PAGE TWO -SECTION ONE Small Dent Made ' fit Criminal Actions gjpqntinued From Page 1, Section 1 (guilty to a charge of manslaughter j*hd judgment was postponed until pthe November term of court, r jjnjmett Riddick was found not "guilty of receiving stolen property, but was sentenced to 18 months for breaking,' entering and larceny. James Forest Wilson was also sentenced to 18 months for break ing and entering and larceny. Otis Crees Holmes was fined I AUCTION SALE I I OF NEW AND USED I I FURNITURE I I Saturday, Sept. 15 At 2PM I I HERTFORD FURNITURE COMPANY I I Market Street in Hertford, N. C. I I • We are closing out our business and will sell at public auc-1 I fion all our remaining stock of NEW and second-hand furni-1 ■ ture. We have many excellent items included in this sale ... so ■ II it will pay you to attend. I I TERMS OF SALE: CASH. I I* Hertford Furniture Company I STREET HERTFORD, N.'G. I HAT'iyV* ■ ■■■" —» ********* - - - - - f NOTICE I Woodworking Shop Now Back I I IN OPERATION I I Since Our Woodworking Shop Burned In The I I 1 I I Recent Fire We Have Been Unable To Furnish | ■ t I Our Customers With Custom Made Doors, I I Windows, etc. I I Our Shop Is Now Back In Operation And We I I Welcome Orders For Doors, Windows, Cabinets 1 ■ I And All Custom Made Items. I I Any Order Large Or Small Will Receive Our I H Prompt Attention And Will Be Greatly I S^K:''?*£!£/**-*.•,■•"W.'.• - v' I v. ■ ■ x 7?* * II Appreciated. I IM. G. BROWN CO., INC. I m§ i * fill 1 CALL US FOR PROMPT DELIVERY II $l5O and costs of court and order-* ed to surrender his driving license on a charge of drunken driving. A charge of rape and accessory to fact against George Privott was nol pressed. In a companion case against Elijah Rankin, the charge was reduced to an attack on a fe male and he was sentenced to 18 months. A charge pf hit and run against William Donald Kelly was nol prossed, but he was found guilty of drunken driving and driving af ter expiration of his driving license. He was sentenced to 90 days on 1 the roads, suspended for 12 months upon condition that he pay a fine' of $125 and costs during this term of court and not operate a motor vehicle in North Carolina. A non-suit was granted in the divorce case of Mattie Riddick Boyce'vs. Raymond Boyce. The case against Clyde Leary on a charge of breaking and entering and larceny was nol prossed. George David Twiddy, Darrell Rickey, Robert L. King and Carl Mayo Cayton all pleaded guilty to charges of breaking and entering, but judgment was not pronounced THE CHOWAN HERALD. EDENTON; NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 18, 1956. I up to Tuesday night. Judgment was also continued un til Wednesday against William Em mett Bunch on three charges of receiving stolen property. Trial of criminal cases was re sumed Wednesday morning, when the first case scheduled was A. B. Copeland, charged with 16 counts of issuing worthless checks. Action Rescinded To Widen Oakum Street Continued From Page 1. Section 1 ton. Mrs. Tucker presented a spe cimen and Town Council voted to take any precaution in a coopera tive movement to save the trees. , Another matter consuming a considerable portion ‘of the meet ing, which remained in session un til almost midnight, was tKrequest from the Board off Public Works for Town Council to set in motion necessary machinery that will make funds available to obtain tempor ary permits and time schedule ap proved by the State Stream Pol -1 lution Committee. I In order to correct deficiencies in the Edenton water distribution sys tem and provide for Town growth consulting engineers employed by the Board of Public Works recom mends an expenditure of $324,000. In addition to alleviate unsanitary conditions in the Edenton Bay $667,000 must be spent on a sew age disposal plant. Total expenditures of $991,000 were recommended by the engin eers and of this amount to barely meet State Sanitation Laws and low water pressure $125,000 must be spent during the next twelve months on the water system and $405,000 on the sewage disposal plant. .Outlays are more than expected and it will be necessary for the Town Council to appropriate funds for the E & W Board as provided under the charter. Funds can be raised by a bond issue or by tax anticipation notes. Haste is necessary as steel costs are gradually increasing and the few contractors interested in such projects are becoming few. Each day’s delay adds to the essential immediate outlay of $530,300. The Couneilmen took no action, preferring to hold a joint meeting with the Board of Public Works in order to more fully consider the proposed improvements. J. Clarence Leary and George A. Byrum, the committee appointed to consider a View Municipal Budding, i_i Hiumunr nmnun r v ygjy presented a sketch of proposed ren-1 ■ ovation of the present building . housing the Police Department and f Street Department. The committee was'instructed to confer with con . tractors to determine how much i more a new building will cost. An . estimate was made that a new i building can be built for about one third more than it will cost to re model and add to the building. The Couneilmen again consider ed payment for the Byrum prop erty hack of Hotel Joseph Hewes. The Finance Committee was au thorized to confer with the Board ( of Public Works relative to amend ing the E A W budget in order to n.ake the purchase price of $12,000 | available as early as possible. A project for closing the big ditch along Park Avenue was con sidered, which involved other prob | lems, so that it was decided not to do anything about the matter 1 until a conference can be arranged with the town’s engineer. y / Jr v 1 Top Grade Fancy Western I Commercial ROUND I STEAK I lb. 59c 1 Fancy Fresh Grade A DRESSED I TURKEYS jg 4 TO 8 LB. AVER*AGE 1 lb. 59c I Margol Oko I V 2 lb. patty 10c 8 with purchatu of ono pound jj Strietmann’s ft Town House I COOKIES S l»«/ 4 -OZ. BOX I 47c I WHITE HOUSE I Apple Sauce 1 No. 303 Cans 1 2 081,18 27c ID And b Superette I I PHONE 71 if Eras Barb jirr ★ FREE DELIVERY I I EDENTON, N. a '*«o 141 " FRIDAY & SATURDAY | Town Council was requested to pay half of the deficit of $167.99 in connection with erection of three flag poles as a memorial to service personnel from Chowan County. It was agreed to pay this amount. J. Edwin Bufflap and John Miteh ener were authorized to continue ! their study of a Planning Board Ordinance. I After several refusals Mildred Willis was granted an application to sell beer on the premises at 114 East Gale Street. She presented signature of practically everybody in the neighborhood that they did not object. ' William McKinley Carter was granted a permit to operate a taxi cab for Charlie Jemigan. The Couneilmen before adjourn ing voted to invest SIO,OOO in U. S. Treasury Notes bearing 2\% in terest maturing August 1, 1957. This amount became available Au gust 15 when $50,000 U. S. notes bearing 2% matured. nn ’tjL xtlllr' U NTte 1> TRADING STAMPS —At— B UNO B SUPERETTE CASHMERE Bouquet Soap 3 reg. bars 25c CAMPBELL’S 1 omato Soup 2 cans 25c NBC Waverly Wafers 13 OZ. BOX 27c Pillsbury PANCAKE MIX 1-Lb. Box 2 for 35c Fresh Black California GRAPES 2 Lbs. For 39c • ' • '... * ' ■ 6 I ]' YEARS OLD I IgSt 1 amemca's finest tine STRAIGHT $ 4 4/5 QUART I •"■’yUteffisr. coMawnr | I Bottled by C. D. Distilling Company, Nicholasville, Ky.. # Distributed by Canada Dry Ginger Ale, inc.. New York, N. Y. ■ LOG CABIN MAPLE SYRUP 12-oz. bottle 29c Finn Texas ONIONS Per Pound 5c Harrell’s Smoked PICNICS ’ 3 TO 6 LB. AVERAGE lb. 33c Harrell’s Ye Ole Virginny SLICED BACON 1 LB. CELLO , lb. 45c FRESH -Pork Liver lb. 29c FULL PINT JAR DUKE’S Mayonnaise jar 39c A hj' , m>st-tehs 3 7 c Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce No. 303 Cans 2 cans 37c i Fresh CARROTS I 1-Lb. Bags S 2 Bags For S 25c I