BEGINNING FRIDAY MORNING ■.. APRIL sth AT 9 O’CLOCK SHARP! BELK-TYLER’S OF EDENTON Spring of Values liei-e’s the biggMt saks event to hit Edenton inmany years 9 N [991 U I fill K clnnot Tfford y^ur'plans I and BELK-TYLERS has been planning- for this sale for J| mU U 9 ■ H ■Till IHE*™ , , , DCT T /rpvT u . . ~, „ months! BELK-TYLER’S buyers have scooped the markets 3 U BT® ■P ■ ' IOW t 0 rUsh t 0 BELK ' TYLER S hei ' e 111 Edellt for the biggest values ideal for Easter and Spring wear your neighbors! So grab up a handtull of cash and be and use in the home! Be sure to read every item and then own w^en le doors open for this big event Friday morn rush down when the doors open! ing promptly at 9 o’clock. | A STARTLING OPPORTUNITY TO BUY YOUR NEEDS AT LOW, LOW SALE PRICES! ]|| ' VENETIAN BUNDS I CLOTHES HAMPERS I I >an |.\ t| ( First quality! 23 to 36 inch widths in 64 inch lengths. Pearl type lids on a sturdily built wicker hamper in many KJm |U I / \VN m T m White slats with white tape! colors! A very special bargain! B JL ji II IH N y lons sr“ $2.97 sr~ $4.44 shirts II \ W -ijjfj The newest Spring shades are __________________ ’ Vj; shown in delightful 100% Ny- Ladies’Cotton Ladies’Day - Time ($5 “Columbia” House bdng >l feaSrwi > In I “ B lons that are shown in all sizes RIII II F COTTON WASH A PAINTS niosl 3,1 sizcs for men! They ' \ M ULUUOUU Cam 1 nilliu are all first quality in many \ ;SS from V/i to 11. DON 1 MISS First quality blouses in solid §H l § IB K Sjmjepß *r, colors to select from in gay and assorted patterns I THIS EXCITING VALUE 1 ' colors and fancy patterns in Jl IVw vIVIJ ||93L flat and gloss paints! $1.98 and colors’ Don’t miss this wßgr \.m inutAUUAO VALUO. sizes 32 to 38! $1.39 values! 3m. a gallon regularly! conus, iron i miss tins ./ L-ftl OO Make your selection from this large se- H I IjjK (b <1 A A hw ' y M Regularly 69c! Sale! XXr lection of cotton wash frocks that will \ |yjjH \ I I I y > , qu» Ck -i] be ideal for wear throughout the entire t * S *’ *’ * f B i _ _ Spring and Summer! You’ll find all jplSi ~ * \ ! 1 P™ sizes in many colors and patterns! M Wtk f .. . „ CP 1 H kjJ KA/* Birdseye Baby , I B 9by 12 Feet jK I |\X \w\ p§& m u**c diapers a«t“ rugs 11)1,00 || First quality birdseye cotton « "A / tf\ A special closeout of these , “ " "T men’s dacron . wool tTno^aiiyeiii^ 1 fiTas tpO« I • J cotton pne! es Waltz - Length Gowns fmuch as $2.29 a dozen in ■ N w most stores! L— Delightful rayon tricot in pastel colors in all sizes! $1 78 —rißisTnßF^F^ $10.44 ’ 8 “ I I — >pl * 1 Y vjllvLiD DKLOOtO - Regularly $2.98. (f» f\ t*Q I ■ First quality wash dresses for girls in q»i n II Bilth Mat sizes 3 to 6X in values to $1.48! A Girls’Cotton |oALL ENSEMBLES 1 SLIPS jewflry - Rich cotton chenille bathmat Annfkar Kaw Sizes 2 to 14 in sanforized dUTT-JUIVI sets in delicate pastel tones! .AIIOIII t F iN 6W with luce trim. Karrings. necklaces and brace- HEIRLOOM TYPE i $J gg LADIES’FAILLE SIC f V'# M, SPREADS i ML Dusters s ,W* 47c ftJHHPBBI , Ladies Cotton The biggest fashion item being i>oys uress First quality Spreads in nniPOimrO ( ,ou « ht this season! It’s shown CUI DT 0 SSisrSna'poubt BRASSIERES Terry Bath WF'^'^Jjk A “ rtfc ’ ,-*>-7 in fiist A JW" tricot Pajamas in-the style that everyone jSSMKk a full cut first quality cotton | * mgm ' brief styles' 69c vilues' * “ ■ is buying! They’re available in nastel col- knit brief. A 45c value. . ; K. A ors in most all sizes! First quality! ‘> A m * T* *1 Values to $3.48 a pair! ]| OIC Ladies’ Easter SALE! wl * *■■■■' * T 1 1 dJO /JO il Oval Waste Girls’ Rock ’n Roll Saddle y A Girls’Cotton jL.JT I* FOCKS ' ' /J UnOll LI U This is the biggest selling* J ULUUULW \ Hus 5.,1, ' The pri.-cs —.. Painted metal waste baskets a°u l^ e seaso " for J’ Sizes for girls from Ito I t '' l "'' " ,l l "" 1 GIRLS’NEW EbVSTER 1 Nt >ES “ 47c ’ $5.44 l 88c lJ|l\ s--i:=..r --aster Dresses ___ \ k. Regularly $5.95 1 Be sure to Men’s Dress I Jumbo Sofa L. L. Muslin Hand Hooked /Am mi ~ SHIRTS PILLOWS SHEETING RUGS j|Ml| 9>5.08 !. . . Sale -Famous “Bonaire” first qual- Take your pick of many as- First quality ... 36 inches All hand-made m many do- a 1?1....1.. Ctf nit ity broadcloth shirts in all sorted colors and sizes in wide in high count muslin! lightful color assortments. 22 SkMi H| & ttegUbll l\ So.}/t) ■ m neck and sleeve sizes! $2.29 $3.48 values! 29c a yard values! by 36 inch sizes! $2.98 values! 3S f WHm Wm* 4 s', R7 , $2.68 22c yd. $2.68 58.38 ... Sale i,, * ? I Regularly $10.95 ’4 BELK-TYLER’S-Edenton I jS $10.38 _______ nil pmii.i i.i i.iii . n i.ii.i. HI .11.. i .1. " 1 ~ '' " " tj USTEN 1 VALUES ADDED DAILY —*1260 ON YOU«"DIAI' "