ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN CHOWAN COUNTY k /V olume XXVl.—Number 10. Entertainment For Fifth Pilgrimage Is Being Arranged Antique Shows, Wat-! erfront Tour and Or-' gan Recitals Among Attractions i- Visitors in Edenton for the fifth Pilgrimage of Historic Edenton and Countryside, April 17th and 18th, should have no trouble in finding entertainment. Antique shows, water-front tours, and an organ recital will highlight the , entertainment. • Tourists will be given an op- 1 portunity to view Edenton and '■ picturesque Pembroke Creek via ! boat th’-.ugn the generosity of J Scott Harrell of the Edenton Ma- 1 rina. An organ recital will be I held at old St. PaulN Church at 5:30 each afternoon of the tour, and three antique dealers will show antique furniture, glass, I china, etchings and prints at the Penelope Barker house. Nine private homes and five public homes and buildings will be open for the tour. The pri vate homes, all 18th century places with the exception of one which was built in the 17th cen tury are: The Old Bond House, Albania, Bandon, Sycamore, the Coffield House, the Custom House, Paradise Farm, Charlton House and Greenfield. The public homes and build ings are all 18th century: The Penelope Barker House, the Ire dell House, the Cupola House, the Court House and St. Paul's Church. Booklets, giving a complete history of 40 historic homes and buildings in-EdetyUMi .and jfcajn tryside with pictures of most of them, are to be printed and available for tourists. Mrs. Jim mie Earnhardt is chairman in charge of the revised edition of the booklet. Inquiries on the tour are being received daily in large number from many states and folders > with all information on the tour I are be ng sent to thousands of | persons. Through contacts made by Er-! nest J. Ward, Jr., Town Clerk, in brnalt of the Woman's Club, ra dio and television stations in parts of North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia will cover the Pilgrimage. Twenty copies of 166 MM films are being pre pared for use on television sta tions. The tour is also being pub licized through the cooperation of the Advertising Service Agency in Charleston, S. C. Extended coverage on the tour is being given by radio station WCDJ through the courtesy of Dick Schuman. Special event programs will be incorporated in the Anne Carson Hour by Mrs. Carson of the local radio station. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PTA WILL MEET TUESDAY NIGHT The Parent-Teacher Association j of the Edenton Elementary j School will meet Tuesday night, March 10. at 8 o’clock at the Ele mentary School. Thomas Byrum, president, urges a full turn-out of members. 1,650 Batches Os Easter Seals Sent Out In Chowan Tuesday Easter Seals for the 1959 cam- | paign went into the mails onj Tuesday, March 2, reminding 1,-j 650 Edenton and Chowan County residents that crippled children are “yours, too.” The mailing, greatest in the campaign’s 26-year history, was 1 the first step in the month-long, appeal conducted by the Chowan County Easter Seal Society to raise funds for continuing and expanding services to crippled children and adults iA Edenton and Chowan County. It will con tinue through Easter Sunday. March 29th. Ernest Ward, Jr., chairman for the drive, said that “every citi zen in Chowan County will have an opportunity to help provide, maintain and expand the many services needed to rehabilitate the physically handicapped.” THE CHOWAN HERALD [Success In Sight ! According to figures released | late Tuesday afternoon. the drive to raise $253,000 to se cure a large knitting concern for Edenton was only $23,000 short of realization. As of Tuesday $230,000 had been subscribed so that Cam paign Chairman John W. Gra ham and others vitally inie.- j ested in the project are very I optimistic that the goal will be 1 reached and that negotiations I with the concern can proceed. . The board of directors of the i Edenton Development Corpora- I tion met Monday afternoon to | discuss terms of a proposed lease and finishing up the cam paign. Seniors At Chowan Will Present Talent Show Friday Night Variety of Entertain ing Acts Scheduled From Several Neigh boring Schools The Senior Class of Chowan High School will present a talent show Friday night, March 6. at 8, o’clock in the school auditorium. The talent fir.' this program will come from the schools of the neighboring communities. There will be a va?!.! r bf entertaining ] acts. Some of the entertainers for the evening will be: Betty Brown, pantomine. Perquimans; Clarine Pollock, songs and tap dance, Gatesville; Jerry White, songs. Chowan: Carolyn White, accordion, Central, and Jim Knight and Anne Marie Liles, songs, Sunbury, A small admission will be charged to help finance the sen ior trip to New York. Past Master’s Night At Masonic Meeting Tonight (Thursday) at 8 o'clock Past Masters' Night will be ob served by Unanimity Lodge No. j 7, A. F. & A. M. The feature of this meeting will be past rnas- 1 ters filling all the stations and places. Ernest J. Ward, Jr., : present master, urges a full at tendance for this event. Two Chowan Teenagers Killed In Automobile Accident Sunday In a very unfortunate accident Sunday night tw <> teenage boys lost their lives when the auto mobile in which they were rid ing ran off the highway and overturned in a ditch near the home of Stillman I e.iry in the Rocky Hock section shortly after 7:3Q o'clock. The victims of the wreck were j The Easter Seal campaign is I being conducted nationwide dur ! ing this period. The local drive is headed by Ernest Ward, Jr., as t general chairman. Ward is as sisted by James Griffin as chair | man of the Lily Parade; Oscar Duncan is in charge of postal ar rangements; the school appeal is being made by Bobby Hall and Victor Tucker; publicity is being I handled by Milton Bass, Hector Lupton and Jesse Harrell. John Goodwin and Percy Smith have charge of coin containers and'Vic tor Tucker is in charge of typing envelopes. The committee expressed it' hope that every person who re ceives a letter or who sees a coin container will feel the desire to help a crippled child or adult and make a generous contribution. Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, March 5,1959. Jurymei Elected For Spr.! Term Os Supetmi Court # I Judge Malcolm Paul Os Washington Sche duled to Preside Over i Session Chowan County Commissioners at their meeting Monday select ed a list of 50 Chowan County men who Will be summoned to serve as jurymen for the spring term of Chowan Superior Court. The court term will begin Mon day morning, March 30 with Judge Malcolm Paul of Washing ton scheduled to preside. The calendar is expected to be crowded, with a murder case transferred from Tyrrell County, being included. Those chose for jury duty in clude the following: J. Bertram llollowell, M. W Jaekso.i. J. Clarence Leary. Jr. Ray Boyce, Melvin E. Copeland ' Scott Harrell, W. Edward Speight Roland B. Toppin, William H Wells. J. L. Layton. John H. As bell, Sr., Ward Hoskins, G. A Chappell, W. E. Malone, Rober* Bland Smith. Jasoer W. Hassell William Adams, Wilbur T. Jor dan. William N. Hare, Wallace B White. James (Jimmy) Jordan i Carlton Privott, J. Paul Bunch Rudolph Dale, C. W. Slade, Set! IA. Cayton. Willie Lamb, Isan I Bvrum, Jr.. John L. Goodwill ! Harold E. Langdale, Jesse M Wilson. Luther M. Keeter. Wil liam B. Clark, Herbert S. Small Claude E. Small, Jr., J. ’ Color i Forehand, W. D. Garvis, Charle L. Parker. Guinton Bass. C. R Mason, D. E. Copeland, Lero' Bunch, Lycurgus Perry, S. T 1 Alexander. Erie Jones, W. J. P Earnhardt, Mi'ton Earl Bunch. C B. Mooney. Chas. H. Wood. Jr. and J. A. Curran. [ ■, , Horseshoe Drive At HosDital Requested Tom Rideeway, administrate of Chowan Hospital, appeared be fore the County Commissioner- Monday seeking the helD of the Commissioners to get the High way Commission to construct a , horseshoe drive back of the hos pital at the emergency entrance Mr. Ridgeway stated that a* present there is a bottleneck if more than one ambulance or au | tomobile reaches the emergency 1 entrance at the same time. The Commissioners agreed to request the Highway Commission to make the requested improvement. LEGION MEETS TUESDAY Ed Bond Post No. 40 of the i American Legion will meet Tues day night, March 10, at 8 o’clock. ! Commander Woodrow Slade is very anxious to have a large number present. Lloyd Wayne Bass, 17, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd W. Bass, and George Carroll Goodwin. 16, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elite J. Goodwin, both families living in the Rocky Hock section. The youths were admitted to Chowan Hospital but Bass died at 8:15 and Goodwin succumbed about 10 o’clock. Both boys were students at Chowan High School and members of the Rocky Hock Continued on Page 7—Section 1 [ civic calendar] Annual Jaycee fat stock show and sale will be held at the American Legion Fair Grounds Wednesday, April 1. from 10 A. M„ to 1:30 P. M. Edenton Woman's Club will sponsor the fifth Pilgrimage of Colonial Edenton and Country side Friday and Saturday, April 17 and 18. Town Council will hold its March meeting Tuesday night, March 10. at 8 o'clock in the Mu nicipal Building. A meeting of landowners in the Rocky Hock Creek water shed will be held at the Rocky Hock School building Frig ay night. March 6. at 7:30 o'dpck. Chowan Tribe of Red Men will sponsor an Easter dance in the Edenton armory Saturday night. March >B. from 8 to U o'clock. , Continued on Page 4—Section 1 Sunday Night’s Death Car ") Pictured abova is the wrecked aulemebile in which Lloyd Wayne Bass. 17, and George Carroll Gocdwin, 16, were killed when it ren off the highway and overturned near Stillman Leary's home in the Rocky Hock section. Eoth boys died shortly after being admitted to Chowan Hospital following the wreck. Dr. L. F. Ferguson Heads Up Red Cross Fund Raising Drive Month of March De voted to Raising Cho wan County’s Quota Os $2,218 j Graham White, chairman of: the Chowan County Red Cross Chapter, announced that Dr. Louis F. Ferguson has been ippointed chairman for the 1959 Red~Criiss fund raising drive. Dr. F’erguson immediately set to work to form an c rganiza tion in the hope that Chowan Will meet its quota. This year’s quota is $2,218, Dr. Ferguson states. The chairman ;ias appointed u group of captains to conduct the campaign which include the following: Mrs. Edward G. Bond, Mrs. Warren Twiddv, Mrs. Graham White Mrs. R. Elton Forehand, Jr., Mrs. R. N. i Band Will Take Part In North Carolina Band Contest Festival The Edenton Junior-Senior High School Band will travel to Greenville next Tuesday to make its first appearance in the. North Carolina State Band Contest- Festival. This is the district phase cov ering 22 counties. It will be held at East Carolina College and 21 bands will take part. The bands will be graded by three judges who will grade them on the three numbers which each band will perform. A superior (1) or excellent (2) H* i MRS. EUGENE JORDAN Shown above is Mrs. Eugene Jordan, who was selected by members of the Ryland Home Demonstration Club as their club's ' Homemaker of the Month." Mrs. Jordan is shown rearranging furniture in her new home. Hines. Mrs. Richard 11. Good win. Mrs. Doris George, Mrs. J. M. Thorud and Mrs. Gerald , .lames. j The captains in turn have se j lectecf canvassers who are re ! quested to contact everyody in ; their designated areas. Dr. Ferguson points out the fact that the drive follows other drives for funds, but that H ; Chowan is to continue to ben,e --!1 it by the various Red Cross services, the quota must be reached. He especially empha : ixrs .the blood program. The government has requested the Red Cross to prepare a na tional plan for providing whom blood for civilian casualties that might result from enemy at tack. Then. too. Dr. Ferguson points out the need for hluod at Chovyan Hospital. which at .times, uses more blood than is Continued on Page B—Section 1 i rating will qualify the band to attend the state contest which will be held in Greensboro the i second week in April. Usually about seventy bands throughout the state make the necessary grade to go on to this higher, more difficult phase. The band will leave Tuesday morning at 7 o’clock and return about 6. All of the band mem bers are working hard in order to place high in this, their first attempt at state wide competi tion. I Red Men Sponsor Easter Dance At Armory March 28 Johnny Broughtonand The Dixielanders to Provide Music For Holiday Affair j Chowan Tribe of Red Men will | sponsor an Easter dance which will be held in the Edenton ar : mory Saturday night. March 28. ; The dance will begin at 9 o’clock and continue until midnight. . Music for the dance will be provided by Johnny Broughton and the Dixielanders, and accord | ing to advance reports a large crowd is expected to be on hand. | i The committee in charge of the j dance includes W. T. Elliott. | Clyde Hollowell and Caswell Ed- I mundson. I Anyone id' bring tabic, reset va-; I tions should* teiepnone either 3122 or 3375. ! _ _ ] Plans Completed For Baptist Revival March 15th to 22nd I Rev. M. 0. Owens of Lenoir, N. Will lie ! Guest Preacher For j Series of Meetings I In an atmosphere of prayer and , personal witnessing final orepa-' rations are being made for the j ( revival meeting at the Edenton Baptist Church which will open j !on Sunday morning, . March 1,5.; and close the following Sunday night. March 22, _ The guest preacher, the Rev. M. O. Owens. Jr., pastor of the , First Lapt. st Church in Lenoir. i Coniinueo cn Page 2—Section 1 •'Girls Plan For j Girl Seoul Week The executive board of the Edenton Gn I . Scouts met with the various troop leaders Mon day night at the home of the president. Mrs. Roland Vaughan .to discuss progress and troop. ‘ activities. '■ The week of March 8-14 will ' bo observed as Girl Scout Week and will get under way by the girls attending church in a body wearing their Girl Scout uniforms on Sunday. March 8. 1 A cookie sale is planned for’ the week with the gills selling the national Girl Scout cookies, ; v. ith the proceeds going toward the local troops. Landowners In Rocky Hock Creek W atershed Meet Friday Sherlon C. Layton, Chairman of the watershed committee for Rocky Hock Creek, has called a meeting of all the landowners for j Friday night. March 6, at 7:30 o'clock at the Rocky Hock School. Notices will be mailed to landowners but the mailing list may not be complete. At the meeting February 25, a five-man committee composed of Sherlon C. Layton. J. B. Hollo 20 Years Ago 1 As Found in the Files of j The Chowan Herald \ J Chowan County citizens con tributed a goodly amount of amount of money and clothing for unfortunate people who were affected by a disastrous tornado. A session of Chowan Recorder's Court was ended abruptly when Judge J. N. Pruden suddenly be came ill and was forced to go to bed. The Rev. C. A. Ashley was elated over the announcement thet Pettigrew Park appeared to’ be a certainty. All that remain ed was affixing of signatures to a lease for 200 acres of land for a period of 99 years. It was announced that the Al-, Ibemarle Music Festival would be held in Edenton. Meredith Jones was elected registered patrol leader. *52.50 Per Year In North Carolina Arrangements Are Made To Preserve Records of Chowan ST J Bandsman Os Week , A ; : b: ' :/V • , ■ W , . X . m . jhl iter** BUCK WHEELER Edenton Junior-Senior High School Bandsman for this week is Buck Wheeler, son of Mr. and l Mrs. Warren Wheeler. Buck is a 10th grader and has been a mem ber of the band for four years. He plays sousaphone in the marching band, and sousaphone and string bass in the concert [ band. He also plays in the dance .band. Buck is equipment of ic?r ’ for the band and is responsible for all band owned property. Byrum Farmall Field Day Planned March 11 Bvrum Implement A- Truck Company will sponsor a Farmall Field Day at their plant on the, i Hertford highway Wednesday. l j March 11. The program-is sched , uled to begin at 9:30 A. M,. and ■ in event of Unfavorable weather 1 the affair will be held the fol lowing day. A feature of the field - v wo’ 1 lie the demonstration.., of ah i models of new Farmall and In ternational power machines used on the farm. Refreshments will be served during the program and the gen eral public is cord kill v invited to ; attend TAX COLLECTIONS Sheriff M. Earl Goodwin ■*(*-' ports that during February 19.7:1 taxes ini'" ted amounted in 3'fi. 719.94. This brings tola! 19541 tax collections to $163.902,13. but leaves $48,319.21 for 1978 taxes ! still line.elected Sheriff Goadwiu also reported having collected del -nouent ia\e jin the amoim; of : $625.67. T > represents -mall amount for hie years 1948 t . 1957. well. Fahey Byrum. Tommie Leary and Elton Jordan were ap pointed to start work on ..organiz ing Rocky Hock Creek watcr , shed. This meeting is for that purpose and it is very important that everybody who owns land on the watershed attend. Information will be given on the small watershed act (Public Law 5.66). so those who did not attend the meeting February 25. Mrs. Eugene Jordan Ryland Club*s Homemaker Os Month i A loader in club, church, and ' community activities as well as being a loving wife and mother is certainly description of Mrs. Eugene Jordan, who is ‘ Home- j | maker of the Month” from the i Ryland Home Demonstration! Club. I Vivian was raised in the Cen-1 , ter Hill community and gradual- j ied from Chowan High School. After graduation, she went in training at the Park View Hos i pital in Rocky Mount. As a grad ! uate nurse in 1950, she worked lin Elizabeth Citv for a year. Af ter the first year, she went to I Jersey City and took a course jin operating room techniques. ■ Mrs. Jordan worked again in Elizabeth City and Edenton be i fore marrying Eugene Jordan of the Ryland community. ! Mr. and Mrs. Jordan have three - tir' FIGHT CANCER WITH A CHECKUP I AND CHECK | C ommittee of Women Present Report Mon day at County Com missioners’ Meeting Eight Edenton ladies inter ested in the preservation of Chowan County records ap peared at the County Coin mis ts oners' meeting Monday fnorn ’Pg, When they presented a very interesting report of the work they have done. _ Back in November. 1978, the Department of Archives and : History requested the Corh sioners to release old records of ihe General. Court of the Ally mark and subsequently the Cm in ssioners appointed a comm' tee to go over the records at , work with the department in 'set ing just what might be released and what should remain in the i county. Members of tiie committee .which attended the Commission-: . ere.' meeting Monday were Mrs. Raymond Carr, MElizabeth Vann Moore, Mrs. Sara Le ■ il. Smith. Mrs. Sadie H. Hoskins. Mrs. Helen J, Kramer; -Mrs, Myrtle R. Leary and Mrs. M w-l garet S. Davis. The Commissioners were very, much impressed with the report. thanked the ' committee f its excellent work and agreed ' • appropriate approximately SIOO for having phofostatie copies'' made of some of the Old records. Tiio Commissioners > look'd k'ndlv toward the event :is! pm - ohasf of. a photostatic machine >r j a microfilming outfit for : u-c m, preserving valuable records. M was pointed out that Chowan , Countv has one. if not the mr, i valuablt historical backgrpin. a the state. The ladies brought to Mon day's meet ing sow ■' .<>f records to lie inspected hv tar . Crimnv'xs'oivers and their report follows: Gentlemen: We are Heenly g rate fill, to you for the privileg' Continued on Page 2—Section ' Building & Loan Has Yew Name Effective . f February. 16th. the Edenton i. ding & Loot: As soeiat inn. has become the Eden ten Savings & f.o.ui Associatt m. R. K. Leary, executive vr. 1 president of t he. ass ’elation,, st.. te's. "the once small as see - t un of a decade ago hos n >\y gun to take size 1 .ast y< r ' association'., a,-sets .surpassed tw million dollars, .ml along o nd .growth comes changes. We fe- i that this change in name •- step toward moderm’atl n. L is being made throughout tno ■■'.>' • and at the present ' inn n- re than 85' of th.e assets of N • Carolina's Building Saving; Loan Associations are in Savi and Loan'■ Associations." “Also,” Mr. Leary say s, "an other change.anticipated by ti;. : association this year will be v i change-over to machine w no. posting, which \y ill enable u i give fast and accurate servie. ' the wihdow to our custom The association looks for 197 be one of its best, years yet." [ lovely children Susan, five years; Joan, four years, and Gene, j one year. Vivian sews for the girls and herself. In the Home Demonstration Fashion Show in | 1957, Susan and Joan modeled I dresses that their mother had ! made. Although spare time is limited, ! Vivian likes to read. Her read ling has been limited mainly tc* i “fairy tales" for the past few years, which is entertainment for three small children. I | Mrs. Jordan is the nurserv su- I perindendent at Ballard's Bridge II Baptist Church and is a member ■ | of the Woman's Missionary Socie •jtv. i As a leader in the Home Dem ■ onstration Club, she has been ar 1 outstanding member since join ! ing three years ago. This year Continued on Page B—Section 1