Scratchy Pens To Thing Os Past I' in Post Offices Old Pens Will Be Re placed With Bail Point Pens The old-style, scratchy, -hand-dip pen in the post offices, will, with in six months, be a thing of the past, Postmaster General Arthur 1 1 E. Summerfield says,in announcing that competitive bids had gone out for the manufacturing of 500,000 ball point .pens and 500,000 refills for pse in post offices throughout the country. “Based on extensive studies made of these pens in actual use,” .the Postmaster General explained, I™“we have decided to make ball, point pens standard equipment for' the use of, postal patrons.” Mr. Summerfield said experi (•' ments have been conducted for many months in the use of these pens at Selected pyst offices in j various sections of the country. The results probed so encouraging that overall use was recommended by the industrial engineers of’the Post Office Department. The public as well as postal em ployees favored the use of these pens because of their ability to produce greater legibility. At the same time, their use will mean im portant savings in custodial labor formerly needed to fill ink wells,' replace points and other work , connected with the old type. Commenting on the pilferage of ; these new pens, Mr. SummerfieM | noted that it was held to a mini mum in the majority of post of fices. Few individuals will risk up ! to a year in prison or up to SSOO j fine to steal a pen labeled. “Prop- ; erty of the United States Post Of fice Department” and held to the desk by a metal chain. “We are certain,” Mr. Summer field added, “that the public, who will benefit most, will welcome these pens as a further improve ment in the Postal Service.” - S _ Doctor's Day Will Be Observed Friday l - " " The auxiliary of the OhowUn- Perquimans Medical Society will pay tribute to the humanitarian services physicians render in their community by observing Doctors’ Day Friday, March 30. A dinner party scheduled for pjjysicians'and. their wives has been cancelled in observance of Good Friday. Instead, each doctor will receive a red carnation which is t,hc official Dower. Last year the au xiliary sent a donation to the American Medical Foundation for the training of young physicians as their observance. , The idea to honor members of! the Medical Profession originated in Georgia, and was adopted by the American Medical Association in 1934. Today, it is observed through out the nation. March SO was the day Dr. Crawford Long first used ether anaesthesia in surgery. J KITCHEN FIRE Edenton firemen Were called to the home pf Milton Nixon, 413 N. Street, shortly' after 7 o’clock Wednesday morning. A fire developed at the chimney in the kitchen which caused consid erable damage. The damage was estimated to be 'well over SSOO. # ENGRAVED OR PRINTED types of social printing is at your jp w JaMMaBS I I aommand. We will be glad to make sug- (jjj/A m, ye at ions, show you samples and quote Tm *. | jtricss . all without the slightest ob- R Wedding Invitations j »T I and Announcements • &TJ ' v I; /JRg ■ ? In. the wording, design and printing of a 11 ~~~ *«/' ff -tbe formal Announcement or Invitation, \ MKit is of the utmost importance that cor- ' ■Bit form be observed. Our familiarity * I with th. 11 ;i ii()l yl"g to Promoted Captain 'j \ IT* , «*»- —* Captain Raymond D. Fortmeyer found his promotion from first lieutenant waiting when he report ed for duty Wednesday of last week at*the Edenton Naval Au xiliary Air Station. —Official U. S. Marine Corps Photo. Cob Scoots Plan for ‘Lily Parade’ Effort Made to Help Boost Fund to Help Crippled Children Cub Scout Pack No. 159 will con duct a Lily Parade this week in connection with the Chowan Coun j ty Easter Seal Drive being conduct ed at this time. Col. R. R. Baker, who is Cubmas | ter of the Pack, will direct the sale of miniature plastic lilies in the ; residential area throughout the ; week and will climax with a sale • on Broad Street on Saturday of this | week. Funds received'through the sale iof these miniature Easter Lilies ! will he used, to help crippled chil dren in Chowan County and 1 throughout North Carolina. A re quest is made to the general pub lic for their support of this pro ject by the Cub Scouts. EASTERN STAR MEETING Edenton Chapter No. 3#2. Order of the Eastern Star, will meet in the Masonic Temple Monday night, April 2, at 8 o’clock. The new group of officers will conduct the meeting, so that Mrs. Edna Reaves, the new worthy matron, urges ev ery member to attend. I ’ ©OTtFLOWERS\ | I i I Come in and see our breathtak / ing display of bright, fresh flmv- V j ers . . . the perfect expression of F'jlP j°y, love, and life renewed. ( Sf, \'U | RASTER CORSAGES individually j jLpfJtk styled. Spring flowers, orchids, j \I F\ S roses and carnations, i if U LOVELY RASTER PLANTS... j | lilies, azaleas, hydrangeas, | | ALTAR FLOWERS to grace your j fF We send Easter Flowers j by Wire anywhere. | Edenton Florist j | 203 E. Church St. PHONE 423-W Edenton, N. C. j THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1956. LLBeelerNow Marine Captain Ceremonies Held Last Week at Edenton NAAS Capt. Lyle L. Beeler, adjutant of Marine Aircraft Group Fourteen, was promoted from first lieutenant last week. Ceremonies were in the office of Col. L. K. Davis, MAG -14 commander, at the Edenton Na val Auxiliary Air Station. The new captain, who lives at 24 Hawthorne Road in Edenton, came up through the Marine Corps ranks. He enlisted in 1941 and earned the rank of master sergeant IMore be ing commissioned a second lieuten ant in ,1952. During his 15 years of Marine Corps service, Captain Beeler has been stationed in the United States, the South Pacific, Japan and Ko rea. He has been at the Eden ton Marine base since July of last year. The adjutant was graduated with t a bachelor of arts degree from Eureka College, Eureka', 111., and did graduate work at the Univer sity of Illinois. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. Park L. Beeler of 104 North Marshall Street, Rantoul, 111. Captain Beeler is married to the former Miss Janet M. Hamtil of, St. Louis, Mo. They are parents of two children, Park Lyle, 11 and Carol Lee, !). DRIVE SUCCESSFUL > Members of Men’s Bible Class No. 1 of Providence Baptist Sun : day School ai-p elated over the success of their membership drive which has increased attendance from two to three per Sunday to .! an average of 15 to 16. The class j business meeting' Monday night was well attended with 20 present. The pastor, the Rev. C. C. Boone, was present and led the group in the study of Sunday’s lesson. Re freshments were served by the ■ host, Charlie Beinbry, Jr. FIDELTS CLUB TO MEET The Fidelis NCO Wives Club will ■ hold a business meeting Tuesday , i night, April 3, at 8 o’clock in the ■ | game room of the Staff NCO Club, I All members are urged to attend. I ♦ „ > Imw********, -- r I ipjjp i:: - * i' • ' IrUIS J DOUBLE TAKE —That’s what officers took when viewing this picture showing a highly unusual formation oi US Navy Banshee jets as it skirted the coast of Spain during Mediterranean ma neuvers. Picture resulted when a double exposure was made inadvertently by crew of a Navy photo plane after camera position had been changed from left to right oblique position. Orkin Exterminating Co. Rapidly Growing An unparalleled year of growth and development was achieved by the Orkin Exterminating Company ■ during 1955, according to Otto Or kin, founder and president. Among the more important •de velopments were: (1) Expansion to. the west coast with the establishment of offices serving Los Angeles and the state : of California. \ a "No-Work" Easier Dinner around ... •• , - AIi.MOI'K STAR Ok SWIFT I‘KEMICM HMo 16 lbs. Avernt-SMOKBH |\^lS/7 ■.MUMiuman ! BLUE BONNET COLORED I MARGARINE . Lb - 29c J CLOVERBLOOM PURE CREAMERY | BUTTER .... kL 36c J WISCONSIN MEDIUM SHARP | CHEESE .... wedge 30c BORDEN'S TASTY CHEESE SPREAD .... 61c BALLARD OR PILLSBURY BISCUITS . . 2 <=■“ 25c NEW YORK STATE SHARP CHEESE .... kt 62c Each GAY 73e NATUR-TENDER U.S. CHOICE FLANK-ON BREAST-O-LAMB Lb 15c NATUR-TENDER GRADE A BELTSVILLE OP. BROAD WHITE 1 FANCY TURKEYS. VJ’ Lb 53c il U. S. NO. 1 PUERTO kiCAN SPECIAL LOW PRICE! FRESH GREEN BEANS. 2 -29 c SPECIAL LOW PRICE! FANCY CRISP TENDER CELERY HEARTS 3—29 c Cucumbers . 2 F “ 19c Radishes . . 2 Bunche • 23c Crisp Endive . . Head 17c Eccarole .... H,iJ 17c Green Peppers. Lb 35c Green Onions 2 23c Avocados ... E “ h 35c PAGE SEVEN cuting Attorney of Recorder's Court, County Treasurer and Cor oner. .John F. White, Chowan's veteran Representative, who has been ex periencing a period of ill health has not, as yet, decided if he wil'l run for re-election. Dance In Armory Saturday, April 7th A dance is scheduled to lie held in the Edenton armory Saturday night, April 7, from 8 o’clock to midnight. Music will he furnished by Willie Moore and his orchestra, a popular television group. Tickets . may lie purchased by culling 248 during the day. and 4,75-J at night. FLAKO EASY-FIX PIECRUST. K 19c UNCLE BEN'S CONVERTED RICE S' 49c CHICKEN-OF-THE-SEA LIGHT Chunk Tuna WELCH'S GRAPE JUICE .... "-37 - -SECTION ONE ■ * ■*