PAGE EIGHT Weekly Column i I Or JAiwy M >i That the List Takers for Chowan County will sit at the following places at the times pamed, at which * places and in which month all property owners and taxpayers are required to return to the List Takers for taxation for the year 1959 all the Real Estate, Personal Property, etc., which each one shall own on the first ' day of January, 1960, or shall be required to give in then. All male persons between the ages of 21 and 50 j years are to list their polls during the same time. Re turn of property and giving in of polls are required ] under penalties imposed by law. w J FIRST TOWNSHIP SECOND TOWNSHIP j Listers: Mrs. James Byrum Lister: Henry Bunch foantiP O’Neal January 4, 11, 18, 25 E. R. Bunch’s Store « je ne a. UlNeal January 7 _E&rl.Smith’s Store j Every Day Second Floor Court House January 14 - h W. L t Miller’s Store January 21 Evans’ Store, Cross Roads ' THIRD TOWNSHIP January 28 ~C. C. Nixon’s Store j At Home All Other Days During January i Lister: T. D. Berryman FOURTH TQWNSHIP i Lvei-y Saturday Lloyd Briggs’ Store Lister- Ward Hoskins January 9,16,23, 30 Wai(l lloskmh Tarmnrv 7 91 98 u n D Every Wednesday and Saturday January 7, 21, 28 _H. R. Peele s Store January 2, 6, 9,13,16, 20, 23, 27, 30 at Harry Perry’s January 14 Spivey’s Store, Ryland Store. At Home Other Days. , £l Blanks upon which a verified statement of property is to be made by each taxpayer can be had of the List Takers. Fill these blanks and see to it that statments are free from error, thereby obviating much 1 trouble. Only females and non-resident of Townships and persons physically unable to attend and file their lists can appoint agents to list property. * Vn 1 ' , N •• 1 /^ISM EXAMINE YOUR LIST BEFORE SIGNING ~ M REPORT YOUR 1959 CROP ACREAGE THROUGH TAX LISTER DURING JANUARY, 1960 ;%f] Your local Tax Lister is required to make the records but Farm Owners or Tenants muKfurnish the ! facts. Therefore, call your List Taker’s attention to these records and be prepared to furnislUhe following 1 information: (1) Acreage for each crop harvested during calendar year 1959; (2) Number of cows, sows, i and hens on farm January, 1960. (3) Number of people living on farm January, 1960. All of the above information furnished will be considered as confidential and will not be used in any mama# that is detri* L mental to the farmers concerned. It is not used for tax purposes. 1 '.. * ' i After February 2nd A 10% Penalty; Will List —k. JiaiAak: ~ l ; , ■ /■/.‘jjs, g., i ■ .v 4 a.., _ 'll - ■ i a '"■wit- “ jr m m » ■ i* IFC!r . t nimiCnill A#» I Aliiir -»r4AiiOA v R B wfWf M ■ R■ r R jb ■■Baa ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ .. in 195® compered with those saved'in I®sß. The combined spring and fall pig crops for 1959 are estimated at 2,613,000 head, about 305,000 head larger than in 1958., The spring pig crop at L 605,000 was 26 percent above the 1958 spring pig crop, and this substantial gain was due to a 22 percent increase in sows farrowed and a slight increase in ntimber of pigs saved per litter. - . w ~ Men never wish ardently for what they only wish for from reason. —La Rochefoucauld. Lunch Room Menu Menus tt the Jolin A. Holmes High School lunch room for the week of January 4-8 will be as-follows; Monday: Beef vegetable soup, pimento and peanut butter sand wiches, crackers, pineapple cake, butter and milk. Tuesday: Pork patties with rice snd gravy, string beans, bis- 1 cuits, apple sauce, butter and milk. Wednesday: Com beef with] ; potatoes and gravy, succotash, cookies, cheese biscuits and milk. Thursday: Fish sticks, corn bread, fruit jelio, cole slaw, cornfield peas, butter and milk; Friday: Grilled lunch meat, garden peas, buttered potatoes, apple pie and milk. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE The thought that 1 acknowledge ment of one, infinite God, and obedience to His commands,' is essential for the spiritualization and salvation Ot mankind, will be brought out at Christian Sfci ence services Sunday. The Lesson-Sermon is entitled “God”. The Golden Text is from Deuteronomy (10:12, 13): “ftxfi- now, Israel, what doth thev»lXrfr thy God require ot theevJßit to fear the Lord thy GodL to walk jn ,aJ4 his ways, and Ja love him. and to serrfk the*C«d thy God with all (heart and with all thy soul, t® keep the - commandments of the Lord, gpnd his statutes, which I command thee this day for thy good?” , . [fc. From “Science and Health with iCfiy to the Scriptures” by Marjt'tiaker Eddy the following will be read (228:25-27): “There is no/ /power apart from God. OmhljxJtenee bas alii-power, and to afefthdwledge any other power is to : 'iiishanor God.”