SECTION Two PAGE SIX CHOvf£&> News By CATHERINE AMAN Assistant Home Economics Agent With a new year just around the corner, now is the time to evaluate what was accomplished last year. The following is a brief resume of the achieve ments of Chowan 4-H Clubs: The Chowan 4-H members as clubs and individuals have made much progress and improve ments during the past year. We feel that one of the high lights of 1960 was our observ ance of National 4-H Club Week. It was a wonderful and most in formative experience for the 4-H’ers who participated in “tak ing over” radio station WCDJ for two days during this week. And we feel that the 4-H Club pro gram here in Chowan County is better understood and may be appreciated just a little more by this type of publicity and ob servance of National 4-H Club Week. We have accomplished much in our community 4-H Clubs. The Center Hill Junior Club (which is a faiily new club, just organized in July, 1959), is grow ing by leaps and bounds and ac complishing just as much. The Center Hill Junior 4-H’crs have made or helped make lav ors for the Chowan Hospital pa tients three times during the year. Some of the members took turns at the Center Hill election voting place and sold pencils for the Hospital Auxili ary during the May primaries. Twelve of these members at tsended 4-H Camp at Manteo in June (one-half of the total 4-H’ers going to camp from Chowan). Also during June the Junior 4-H ’ers made a house-to-house canvass of the Center Hill com munity for funds for the Center Hilt-Cross Roads Fire Station. This drive netted S4O for the Rural Fire District. Four of the Juniors partici pated in the county elimination contests— two members went on to compete in the district talent contest. During July the 4-H’ers enjoy ed a craft workshop where they learned to cover coat hangers with plastic gimp. The Center Hill 4-H’ers and leaders made a series of pro gressive games which were used at the Chowan Halloween Car nival and for their own Hal loween party. These games will be- used in the community by various groups for recreation. The Center Hill Junior Club sent one dollar and Advance H fM JOE THORUD SAYS: to fcee/> jour HOME IN >! | THE FAMILY j and your FAMILY IN 1 THEIR HOME j J ff|| g§ * Jujt see your Nationwide man and ask for a Mortgage Can cellation plan. Here’s really low cost assurance that your mortgage will be fully paid automatically if you're not here to do it Check Nation wide the company with note idem lor s new ere. JOE THORUD m IMi of Edoßton Bldg. P. O. Box 504 - PHONE MM Nationwide Club sent five dollars to the 4-H CARE program. I Seven dollars was collected at j Halloween by the Center Hill I Junior 4-H’ers for UNICEF, I which is the United Nations In- I ternational Children’s Emergency i Fund. I Four community clubs had booths in the Chowan County Fair and won a total of $65 in premiums. The Advance Club has added j six new members this year, and ] i have done much for the im-1 | provement of the community: building. The Advance mem- ] i bers also entered a float in the ! Christmas parade last year and had a window exhibit during J , National 4-H Club Week. I The Center Hill' Senior Club I members made hospital tray ! favors two times during the year. Three of their members were on the county and district winning Farmer Cooperative Demonstrn-, tion team and attended State 4-H Club Week. These members ' also planned and served the supper for the October Ruritan meeting, and made $11.13 for the club treasury. This club has added three new members. The Oak Grove Community! Club has enrolled nine new members this past year. Thir-, teen Oak Grove members par ticipated in the County Elimina tion Contest and five were in the district contests and two entered the State Health Pageant. Leon Evans, state forestry project "’inner, is a member of the Oak Grove Club. The Oak Grove Community Club sponsored swimming les sons for everyone in the com munity during July and August. , This club had a window exhibit These club members have also ( during National 4-H Club Week. I made a series of the progressive games to be used in the com- . munity building for community lecreation. | The Rocky Hock community 4-H Club has been reorganized j as of July, 1960, after disbanding | for about two years due to lack | of a meeting place. The 4-H’ers j from Rocky Hock have served j on several youth committees within the community develop ment organization. There were six school clubs I in Chowan last year, meeting monthly with demonstrations given each month by the Exten sion agents. The 4-H Development Fund organization was set up in Cho wan this past year. Adults in le-ested in the 4-H program , made up this organiation. A goal r l| iffilk . . jj "" .*'?■''' ■* :.;-jJ:Wm ,arts, $5.31; Bush’s Ga rage, $178.24; Albemarle Motor Co, $35.00; Baker Radiator Shop; $16.34; Edenton Tractor & Im plement Co, $118.38; CoasUand Oil Co, $7.29; Ashley Welding & Machine Co, $34.65; TRhett Miller, $2.00; Hampton Roads Tractor & Equipment Co, $115.94; Gulf Oil CorporaUbn, $20.78; Walter A. Mills, $25.p6f Town of Edenton E & W Dept, $250.00; Edenton Teenage Club; $150.00; Edenton High School Band, $375.00; Ricks Photos; $5.00. There being no further busi ness, the Council adjourned. CELIA D. SPIVEY, Assistant Clerk. ,