PAGE FOUR i Farmers Urged To "Reporters” Hired to Check Number of Acres Planted - The fact that the state allotment ftyt Virginia type peanuts has been ilfjefvased considerably over last Wir is jrfst another reason why f£taters ? should carefully plant vfthin tWfcir acreage allotments this according to H. D. Godfrey, i|ftunistrative officer for the state committee. says that 3,600, “report ars” have already been hired and tnined *>y local ASC county of fibes. They will visit every farm in ike state and every field on the farm to determine acreage planted to allotment crops, thus virtually ehminating the possibility of over planting a peanut allotment and eeoaping the prescribed penalty. Another reason why farmers Should carefully stay within their peanut allotment is the fact that peanuts of this type are the only Mnutiodity not in over-supply, God frey adds. He explains that with price support available in 1966 at jftper cent of parity, prospects are good for this year’s crop. Prices wore favorable last year because of a shortage. With allotments in creased in 1956 and with favorable weather conditions, the supply sit uation can be changed very quick ly and as the supply changes, pro ducers can expect a change in price. ** This change in price will make price support eligibility even more important to the producer, he con cludes. '• There were 1,380 drivers in volved in fatal automobile accidents in North Carolina last year. A study of the State Department of “Motor Vehicles shows that drivers in the. 26-34 age bracket were in volved meet frequently. In that bracket, 372 drivers were at the -yjieri at the time of the fatal ac cident. Other age groups showed up like this: 16-19, 166; 20-24, 308 ; 35-44, 261; 45-54, 177! 55-64, 68; 65-74, 34; and over 75, six. Age was not stated in 44 reports. Edenton Police Make 55 Arrests In April Chief of Police George I. Dail re ports that during April Edenton police made a total of 55 arrests, with every defendant found guilty as charged. Miscellaneous traffic arrests led the list at 14, followed by 10 for drunkenness. Os those arrested 35 were white males, white female, 17 colored males and two colored females. Fines amounted to $740 and costs $510.15, for a total As $1,250.15, 'of which $259.40 representing of ficers’ fees was turned hack to the town. During the month police answer ed 45 calls, investigated seven ac cidents, recovered one stolen auto ’ mobile, worked two funerals, re ported 39 street lights out, extend ed 16 courtesies, found 21 doors un locked. made 15 investigations, an swered two fire calls and issued 882 traffic citations. The police liaade 917 radio calls and were on the air one hour, 16 minutes and 23 seconds. a "HPT" with. | , Improved Litholine is a~ su* J perior multi-purpose Grease. 1 . '(hied regularly (every 1,000 > miles) it stops squeaks, gives & extra anti-wear protection ; keeps your car “new” longer 1/ | . KPark? X**“*»*\ Service MIUJt Station | PHONE 158 Edenton. N. C. SgjfapiiM' . - - vMTi & m ml, j ft < I M «IP J 1 mmnwuw •**, . , -** ;- «■ *;;al 19 HP TUNES WlNNEßS— Mechanic A. J. Watson, of Glendale, Calif., buttons up what he hopes will be the winning car in .'the annual 500-mile Memorial Day classic of motordom at Indianapolis, lnd. Last year’s winning car J ilso P™*™ 6 *?* the track by Watson, is directly behind the 8-ball. The Vehicles are sisters under the hood. Each is powered by a 270- . cubic-inch, four-cylinder engine.. Both cars will be entered in -this year’s Trace, -r \ ■ i- ** *• $ ; WASHINGTON REPORT » ' I Retirement. Last week Sen. W. I Kerr Scott, along with several oth- e er Senators, sponsored legislation that would increase retirement pay- ments to former Federal employees who are now on the retirement rolls. ‘ The legislation grew out of hear- f ings that Senator Scott held on * Senate Bill No. 2875, which would r increase retirement benefits for Federal employees. j According to Scott, S. 2875, { “would help people who are now < Federal employees when they get < ready to retire. It was very ob- < vious that any overall increase j should also assist former employ- j ees who are now retired.” < < Benefits. The new measure • would increase annuities to former employees now on retirement by , not less than SIOO a year and not ■ more than S3OO. 1 For survivors of former employ- , ees—except surviving children —the ; annuities would be increased SBO. For surviving children, the an nuities would be increased by SSO for each child. Final Senate action on both re tirement bills is expected in the next few weeks. , Dome. Visitors in Washington j this Spring and Summer will see | an interesting sight at the U. S. Capitol. I ] The Capitol dome is getting a • thorough cleaning and a new coat!. of paint. ! Painters—with ropes and ladders ' —are monkeying all over the tall 1 structure. It will take several months to complete the job, and it will cost between $40,000 and $50,000. For many years, the dome has 2% *435 STpAiOHI ROMPRON WHWKFY a* P*OOF. THE CHOWAN HERALD. EDENTON, NOBTK CABOUNA, THURSDAY. MAY 10, 19 M. been given a fresh coat of paint every four years—election years, that is, in order to be spruced up for Presidential inaugurations. Indians. The Lumbee indians of , Southeastern North Carolina soon ] should have their name made of- | ficial as far as the Federal govern ment is concerned. , Last week the Senate Interior 1 l-r- * - -t—n-ywirywvYryww »i‘fwwswwww NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS - > . By order of the Town Council, on ; ; Monday, May 14,1 will advertise for :: < * sale for taxes all property on which :: | the 1955 tax and paving assessment ; <>* " i 1 has not been paid, the date of sale be- : I I ing Monday, June 11,1956. \\ I h i Please pay your taxes before May • j; 14, and thus avoid having your prop- j j I I erty advertised for sale. |; < i $ o I$ 4 > I ' • <| i > x < ► ERNEST I. WARD, JR, Collector | I TOWN OF EDENTON * 1> < 1 $ < 1 Committee’s sub-commftUe on In ' dian affairs gave a quick okay to a hill that would make tho name official. Final action will b* rou tine. The state legislature has already passed legislation doing tho same thing. Farmers. Sen. Robert Kerr of Oklahoma, a man who coins a lot of phrases in debate on the Senate floor, has a new one for the Re publican office-seekers who are worrying about Ike’s veto of the farm message. Those who are trying to justify the President’s stand on farm price supports, Senator Kerr says, are suffering from “self hypnosis.” Weekly Devotional! Column By JAMBS MacKKNZIE \ A few hours before I sat down to compose this column I received through the mail from a second hand 'book store a set of very old and very rare volumes embracing the minutes of the General Assem bly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States from its organi zation in 1789 until 1843. The volumes trace, in a statistical way, a trail of zeal and self-sacrifice al most unknown among ministers of. today (one young pastor served a circuit of churches over seven hundred miles long). Nor were these the “good old days” of Evan gelical Christianity and piety we often think they were: There is constant reference to the prevail ing sins of drunkenness, profani ty and desecration of the Lord’s Day. In 1798 the General Assem bly sent out a letter to all Presby terians in the United States (there were 206 Presbyterian Churches in the entire country at that time) ITips on Touring I Lromlir Carol ton* mhhJ Woman'* TrovW Authority Pre-planning your next motor ing vacation la aa important as making sure you have air in the tiree and gasoline In the tank. You’ll want to include in these plan* a “Checklist for Vacation Safety." Here are some sugges tions from the National Safety Council on r~lS\ things to check before you start. 1. Make sure your car has a * .xJ complete lubri cation * n d 2. See that •wu»£.. .Wjj tires are in good condition not “bald” or broken. 8. Check to see that windshield wipers work efficiently. Other items to include in your checklist are emergency supplies —a first aid kit, permits, passes, identification papers, maps, flash light, extra car keys, equipment , for changing tires (including jack, i wrench, emergency light,or flares) and, of Course, a good spare tire. Once on the open road, you’ll want to; 1. Time your schedule and itin erary to' allow for a full night’s rest, adequate meals and rest stops. 2. Concentrate on the rpad and traffic, leaving scenery to the pas sengers. 3. Obey all traffic signs and sig nals, and keep a sharp eye out for bicyclist* and children. On the road—as in the home— it** safety first A little thought and a "safety checklist” can be a Mg help in making your motoring vaeation'a happy time. which may deserve reading in ouri day and age. The letter said, in part: "... we perceive a degree of supineness and inattention amongst too many of the ministers and professors of Christianity, which seems to threaten a dissolu tion of religious society. Formali ty and deadness, not to say hy pocrisy; a contempt for vital god liness, and the spirit of fervent piety visibly pervade every part of the Church, and certain men have] creDt in amongst us who have de- crept in amongst ub who nave ue- is imu certainly navy] ■KiMHMHiMiHIHIMMHMBfIBMBBHHiBHHHHHWBHBMBHHHm Vm vvvvvvvv l/vvvvvvvvvvvvuu ' —'V • • • ; Dorit let “Shrinking Horsepower” • ' ■ > f\7 *l** < #»V' ' ' Z 'j ' \ * put a drag on your engine %• flk if? ' : -jc'?H' c tyoS Bk ' , / s i, §y M B> '••'MB Hlv ■ N§ the n^Ho r ßeP°t r ; HPBjllkß I Ik Hi ittiii # jk ■■HHHIHiI Get die gasdine that bums clean* J 4 I : : : PROOF: See how the asbestos glove, on the 3 left in the picture, is smudged by the “dirty burning tail-end” of gasoline . . . while NO NOX leaves the glove on the right clean. That’s because Gulf refines out the “cupful of trou- H H b!e”—the “dirty-burning tail-end”—from '*< i'i' 5* [, «■£ l| • every gallon, in making NO-NOX. 1 I Gulf No-Nox 818 aean-bucniqg...pkis: finest Octane you can by . ' ; ||j| I COASTLAND OIL COMPANY L PHONE 699 Distributors Gulf Oil Products EDENTONj Bundi's Station nied, or attempted to explain away the pure doctrines of the Gospel... The Lord’s Day i* horribly profan ed, and family rriigion and in struction lamentably neglected. Our ingratitude to God enhances our guilt. No people have been more highly favored in our original establishments, our increasing pros perity, but alas! we have basely forgotten our Benefactor. We have abused His favors and turned them into engines of opposition against Himqplf. . . . Profaneness, pride, luxury, injustice, intemperance, lewdness, and every species of debauchery and loose indulgence greatly abound. ... As surely as there is a righteous God, so surely will He visit us in His just displeasure, unless His grace prevent by awak-. ening us to a sense of our guilt and rcalling us to the practice of our duty. ... It is time to cease from , man . . . and openly confess to the hand and agency and government of God in the world. Let Chris tians unite more cordially and openly in adhering to their Mas ter’s cause, and opposing infidelity in all its forms . . . Let the deep est humiliation and sincerest re pentance mark our sense of nation al sins . . . Let the ministers of religion weep and intercede for themselves and a guilty people . . . Let us practice all righteousness! Let us be earnest and fervent in prayer, that God, for the sake of the Lord Jesus Christ, would pour I out His gracious Spirit upon min isters and people, and revive His work . . . amongst all denomina tions.” The prayers called for in the above, together with the prayers of other Christians were soon answer ed. for within a few short years our land was swept by one of the greatest revivals in the "history of the Christian Church, and our na tion was spared. Ido not know whether the situation today is as j had as it was in 1798 or not, but it !is bad enough. We certainly have t —■ —— our share of profanity, drunken ness, and Sabbath-desecration. To day, too, we trust the hand of man too much, and claim not the se curity that is to be found in Him who said, “Bleftsed is the nation whose God is the, Lord, and the people whom He hath chosen for His Inheritance.” The call to re pentance, humility gnd intercessory prayer is no less urgent today than it was then, and it is yet possible for God’s people to learn from per sonal experience that the arm of the Lord is not shortened, and the day of revival is not past. The is sue is serious, and there is no time for Christians to compro mise, procrastination and sin. Our testimony to the saving grace of Christ means the difference be tween heaven and hell to the un saved about us, and it may mean the difference between defeat or survival for our nation. Christian, you owe it to your God, your fellow men, your nation and yourself to consecrate to Him your life, your possessions, your abilities, your all. Be not sidetracked by the things of this world; the business of heaven is too urgent. CORN STOCKS UP Combined stocks of corn on farms and in storage off farms in North Carolina as of April 1 amounted t 0.28,668,000.28,668,000 bushels, ac | . ■ It's a danger signall Act now to prevent costly damage. 0 FREE INSPECTIONS Poll «1 jf¥ VV 1 & CD World’i lorgott Poll Control Co. ORKIN EXTERMINATING CO., INC. | cording to the North Carolina CfOftj Reporting Service. ThVresetffW' 44 j>er cent above *the T9,B7%JWr 1 bushels in st orage on April 1*1956, and it. is the heaviest April jiorn stocks Carried since 1952. RECORD MILK PRODUCTION Production of milk on NbVth’ ■ Carolina farms during March to taled 137 million pounds, the'blu est March output on record. Thi* is 2 million pounds above the pro duction for March of last year, the previous high, and 14 per cent 1 above the 1945-54 10-year March average. -VVVWA/VWVVWAAneuWVWMOWUM* 1 * Housework Easy Without Nagging Backache Nagging backache, headache, or muscnlaf •/ aches and pains may come on with tion, emotional upsets or day to day stress and .* strain. And folks who eat and drink unwisely sometimes suffer mild bladder irritation* • ..with that restless, uncomfortable feeling. If you are miserable and worn out bdChiual of these discomforts, Doan’s Pills often help by their pain relieving action, by theif sooth ing effect to case bladder irritation, and hf their mild diuretic action through the kidneys tending to increase the output of the Ift miles of kidney tubes. So if nagging backache makes you sets dragged-out, miserable... with restless.sleep less nights... don’t wait.. .try Doaty's Pills... get the same happy relief million*, have e»* •> joyed for over 60 years. Get Doan’s Ptyls today 1 Doan’s Pi ills _- * - ... Ad No. 117—41 line* j • TERMITES ~1 SWARMING! |

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