— —— - - First Catholic Spiritual Retreat To Be Held In Edenton Planned 1 For fee first time ever, mem fibers of St. Ann’s Catholic Rpkurch have the privilege cf a | Spiritual retreat in their own J Vicinity. A treat being a spirit ' ual inventory surrounded by an atmosphere of quiet and seclus ion usally involves travel but the f Albemarle area has been blessed by the recent arrival of an out i-Standing retreatmaster, the Rev. Francis Donnellan S.S.E., as the new pastor of St. Catherine’s Church, Elizabeth City. Father Donnellan will come to Edenton and open the retreit with the first conference at 8 P. M.,' on Saturday, November 7. He will a'so speak at the 8 and 11 o’clock masses on Sun day and after a parish buffet lunch at noon the final confer ence will be given at 1 P. M During the Sunday afternoon conference a religious movie will be shown to the children in : the recently completed Parish Hall. - . " i Residents of Edenton and the surrounding area are invited to attend these conferences, even though they are not regular members of St. Ann’s Church, without cost or obligation. It is The National Outlook Do We Need Anti-Strike Legislation? By Ralph Robey Late last week it appeared that the steel workers would be back on the job as of now. No matter when the strike ends, however, it will be month's be fore the economy, the workers, and the companies fully recover. The hoped for ending of the * strike was the result cf the in junction obtained by the Ad ministration requiring the steel employees to return to their jobs. Under the law, sixty days after the return to work, a secret vote must be taken of the employees on the final offer of the com pan:es. If this offer is accepted, the strike is over for the dura tion of the contract. If the of fer is voted down, the strike may be resumed twenty days later. At Time Os Reconvening \ Congress * tn Shoulih-suoh resurrptiprr' of the strike occur it would. come just as the" new session bf the Congress is getting under "«ray. Th s 'Would mean that, there would: be enomfous pressure to pass Sbme kind of law to make it impossible Sir the public wel fare Jp be undermined in such a mangier. Among the suggest ions tfhich would be made ire: r 1. iJtohibit all strikes in basic industries. This is unthinkable. In thfc first place the determina tion