PAGE TWO —SECTION THREE I Nep Home Demonstration News I B; MRS. ONNIE S. CHARLTON, Negro Home Demonstration Agent V_ Information presented last week was prepared by J. B. Small, County Agent. We wish to announce the win ners in the Junior Canning Con test. Mary Louise Lassiter, Bray Hall, first place; Carolyn Askew, Edenton, second place, and Bren- 1 da Johnson, Mexico Road, third I place. Too many 4-H club girls who; started this project did not com- j plete the required activities. We : ask parents to encourage and help I their children to carry out infer- j mation learned in 4-H club meet-j ings, special training meetings, and from local leaders and toj complete all phases of the pro- [ ject. Remember 4-H’ers learn by doing. .... This week, October 5-11, is Na- j tional Fire Prevention Week.; Fire prevention is our first de-1 sense against fire. This informa- j tion comes to us from the United States Department of Agriculture | in cooperation with the National j Fire Protection Association. The slogan this year is "You Can Help, Stop Fires, Save Lives.” Heating About one-third of farm fires start from defects in the heating and cooking system. ■ Immediately repair defective chimneys, stove pipes, spark ar-! resters and cooking equipment. | Keep cooking vessels out of children’s reach. j ''i T i I IT'S ALL TRUE! the ' 59 CHEVROLET is NEW AGAIN! ! NEWEST AGAIN! • new form • new grace • new feel • new space NEW '59 Trucks too! coming OCT. 16 PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW! George Chevrolet Company, Inc. 1100 N. Broad—Edenton. N. C. PHONE 2138 Dealer's Franchise Nu. 569 ! LOTS FOR SALE! i Several Building Lots for Sale on High- , * way 37, 3 miles from Edenton. Ideal , for Trailers. i Price #20.00 Down.. #20.00 Per Month R. R. HALL 29 Westover Heights Edenton, N. C. PHONE 3583 * L >JL ■ "‘A Never pour kerosene on burn ing fires. Wiring And Electricity Check for inadequate, defective and misused electrical wiring sys tems or appliances. Check fuses and electrical equipment. J Be sure electric wiring is safe ■ and adequate. j Fuse all electric circuits prop ; erly. Keep electric equipment in good j repair. Never overfuse or tamper with j fuses. j Don’t use frayed outlet cords or j defective appliances. Storage Check storage of fuels and oth | er flammables. Check storage areas for neat ; ness and fire safety. ! Store gasoline and flammables | in approved containers and loca- I tions. ' Clean storage areas and remove all fire hazards. Never use toxic or flammable I cleaning fluids indoors. Never or auto mobiles where exhausts or drip- ! ping gasoline can start a fire. Lightning Inspect lightning rods; they 1 . should he grounded and secure -1 ly connected. j Check surge aresters at electri-. cal entrances. I | Maintain lightning rods, ground i and arrester installations to pro ' vide safe protection. Don’t take chances—use ligH -; ning protective devices in danger-; ous areas. Miscellaneous Check home fire-fighting equip ment. Provide fire safety between; buildings and firebreaks between 1 field and buildings. Firewalls should be construct-; ed where needed. Protect buildings in dangerous areas. Be sure water under pressure and extinguishing equipme.| are ready to fight fire. Don’t smoke in bed. Never leave small children alone in a house. Keep matches, medicines and chemicals safely away from chil ' dren. In Case Os Fire 1. Quickly get everyone out and away from the building on fire. 2. Call for help at nearest phone or make sure someone goes for help. I 3. Then, try to keep the fire from spreading and concentrate *on protecting other buildings, livestock and property. njospitaTPatients V —_ Visiting Hours 10 to 11 A. M„ 2 to 4 P. M., and 6 to 8 P. M. Children under 12 years of age not permitted to visit patients. Patients admitted to the Cho wan Hospital during the week of i September 29-October 5 were: White Mrs. Clara Haybeck, Hertford; Vernon Holton, Roper; Obed E.' Skinner, Edenton; Robert Lee i Swain, Columbia; Miss Linda McDonald, Edenton; Mrs. Arlene I Jones, Edenton; Mrs. Faye Mul-J lins, Edenton; Charles Phelps,, Creswell; Mrs. Betty Jordan, Ty ner; Miss Sharon Liverman, Co lumbia; Mrs. Gloria Bond, Eden ton; Mrs. Kathryn Speight, Edenton; Mrs. Kathryn Dem merle, Edenton; John Harrell, Edenton; Charles Patrick, Co lumbia; Mrs. Rebecca Warren, Edenton; Mrs. Annie Lou Wright, Hertford; Alfonso Dail, Tyner; Mrs. Regina Smith, Eden ton; Mrs. Kathreen Nelson, Hert ford; Miss Ellen Copeland, Hert lord; Mrs. Lila Miller, Edenton; Mrs. Beatrice Rountree, Hert- TH* CHOWAN HERALD. EDENTON. NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY OCTOBER 9. 1958. ':: . REPRESENTING THE MOST progressive change in Pontiac Motor Division's ST-year history is the Catalina Vista. The beautifully contoured Vista-Panoramic windshield and large, wrap-around rear window provide unparalleled vision for driving safety. Absolute simplicity in styling if achieved with the twin "air scoop" grille housing dual headlamps and a low, cleanly styled body, topped by a slim-line roof. Vista models are also featured in the Bonneville and Star Chief series. ford. Negro Surley Lee Forehand, Hert ford; Hildred Brothers, Edenton; Mary Alice Valentine, Edenton;' Charlie Williams, Winfall; Mar-: tha Foreman, Hertford; Beulah- Cofield, Edenton; Hazel Ruth Holley, Tyner; Willie Ann Rid-1 dick, Edenton; Erie Powell, j Edenton. Patients discharged from the hospital during the same week were: While Mrs. Mary Perry, Edenton; R. C. Holland, Edenton; Gurnie Hobbs, Edenton; Mrs. Marjorie Nixon, Edenton; Vernon Holton, Roper; Miss Linda McDonald, Edenton; Mrs. Arlene Jones, Edenton; Mrs. Jessie Colson, Hertford; Mrs. Jeanette Boag, Edenton; Mrs. Clara Haybeck, Hertford; Obed E. Skinner, Edenton; Robert Lee Swain,; Columbia; Mrs. Faye Mullins, j Edenton; Charles Phelps, Cres ,well; Mrs. Betty Jordan, Tyner; Mrs. Kathryn Speight, Edenton; [Mrs. Kathryn Demmerle, Eden ton; Mrs. Sadie Owens, Eden ! ton; Mrs. Sallie Bunch, Hobbs 'ville; Mrs. Annie Lou Wright, Hertford; Miss Sharon Liverman, Columbia. Negro Helena White, Hertford; Lil lian Tripp, Edenton; Hildred Brothers, Edenton; John Wil liams, Edenton; Mary Alice Valentine, Edenton; Charlie Williams, Winfall; Martha Fore man, Hertford; Lucy Sharpe, ! Edenton; Beulah Cofield, Eden !ton; Hazel Ruth Holley, Tyner; | Erie Powell, Edenton. Births | Births during the same week were: S/Sgt. and Mrs. Harold jS. Hayberk, Hertford, a daugh ter; Sgt. and Mrs. James R. Mul lins, Edenton, a daughter; Mr. and Mrs. George M. Jordan, Ty ner, a son; Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam E. Bond, Ji., Edenton, a daughter; Mr. and Mrs. John Edward Speight, Edenton, a son; Mr, and Mrs. William Valen tine, Edenton, a son; Mr. and Mrs. David M. Warren, Eden ton, a daughter: Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Cofield, Edenton, a j daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Curtis | Lee Holley, Tyner, a daughter; Mr. and Mrs. James H. Powell, [Edenton. a son; Mr. and Mrs. I Wesley E. Nelson, Hertford a [daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Miller, Jr., Edenton, a son. CARD OF THANKS , We are so grateful to all of our friends and neighbors for the many kind things they did for us during the illness and death of our father and husband. May the Lord bless and keep you all. MRS. L. M. JOHNSON AND SUSAN p Girls we love for what they are; young men for what they promise to be —Goethe. B, Coach Walter Hunter and tbe Edenton Hornets defeated Wil- j liamston High Monday night 14-12 j in a hard fought battle to stay in j the race for the Albemarle Con- ’ ference Championship. The Hor-: nets kicked to Williamston to start the game and in three plays ( Williamston had scored, but did | not make the extra point. They j kicked to Edenton but the Hor-j nets were unable' to move the j ball and at the half time William- 1 ston led by two TD’s. At that | time it looked bad for the Hor- j nets who were unable to move j the ball, But they came to life | when James Drew made a 15-yard run to put the Hornets back in the game. William Madrey and George Simpson were the quar- ( terbacks for Edenton and they did M. D. BAKER HOG BUM STATION Tyner, N. C. Open Daily—Monday thru Friday FOR PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE AND HIGHEST PRICES PAID . . . DIAL EDENTON 2311 SUNBURY 2090 Glerimore KENTUCKY STRAIGHT A BOURBON WHISKEY •86 PROOF JU Jr ' 'I ' 3 Giaiwtt wsmmig co. -wwat rancrioii of hmbct h tramhot Louisymt mmianr | ^^W>»WW»^ sought is as follows: Absolute di vorce based upon continuous sep i aration between the parties for i more than two vears immediatelv| i preceding the institution of this ■ action. i You are required to make de fense to such pleading not later • than November 15. 1958. and upon' ■ your failure to do so the partv seeking service against vou will apply to the court for ttte relief sought. V < This 18th day of September, 1958. ', LENA M. LEARY. Ass’t. Clerk Superior Court. 560125,0^2,9, 16cwsp North Carolina. Chowan County. The undersigned, having quali fied as- Executor of the Est ate of j W. W. Byrum. deceased, latte of | Qhowan County, this is to noti fy all persons having claims I against said estate to present them j to the undersigned on or before the 25th day of September. 1959, I or this notice will be pleaded in ' bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undprsiv r, °d This 22nd day of September, 1958. WEST W. BYRUM. JR.. Fverutnr 5ept25,0ct2,9,16,23,30c i /NO CASH \ \ NOW MAM' } YOU PAY A SMALL MONTHLY 81LL... Ejp with our meteredgas SERVICE! A real lift for the , I home budget No j I? ® large, unexpected -4. L cash payment for < gas. Instead you % 1/ J make a small %, i? monthlypayment . —just for what you've used. Our metered gas service also saves' you the bother of phone calls, de lays, and signing delivery slips. FOR MODERN GAS SERVICE, SEE, | Western Gas Service | “Your Green's Fuel Distributor" PHONE 3122 EDENTON