V - • sS ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN CHOWAN COUNTY * Volume XXVI.-—Number 15 = Sale Os Steers And; HogsNetsß,ll7.7B| At Fat Stock Show Richard White Places Champion Steer and Lester Ray Copeland Has Champion Hog Richard White, 4-H member of Chowan High School, showed the grand champion steer at t‘ e sis h Y annual Chowan Fat Stock Sho a and Sale, held at the American Legion grounds -April 1. His Hereford steer, weighing 1,075 pounds, sold It 39'> cents per pound, or a total < f $424.63. The steer was bought by Murray Baker, hoe, buyer for Gvvaltney's, Inc, of Siniihfield, Va. Johnny Winborne. also a 4-H Club member of Chowan High School, was winner of the re serve grand champion steer, a Black Angus, weighing 1,110 pounds. John Mitchener, of Mitchener’s Pharmacy, bought Johnny’s steer for 35 *4 cents per pound, or a total of $349.05. Bry ant White, a 4-H member of Eden ton Junior-Senior H : gh School, was third place winner Bryant's steer was a Hereford Black Angus cross which weigh- ed 1,215 pounds. The Edento* Chamber of Commerce bought Bryant’s steer for 35 cents pe' pound, or a total of $425.25. All ) three of these steers were each graded “U. S. Prime” by the judges, Pete Patterson, Extension animal husbandry specialist, and l Art Ditzer of the N. C. Depart-1 nient of Agriculture. H. I. Ward’s Black Angus steer; which weighed 1,070 pounds, and! was graded ”U. S. Choice”, was| Continued on Pago $■ S action I j — Boy Scouts Hold Court Os Honor Bqy Scout 'Tuwq> 156 held-it* first formal. Court of Honor un der Scoutmaster Jasper Hassell Monday night at the regular meeting. John Marshall was presented with the Life rank, which is sec k onded only b.y Eagle. The Star rank, which is next to Life, was presented to H. L. Edwards, Jr. Both Iwys have held the ranks for some time, but were not f awarded their badges until Mon day. Merit badges were presented to Marshall, Edwards, Brad Willi ford and Boots Lassiter. Many parents and the troop committee were in attendance at the ceremony. Mr. Hassell would like to re quest that all former Scouts who are interested in getting rid of their old uniforms, please contact him. Discouraged 1 * Dr. L. F. Ferguson. Chairman of the Chowan County Rad Cross fond raising driva. is wry much discouragad over the ro -4 suit of this yaar's campaign. The quota of tUll is hardly half way in hand, with iha i campaign due to be dosed. ’ Dr. Ferguson appea's to any one who haa not mada a con tribution to mail a dollar or more la him at oon and ha Will return the membership card. Mrs. Dick Byrum Chosen As Oik Grove Club’s Homemaker n . ' “A gracious hostess” could certainly describe Mrs. Dick By rum, who is “Homemaker of the Month” representing Oek Grove Heme Demonstration Chib. Fvie is well known for miles around as a wonderful cook and entertainer. She enjoys pi—wing, preparing and serving delicious meals for her many friends. Her main hobby is cooking end she, Pis always r— “whip wp^al three James Edward T xivTtiyn of Norfolk and Mrs. Lccl Q m aii of Utolon. (sis is Vfenr: THE CHOWAN HERALD J | Rally Speaker ] |; . V 1 vl • ■ ■ j XV.V JIN* ■! aH GREGORY WALCOTT Featuring a youth rally at the Edenton Baptist Church Satur day night. April 11. at 7:30 o'clock, will be TV and movie star. Gregory Walcott. TV And Movie J Youth Rally At Saturday Night j c . •% A special feature of the Cho- I wan Baptist Association Youth j Rally to be held at the Edenton Baptist Church Saturday. April 111. at 7:30 P. M.. will he the j appearance of the TV and movie j star. Gregory Walcott of Holly- I wood. Cal. Walcott, a busy and popular movie star, is an active deacon and Sunday School teach ’ *r in the First Baptist Church of Beverly Hills. A native of Rocky Mount, N. C.. Walcott is known as a young man who takes his work and his religion seriously. Newspaper columnists often refer to him and his re ligious activities. Jimmy Fidler. well known columnist, said in , his “Views of Hollywood.” “Out at the studio they have named Gregory Walcott the Billy Graham of Hollywood. He is a big fellow, blond and an ex cellent actor and he says: “I canu* to Hollywood with God as ir.v partner.” He reads his film dialog with the same gusto as the Sermon on the Mount—and he is convincing in both in stances. Other inspiring features about the Youth Rally will be a per iod of singspiration led by the Rev. Maurice Grissom, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Eliz abeth City, who is music diree-» tor for the Chowan Baptist As-1 sociation. A devotional period [ will be led bv Jerry White of: the Warwick Baptist Church at Hobbsvillc, and the host pastor, the Rev. R. N. Carroll, will 1 bring greetings and a welcome I from the host church. The r Rocky Hock Baptist Church will have its youth choir to bring . special music and Frank Taylor -of Gates will bring a special • solo accompanied by Mis Mary Lee Lassiter of Meredith College, j Raleigh. The main address will) • be given by Mr. Walcott The program is under the 1 general supervision of the Rev. one of her favorite activities. This year she is serving as gar dening leader in the Oek Grove Club. From the garden comes many vegetables which are can ned for the winter season. Mia. Byrum is a faithful mem ber of the Rocky Hock Baptist Church. She has be— a willing worker for the church for the , past 35 years. Serving now as ■naan. Kvie is ie Bertha Dail Demonstration a Rocky Mock i o ton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, April 9,1959. Jurors Soli fid To Serve In Oi Serin Os Superio 11 jurt Judge Paul of Wash ington Will Preside Over Term Which Is To Begin April 27 With a term of Chowan Su l per:or Court scheduled forth 'week of Aprl 27. Chowan Coun ty Commissioners at their meet ins Monday drew from the j::r 1 box 36 persons who will be sun , moned as jurors, t It will be a term for t' e t i’ 'of civil cases only with Jud’i Malcolm C. Paul of Wathingto* (scheduled to preside. , Those drawn for jury dot;- were: | T. K. Bunch, Paul R. Perry ; Walter S. Lane. M. E. Parker W. H. Hollowed, Sr., Gitv Per {cy Williams. Oscar Lcrov Har rell, H, J. White, William W Corprew, H. D. Hobbs, Jose L Harrell, Fred Britton, George Alma Byrum, Edgar Earl Hollo well. R. B. Ward, Jacob Spi ! vey, Jesse J. Miller, Marvin ! Smith, Bryant White, I. S : Blanchard, Robert J. Boyce, H. jC. Byrum, Jr., Haywood Jones, ! Continued on Page 5. Section 1 Star To Address Baptist Church At 7:30 O’clock Chowan Fishermen Say Injustice Done By Commissioners Object to Signing of Petition For Setting Nets Only From Jan uary 1 to May 10 Chowan County Commission ers were faced with a large dele gation of commercial fishermen Monday who, with John Waff as spokesman, told the commission ers they were done an injustice when the commissioners recently signed a petition favoring the; setting of nets in Chowan River and upper Albemarle Sound only from January 1 to May 10. Mr. Waff told the commission ers that the petition is bring used Continued on Page 2—Section 1 20 Years Ago Ai Found in th* File* of Th* Chowan Herald A ! Edenton High School Band ! was selected to lead the "Connie Mack” activities. Edenton Lions Club sponsor ed a club at Hertford with 20 members enrolled. Residents of the Canaan Tem ple section registered a com plaint with the County Com missioners relative to a drain age problem. The Board of Conservation and Development announced | Continued on Page 5. Section 1 Hat In Ring 1 Vitiir i • - j-*? Top Winners At Fat Stock Show j H Sr H mmwL ■p ' ■*"'* ■ ' • > ■ ■ - i In top picture is Richard White and his grand champion steer displayed at last week s Pat Slock Show and Sale. In bottom picture, is the grand champion hog entered by Lester Ray Copeland. The show was sponsored by Edenton Jaycees. Rural Churches Plan Revivals| Plans have been announeed for revival'services to be held in j various rural churches, including) Warwick Baptist Church, Bethel I Baptist Church, Macedonia Bap- 1 list Church. Great Hope Baptisti Church, Center Hill P.aptidj Church, Ballard's Bridge Bapti :t i Church and Rocky Ilock Baptist h Church. ' The service will be held at; the Macedonia and Warwick ( I Churches April 12-19 at 3 o’clock ; each night. For the Warwick revival the pastor, the Rev. Russell Cottmg ham, announces that the ( van- i gelist will be the Rev. Kd Finch i d Knoxville, Tenn. The music will be under the direction of Albert Hobbs of Hobbsville. with 1 special music to he brought by church choirs and others. The Rev. L. C. Chandler, pas tor of Macedonia Church, an- Coniinued on Page 6—Section 1 I William Privotl Assistant Judge 1 Due to Judge Marvin Wilson I being incapacitated as judge of ( Recorder’s Court for at least a 1 few weeks, Chowan County Commissioners on Monday ap pointed William S. Privott as j assistant judge. Mr. Privott will serve until Judge Wilson is able to return from a hospital at; Chapel Hill. 1 I Youth Week At Rocky Hock Church ] N _ > For the second consecutive year, the Rocky Hf>ck Baptist Church will observe Youth Week. Or. Sunday, ■ April - 12, young people, of junior and intermedi ate ages, for the most- part, will have charge of all services for the day, including filling of of ficers’-and teachers’ positions in j Sunday School and Training Union,, and also they will direct the worship services for both morning and evening. Some 90 assignments havo been made to young people not including the choirs and those who bring special music. Sun day School will begin at 10 A. Mi and Tpvning worship at 11 o’clock. The Training Union for morning 'Presbyterians To | Revival On j Monday, April L> I Revival services at the Presby | tcrian Church will begin Mnn | day, April 13. and continue j through Friday, April 17, every j night at 7:31) o’clock. Special j speaker at the services will he the Rev. Dan E. Norman, 'pastor of the Presbyterian churches r t Carthage and Lake view, N. C. Mr. Norman has been in Eden lon before, and is remembered as a gifted young preacher of the Gos pel; The public is cordially inviledj to attend these services, and j Christian; arc requested to rc meinb.T them in prayer. RED MEN MEETING Chowan Tribe of Red Men will meet Monday night, April 13, at 7:30 o’clock. Leroy Har rell. sachem, requests a large attendance. After Mayor’s Job 1 v ; Just as The Herald went to press after noon Wednesday, David Q. Holton announced that he will be a candidate for Mayor in the municipal election Tues day, May 5. Mr. Holton is a former Town Councilman, having serv’d as Councilman-at-large a number of years ago. d worship service will be Tommy Privott and the boys’ quartet and the youth choir will furnish the music. Others taking part will be Gerald Harrell, Clark Peele, Lloyd Wayne Evans, Danny Gray Nixon. Sammy Mor ris, Wayne Bunch and Zackie [ Harrell. Frank Evans will . bring the evening message and the music will include a girls’. chorus, a solo and the junior choir. Oth ■ ers participating in this service ; will be Peggy Bunch, Belinda i Perry, Wilma Leigh Nixon, Carol Haste, Scot Ober, Malcolm I Bunch, Joe Bass, Gene Harrell ; and Thomas Peele. i Ushers for the morning ser vice will be Ray Evans, Rdland ■ Harrell, Lorry Harrell, Paul I I Whiteman, Woody Hoggard and | Evans. Milton • > vA L, tv I Ripples Develop In Edenton’s Political Waters For Offices j Five Candidates An nounce Up to Wed nesday; April 29th I Deadline to File Wilh n municipnl election scheduled to 1 e held Tuesday ■May 5. to elect a Mayor, si> Councilmcn. a treasurer and five members on the Board of Public Works, only five oandi- K dates had filed for office up to * Wednesday morning. » The first ripple in Edenton’s „. political waters was caused > Monday, when John Mitchener was the first candidate to file Ho will seek re-election as Councilman from the Third Ward. On Tuesday morning William C. Bunch. Jr., announced that He v/'ll be a candidate for the scat as Councilman from the First Ward. Tuesday afternoon Joe C'on ger. Jr., also announeed hi;, can-I didacy for Councilman from the First Ward. Tuesday night Ro'l.- fl (' i Powell announced that he will he a candidate for the Board or Public Works. James Bond on Wednesday n.orning stated that he intends ; to file for re-election as Town I Treasurer. | It is believed that Mayor Ernest Kehayes will he a can didate for re-election as chief executive and most members Continued on Page 5. Section I Stage All Set For Pilgrimage To Be Held In Edenton April 17-18 Band Concert Will Be Given Tonight Hacked By Number of j Organizations, Capa- f city Crowd Expected The Edenton Junior - Senior; High School Band will present Ms pre-contest concert in tin j auditorium at the high school! beginning al V, o'clock tonight! (Thursday). The admission price', j will be one dollar, students ad- j | milled at the door for si> cols | The proceeds of the < v >ncert will I go toward th „• band's expenses tor the trip to Greensboro. The band will perform most of the music on the concert list, also several other selections and marches. , The program will include: "Torch of Liberty March," ‘/Pa cific Grandeur Overture.” ”Pa i vanne,” “Two Tunes.” “Little Classic Suite.” “March Zouaves," “Londonderry Air,” "Barca rolle,” “Time Out For a Jam Ses- I sion,” “Argonault March.” The concert is backed by the ' endorsement of the Edenton Chamber of Commerce, the Edenton Junior Chamber of Commerce and most of the civic clubs of Edenton, so a capacity crowd is expected. || Candidate jj pH W ( s - ■JIb mm §M - JOE CONGER. JR. Tuesday of this week Joe Con [ ger, Jr., announced that be will [ be a candidate for Councilman l from the First Ward in the i Edenton Municipal Election on l Tuesday, May *. ■ V > 3 **" $2.50 Per Year In North Carolina | Mass X-Ray Survey jScheduled To Be In Edenton Nine Days ? , I Bandsman Os Week j w — • - -—— r j f A ASHBY TARKINGTON The Edenton Junior - Senior High School Bandsman for this week is Ashby Tarkington. son of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Tark.ng •on. Asbty is a junior and has been a member of the band since the fourth grade. He holds the highest office in the band, that of Captain, student director. He plays trombone in the concert and marching bands, and is a 1 ir-mber of the dance band. He is a member of the Edenton Baptist Church. He has been selected as a member of the N. C. All Slate Band for the past two years, and this year ■ placed first trombone in that band. 1 i .. . Three plantation homes and 13 homes and buildings, many of them dating back to pre-Revolu-J I tionary days, will ripen their I I doors to visitors on April'l7 and) j 13 for the fifth Pilgrimage of C '-j | ionitil Edenton and Countryside I i The Pilgrimage is sponsored by ' I the Edenton Woman's Club. ' Included in the tour are: j Bandon Plantation, built circa! ■ 1790, by Chill ies Johnson, s m-in-,, aw of Parson Daniel Ear e. j lamed for Parson Earle's native village. Band' n. in Southern Ires j | bind. The original grants were Ip. Thomas Bray, 1717. and E Paradise Plantation. This home: Continued on rage 6—Section 1 I ' Rose s Schedule Bij** Reopeniu; ! Sale For Three Days This Vi eel The Edenton Rose’s 5-10-25 c I Store will observe a big thiee | day rc-opening sale Thursday. Friday and Saturday of this week. The event is in celebra tion of the opening of an addi tional building adjoining the building occupied for many ; years by the local concern. The new addition provides a great deal more space, so that the line of merchandise has been materially increased. The entire store is now modem in every re sp£ct. providing ample room for I attractive displays. The build ing is fully air-conditioned for • the convenience of customers l and. of course, is now a self i service store. * A cordial invitation is extend t ed.to all people in Edenton and surrounding area to visit the g '' ' .* FIGHT CANCER WITH A CHECKUP AND CHECK \ ■ * | Hoped at Least LOW Will Take Advant age of Opportunity Begins April 22 J Sponsored jointly by the -ft I and local Health Depaitincn’s : mass chest X-ray survey will b held in Edenton nine days. In i dates will he April 22, 23. 21. 2; 21;. 29, 3rt and May 1 and 2 The X-i\i\ nu'lit vII he I-e l red oh P.ro; d Street hi front c the Betty Shoppe and will he e>H-r;tju*n from 11 A M . »> P. M., each dry. This infm-nation gp-i-rt on • it a meeting '.eld >n tin- Munici pal Building Mmid v ni'dit whe d; nt 25 i->ca! people lepr'-s.-njin- v.it : ne local- mean izat.ons. Miss Flulda Wood e th«- hie.':! Ili-ultli lV|uilnii-i|f, |;n • side ! and M: t.ula Bel * pi of B* I *l' Jl, t I• ?, cHl»|-.i|o. f t Hie Slate P.om-il of 11. illl-, w; the juincipal i*-.k.-■• p. .mio our the advantage; of ha\i,lj chest X ray. Also attending th m.-.-iiog weii Di J A. J ihn.e of Elizabeth Cite, district h--..’ 1 officer, and Alfred G. t'hi.-twe!? technician supervisor for ti ; State P.oard -f Health It was pointed out that t- i will he the first ma s chest X a survey held in Edenton sine 1951. when about 3.200 avion j themselves of the uppn t'u.nity ! j sered. so that the ..general or lion was that “it is high time - ; had one" It is hoped that ' - this visit at least 4,(HWV pi-op will Ik- X-rayed ' The fact was stressed that tt hciculosis incidence i- higher i older people and while everyor ! should be X-rayed, older : • . • i are especially urged do I The age limit is 15 years at above | H Was explained that it take I only about two minutes to j X-'rayed and that it is n >t. n'e«-e; j arv to undress. No cards " I he mailed to persons who-*- X rays an- negative, hut It ■’ a-r. I will be mailed to persons who,;- X-rays arc positive. j UIYK ( YUbNDAK i