the globe, and have given doctors powerful broad-range antibiotics like Tei ramycin and Tetracyn which quickly control once j fatal infections. Most vegetable germicides are ! simply laboratory curiosities—and ! for good reasons Many occur, in minute quantities, and are almost j impossible to isolate and text. Others j hit germs for which better drugs j are already available. Furthermore, they are not true medicines, and the most scientists can do is to seek • clues which in fare instances may j lead eventually to the development ■ of a new drug. One such clue has come from j India, where a recent study indi- j cates that mushrooms, a. favorite in- j grtdietit of epicurean dishes, are j completely distasteful to typhoid I gefpis. Medical detectives are fol-1 lowing this clue in hope of finding j ti.e .source of a new typhoid fever d. ug | l ARD oFTHANKS i Wo wish to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to our many friends and relatives for the kindness and sympathy shown us during the death of our Moved husband and father, Clingy Briley. Also for the flowers and cars loan- ; ,-d. j MRS. Ct.INCY BRILEY AND CHILDREN pj 5 AAA AAA AAA AAA A A AAA AA AA AAA AAAAA A AAAAA* | Season's^ t he, ...... of p«.. J and good will. May your Yule- •* * tide season be a joyous one, 81 6 bright with the smiles of your |jifi|k*s) SCI $' irW' . j 5Ci loved ones, warm with friend :« : npk W-. j^» _ I Hughes - Parker Hardware Co. * * * ! New Law Requires i Marketing Cards To Be Returned Failure to Comply will Result In Reduction Os Allotments Tobacco and peanut farmers are required by law to return their 1 marketing cards to the local ASC [office "at the close of tlie market-:! ing season. 11. D. Godfrey, adininistrative of-} j ficer for the ASC State Commit-! tee, Says that farmers who nog loot to return their marketing cards w ill have their 1955 allotments reduced. Izast year, accord ing to Godfrey, 295 producers in tile state- had their 1955 allotments reduced for fail- i Ure (o return marketing cards and j other violations. These negligent farmers cenipar-' l ed with the 1f1j,679 tobacco .andj I peanut farmers •in tin- state are; | "just a drop in the buckethe said. ] i However, failure to return these I j curds definitely hurts (he farme.rsj whose allotments are reduced and! U also slows tip the Work ill. the, : county ASC office corisidei-ahly. j Godfrey says that regulation*'} provide that the producer must re- j turn to the county A SC off ice each I tobacco or peariut. marketing card issued for the farm within ,'iO days after ..the'close of the .markets in |. the general locality. Many farm ers he, stiid are still puttiiigoff if - I turning the tobacco and peanut j (.marketing cards. i : i Flue-cured tobacco farmers, with j a 5 per cent acreage cut: last year,' and another mt in acreage next} year, should not take a chance on | losing more areage for mere care- ; lessness. I _ [Xetrro HD County j Council Has Annual Christmas Party The Negro Home Demonstration 1 I . i County Council held its . annual ; | Christmas party. Fridav. December ! Hi. at Center Hill .Community-: Building. Old! Santa Claus was there in person to delight the chil- j ilren and the young in heart. A beautiful Christmas free dominat ed the room. Carols were sung | and games were played, flags of Christmas goodies Were given to the children. A very .good - time j; was enjoyed by all. SOIL CONSERVATION NEWS |: By JAMES 11. GRIFFIN, Soil Conservationist T.. E. Twine of Hyland became a I district cooperator during Decern- ( her. A complete conservation farm j plan was made on his farm. Each problem was discusseil hv the plan- I uing technician and Mr. Twine. A J field border of sericoa lespedeza was planned to stop erosion along the field border. This strip will be J used as a wad, a turn row and a wildlife strip. The N. C. Wildlife Cpmifiissien will furnish the seed i for this border and the (listriot will i furnish the technical assistance ne cessary to establish the border. . Crop rotations were Worked out for jail the crops on the farm accord'-. : ing to the. land class. A three year rotation was planned for..peanuts’ jto increase the peanut yields and ' I reducedisease and insect problems. ! Clover pastures, Were planned , on the soils best suited to pasture. A tib system has been planned for [some of. the' wetter soils on his farm. .Mr. Twine is planning to in i stall about 6.500 feet of the tile i jin January. . A tile machine has | been contacted about coming to [ Chowan County to install the tile I planned, in the county. Farmers I who wish to. get ACP payment on tile ami ditches may sign up for. them now at the ASC office. . Several fanners have indicated | |an interest in-; installing tile this ] year, and they should make their plans known to the ASC office arid j the S('S technician at once. I Middleton Creek mosquito con i trol project has been surveyed and [designed. Work will begin on the ! project a bout January I and should 'last about three months. | A and. H lanes group drainage project survey and design has, been | completed and a meeting of the farmers was held December ID, in j the basement of the post office ini | Edenton. This is a large project j with about 2." landowners in the I project. ' The Louis' Francis group ditch j contract for construction was let j December 8. to C. 1.. Mel'herson, | I who' was tow-bidder. Construction [ ' wdl start within a few days. A I !M. Forehand is planning to dig : some Y-bucket ditches on his farm new Cross Hoads. ll A petition has been received : from the landowners in Bandon .•immunity concerning a drainage canal in that community. The sur vey will hcgin ; next month. An other petition has been received j from the landowners on Coffield ; ditch in Paradise community. Sur- voy will begin on this project next month. Farmers who desire help with their problems should ask for it now as the work schedule is be ginning to fill up for this winter and spring. Make your plans early and be sure of some help this spring. LEG ALNOTICES NOTICE OF EXECUTRIX | Having qualified as Executrix of I the estate of Wood Privott, deceas ed, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the es tate of said deceased to exhibit I them to the undersigned at Kden i ton, North Carolina, on or before the 16th day of December, 19156, or ' this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 16th dav of Decemlier, 19515. CORNELIA JONES PRIVOTT, Executrix of Estate Os Wood Privott. Dcc22,2i>. Jane,12,19.26c Classified Ads [tXD°HRKATIF/)SES FRIENDS! Buy breath-taking OI.AG Tooth Paste at the drug store, jwe sheiTl, BUY AND SELL com. B; P. Monds & Sons, Ty ner, N. C. Deel.a,22,2!tc FOR KENT— LARGE COM pletely furnished four (-1) bed rmim house, all modem convent-f ences, oil circulator heat, large) yard, double garage. Suitable J for large family or two (21 small j families willing to share hath and cooking facilities. '.Located} across highway from Edenton I Drive-In Theatre. Available Jan- I uary 1. 1956. For appointment; and particulars write J. H. Has- ! kett, Jr., 114 Seagrove Road, ( Portsmouth. Va., or see me at the premises Thursday, Decent-; her 29, 1955. lte Give your child the best foundation | for success- —WORLD HOOK. A j complete reference service for a i] lifetime. LUCY T. HURLBERT, j j Sunburv, N. C. Phone Edenton ; ] 347-W. d?cls tfjj T.OST OR STRAYED MAL E | j pointer dog. Brown and white | j spotted Including small brown jj dots and tip of tail broken. 1 Wearing collar and rabies tag. j Answers to name of “Jake.” j Children’s pet. Reward for re-,j turn or information leading j thereto. Call R43-J-2 or 533. i} _ _ . . [ % AAAA!AAA AAA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A AAAA AA A AAA# : m m [ < :»; :jSj Cwfcy U&ri'fyuAjtiMAJL/,., £ j«j v * :«! _ »! : < >: < >: m ± ;»: Straight from our house to you comes this i* g message with hearty good wishes for a :* 1 ‘4ft! '.y jig Merry Christmas. m :#: m jji If we had the magic power of good old S jjj St. Nick to be everywhere at the same ij: Jj time, we could say it in person. But our J: 8 thoughts at least can come to you with jjj ;<; all the good things that go toward making & g-; ;■s►; « each Holiday Season one of happy & j« memories. * « m m m * m I c , —*P p :« |!j ••• (Jiy ytvu * I TWIOOY INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE CO., INC. | jjj George S. Twkkly Warren G. Twiddy m " w 1 FOR RENT—3-ROOM FURNISH-1 ! ed apartment. Phone 201-W. j j tfc. JEPTTC TANKS PRE-CAST' concrete. Diatrih.ution boxes, pre-] cast, concrete. Prc-cast concrete) grease traps. Kennan & Corey | Plumbing Co., 1111 North Oakum Street. Janfitfc WHITE MAN. FULLER BRUSH Company has established dealer ship open in Chowan Counly. No , investment. To qualify, neat ap pearance, married, car and desire and need for over SIOO per week. Must be energetic and willing to work a full six-day week follow ing proven company plan. W’ritci or phone immediately Mr. R. L.J I Grainger, 420 E. Atlantic St.,J Emporia, Va. Plum,, 2032. Sept29tf Because friendship is the foundation of business relationships, it gives us pleasure at this Holiday time to extend to you our best wishes for a JACKSON'S TV AND RADIO SERVICE I • ' f I | JL i I May your Christmas joys keep in tune 1 I I With all the Season's cheer f I And may the melody live on ■ I I Throughout the days to come. ■ , 1 lUERRYGHRISTmaS |P | SMITHSON HECTRIC COMPANY j S A I. E S M A N WA NTED—MAN with car to sell and deliver househnld supplies in Chowan I County. Full lime. Good earn -1 ings. Can also us« part time man. Write Rawleigh’s, Dept j NCL-310-270, Richmond, Va. | Dec8,15,22,29pd MONUMENTS where you SAVE the middle man’* profit. 40f> S. Road Street, Elizabeth City, N. C. Dial 5995. J. Winton Sawyer MONUMENTS Authorized Dealer For ROCK of AGES MONUMENTS The World’s Finest i CROCHETING FOR SALE—BED spreads, dollies, potholders, etc. Will take orders. Call 208-J or call at 207 East Eden Street.