ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN CHOWAN COUNTY Kg| Wt _. Voliame XXTO.-Number 8. 111. II - --- - Safety Week Will Be Observed Week Os Feb. 29-March 5 Mayor John Mitchen-i er Calls Upon All Ci-j tizens to Promote Safety During Week Sponsored by the Edenton Woman's Club. Safety Week Will be observed in Edenton February 29 through March 5,1 with Mrs. Tom Hopkins serving ► chainnan of the Safety Com- ; mittee. During the week the fourth graders will make posters on home safety and pupils in the fifth and sixth grades will write essays on home safety.. First and second prizes will be awarded in each group. Posters will be displayed in various merchants’ windows. Each afternoon during the week will have two members who will observe bicycle riders. Twenty tickets for refreshments at Mitchener’s and Hollowell’s j will be given to children who best obey bicycle rules. A quiz program will also be broadcast over radio station WCDJ in Edenton each afternoon from 4 to 4:30 o’clock and two tickets | to the Taylor Theatre will go; to the winners in this contest. { Mayor John Mitchener has is-, sued a proclamation in eonnec-l tion with Safety Week in which* he calls upon all residents of, Edenton to join in a vigorous! and organized effort to promote j greater safety for everyone in. Edenton. He also urges all pub lic officials and officers to unite in a concerted effort to eliminate existing dangers, im pressing drivers of motor ve- 1 hides with the necessity of driv ing carefully and seeing that tthe objectives of bicycle safety ,Confl»wd «b Page 4—Section i ; Bread Sale Friday]; J, The broad sale scheduled to be held Friday night of last | week by the Edenton Lions Club was postponed at the last minute. The sale is scheduled! to be held Friday night of ihisj week, February 26, beginning at 6 o'clock. Medlin Belch is chainnan oft the bread sale and requests all' who will take part »o meet at the J St B Motor Company in time to begin *he sale at | 6 o'clock. 20 Years Ago As Found in tbe Files of The Chowan Herald V;, About SO Chowan County l farmers gathered at the Parish House as guests of the Edenton Rotary Club when W. Kerr Scott. Commissioner of Agricul ture. was the principal speaker. Dr. Ralph McDonald, former gubernatorial candidate. was speaker at a public forum in the school auditorium sponsored by Ed Rond Post of the American Legion. Judge John W. Darden of Plymouth denied newspaner re-1 ports to the effect that be was] making att effort to create dis-i cord between Plymouth and Continued on Page 2 Section 1 ; Candidate "' r "” r ■ i r' -V ' * ' "V ■ < ■r .*i 1 Jjn JOHH4L SHACWEajQHD^ THE CHOWAN HERALD Honored At ECC - CLINTON O. DAVIS At East Carolina College. Greenville. Cl nton O. Davis of Edenton has been selected "Mr. Representative Student Teacher For 1960.'* Buxton White Urges Edenton Men To Support Improvement Project Os Local Woman’s Club Proposed improvement of the Court House Green and a park way at the foot of Broad Street has caused interest outside of Edenton. A letter on the sub ject was received by The Her ald late last week from Buxton White of Elizabeth City, Albe marle Gardener. Mr. White's letter follows: "Congratulations to Edenton and Chowan County on their re cent show of progressive acu men. Your struggle for indus trial development to bring b;g ger payrolls, typical cf eastern North Carolina today, is com mendable and should pay off. "However. I wonder whether you fully appreciate your most valuable heritage. There is old- John E. Shackelford Seeks Office Solicitor For Recorder’s Court John E. Shackelford on Mon day morning announced that he; will be a candidate for solicitor of Chowan Recorder’s Court in the May democratic primary election. Mr. Shackeiford is the new est Edenton attorney and was recently appointed tax attorney for Chowan County by the! County Commissioners. William Privott is at present serving -as solicitor, having been appointed to the position by the County Commissioners when Weldon Hollowell, serv ing as solicitor, was appointed judge of Recorder’s Court to succeed the late Judge Marvin Wilson. BAND PARENTS MEET Edenton’s Band Parents As sociation will meet Wednesday night. March 2, at 8 o’clock ini the band room. Mrs. Kathleen' Skiles, president, requests all members to be present. Walter Jones Opposes Herbert Bonner In Representative Race Walter B. Jones of Farmvillel on Friday night formally an- j nouneed his candidacy for the; House of , Representatives in Congress from the First Dis trict <rf'North Carolina. He will oppose Herbert -C. Bonner, in i cumbent. in the Democratic pri ! mary election to be held in May. I Mr. Jones, 46. has represented .Pitt County in the North Caro lina General Assembly for three terms. During the 1959 session he unsuccessfully spearheaded a proposed change in the State Highway Commission, a move ment to increase it to 14 mem bers. He also supported the firemen's pension bill and a J proposal fur increased funds for tuluTil n ini* hi enton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, February 25, 1960. Congress eking More MMcy For Sewage Projects Blatnik Bill Asks Ap propriations Increas ed From 50 Million ,To 90 Million Dollars In Senator Everett Jordan’s column elsewhere in The Her ald this week he reports on a bill on municipal sewage dis posal projects going to the White House. Edenton was amon; the first to file a request for federal aid, but due to the initial delay in deciding on a site for the sew age disposal plant, Edenton lost out on a substantial appropria tion. Edenton is among 46 towns for proposed sewage disposal projects estimated to cost 33.5 million dollars. The Blatnik Bill would increase federal aid for these projects ‘from 50 million dollars to 90 million dollars. Senator Jordan says that if President Eisenhower vetoes the bill, he is hopeful that enough votes can be mustered in Con gress to override his veto. Senator Jordan’s column ap pears on page four, section two. er colonial history in Edenton than in Williamsburg. Os course, it took Rockefeller to make a shrine of Williamsburg: you might have to do it your selves. unless you.find an angel, such as Mrs. Latham. Dare County, without agriculture or manufacturing, has shown what can be done to capitalize on his toric resources (with federal and stafl? aid).'~r ‘ : * ' “In third place, exceeded only by textiles and tobacco, the tourist industry brings $350 mil lion to North Carolina each year. The tourist’s dollar is the clean est money any community can find. They come to look and spend. No mateial assets go Continued on Page 3—Section I County Council Meets March 2nd Chowan County Council of Home Demonstration Clubs will meet on Wednesday afternoon, March 2, at 2:30 o’clock at the Rocky Hock School. Final plans for thp 25th Federate District meeting to be held in Edenton, April 12, will be made. Plans will also be made for the ob servance of National Home Demonstration Club Week. Mi's. Bert Tyson, field consult ant for the northeastern section. American Cancer Society, has been invited to be the speaker. All County Council mem'bevs are urged to be present for this meeting. WOMAN'S CLUB WILL MEET NEXT WEDNESDAY Edenton Wqman’s Club will meet Wednesday afternoon, March 2, at 1 o’clock at thej Edenton Restaurant. Mrs. Wes ley Chesson, president, asks ev- | ery member to make a special! effort to attend the meeting. cons. He has been a teacher of the men's Bible Class forlll0 1 years. He is also a member of the Moose Lodge, Junior Order and a Rotarian, being a past president of the Farmville Ro tary Club. He is a graduate of N. C. State College and serv ed as Mayor of Greenville for two terms. Mr. Jones is well known in Eden ton. He is married to the former Miss Doris Long, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Long off Edenton, and is the father of two children. He has offi ciated at many Os the Edenton football games and is at present connected with the North Caro lina High School Athletic Asso-| ciation, being in charge of as signment of officials for athletic jramat played in the northeast trn gjftfru q£ tfe* ftetfc Edenton Band Going To Washington r . ,| I ” ■* ’* •* " nn« The John A. Holmes High School Band has received and accepted an invitation to participate in the 241 h annual AAA Sateiy Petrol Parade to be held in Washington, D. C., in May. The parade is scheduled for Saturday, May 14. The band will leave Edenton early Friday morning the 13*h and return Sun day nigh* the 15th, spending *hree days and two nigh‘s in Washington. A full schedule of visits to museums and govern ment buildings and shrines is being prepared, for the band students. Letters have been received from Senators Erwin and Jordan and Congressman Herbert Bonner, expressing their interest in the trip, and their desire to meet with the band when it goes to Washington. The Safety Patrol Parade, which is sponsored by the American Automobile Association, is the largest of i*s kind t 0 be held annually in Washington. This is its 24th year and it has participants from most of the 50 siaes and Canada and Mexico. The parade lakes over five hours to comnle'e and has over 30.000 marchers, including 70 to 80 bands. The event is entirely non-commercial, only floats and units prepared and sponsored by safety organiza tions are permitted.—(J. P. Ricks, Jr. Photo). Local Criticism Registered In Regard To Literature On Aging; Fuller Writes To Gov. Hodges Literature as published by the | federal and state governments, as well as social agencies, is criticized as tending to place all people who have retired or are over 60 years of age separate and apart from the rest of so ciety. Such pamphlets and other publications, by implication, in dicate that such a group are of no further use to society and "to help such groups pass the time away suggest recreation and hobby programs including the teaching of how u> play check ers and to shoot marbles. It is felt that such groups can contribute a great deal to soci ety, so that William D. Fuller has written Governor Hodges suggesting that such literature | be revised to give a better in spirational outlook for the fu- . ture to all retired people. Mr. Fuller’s letter to Gover nor Hodges follows: Episcopalians Plan To Made Additions At Parish House Members of Saint Paul’s Epis copal Church in Edenton will meet Tuesday to consider neces sary Parish House additions and the general outlook of the church. Beginning at 7:00 P. M., with supper served by the church women, the meeting will get under way with a short film presentation to be followed by remarks ' from the rector, the Rev. George B. Holmes. Representatives from the ves try and building committee will present the necessary facts and figures involved in meeting the needs of a growing Church School and youth program. Members of the parish are re quested to attend if at all possi ble since the meeting is in con junction with Lent and is as important a subject as may arise for some time. Special Guests At Advance Dinner I • .»» t W Special guests attended a banquet at the Advance Com munity Building last week when the Advance Home Dem onstration Club served a dinner for Puroil customers of the Advance section. The dinner was sponsored by Henderson Goodwin. Included among the approximately 190 guests were the above. lor Governor, “A committee is being formed in Chowan County to cooperate with your committee on aging. “One of the errors of govern ment and social agencies in planning for those who have been retired for one reason or another is to attempt to classify such groups apart from the rest of society and in all of the lit erature these people.' by implica tion. are considered dead, only awaiting burial. “As one who has been asked to serve on the local committee. 1 object to all of such litera ture and the use of the word ‘aging’ as separating us apart from the rest of society. Actu ally we all age from the day of oUr birth. I “AH of yonr literatures on the subject should be revised and | the language used should he | along inspirational lines of con tinuing interest in the future Continued on Page 6—Section > A1 Phillips INew Varsity President At a meeting of the Edenton Varsity Club held last week A1 Phillips was elected president of the club to succeed Jesse L. Harrell. Other officers elected were: Dr. Richard Hardin, vice presi dent; William Easterling, secre tary, and Allen Harless, Jr., treasurer. During the meeting a major portion of the time was devoted to discussion of tentative plans for the club’s annual sports awards banquet which will be held this spring. JAYCEES MEET TONIGHT Edenton's Junior Chamber of Commerce will meet tonight (Thursday) at 7 o'clock at the Edenton Restaurant. President West Byrum, Jr., urges every Jaycee to be on hand. Guardsmen Make Splendid Showing In Mustering Test Men Report Within 2“ Minutes and Guard ing Important Places 10 Minutes Later Edenton’s National Guard unit did a bang-up job Thursday night of l?s* week in connection wiih Operation Hornets Nest, Some delay \va« experienced in sounding the alarm, but about 8 o’clock 12 blasts alerted the local National Guardsmen who immediate'y went into action Within 25 minutes 82 men reported at the armory and only 10 minutes were required for the men to be dispatched to guard vital commun cation points and power facilities. They speeded to tie Chowan River bridge. Al bemarle Sound bridge. Pem broke Creek bridge, the Eden ton electric and water plant, the telephone office, with some re maining at the armory. Shortly before 10 o’clock the Guardsmen were recalled to the armory. Major Cecil Fry and Captain C. W. Swanner were very com plimentary for the manner in which the Guardsmen responded and carried out the operation, especially coming at a lime when a storm was in progress A number of members of the Edenton unit live out of the county, but they reported to other stations when they heard the alarm. I Rotarians Hosts To 4-H Peanut Growers ! At Today's Meeting Edenton Rotarians will be ’ hosts today (Thursday! to 3hc group of 4-H Club bovs who participated in the 1959 4-U Club peanut growing contest The meeting will bo held a< usual at 1 o'clock, in the Perish House with fathers of jSic boys also guests of the club. An interesting program has been arranged so that Presid* it Jimmy Earnhardt is very an\ - cus that every Rotarian will be on hand to greet the young p. li mit growers and their fathers Preaching Mission At Methodist Church A preaching mission will he held at, the Edenton Methodist Church March 6 through March, 11. Guest speaker for the mis sion will be the Rev. Kermit i Wheeler, pastor of the First ti odist Church at Raoford N. C. Services will be held each] night throughout the week .1 ’ 8 o'clock and the public is cor- j dially invited to attend. Heart Sunday Will Be Observed % In Edenton On Sunday. Feb. 28 The Chowan County Heart Fund drive will reach its peak next Sunday when Heart Sun day volunteers will ■■• nduct . door-to-door collection in the residential area. In a recent proclamation Mayor John Mueh encr officially set February US as Heart Sunday here. The local canvass will bo one of more than 10.000 being con ducted by more than 1.500,000 volunteers at approximajelv the same time from coast to coast, according to William Bond, Jr.. Heart Sunday chairman. In this area, the Heart Sun day collection will begin at 1 Red Cross Fund Raising Drive Seheduled To Be Held In Mareh John E. Shackelford, chairman i of the 1960 Red Cros fund rats ing drive, is making plans for the drive, which will be in pro gress during the month of March. Mr. Shackelford states that this year's quota will be 52,000 and that he is hopeful the goal! will be reached this year. Last j year it was necessary to haw a supplementary campaign to meet the county's quota in or der to maintain the services of the blood bank. 'Tty*, year," m* Mr. SteckaUord. *>• are 52.50 Per Year In North Carolina Need Is Pointed Out For New Buildings To House Libraries New President AL PHILLIPS Eder.ton's Varsity Club last ■week elected A1 Phillips as president. He succeeds Jesse L, Harrell. Griffin Speaker At Lions Club Meeting Tells About Settle ment of State Dur ing Colonial Times Lloyd Gnlfm >f Edenton and Raleigh. >ke to the Edenton Lions at their regular Monday evening met ting on February 22. Mr Grist ia is executive vice pnsdta: and secretary of North, I Carolina C: irons Association.; Inr Jte was introduced by! Wes: Lean i>f ifwS history of n Ci to recount (he seiUi re ': * : :.u State durum j wvorua* » uu's He rvea.!oci that ’ Continued on Pacjo S—Section I civic calendar] Edenton unit of the North Caro'ina Education Association, together wi'h the two Parent- Teacher Associations, will spon sor a dinner Tuesday night. March 1. at 7 o'clock in the Masonic Temple. District meeting of the Twen ty-fiith Federated District of Home Demonstration Clubs will be held at John A. Holmes High School Tuesdr’. April 12. Continued on Page S—Section 1 P V. and continue through * P M Each volunteer will call- Hi art Fund contribution enve ieiv for the ,v '.tor's cvnverti > on. i Aftv: Lull.', coins or check have been inserted, the enve lope may be sealed before be ing returned to the volunteer. Vohintcc s wa! leave special ’mail-m envetooes for families 'that are away from home dur .mg the collection hours, the Heart Sunday chairman said. , The envi lopes are pre-addressed to Heart Fund headquarters Continued on Fatjt B—Section 1 hoping that citiiens of Edenton. | as well as tl.e rural section of, the county Will respond to the! appeal for funds so that a sup-' pigmentary drive will not be no-J cessary." Mr. Shackelford states that; tire fund raising campaign will enter around personal contact j with a house-to-house canvass, planned. March 13 has been selected as the date for Red Cross Sun day. when clergymen will be asked to make reference to the Red Cross cnmpaifix in their, weekly aerats. » FIGHT CANCER WITH A CHECKUP AND CHECK j Group Plans to Or ganize “The Friends Os Library” as Fea ture of Library Week A committee representative of the town and countv has been formed to celebrate National Li brary Week during the week of April 3 to 9. A program is being develop ed which'will include' a promi nent speaker. Robert Lee Hum ber of Greenville. N. C.. irdivid ual and panel discussions each day during the week over radu station WCDJ participation in essay contest by students of the va. ions scnoois: and other ae tiv.ties to. focus attention on the importance cf c.<oks and the li braries to the entire community. At the meeting of the com mittee there was discussed the question of a continuing pro gram throughout the year which will feature the increased use of books and the needs of the libraries. Two possibilities of this continuing program were discussed and agreed upon, as i follows: Fust, the organization of a group to be known as "The Continued on rage 6—Section 1 Falstm k Slum S‘t For Man'll .‘>o The annual Chowan County Fa,stock Show and Sale, spon sored by tno Jun.or Chamber of C< mmerce. wilt tx i Wednes day. March 39. at the American Legion Building. Ten steers Will be shown for sale this year by 4-H C.ub boys 1 and girls. Anyon, wishing to show hogs are asked to coht.irt Assistant County Agent Harry Venters or We.lace Goodwin. Jr... chairman of- the fatstoek show. Members Os Edenton Band Awarded High Ratings In Contest The' drum major and major ette • corps of the John A. Holmes High School Bafid. who attended the State ... o ..mi en semble contest at Duke I'm veisny Saturday, both brought back to Edenton high ratings .n the event. *1 he majorette' ensemble. Caivl Phipps. Baibara Layton. Judy Fiaot:. Dianne Goodwin. Caro lyn Twiddy, Mary Anne Over ton. Karen Hoilowcll and IV.s icilla Bunch was awarded a rat ing of Excellent. / The majorette duet, Pr -.nla Ranch and Dianne Goodwin, al so won a rating of Excellent. The band's drum major. Vein Goodwin, won the highest rnt ,ng g wen. that of Superior. H s performance was commented on as being one of the most per feet during the entire dav of events. Candidate WALTER B. JONES Friday wight Waller B. Jooac of FarmviU* announced that ha will be a candidal* for the House of Representatives in Congress from the First Dis trict of North Carolina, lie will «*WBn V* MWr« Ul %

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