PAGE EIGHT r— SECTION TWO y ■ mm —— v | No Comment j By JAMES W. DOUTHAT taUut Vice PrMident, Government ■atatlnn Division of the Notional Association of Manufacturers “MO COMMENT" is a report of Incidents on the national scehe, tad does not necessarily reflect NAM policy dr position. Washington, D. C.—Specu!atior> iS increasing in Washington over the possibility of bringing about a realignment of the two political parties into conservative and '•lib eral” groups. Admittedly, this has every ap pearance of being a long-range program. However, there are some who believe that recent de velopments might speed it un BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY A PROFITABLE BUSINESS For Sale or Rent • GOOD GKOCKKY AND SERVICE STATION • ★ PAYi‘NG WELL ★ » Call Hertford 2231 or Sunbury 2098 "■ 1 5% New Car Loans Peoples Bank and Trust Co. C onsumer Credit Branch 210 South Broad Street EDENTON, N. C. Member F. D. I. 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Tkornd TaL 2429 © % \v: • .7 .;.t ■ - . -• -.sV ' V v:l V'-r. ‘JSfrttfa niffli* i‘rrirV"i?iT a ~ v’- i ■ ' **- u-.,.- >. _ izs*-, ■ - v - - • - > > if&a: «*% much more rapidly than generally expected. Among these developments is the fact that some Southern Dem ocrats contend that Democratic i National Chairman Butler, and others, are ignoring them and are threatening to read them out of : the Party. This complaint goes far beyond the civil rights issue. Another development is the campaign by some “liberal” Re publicans to seize control from the conservatives of the Party or ganization in the Senate. The 1 conservatives say that this cam paign. if successful, would mean a long step toward the end of the traditional Republican Party. Here is the way some astute politicians in . Washington ana lyze the situation: If the Southern Democrats are ! going to be read out of the Par ity—or if their influence within * the Party is to be destroyed—they | would at least give serious con ! -ideration to aligning with a new j group advocating conservative j principles. If the so-called “liberals” take over control of the Republican Party—with control of the Sen ate Republicans as an important step—the conservative Republi can:; could be expected to give serious consideration to aligning with a new group advocating con servative principles. If this should reach the action stage, the big question, of course, then would be the basis for form ing the new group. Three possi bilities are being mentioned: I 1. An entirely new party could THE CHOWAN HERALD. EDEHTOH. WORTH CAROUHA. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY S, 1839. be formed, consisting of conserva- j tive Democrats and conservative Republicans. This would mean a third party and it is pointed out that traditionally third parties have not been successful in the United States. 2. Conservative Democrats could join the Republican Party and use their influence toward continuing it along conservative lines. Major objections mention ed include the opposition of most of the Southerners to the civil rights position of the Republican leaders, and the fact that Repub licans are still blamed by some in the South for the War between the States. 3. Conservative Republi cans could join the Democratic Party and unite with Southern Democrats in an .effort to direct the Party in the future along con servative lines. Rightly or wrongly, there are some who believe that this lat ter course might have the best chance of accomplishment and would thereby force the radical New-Fair Deal Democrats to form a new party, while the present Democratic Party would be the party of conservatives. It is pointed out that the Demo cratic Party was started in the days of Thomas Jefferson as a States Rights Party and continued so until the advent of the New- Deal in 1933. To repeat, all this at the pres ent time lies in the field of spec ulation. However, more and more people are considering what course to take if the radical New- Fair Dealers expand their control aver the two present political parties. If the New-Fair dealers got control of both parties, the con servatives would be banished to the political wilderness. And the voters, in elections, would have nothing to choose between in the way of policies and principles. There are many conservatives who believe that the voters should be provided with a clear cut choice between conservative principles—the kind under which j the nation flourished to its pres- j ent greatness—and radical New- j Fair Deal principles under which Big Government becomes j bigger and the people's rights and liberty grow smaller. These conservatives believe they would win a majority of j elections if the issues are clear- | ly presented to the people—and i if proper candidates run for pub- i lie office—and if the conserv’d- j tives will really work for better j Government. TAX FACTS ■ i . ■ n Selecting The Proper Tax Form (This is one of « series of articles on federal income tax filing. The articles are based on information provided bp the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the North Carolina Association of Certified Public Accountants, in cooperation with the Internal Revenue Service.) IF you are one of the millions of American taxpayers who spends the lion's share of his income feeding, clothing, housing and entertaining his family, chances are there is very little you can do to reduce your 1958 federal income tax bill but you owe It to yourself to try. First of all. decide which of the two individual tax forms you are going to use to report yodr in come. If you choose the wrong one. you may automatically cut yourself off from a possible tax savings. The easiest way to tile is to use the simple 1040-A Form. It’s a card the size of a check, on which you answer a tew simple ques tions and have the choice of either computing your own tax or letting the Government do it for you. You are permitted to use the card form if your gross income consisted only of wages, divi dends or interest totaling less than SIO,OOO, and if you did not have more than S2OO of gross income apart from that listed on your W-2 withholding slips. Facts to Consider Before deciding to use the card Form 1040-A, you should consider these facts: 1. Your tax will be figured from a table which allows you a deduction of about 10 per cent of your income instead of item ized deductions for contributions, taxes, interest paid, medical and dental expenses, etc. ' 2. There is no provision in this form for filing as the “head of household”, as a "surviving spouse” or for claiming special credits for dividends and retire ment income. If you are sure that these two points would not cost you any tax savings, and your income is within the limits for filing a Form 1040-A, you might as well use this simple card form. Whether to Itemise When you elect to use the reg ular Form 1040, you still must RECREATION CENTER PLYMOUTH, N. ('. Age Limit 19 Years and Under During our Wednesday and Saturday dance we will have a Silver Dollar Draw ing during the month of February. All Boys and Girls 19 Years of Age and Under Are Invited. No Alcoholic Beverages Allowed on Premises TRACK DOWN 1 H ° ME mTu! SEE US FOR PLANS, MATERIALS AND EASY BUDGET TERMS! -j JUST A SMALL AMOUNT ENCLOSE YOUR PORCH to i| j MONTHLY can do wonders in 77> make it usable the around! [r bringing your kitchen up to date. / We’ll be glad to explain the ease ' vo ,lown payment necessary .. . j 'iTfffifE 1- °f paying for needed materials by Step in to see about it this the month ... up to 5 years Come In And Investigate Our “TIME PAYMENT PLAN” NO DOWN PAYMENT-UP TO 5 YEARS TO PAY 3ph| 7a t el i\ *U\\H J i * I decide whether to itemixe deduc tions or take the standard deduc tion which usually aihounts to about 10 per cent of your income or SI,OOO, whichever is less. Gen erally. you will save by itemis ing deductions if you: ~ (1) Own real estate (2) Had unusual medical ex penses (S) Had deductible child-care expense (4) Suffered losses from fire, storm, accident or theft • (5) Made fairly large charit able contributions ‘ If you are supporting a de pendent, although you are un married. you may be able to qualify as a “head of household” and figure vour tax on a special table that gives you part of the advantage enjoyed by married couples tiling joint returns. You may qualify for a “head of household” status if you pro vide more than half the support of a parent, and more than halt , the cost of maintaining the par ent's household even if the par ent does not live with you. You cannot claim a “head of house hold” status if you file a Form 1040-A. The 1040 Form is • arranged again this year so that a tax payer whose income was entirely from wages needs to use only the first one or two pages. Pages three and four are for other types of income and for comput ing the special credits for divi dends and retirement income. The instructions which come with your tax forms give further information on how to select the correct tax form. Help is also available from the Internal Rev enue Service. [ —— —— —‘ —. ; j SUNDAY-SCHOOL LESSON * \ .....■» Continued from Page 7—Section 1 ed, -only to change' his motives and remain in that profession for the services he can render. For reasons of this kind we should not dismiss Rightly the idea that men are 'often enabled to live better lives „■ if they believe in their own continuance after the death of their flesh. The first Christian experience was related to the fact of immed iate experience of Jesus Christ after his "death. It was a very personal thing, and it transform ed men. Through this vital ex perience of a personal encounter with the Spirit that had been in Jesus they were convinced that God had announced to all gen erations the triumph of life over death. What this means for us is clear. We might say that God gave us life and for these few years it is being expressed through flesh. But Jesus had demonstrated that this is not the only way God can let men ex press their lives. There is that, way which lies beyond death. This is a basic fact of belief f“r - » Jllry G®ld„ Straight $^^.255 BOURBON W niSKcy TYtONI DISnUINO COMPANY LAWKENCEIUIO, KENTUCKY Christians. The first Christians believed in imortality because they were sure of their association with One who had triumphed over death. What Jesus had obtained byway of victory was also obtainable for all who believed. The resurrec tion is a continuing process through which God lifts life from death and keeps sending it on its way. To know this, to, see it, to feel it, to rejoice in it, is the basic concept of Christianity. But a continuance of life after death also carries with it a grave responsibility. Death will not destroy the fact of our various sins. We, ourselves, are respon sible for the use to which we have put the God-given gift of life. Death, in itself, is not the end of our need for God and re demption. Our lives, as we live them from day to day on this earth, express ed through our flesh, are involv ed in the process of becoming something which only death can make them. Death is our birth into immortality. Jesus is the Demonstrator of a' fact. The church is the celebrator. When Jesus proclaimed: “In my Father’s house there are many mansions” he held out hope 1 /'-■ 111 . 11 — 1 - to mankind; hope, and a prom . ise of better things to come f u us, provided we earned thoie 'things. What an inspiration be- ■; lief in life after death can be, for every one of jus! How great-j Jly it should refine our lives!/ How helpfully it should enable us to bear our burdens, enjoy our work; how richly it shoyld en dow our jvorship! After all, the God who could he trusted to bring us to earth in birth can surely be trusted to take us on ward, through, the birth of death, into immortality. In God’s grace, that we should be worthy of it, should be our fervent prayer. (These comments are based on outlines of the International Sun day School Lessons, copyrighted by the International Council oi Religious Education, and used by permission.) Taylor Theatre Edenton, N: C. Wednesday and Thursday, February 4-5 ONE OF THEM OP. STJWLEY KRAMER TONY CURTIS SIDNEY POITIER F ..... 50 . Friday and Saturday. February 6-7 MIGHTIESTI I of Pulitzer Prize I winner A. B. STAkKiNG Don Murray Richard Egan Lee RemicK'Patrbw Owens Stuart Whitman *e*a* it me cm n DAVID WEISBART- RICHARD FLEISCHER ALFRED HAVES Sunday, February 8— Jean Simgions and Rhonda Fleming in “Home Before Dark” Monday and Tuesday, , February 9-10— ' v.—jr— Heaven or Hell!.-,. which t |r ' itßiiwrf ** * M cuu> KTBr * T» CIWHNE mm: mw «#«»«-... ISIF — es. KM. y TtyTri 7-9 P