TTie Chowan Herald Published every Thursday by The Chowaa JKerald, a partnership consisting of J. Edwin PuffUi* and Hector Lupton, at 423-425 South we . 4 Street, Edenton. North Carolina. *. EDWIN Kdl«>» nBOTOR LUPTON A tverUslnf Muuef SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year (ortside North Carolina) ,—53.00 One Year (in North Carolina) SS.SO Six Months W-59 Entered as second-class matter August 3D, 1934, at tne Post Office at bdenton. North Carolina, under the act of M..rgh 3. 1879. Cards of thanks, obituaries, resolutions of re ject, etc., will by chained for at regular ad vertising rates. THURSDAY. JUNE 2. 1960. uiAnrj-urunriru j m mm » m A UFT FOR TODAY it It i* time to seek the Lord. —Hose* 10:12. THROUGH PENITENCE and prayer and by stqdy to know the mind of Christ, through obedi ence to God's commandment, we shall find the Lord, God of Hosts. Our Father, may America seek Thee in Truth, that she may walk with confidence, land Hip the other nations to Thee. — • - - Almost In The Bag It is encouraging to note that Edenton and Chowan County is practically assured that a promotional iilm will be produced. The cost of making this film will be $3,500 and im petus was given to the drive to raise this amount Tuesday when the board of directors of the Edenton Chamber of Commerce voted unanimously to appropriate- SI,OOO for the purpose. To date about $2,500 has been cith er paid or pledged and on the strength of the interest in the project. Grayson Harding has placed an order to have the film made. The film will be along the lines of one shown recently in Edenton of Jamestown and that vicinity, and is estimated to be viewed by between 30 and 40 million people through channels of television stations the first year after it is produced. The film will be a highly professional job which can lie used to promote pilgrimages, conventions and the ever important attention of yfear-around tourists, which in turn will lead to more business for everybody, and the quickest known way to attract industry. Lo cal people point out that Edenton is situated between Williamsburg and New Bern, fea turing Trvon’s Palace, and both places are daily attracting hundreds of tourists, while at present Edenton is being by-passed. This film will let many people know what we have here that is so worthwhile seeing, and its value as an advertising medium will be difficult to estimate. The goal of $3,500 has not yet been reach ed, but a drive is now in progress, sponsored by the Edenton Tea Party Chapter of the DAR and the James Iredell Association. Anybody who might not be contacted and who desires to make a contribution to this very important project is requested to send a check to Mrs. Ralph Parrish, treasurer of the James Iredell Association or Grayson Hard ing at Hotel Joseph Hewes. It is felt that Edenton and Chowan County have a treasure of scenes to produce an in teresting film which should attract many peo ple to the area. It is hoped that the sponsor ing groups will have no difficulty in raising the remainder of the amount necessary to pay for the production of the film. 19 Volunteers Needed Attention is called to a serious situation in Chowan County which can very easily re sult in the loss of the Red Cross bkx>d pro gram. Toni Ridgeway, Chairman of the Chowan County blood program, has been informed that if Chowan County does not donate 19 more pints of blood the program will be dis continued. Mr. Ridgeway points out that the Red Cross bloodmobile will be in Plymouth Thurs day, June 9, at which time Chowan County citizens can attend and the county given cred it for the blood donated. Due to the seriousness of the situation, Mr. Ridgeway is appealing for at least 19 people in Chowan County to volunteer to go to Plym outh to donate a pint of blood each so that the local program will be continued. He points out the importance of having blood available for emergencies and the hardship which will result if the program is dropped. Anybody who will volunteer is requested to contact Mr. Ridgeway at Chowan Hospital immediately or at his home, the phone num ber being 3242. ~ Free transportation will be furnished and if and when enough volunteers respond to the appeal, a time to leave Edenton will be determined. .Chowan County can ill. afford to lose the blood bank. sayhat it is hoped at least 19 people will volunteer in an effort to save the program. , / * Bade T^Normal With a heated etafcflji now oveF, Edenton has about returned to normal and the voters have made thdr , choke of Democratic candi dates for the general'election in November. Without doubt, ah ’candidates (or all of- J4eard By Buff The 1960 graduating class at John A. Holmes High School composed a group of very nice boys and girls, but I just can’t fig ure out some of the girls. Some among them wore low neck dresses and bare backs and at the same time wore gloves almost up to their elbows. Can’t understand why apparently some parts of ’em were hot and some parts cold. o Well, there was a mass “funeral” held sometime Saturday night, when a group of Herbert Bonner supporters were “buried” by Walter Jones’ supporters at the foot of Broad Street. The funeral must have been arranged before the final outcome was known, for it would have been more appropriate to bury the Jones boys. However, Walter Jones did carry Chowan County, so probably that was the incentive for a “funeral”. A rather sig nificant angle to the “funeral” is that it was held at the foot of Broad Street most likely because it would be seen by more people. Signs for Herbert Bonner and Walter Jones were also displayed at the foot of Broad Street obviously for the same reason. All of which should be a good argument that the Confederate monument would be seen by more people at the foot of Broad Street than on the Court House Green. Anyway the corpses who were buried might have very aptly placed the following epitaph at the •raves: “What profiteth a man if he wins the cart but loses his own horse?” Anyway, here’s one who congratulates Walter Jones for making such a creditable run against a man who has been in office for so long. o Saturday night's “burial” was taken very good naturedly by those who were “buried”, btit. even one of Walter Jones’ ardent sup porters had this to say after he saw the “cemetery”: BURY ME DEEP My name is Aftermath, my sire is confusion, my dam is revenge. One could almost say my existence is of illegitimacy as the purpose of my life leads inevitably to nothing; begets nothing. My consummation and coneeivement was ac complished in this instance by an election of pub lic officials and thusly I must assume some type of shape, form, action, or deed. The picture on the front page of The Herald conveys one of my intentions, and the talk of others involved com memorate my existence. “What a lean and -hungry look thou hast dear Cassius.” So be it with me. Spite, animosity, littleness, conceit, boldness, hatred, confusion, re venge—all of these and many others are my legs, arms, senses, nerves, muscles veins. The victors and the losers will make me their slave, but not for long. They will soon cast me aside because the godliness of humanity will make them for get and forgive. Society will become society. Ims is the axiom we all live by. and so I. After math. am consoled to die just as I was born. “When I will die find you none who weep My last request fulfill, Bury me Deep.” O Do you live in a bug house? If so, the Jaycees will be at your rescue Friday night, June 3. when they conduct their annual in secticide sale, i t , - . - Jess Harrell, the way I get it, had a narrow escape at Nags Head Sunday and he cart thank his lucky stars that he’s still around. Jess, Logan and Richard Elliott, Jr., went fishing near the Harrell cottage, and in some mnaner the boat capsized. Jess had a hard time by coming up under the boat, but fort unately all three were able to make it to shore. o - Two ladies dropped in the office this week to bid me goodbye and to say the least both of ’em had a deep feeling of regret to leave Edenton. One was Mrs. Eugenia Babylon, who left for Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri. The other was Mrs. Jack Mooney. The Mooney family has moved to Raleigh and almost in tears Mrs. Mooney related how much she regrets to leave the old town. Both will be greatly missed, for Mrs. Babylon was the spearhead of the Pettigrew Regional Li brary and Mrs. Mooney has taught piano les sons for a long time, so that severing her connections with these youngsters caused a~ tugging at her heart which was not easy to overcome. Then, too, the talented Mooney family will also bd missed, for they were of ten called upon to participate in one program or another.. Here’s hoping both Mrs. Baby lon and the Mooney family will soon become acclimated to their new homes, but that they will not forget Edenton. - *• ■ - - .— ■ o Saturday was the last day the Western Union Telegraph operated the office in the Hotel Joseph Hewes building. The office has-been moved to the bus station with J. A. Wheeler in charge. The phone number is 2181 and Mr. Wheeler’s office hours wall be 8:30-A. ML, to 7P. M., except Sundays when they will be 9 A. M., to 1 P; M. Mrs. John worthy officials, but all could not be elected. The voters have gpoken, so that those elected Should have the respect, cooperation and sup port of the electorate. In* the heit of fui' election' candidates, as' well as their, supporters, should respect the opinion' of. others, so thit how. after, the smoke has cleared there should be no reason for any wupiositytoexist between the victors and '***'^**" , .... - u.—. I—I 11. I ■ ... -■ - TUB CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, WORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, JUNE I. 1968. Wheeler, who for many years has been manager' of the Edenton office, has retired. o- Edenton Masons quite fre quently put on a feed and the stewards shoulder the job of washing dishes and cleaning up the kitchen, ft’s an ill wind that blows no good and this is the case with Peck Las siter. Peck is one who helps wash the dishes and he says that’s one time he gets clean hands. However, he’s not es pecially anxious for his wife to know that he washes dishes. o While a good vote was reg istered in Saturday’s primary election, there were a number of citizens who went to the polls but could not vote be cause they were not registered on the county registration book. I have often pointed out that there are two registra- Classified Ads OLD SAYING “A clean tooth never decays.” Buy super-clean ing OLAG Tooth Paste at the drug store. WANTED AT ONCE—MAN OR woman to supply families with | Rawleigh Products in Chowan I County. Consumers write us| for Products. Can earn SSO weekly part time—sloo and up full time. Write Rawleigh’s, Dept. NCF-210-1, Richmond. Va. June2,l6,3opd j WILL BUY OLD COINS AND gold coins. A. T. Hurlbert. Sunbury. N. C. Phone 3431. June2,9,16,23,30c THIS OPPORTUNITY IS FOR YOU . . . If you wear Cosmetics, have a pleas ing personality and can spend 4-5 hours daily away from home, Avon Cosmetics offers you a splendid op portunity. Opening at Rvland. Write Box 242. Ahoskie. N. C. S4OO MONTHLY SPARE TIME Refilling and collecting money from New Type high quality coin operated dispensers in this area. No selling. To qualify you must have ear, references. S6OO to SI9OO cash. Seven to twelve hours weekly can net up io S4OO monthly. More full time.. For personal interview write P. O. Box 1055, Boise, Idaho. Include phone number. ltp FOR SALE—GOOD USED GAs| ranges as low as $35.00. West ern Gas Service. Phone 3122, Edenton. june2tf FOR RENT OR SALE—2-BED room house in Albemarle Court. Stove and refrigerator furnished: also floor furnace. Phone 3122. tfc FOR SALE HOUSE, WITH 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, copper plumbing, storage basement, fenced pet yard. Cypress Road. C. C. Wiggins. Call 2322 before 5:00, 2059 after 5:00. may12,19,26.jun2p WHITE LADIES FULL OK part time earn $43.67 weekly. Car ncessary. Write Box 100. care Chowan Herald. may26june2,9c “King of Swine” Mammouth meat type OIC. Grand champion blood lines. Service boars, gilts and pies. Minton’s Ranch, Merry Hill. N. C. expMayl2c FOR RENT OR SALE TWO and three bedroom houses. Electric stove, refrigerator, hot water beater. On school bus route. Terms can be arrang ed. L. E. Francis, Route 3, Edenton. Phone 3472. Sister Adams First time in this area. The lady who has helped thousands from near and far. They come to be helped. It’s a pity for those that need help and do not come for it This great healer can help you in all walks of life. A*-e you sick: in body? Are you sick in mind? Are you in dark ness? I can solve all your troubles, your sickness and your problems. You must see Sister Adams! She is a Christian wo man. Are you troubled by evil hands? Do you fear disease? Do you give despair? Why go through life suffering when you know Sister Adams can. help ybu? God has given her the power to help all, including you and your loved ones. White and colored are ■welcome and all are guaranteed helped. s A. M..TO IS P. M. SKVKS WAVS A WKKK HEALER AND ADVISOR Highway. 19—South of Ahoakte V, Mil* from A It P Super Market Look For tea Sign With the Ster and twiui* Mood tion books, one for Edenton elections and one for the coun ty. A voter must lie registered in both books if he expects to vote in a town and county election. There’s a second pri mary election coming up for Governor, so that all who want to cast a ballot should check to see if their names are on ihe county registration book, and if not, see that it’s put on. o Just as The Herald was ready to go to press, I was informed that the Chamber of Commerce made a SI,OOO con tribution toward the expense of producing a promotional film on Edenton and Chowan County, About $2,500 has been paid or pledged toward the $3,500, so that Grayson Harding reports that he has placed an order for the film to be made. It is the opinion of Mr. Harding that the film FOR RENT TWO-BEDROOM house within block of shopping center. Fully equipped, elec tric stove, Frigidaire and hot water heater: also space heat er. Furnished or unfurnished. 114 West King Street. Phone 2671. june2,9pd FOR SALE PORTO RICO sweet potato plants. All from vine cuttings. C. E. Lupton, phone 2956, Edenton. june2,9,l6c COTTAGEFOR~RENT KILL Devi] Hills. Electric kitchen, hot water, three bedrooms and screened porch. J. L. Chest nutt, phone 2389. Aug2sc HOUSE FOR RENT—TWO BED rooms; refrigerator and stove. Newly painted. Call Dr. A. F. Downum, 3218. $45 month. Mayl9tfc FOR RENT NAGS HEAD cottage; ocean side. Best lo cation; 3 bedrooms, screened porch, electric kitchen. Mi's. J. D. Elliott- Phone 3586. cxpJune3oc PICTURE FRAMING—FOR THE best in custom , jture fruminj see John R. Lewis at the Eden ton Furniture Company. Com plete line of moulding to choos* | from tfc 1 BULLDOZER WORK LAND clearing and dirt pushing Phone 2956, Clarence Lupton ! tfc IFOR SALE OR RENT A] 1 ideal home for small family Very low cost. Contact Mrs T. R. Boutwcll, phone 3561. Mar24tfc WATCH REPAIRING JEWEL ry repairing and engraving . . Prompt service. Ross Jewelers Phone 3525. tfc HELP WANTED ' ~MALE~ OR female in Edenton. No strikes or lay-offs. A better than average income year-a round Full or part ‘time, men or wo men. Investigate Watkins Pro ducts, Inc., today. Write 5071, Dept. S-3, Richmond. Va. expJune2p FOR QUICK AND EXPERT service on your radio and phonograph, call the Griffin Musicenter, phone 2528. We carry a complete line of phono needles. APARTMENT FOR RENT 3 bedrooms, downstairs. See C W. Swanner, 217 East Queen Street. Phone 2544. Dec2Btfe FOR RENT KILL DEVIL Hills 2-bedroom cottage; ocean front Recently re-decorated. Available June 2nd to June 12th, also July 17th until end of season. Phone 3230, Mi's. Wood Privott. Itpd Industrial Equipment Wheel Type and Crawlar Tractors Backhoes. Dozen. Trenchers Crawler Tractors With Winches Loaders. Landscaping Rakes Sh ot C.ll Hobbs Implement Company - PHONE 3111 Edenton. N. C. is so valuable to advertising: Edenton that the remainder of* the money needed will be rais ed. The film will be a won-J derful advertising medium and ( should give a shot in the arm to Edenton's economic frame work. , e: jj[ 1 m V' The diplomat sits in silence, watching the world with his ears. —Leon Samson. TO MY FRIENDS and NEIGHBORS OF THE First Congressional District Thr fine vote of faith and eonfidenee yon gave me in las! Saturday's Demo eratie Primary has made me deeply linmhle and most appreeialive. In (lie davs ahead. I shall eonlinne lo J do my best to serve all our people faith fully and in a spirit of real dedirat ion. Again. I sav “Mam thanks for votir help. support, and confidence." Herbert C. Bonner FARMERS! Duslino And Spraviuj* Time Is llvvv WE HAVE V COMPLETE LINE OE John Blue Dusters PLASTIC IH STINC TCHINC CENTURY SPRAYERS ALSO in PRO PUMPS AND SPRAYER KITS Sec Us For Your Dustin? And Spraying Needs! Hobbs Implement Co., Inc. GUY C, HOBBS, Mgr. "Four J*k» lh