& \< ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN CHOWAN COUNTY \ SI x - Volume XXVl.—Number 19. Holton 1 Request Made For More Class Rooms At Negro Schools Additional Booms Needed at the Edenton and White Oak Schools John A. Holmes, superinten dent of Edenton schco s, and W. J. Taylor, superintendent of the county administrative unit, ap peared before the County Com missioners Monday requesting! additional class rooms for the colored elementary school in! Edenton and the White Oak Consolidated School. It was pointed out that con ditions are very much crowded at these two schools and to remedy the situation it will be necessary to add four class rooms at each school. It was estimated that the ad dition of the extra rooms at each school will cost approxi mately $40,000, and that with the new rooms the needs of the two schools would be met for probably six or seven years. Both Taylor and Holmes sug gested application to the State Literary Fund for the necessary money to construct the addi tional rdhms, to which the Coun ty Commissioners readily agreed. The applications, therefoie, will be made to secure the funds for this work. Libraries Will Be Closed On Monday Since Confederate Memorial Day falls on f nday, May 10, it will be observed Monday, May 11. Libraries will, therefore, be closed!, Monday, for the Petti grew Regional Library observes all state holidays. fcTVic calendar] \ X—ww. Home Demonstration Club ia being observed this week. Revival services are in pro gress this week at the Center Hill Methodist Church and will end Friday night. A Forward Program of Church Finance Clinic will be held at the Edenton Baptist Church Fri day, May 8. beginning at 3 P. M. annual fish fry of the Men's Bible Class will be held at the American Region building Friday night. May IS, at 6:30 o'Aock. "demon's Town Council will hold its May meeting in the Mu nicipal Building Tuesday night. May 12. at 8 o'clock. A special meeting of the Coun- Continued on Page 7—Section 1 Music Festival Sunday Feature Os Demonstration Club Week ■ The Chowan County Home Demonstration Clubs started their observance of National Heme Demongtrttion Club Week by sponsoring their third annual! music festival on Sunday after-1 noon, May 3, at the Chowan; High School auditorium. Al though there were' many con flicting activities within the county, there _ 'was a good and enthusiastic group attending the festival. The invocation was given by Bristoe Perry and the welcome by Mrs. Lester T. Copeland, vice ’president of the County Coun cil. C ,W. Overman’ announced each number and led the con gregational ringing of five fa miliar htyrftf'S,' accompanied by Earl -Harrell ht the jjiitno. , Selections and participants on tfe, program were: 5 "In the Mv Heart There Rings a hfel oijy” and “I-Love Thae” h- the Rocky flock Junior Choir; “Come Artnie Ruth Nixon . and M*rv -Alice Perrv: “Take Uo Thy TWE CHOWAN HERALD ( Getting Flags ] Sheriff Earl Gocdwin cn Mo i day requested aut o,i. y to pur chase Amer can flrgs to he dis played at the Ccuri H use and Sheriff's office on various occas ions. There are no flags ta pres ent for this purpose. The Com missioners were in accord with the decided to wait un til stars are added for Alaska ard Hawaii. " . Programs Planned At Chowan Hi«li o The Home Economics Depart ment of Chowan Hi?h School is sponsoring adult programs which will be held in the Home Eco nomics Department at Chowan • High School. The first program will be held Monday afternoon, May 11, at 3:30 o’clock when the subject will be “Freezee, Living Is Leis ure.” Featuring this program will be new freezer wrapping I materials and freezing cooked . | foods. The second program will be j held Wednesday afternoon, May 13, also at 3:30 o’clock. The top- ' ic of this meeting will be “Wash ! and Wear—and How”. Demonstrations for the pro grams will be given by Mrs. Syl via Mathews, home economist for* the Virginia Electric & Power Company. i* Lorraine Rogerson, home eco nomics teacher at Chowan High School, says everybody is invited to attend and that arrangements havejaeen made to care for small children during the afternoons. County Council Will Meet Mpy 8 Miss Catherine Aman, assist ant home agent, announces that a special County Co'uncil meet ing will be held on Friday. May 8, at 2:30 P. M. at the Advance Community Building. Miss lola Pritchard, food con servation extension specialist, will give a demonstration on “Judging Canned Products.” All Home Demonstration Club members are urged to attend this meeting, which should be jvery beneficial here at the be ginning of a new canning sea son. Those interested in im proving their exhibits of canned ! goods at the county fair this year may receive 'many sugges tions from Miss Pritchard. ’iahd; “The Spirit of God,” the Rev. J. Earl Rchardson, “Smile and Sing.” Susan Harrell; “Peace Like a River” and “Just a Clos er Walk With Thee” by Jack iEvans. Carrol Evans, * Melvin Harrell, Charlie Peele and Brit ton By rum; “I Know Whom 1 Have Believed” by Center Hill ’Baptist Church Choir; “Ivory ! Palaces,” -Nancy and Linda Spi vey and Mary Alice Perry “Mansion Over the Hilltop” by Macedonia Intermediate Choir and “Glorous Is Thy Name” by Warwick Swamp Baptist Church Choir. . The Rev. J. Earl Richardson, pastor of the Edenton Methodist Chprch, pronounced the bene diction. j} Mias Maidred Morr s. former , home economics agent, now with ' the Extension offices in Ra leigh, attended the festival. Miss Catherine Aman, assist . ant 'home economics agent, will .not be able to thank each on* i personally who participated in , this event but she takes this op portunity'to express her appre ciation for the wonderful co- Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, May 7,1959. r ins In Race For Mayor I d t National Home Demonstration Club Week j t Hi | S jjHHI 1 HQ m ' J With Itus week being obseived as National Heme Demonstraiion Chub Week, just a lew of the Chowan Ccanty Clubs' aci.vities are pictur ed above. Top left, Mrs. C. W. Overman (stand ing) and Mrs. Fred Caslelloe, secreiary and treasurer of the Chowan County Council of Home Demonstraiion Clubs, have presided over many club activities since taking of ice last year. Top, right, Mrs. V. I. Hockaday, president of the N- C. Federation of Heme Demor.slra ion C übs, Jn a.- candle Jighting-ceremcny, installs Mn. O.C; -Long, Jr., as chairman of the 25th District of the N. C. Federation of the N. C. Federation of Home ' VVVVVVVVV WV>>A/VV*W' wwwbwwwv Banruet For Band On Friday Night John A. Holmes, Sup erintendent Will Be Guest Speaker The Junior-Senior High School Rand banquet wilj be held at tne Masonic Temp’c Friday evening, May 8, at 7 o’clock. Frank Roberts of radio station WCDJ will be master of cere monies and John Holmes, super intendent of Edenton schools, will be the guest spealker. This banquet is held each year to present awards to the out standing band students .as well as individual student advance ment recognition. ' The East Carolina College Band Camp scholarships and the chief ma jorette for iext year will also be Announced. This affair is open to the public and tickets: may be purchased by contacting any band student, parent or by calling the band room. | Bandsman Os Week] 4 3Bp * < : ' ' v V k A ' The Edenton Junior - Senior High School bandsman for this week is D>ck Hobowsky, son of Mr. and Mr*. Jake H«bcwsky. Dick U a freshman and has been in the band for five years. He Plays assistant solo clarinet in the concert band and aCsors a member of the Symphon'c Band , i Ensemble,-the varsity group of | the band. In addition to his band activity he is also an i amateur radio operator. ■ I ‘V~i i* ' i tTlff 'i'i . Demonstration Clubs, cn April 7, at the annual 25th District meeting at Winfail. Bottom, .eit, Mrs. Roland Evans, lelt, pres.dent of Chowan Home Demonstraiion Club, and Mis. E. N. El liott, treasurer, are shown proudly displaying their project for the year, an identi yng sign for their community build ng. Bottom, right, Yeopim Home Demonsration Club was recently organized and has 14 members already. The officers of the new club are: Standing, Mrs. Vxa Small, president; left, Mrs.- Johnny Speight, vice president, and Mrs. Starton Harrell, secre tary-treasurer. * WWVWVWVVVWVVWWV> f N^»VV WVWWVVVv /www^ww ,^^^ < Vi omen's Missionary Union To Meet At Ballard's Bridge May 12 The Women’s Missionary Union of Chowan County will meet at | Ballard’s Bridge Baptist Church Tuesday, May 12. The theme of : the meeting will be “Witnessing at Home”. The morning session will begin !at 10:30 o’clock, with Mrs. J. H. | Hollowell extending a welcome 1 to those attending. Mrs. Joe ; Webb, Jr., will make the re sponse. The devotional will be ; in charge of Mrs. Henry Napier. I Special music will be rendered by- Mrs. A1 Phillips and a miss oriary sermon will be preached by the Rev. R. B. Cottingham, .pastor of Warwick Baptist Church. The benediction w\U be by the Rev. Lamar Sentell, pastor of the host church. The afternoon session will be gin at 1:30 o’clock with the de votional in charge of Mrs. Willis ! Edenton’s Election Results 1 \ d First • Second Third Fourth Ward Ward Ward Ward Total Mayor : David Holton 127 133 93 47 400 Ernest Kehayrs '139 85 70 36 330 L, H. Haskett 85 109 54 45 293 Treasurer: i James Bond ... 311 233 188 110 842 Councilmen-at-Large : J. Edwin .Bufflap 254 176 163 97 690 George A. Byrum 251 176 161 97 6-85 i BoAfen of,Public Works: Tesse Harrell 285 238 181 110 814 Thomas Byrum 273 220 171 104 768 Ralph Parrish , 231 142 135 70 578 W. M. Wilkins 247 183 130 89 532 J. P. Ricks. Tr 161 158 124 53 496 - George Twiddy 168 162 98 66 494 Dr.. L. F. Ferguson 155 168 105 57 485 Robert Powe-’l. 135 10S 70 51 211 Ist Ward Councilman: W. C. Bunch. Jr 199 Joe Conger. Jr. 151 2nd Ward Councilman: A1 Phillins 211 Raleigh Hcllowell *. 118 .3rd Ward Councilman: | John Mitchener 204 4th Ward Councilman: Luther Parks ’ ~ 124 Rae Peele. Special music will be presented by young people from the Macedonia Bapt : st Church. A feature of this session will be an address by Mrs. C. Gordon Maddrey of Ahoskie. Mrs. Mad drey is a former president of the I State WMU and missionary chair ! man for North Carolina. She is very active in church work and is a \rnry interesting speaker. Her subject will be “Privilege— Responsibility.” Officers wil. be installed and a ; prayer of dedication will be of fered by Mrs. W. H. Dale. MASONS MEET TONIGHT A stated 'communication of ; Unanimity Lodge No. 7. A. F. & !A. M., will be held tonight (Thursday) at 8 o’clock. Ernest J. Ward, Jr., master, is verv an xious to have a large attendance. IWWVWVW XVWVWVN T. B. Williford Is Elected President By Edenton Lions New Group of Officers Chosen at Meeting Os Club Held Mon day Night T. B. Williford was elected of Edenton Lions Club Monday night at the regula meeting. Williford replaces J. R DuLaney, who steps down af'.e: o. h : ghly successful year as pres ident. James Griffin was elected first vice president; John Mitc-hener. second vice president, and M Ito:. Bass, third vice president. Othe: officers elected include Bobb> Hall as Tailtwister, Victor Tu-k er as Lion Tamer, and Medlin Belch and A. F. Downum, direc tors. J.* C. Leary and Victor Tucker continue as song leader and pianist. By a unanimous vote with evation, W. J. Taylor continues as secretary-treasurer. Taylor has the distinction of being both a charter member and the origi nal secretary-treasurer of the club. 2,534 Are X-rayed At Mobile Uni! During the visit to Edenton ol the mass chest R-ray unit, which concluded its work Saturday af ternoon. 2.534 people were X rayed. While those in charge of the project were hopeful that as many as 2.000 would take ad vantage of this opportunity to be X-rayed, they are very well p;eased with the number who turned out. Unless anyone who was X rayed is not notified by June 2. it is an indication that nothing wrong was discovered by the X-ray picture. However, those whose picture showed any kind of infection will be notified and requested to have a larger film made for further diagnosis. According to information from the local Health Department. 3,133 persons were X-rayed when tile unit was in Edenton about live years ago. However, at that t.me the visit was here for a much longer period. Those in charge of the X-ray | visit want to thank all who Were X-rayed, as well as mem bers of the various organizations who served as hostesses during the visit. Officers For DAR Installed Mav 13 Edenton Tea Party Chanter of the DAR will meet* Wednesday i afternoon, May 13, at 3:30 o’clock iat the Iredell house. A feature of the meeting will be the instal lation of new officers, which will be in charge of the chaplain, Mrs. J. L. Pettus. Mrs. Wood Privott. retiring re gent, and Mrs. John Kramer, in coming regent, urge every mem ber to be present. I New President 1 Us ji t Mm A T. B. WILLIFORD Edenton Lions at their meeting Monday night, elected T. B. Wil liford president to succeed J. R. DuLaney. Mr. Williford and oth er newly-elected officers will be installed at the first meeting in July. $2.50 Per Year In North Carolina Leads Kehayes By 70 Votes In Three Cornered Contest f The Winnah! ] fm f^MM LAViD Q. HOLTON In Edsnton's municipal elec tion Tuesday David Q. Holton won out for the office of Mayor over Ernest P. Kehayes. incum bent, and Leroy H. Haskett, a former Mayor. Rabies Clinics To Begin On Mav 18 Dr. G. L. Gilchrist, rabies in spector for Chowan Sounty, an nounces that the annual vaccin ation of dogs against rabies will begin Monday. May 18. The in spection fee will be SI.OO per dog. Dr. Gilchrist has arranged the following schedule: May 18—Quinton Bass’ store, 11:30 A. M.; Grover Cale’s store, 12:30 P. M. May 19 --Valhalla, 11:30 A. M.: Aiphonso Spruills store, 12:30 P. M. May 21—W. E. Smith’s stnre. 11:30 A M.: Small’s Cross Roads, 12:30 P. M. May 21 H.li. 11:30 A. M : Arthur Byrum's stoic. 12:30 P. M. May 22—L. C. Briggs’ store. 11:30 A. M.; Beecher Ward’s store, 12:30 P. M. May 23—Yeopim Church. 11:30 A. M.: St. John's Church, 12:30 P. M. Edenton— At office in West over Heights during May. SUPERVISOR AUTHORIZED KEEP COURT HOUSE CLEAN Sheriff Earl Goodwin on Mon day was authorized by the Coun ty Commissioners to employ a supervisor for keeping the Court House clean. Mr. Goodwin point ed out that he could employ such a person at less salary than it now costs to clean and tidy up the Court House for every term of Superior Court. Lions Club Variety Show One Os Best Ever Staged By Clnh Edenton Lions Club variety show, staged in the Elementary School auditorium Friday night, lived up to expectations and was considered one of the best enter tainments ever soonsored by the Lions. The soaciovs auditor'umj was about three-quarters filled and from comments the show was very much enjoyed. Members of the cast perform ed their various parts on a p3r with professionals, so that every one participating is 9ue to be complimented for trtir nart in the success of the affair. Each ect was greeted with thunderous apolause, but it remained for youngsters to steal the show. Pattie Lvn Lewis. 5-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Johnnv Lew’s, was a snecial favorite and 3-vear-old A1 Bvnkm. son of Mr. an Mrs. Britton Bvmm. brought down the house wliile perform ing with the Rocky Hook Quar tet. Lewis Evans and Ray Hol lowell. two youngsters in a west ern stvio duet, also received a bie hand. Others who made * bis hit with the audience included the John ny Lewis Band, Mr. and Mrs. FIGHT CANCER WITH A CHECKUP AND CHECK W. C. Bunch, Jr., and A1 Phillips Win Seats For Councilmen In Contests In First and Second Wards With over 1.000 voters wend ing their way to the polls Tues tay. David Q, Holtct- mtdis ancec. 2rn st P. Kehayes. in uin bent, and Leroy H Haskett, u former Mayor, in what was considered a verv unnredict' ll '>ie race before the election. Hol uon polled 400 votes. Kehayes 330 and Haskett 293. Holton carried three of the four wards, the First Ward go ng for Ki haves 139 to 127. James Bond, with no opposi te >n for treasurer, received 842 votes, while J. Edwin Bufflap and George Alma Byrum. un opposed Counciltnen-at-iarge. re ceived 690 and 685 votes re spectively. In the two contests for ward Councilmen, W. C. Bunch. Jr., defeated Joe Conger. Jr.. 199 to 151 in the First Ward. Bunch will succeed J. Clarence Leary, who has rounded out 18 years as a Councilman and did not seek re-election. In the Second Ward A.l Phillips defeated Raleigh Hollowell , incumbent. by a count of 211 to 118. John Mitchener. unopposed in thy Third Ward, received 204 votes and in the Fourth Ward Luther Parks, who had no op position. received 124 votes. With eight (andidates in the iield for the five seats on the Board of Public Works. Jesse Harrell led the ticket with 814 votes. He was followed iy Thomas Byrum. incumbent, with Continued on Page 7—Section J 20 Years A^o < ' A« Found in the Files of The Chowan He-ald p Chowan County Commissioners and the County Board of Educa t on were in accord for the e-eo tion of a new central grad-l school in the Rocky Hock secfii —i to replace the schoo's operated at Oak Grove, Gum Pont and Beech Fork. In a town election with few contests Dr. W. S. Griffin w s high man in the Board of Pub’ic Works race, unsealing F. VV. Hobbs In three councilmen con tests G. M. Byrum defeated Ra leigh Hollowell in the Second Ward, L. H. Haskett defeated A! bert Byrum in the Third Ward Continued on Page 3—Section 1 Johnny Lewis, Stuart Phelps. Er rol Flynn, Jesse Harmon and Marjorie Parrish: Roger Lamb in a Fats Domino number: t’’ * Treble Clef Cluh, including Jatv* DuLaney. Anne Jenkins. Harriet Bond. Peggie Elliott. Betsy Ross, Marion Bunch. Minta Hobbs. Carolyn Perkins. Phyllis Twiddy and directed bv Mrs. Mary Leg gett Browning and Brenda Moon ey, accompanist: interpretive dancers, Suzanne George. Lynn Rilev and Jane Georgp. d’rrcted by Mrs. A1 Phillios Helen Roger *on singing a solo: a homemade “Gunsmoke” act, f eaturing Er nest Ward, Jr., John Mitchener. Joe Thorud. Dr Walter O’Berrv : and Victor Tucker: the J-Jacks. Sandra Baker, Carolvn Evans. Annie Ruth Nixon. Jane O-nlvn Chappell. Judv Evans and Ka'h : ryn Bvmm, directed hv M ; ss Ce • celia Willoughby; Lewis Evans. ■ Rav Hollowell and Hubert Rv - rum in a musical number; P»t*m • Moonev and her father, G, B. i Mooney, accompanied at, the r>'- ano hv Mrs. Mooney, in a duA; i RrervrU Mooney in a baton act: • Belinda Perrv singing solo; . Continued on Paga 7—Section 1