NAAS NOTES By IRENE JORDAN Captain and Mrs. E. D. Smith left Edenton this past week. Capt. Smith has been transferred from NAAS to Camp Lejeune. NAAS welcomes Capt. and Mrs. R. W. Virden. The Virdens have two Children and will make their home at 28 Westover Heights. Capt. Virden will be attached to MABS. The executive board of the Os . fivers Wives’ Club met at the home of the president, Mrs. Geo. Ross, on Wednesday, January 29, at 1:30 P. M. Mrs. Larry Bagwell returned to Edenton on Sunday, January 26, after a three weeks visit in West Virginia. j Mrs. Mike Pierce left Sunday, January 26, for a two months vis it with her family in California. JA combination luncheon and business meeting will be held by the Officers Wives’ Club at the Officers’ Club promptly at 1:30 P. M., on Wednesday, February 12. The program will be a “Crazy Hat Contest” and prizes will be awarded for the craziest, funniest and prettiest homqjnadc hats. For reservations call Mrs. Meredith Baker or Mrs. ..Mary McCaffrey. £ : > NAAS welcomes Major Donald Fenton who was transferred here from Japan. Mrs. Fenton and their two sons are in Missouri and will join Major Fenton in Edenton at the end of the school term. 1 Negro Home Demonstration News By MRS. ONNIE S. CHARLTON, Negro Hume Demonstration Agent The Home Demonstration Coun ty Council and Agricultural Ad visory Committee met Saturday to make goals we wish to accomplish this year on objectives already made by the Agricultural Workers Council. Goals made: • • 1. On family food supply each neighborhood will carry out a garden contest. A county-wide garden tour will be held in June.; Rules on this will be explained in all meetings in February. 2. Under farm, home and com- \ munity improvement, plans were • rinrir _ ipgip^rai gs jo GET h| j YOUR EQUIPMENT SET Spring planting time is iu*t around the cornerl ready to roll by let ting us cbeck your equipment now and put -v, j n t jp. to p s hape! t We’re past masters at repairing all kinds of farm machinery . . . quickly, economically! Edenton Tractor & Equipment Co. ft YOUR FORD TRACTOR DEALER Agents For Evinrude Outboards U. S. 17 SOUTH— EDENTON. N. C. ANNUAL JAYCEE March of Dimes Dance ONE OF THE SEASON'S LARGEST DANCES Friday, February 7th 9 ’TIL I Edenton Armory John Piland and His Orchestra • V fi f t > ' SI.OO Per Person —Make Reservations Now—Phone 2219 Major George Bauman, Lt. A1 Graham, Lt. Simon Kittler, Lt. Frank Logan, Lt. Frank Poore, Lt. Walter Service and Lt. Roland Root are on TAD to Cherry Point for two weeks. Mis. F. J. Robinson has joined her husband, Lt. Robinson in Edenton. They live at the Base Trailer Court. Lt. and Mrs. E. E. Grcbenstein ! have moved from Johnston Street ' to Albemarle Court in Edenton. Mrs. R. W. Whitten and chil dren, Allan and Kliris, spent last week-end visiting with Col. and Mrs. Hamilton Lawrence in Nor folk, Va. ■ \ j Major and Mrs. R. F. Brcy maier gave a farewell party in honor of Lt. and Mrs. Jim Bow ers on Saturday, February 1, at their home in Pembroke Circle. Guests were: Col. and Mrs. A. R. Stacy, Lt. Col. and Mrs. W. A. Free, Major and Mrs. George Dauphine, Capt. and Mrs. L. L. Beeler, Mr. and Mrs. William Jones and Lt. Cappa. I Mrs. Helene Richenthal is teaching the second grade at the j Edenton Elementary School. Mrs. Richenthal is replacing Mrs. ' Barker, ! Mrs. William Bethel and son. Jack, left Tuesday, February 4, to spend a week visiting her mo | ther, Mrs. Hamilton Sinclair in I Washington, D. C. made to improve outdoor toilet facilities. We will work toward each farm family having a good, clean toilet. 3. Each neighborhood will de cide on one project to improve the appearance of their community this year. Leaders present were: Mes dames Ella Foxwell, Mable Jor- I dan, Betty Valentine, Etta Mae I Hathaway, C. V. Brown. Evalina 1 Harris, Myrtle Wardsworth, Beu ! lah Wardsworth, Pattie Fayton, Mary Askew, Rosa Overton, Cleo THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON. NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1058. f - -A-oz -V ’**’***" $ r :.t • v - f ,y'(' : J t >. « : * it • ■ *+■■■ ... JAPAN’S ROYAL FAMILY— Relaxing in the gei-den Os the Imperial Palace in Tokyo, .lapan'.; royal family Incuses attention on a household pi t, held by Prince Yoshi, Standing, Rom ’’ 1 '• are Crown Prince Akihito, Princess Suga, F.nipr Nagaho and Emperor MirohHu. lhe. Em t>erof, a tinted biologist, prefers his garden to bo I. *• i>t natural and uutrirnincd. White, Mattie Jordan, Maggie Reddick, Vaola Rountree and An nie Overton. John Overton, W. H. Sawyer, Andrew Littlejohn, W. R. Brothers, Benny Newby and L. B. Long. The garden contest was plan ned to create interest in having more and better gardens. Now is the time to start the vegetable garden. A vegetable garden will: 1. Save you money. Returns from the garden plot, or an arca for-area basis, are higher than practically any other crop grown. 2. Furnish you better quality vegetables. Garden fresh vegeta bles taste better and are better for you than those from the mar ket. 3. Cause you to eat more vege tables. Regardless of income, peo ple eat more vegetables when home grown than when bought. 4. Provide ' valuable training ground for children. Every child should help grow a garden. It gives him a good background f.or future use. 5. Provide a hobby. Especially for the person doing non-farm work. 6. Provide you with better health. Vegetables are among Nature’s best foods. They furnish valuable material for building and regulating the body and maintain ing health and growth. Schedule Os Club Meetings Edenton—-Tuesday. February 11 with Mrs. Alethia Brinkley, 8:00 P. M. Cisco—Wednesday, February 12 with Mrs, Elnora Felton, 2:30 P. M. White Oak—Thursday, Febru ary 13 with Miss Bessie Sessoms, 2:30 P. M. Paradise Road—Monday, Feb ruary 17 with Mrs. Emily Coston, 7:30 P. M. Hudson Grove —Tuesday, Feb ruary 18, at Hall, 2:30 P. M. Wednesday, February I!)—Meat cutting demonstration. Thursday February 20, 4-H Leaders’ Meeting, 2:00 P. M. Triangle—Friday. February 21 with Mrs. Myrtle Wardsworth, 2:30 P. M. St. John—Monday, February 21 with Mrs. Roxie Bonner, 1:00 P. M. , Virginia Fork —Monday, Febru ary 24 with Mrs. Irene Johnson, 7:00 P. M. Warren Grove—Tuesday, Feb ruary 25, with Mrs. Cleo Bonner, 2:00 P. M. Green Hall Wednesday, Feb ruary 26 with Mrs, Ethel Cape hart, 2:30 P. M: Center Hill—Thursday, Febru ary 27, Community Building, 2:30 P. M. 1 Ryans Grove— Friday. February 28, with Mrs. Rosanna Simpson. 2:30 P. M. Fidelis Clul) Elects! !\e\v Vice President The Fidelia NCO Wives' Club held its monthly business meet ing Tuesday night. February 4, at 8 c'ciock. This meeting was held in the game room of the. Staff NCO Club. Ill's .J, I). Clanton, president, called- ti>e meeting to order. There were 16 members pres ent. Mrs. Clayton welcomed Mrs. L, I. Medina as a new member into the club. Mrs. T. C. Miller, a guest, was cordially extended an invitation to join the club. Mrs. J. E. Bunn resigned as second vice president in Janu ary. Due to this resignation. Mrs. V. 11. Kddins was elected to fulfill the duties of this office, Mrs. Kabul- served a full term last year as second vice presi dent, Mrs. J. F. Durrence, social hostess, reported that all of the! baby layettes had been finished and returned to Chaplain Iley i lor distribution. The members made 22 blankets. 21 long gowns and 22 short sacques.. Chaplain Iley was very happy to receive enough for ten baby layettes. This is the club’s birthday I month. The social night, Fob-! ruary 17. is being set aside sor 1 a celebration. Everyone enjoyed delicious with Big, Fully integral JOHN DEERE PLOWS M All the superior features of John Deere ’ ' , s TSK^imiti> Plow construction plus the time-saving, .. •> • . i - work-saving capacity of four 16-inch high- J.f ' speed light-draft bottoms —that's what ... •- 'p* § you'll get in the big, fully integral John . i -*• : 7. Deere No. 810 slurwn at the right. ■ Super-strong, trash-shedding John Deere Truss-frame design . . . improved Load and-Depth Control . . . sure-trip safely '-J . p .y- W 'ST standards . . . full latitude of precise ad- j^y■<*y> justment —these are among features that jJ t • *mMM make good plowing easy. Come in soon and take a look at our fine, \ modern, iniegral^plows m \Yhcr< r CVo;,»s- / lifoirimj E Ihinunt! for Jo/ut l'\*: nt Hobbs Implement Co., Inc. GUY €. HOBBS, Mgr. “Your John Deere Dealer ” EDENTOX, X. C. refreshments served by Mrs. 11. M. Bell and Mrs. .1. P. Brennan The refreshment table was deco i rated Very, pretty centered with a dish garden and candles. Col i fee and cherry , shortcake topped I with ice cream were .served. Music School Is j Held At Hertford ,j Eight home demonstration elm? - members and .the home agent licpresOntcd Chowan County al ja district music school held in jllcrtfoid on Tuesday. Mi- I Doris Kirometl from the Music ; iDepartment 'of the State Depart. • j.ment of Public Instruction, ron- Idueled the meeting. Mrs. C W 'Overman of Chowan Cmiutv. I Eastern District music chairman. .1 assisted her. 1 r '■ • .-o'- ' During the all-d’iy ■: meeti rig Mi s Kimmi It taught the group, of club music leaders songs in the new veai books which w ill tie used in club meetings throughout this year. Several ministers present led in group singing of religious and uld t favorite sea'ctions during tii ■ , morning session. , 1 Approximately 85 person- rep resenting nine counties attendee the meeting. Those from Cho ; wan County were Mrs. B. P. Monds. Center Hill Club: Mrs. Paul Obor and Mrs. Lester Har rell, Beech Fork Club: Mrs, Gil ibert Harrell and Mrs. 3. C. Skinner, Advance Club; Mrs. C. C. Copeland, Ryland Club; Mis. Roland Evans, Chowan Club: Mrs. C. W Overman. Byrd Club and Miss Maid red Morris? home agent. Blackout ends is one way to go out like a light, i earn Selected For East - West Game Bill Billings, coach of Edenton’s Aces and Honey Johnson, coach of the Elizabeth City Yellow Jac kets, who will coach the east ern squad for the tenth annual East-West high school all-star football game in Greensboro in August, have announced the nieinbers who will make up the eastern aggregation. The squad includes 26 boys, all seniors, com ing from 18 schools. Edenton is among eight of the schools plac ing two players on the squad, the two being Bruce White, backfield. and Henry Overton, end. • Coaches Lee Stone of Asheboro and Boli Allen of Canton will eo.-udi Hi,, wi tern team. Th •'. toin nail includes the . following: | End. Bill Hull, Tar-boro; Tom I Lilli', liox.boro; Henry Newton, | Raleigh:’ Henry Overton, Eden i Ion: < ’arid Willi , Vanoeboro. i I ■ l l lli-. Paul Kill-rs. Rocky I Mount, .toe < looclriel), Fayette' IVi l- ilazel Mai hews, Hertford; I tni.i : ■•■ -!!, Wadi -boro; Steve V'i,,n j , -b < inrnei I > ill.r I tollingsworth, 1 i 'led * . ■ 1 e l l Pncki-M. Wallacc ,l Flo ■ Hill; He-nrv Taylor and Jack ! Til lei .. in die f Wilson, j ibel'T I > :i: woo <1 Dixon, I W-a.d>!i!g|.-.,ii; Hill Slack, Wilming j toil. [ Back Bill Burgess, Elizabeth jC'itv: i ni,;, Davis, New Bern; M-’o-n-n bra 1. Wilmington; Nick 'Hi! o: Elizabeth ..City; Tommy Vtalibi -w . Hertford:; Willie Finer, jW. H.,i i la>-e Hill; Brick Regan, jS; Pani,,; Hi lire White. Edenton; | E ri Worthington, New Bern; iI• ii -. Wvalt. Durham. i ' FEWER N. C. TURKEYS l I T!a , e .il not he as much tur -1 1 ne .ii a d-dile for Tar Heel !'h; ■ tab!,,- in 1958 as compar , 1357. f the present forc es > indi/e. Latest reports of an' ni; raise turkeys in N- t'aml’n , or 1958 reveal de no f 3.5 per cent and 19 per '■ 1 ' 1 ibo heavv and light hi ceil -. ri-spect iyely. .yl i| 10 «»i£j '|r,US * onic iii vsliiir ui Mtill ! *»H v r your favorite | varie-lie»» in our larc;e i o ' of v«**;«*ta* ami (loner seeds. i E. Pearce I ■■■':. •' • ... ■ . '-' , ' ', • ■I SEEDSMAN Phone 3839 Edenion CHESS COLD —lt takes more tl oi winter temperatures to check these chess enthusiasts ir. ,v. York'.; frigid Central Park. The only way to kerji warm i to keep.moving but the player in the foreground at ksi v<.w. lv lr'.-..i.n as solid as the stone table at which be. > mi. . . * BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. William Thomas Moore of Windsor announce', the birth og a 7-pound 4L ounce son. Classified Ads FURNI SH E[) THREE Id )()M apartment. Private bath- and garage. Constant hot water 219 E. Queen Street; Phono, 2561. Up FOR RENT —ONE THREE-BED room house partly furnished, in j Westover Heights. Electric' hoi water. $65 month. Call 2277 or 2866. Feb6,i3pd HOUSE FOR SALK ALBE marie Court. Low down pay ment. FIIA financed 4 1 •> Apply Mrs. J. L. Petttis. Plioni 2435. Jan3oFeb6c FOR SALE REGISTERED Hampshire-bred gilts, 575 each: due to farrow Feb: 7-20. Also boars, SSO each and one. mare; mule weighing about 1.300 pounds, SIOO. Lloyd , Evans,: Route 1, Hertford. N. C. Jan3o.Feb6.l3.2()pd MAN OR WOMAN Established Watkins Route Available m. Edenton. No experience neces sary in this area, Write P. O. Box 5071, Department S-3, Richmond. Virginia. Feb6.13,20.27pd FOR SALE—USED HOTPOINT range in' good condition. $45.00. Mrs. Charles Wood. Jr. Phon 3438. ltc PICTURE FRAMING—FOR THE best in custom picture framing see John R. Lewis at lhe Eden ton Furniture Company Com ■ pletc line of moulding to chon from. ts( FOR RENT—3-ROOM FURNISH cd apartment. Couple prefer-! red: 107 Jackson Sheet. Phoni , 3284. 1 tpd j WANTED— CAB DRIVERS SEE, W. J. Jordan or call 3111. EASE THROAT! Buy sooth ar. sanitizing, OLAG Tooth Paste at the drug store. General Contractor AND Repair Work of All Kind CALL Fred C. Gardner ( o. PHONE 3204 Edenton. N. C. TYPEWRITERS" ANIJ AHiHM , machines. New and list'd . Edenton Office Supply. 102 E Water Street. tic | FOR RENT—ATTRACTIVE FUR j nished 3-room apartment. Con I venicntlv located. Available February 1. Phone 2561. tfc - ■; - j FURNITURE STORAGE BY THE j week or month. Phone 3214. j Feb6.13,20,27c W ARE II OH Si: SALKS CASH AND CARRY (Delivery and Time Payments and Warranties Extra) W ;irriioii*.*- <}ii;intit> Items I'rico I* rive 1 Maytag Freezer—ls-t't. 5499.95 $350.00 2 Maytag Refrigerator-Freezers 590.05 425.00 2 Maytag Ranges 60D2 100 05 139.00 2 Maytag Ranges 60K2 229.95 102.00 1 Maytag Range 204 CPS 279.95 105.00 1 • Magic Chef IA-057 279.05 187.00 1 Magic Chef IA-630 299.95 195.00 1 Rudd Water Heater 149.95 97.00 2 Maytag Washers 101 P 339.95 199.00 2 Mavtag Washers AMP (used) 289.95 129.00 1 Mavtag Washer 121 (used) 279.95 129.00 2 Siegler Heaters 50,000 BTU 299.95 199.00 2 Siegler Heaters 85,000 BTU 379.95 255.00 1 Dearborn Heater 45.000 BTU 139.95 90.00 4 Floor Furnaces 50.000 BTU 229.95 145.00 2 Floor Furnaces 70,000 BTU 259.95 160.00 1 Wall Heater 63,000 BTU 279.95 177.00 Harrell Gas and Coal Company EDENTON HERTFORD ELIZABETH* CITY Phone 3310 Phone 3881 Phone 8994 —SECTION ON* PAGE THREE Tliiii:,. Moore, Jr . born 11 Ik. idk M- mil-rial Hospital. ’Windkbr-, Th’i.irsda,y, January 16. Mi- Moo, e i ,i .pinner Edenton iaa. uii of Mr \V. C. Moore. SAIES REPRESENTATIVE AND FIGURE COUSULTANT • ■fL’.liiy i iaid.r int'-i e ting career is avydab 1 - f..r aiiibitious, gracious, fra udly a a pre-.i !ii;:UVe with car. No (;xj)( rien-'e ii ■ ji;j; i d as we hove roil .j tie! i • training program. ' Y--u v. :. • . ■ oppoi tunity to demonstrate and sell the wonder ful S' dll E mie Reducing Plan as ad', ' - , Fi hi uarv 1. issue “Saturday. Even-in, Post.” pages 4>i 47. !*!> ase writ and (i I] us about ■'yourself. :- STAUFFER HOME PLAN 301 North Ayco-k Street Greensboro, North Carolina Febfi. 13.20 c HOUSE FOR RENT 1 STRAT fi". d Road. Aphlv Mrs. J. L. Pet: :'s. phon 2435. tfc FOR RENT 2 ROOM FUR NISH ed ajiaidincnt v. .hi private bath. 912 N -idii Bhrid Street. Phone 3293. tfe LOST -BEAGLE HOUND. FE n ale. H ak. tan and white. $20.00 n-w aril Call 2111. Ex tension 15. - S?.' Raymond W. Meri'ymar Jan23.3o,Feb6p FOR RENT- TWO AND THRKE bedrooni ajia itnicnts. Twindy In.'iirnnce. §- Real Estate. Inc, 103 E. King Street Phone 2163. tfc ’.-room APARTMENT FOR rend, 222 F. ' Queen Street. Sei or rad Mi- c R Mason P e 4; • m 30 ts hid list rial Equipment —for— ; Wheel Type and Crawler Tractors Back hoes. P zer-. Trenc hers Crawler Tractors With Winches Loader.-, 1. indacapinq Rakes ■ {*■ Sec or Call— Ifohhs Implement ( ompanv | PHONE 3112 y Edenton. N. C. CASH REWARDS! !v .'. ire in i i-h will In' paid to am iWizen 'l'm m hmg mforma ! i : M 4 icx; , l: 11s in Chn u ah' 11!11 . Rrporl violations to ATP oii'.vi... Box 671. Eliza !h !h t'it.v !,;■ in ABC Officer Troy Tnppln. All .information will In- la a! in strict confidence. JOB WANTED PART-TIME prefei nd. General office work or stenographic work. Can fur nish- references. Permanent res idence, Apply Box 165. Eden ton. Feb6,l3c