).{ County News m By m” 8 - HOLAWP E»Am | ’ Sympathy goes out to the 5 Lane family.* | The Rev. Dr. Rogers M. Smith r' of the Foreign Mission of i Southern Baptist Convention, J; who serves as administrative as {-* sociate to the executive secre 'rtasy, Dr. Baker James Cantler, •t was speaker at Rocky Hock j; Chur oh Sunday morning. The *j" Rev> Ralph Harrell rendered G special music with Mrs. .Robert • Harrell as brganist. Chdral re « spouse was by Mrs. Loretta Ev * aijs, Miss Nancy Spivey, Miss * Ester Layton and Miss fUary Alice Perry. At Sunday evening ' services the Rev. E. Cleye Wil kie was speaker. Rev. Wilkie is. District Promotional Director, Department of Stewardship Pro ' motion, Baptist State Coftypption i of North Carolina. An Intermediate GA Rally , was held at Blackwell Memorial Baptist Church in Elizabeth City Monday afternoon at 4:30 o’clock. „ The Regional Broth will meet at Rocky Hock Monday , night, April 2. Dr. Douglas Branch will be the prifflfcipal speaker for the occasion. ;< A Fat Stock Show andj. Sale will be held March 28 at the American Legion grounds.V- The Craftsman’s Fair iijjl the * Albemarle Area will be ?April VlB-19 from 1 to 9 P. M., in the National 'Guard armory in .Eliz abeth City. It is an annual event co-sponsored by the home agents of the Albemarle ;\ area and the Elizabeth City Cham ber of ( Commerce. Mr. and Mrs. Vandy Byirum, Jr., visited in Rocky 'Hock'dur ing the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Hooper, Jr., .of Elizabeth City and Mr. and Mrs. Stanford Perry of Sus , Va„ visited relatives in Chowan County Stfnday. Mrs. Lillie Saunders spent Sunday with Mrs. Edward Ev ' ans. Mr! and Mrs. Willie Saunders ' were in Norfolk Monday. * The Senior Play will be pre "’scnted Friday night in the Cho wan High School auditorium. . The play is entitled “Silas ' Marner,” under direction of Mr. Johnson. ; Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Leary * of Burgaw, N. C., spent the 1 week-end with Mrs. Annie Leary. M»’. and Mrs. Stanford Crist '' of Madispn Heights, Va„ visited Alfred Perry and other relatives j in .the county over the week . end. Mrs. Annie Leary spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Pres ton Nixon of Hertford. Mrs. Woodrow Hoffler of Hobbsville; Mis. Kurk Overman of Gatesville; Mrs. Burt Perry of CarrsVille, Va., and Haiel of Franklin, Va.; Mr. and Mrs. ' Preston Nixon of Hertford; Mr. i' and Mrs. Douglas Leary of Bur , * gaw, Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Hoop !. er, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Stanford i Perry, Mrs. Wallace Hobbs visit •-,ed Alfred Perry recently. u .Earnest resolution has . often seemed to have about it almost a ; . savor of omnipotence. —Samuel Smiles. MR. FARMER SEE US FOR YOUR SEED PEANUT r SHELLING Our equipment is the most up , to-date in this section of the State and we invite yon to inspect it at any time. i We Are Now Open For Business TELEPHONE 2423 i Seed Peanuts For Sale : '’<>'■ • / * L_L_ • Chowan Stongo Co. i . e. jsumh, Mgr. 9 "j I • V ait c nun nnm t BLOODSHED BOXSCORE ON N.C. HIGHWAYS l Raleigh The Motor Vehicles : Department’s summary of traffic deaths through 10 A. M., Mofi ! day, March 26, 1962: / Kilted To Date. 2321 • Killed To Dale Last Year 22ft a '■— 1 TRY A HERALD CLASSIFIED > Minutes Os Board 1 Os Public Works ! v. i Edenton, N. C„ February 23, 1962. ’ The Board of Public Works met this day in special session at the Edenton Municipal Build ing with the following members r present: Thomas C. Byrum, 1 chairman, Jesse L. Harrell, r Ralph 'E. Parrish, J. H. Conger, . Jr., and James P. Ricks, Jr. 1 Byrum advised that r this meeting was called to make . further decisions necessary in . connection with installation of the electric lines and facilities at the former Marine Corps Air - Station. - Supt. R. N. Hines 'recommends ed the use of 2/0 underground ? cable to serve the area immede -1 ately east of the main runway . and read six quotations. H£ also. recommended that this , cable be installed in fiber con duit, 4’’ in size, and that the ‘ three required lines be installed 1 approximately 2Vt feet uixier • ground, each' line to be approxi mately 6 inches apart. , On motion by Ralph E. Par . rish, seconded by Jesse L. Har rell and carried, Supt. Hines is authorized and instructed to se 7 ’ cure (he required material for this part of the work as soon "as possible and to proceed with the 1 installation thereof. A letter from Mr. L. L. Les : ter was read to the Board, this letter setting out electrical re quirements at the hangar area, , water supply area, and power house area. A copy of this let ter follows: : February 21, 1962. Honorable John A. Mitchener, Edenton, North Carolina. Dear Mayor Mitchener: I am sorry I missed you on , my last trip to 4 Edenton; how ever, 1 guess everything is go ing along as welt as can be ex ptcftid. We have all the equip -1 ment lined up -for the operations. 1 I understand from our repre ;;sentative, Mr. Thomas M, Rob bins, that he and Mr. Hines got together on the electrical ser vice the Town is furnishing for the operations. It seems from Mr. Robbins’ report there is to . be more than one voltage in volved; however, I do not be lieve this presents any problem. Our requirements for electricity are at, 1. Hangar Area 2. Water Pumping Area 3. Power House Area It being understood that each will operate on a separate meter 1 for each area. HANGAR AREA: Naturally, the hangar area will be the largest point of power consumption; the voltage transformers to be 440 volts and placed on the existing poles on the South side of the hangar. As previously explain —w———k- THE CHOWAN HEHALP. CPUKTQH, WORTH CABOCDfA, THURSDAY. MARCH 29. 1962. '*d to you, «*r eleririftbl require ments will b« about 800 h.p. i within one year with'a constant load, of approximately 1500 h.p. I further understand there ip some equipment in the haqgar that it will be necessary to run 226 volts and also the lights will require 110 volts. I understand from. Mr. Robbinp this will not any problem. WATER PUMPING STATION & RESERVOIR: Naturally, this is the most strategic point for elec tricity as soon as possible, so in order for us to get the wells and pumps operating, it is my understanding the pumps are 220 volts. That will not pre sent any problem. I i POWER HOUSE OR BOILER | ROOM AREA: It seems we have a different set of fcireumstances here. in the fact this equipment is all 2380 volts, but as I under stand it from Mr. Robbins, the transformers are at the power house, and the only thing that will be necessary is for the Town to connect the transform ers. I further understand that after looking the situation over as to the electrical requirements, they basically agreed the most eco nomical way was to possibly set the poles along Guadalcanal Road and branch off down Mid way Road to transformer back at the hangar, and from the same road branch off to the water pumping station and extend the lines down Midway Road south to the: power house. ■ There are one or two points on which we would appreciate your assistance; 1. Rush the “boys along as fast as possible to get the electricity there as soon afe possible, for we are anxious to go, and it is hard to do anything much with out water and electricity. 2. Have Mr. Hines use his best judgment in the installation of this equipment to take care of the immediate requirements and foreseeable requirements keep ing in mind the most economical way that the work can be per formed by the Town to provide the United States Lumber Com pany with the necessary power without a standby charge. There is a good possibility of us working together so the sales of the electricity on the ha.se area will practically equal the sales in the Town. Very truly yours, L. L. lister, Jr. LLLjr/vam Supt. R. N. Hines was au thorized to proceed with instal lation of the overhead power service required for services to be furnished east of the main runway and down to the cold storage building. On motion by Jesse L. Harrell, seconded by Ralph E. Parrish and carried, $50,000 certificate of deposit which expired today is to be renewed for a period of 6 months at 3% interest rate. There being no further busi ness the meeting was adjourned. RALPH E. PARRISH, Secretary. Edenton, N. C., March 6,1962. The Boaid of Public Works met this day in regular session at 8 P. M., at the Edenton Mu nicipal Building with the fol lowing members present: Thom as C. Byrum, Jr., chairman,! Jesse L.‘ Harrell, Ralph E. Par rish, J. H. Conger, Jr,, and James P. Ricks, Jr. The minutes of the regular meeting of February 12, 1962, and special meeting of February 23, 1962, were read and ap proved. Motion made by Jesse L. Har rell, seconded by James P. Ricks, Jr., and duly carried E. & W. bills in the amount of ! $13,735.25 be paid as follows: Hollowell’s Drug Store, $1.49; Transit-Trailer Co., $27.10; J. D. McCotter, Inc., $18.80; William ston Office Supply Co., slgßs; Motorola C. & E., Inc., $46.75; Humble Oil & Refining Co., $5.4v; Gulf Oil Carp, $64.87; Edenton Office Supply, $1.81; Virginia Electric & Power Co., $11,541.00; Mrs. Bertha Bunch, $3.25; Postmaster, $53.46; Elec trical Equipment Co., $332.27; East Carolina Supply Co., $76.74; The Stenpho Co., $11.84; Line Material Industries, $292.39; Graybar Electric Co., $140.56; Carolina-Norfolk Truck Line, Inc., $3.00; Tidewater Supply Co., $68.17; Hobbs Implement Co., $17.53; Dear iso Systems & Ser vices, $119.95; The Chowan Her ald, $467.21; Bunch’s Garage, $144.52; Edenton Oil Co., $143.83; Mitehener’s Pharmacy, $1.01; Ashley Welding & Machine Co., 81c; Monroe Co., S3B.(H); Hughes . Parker Hardware Co., $7.20; Bill Perry’s Texaco Station, $31.00; M. G. Brown Co., ss.ft»; Albe | marie Motor Co., 70c; Rose’s j 5-10-26 c Store, 92c; Ricks Sun dry; & Cleaners, Inc, $8.97; | Norfolk-Carolina Tel. & Tel. Co., $47.03; salaries paid in Feferu jary. $3,7(».14; total, $17,442.39. Received for current, water and merchandise, $24,392.49. Receipts in excess of disbarse ments, $6,958.10, Motion by J. H. Conger, Jr, seconded by James P. Ricks, Jr, and duly carried reaffirming the Board’s water and sewer tap policy which states th«t no wa ter or sewer tap will be made uatil the cleric’s effice has been paid the entire charge for such 1 that the primary power line on the U. S. Lumber Company property and along the base road to this property is virtually i complete. Chairman Byrum requested Supt. R. N. Hines and Ralph E. Parrish to work out electric rate to be used for billing U. S. .Lumber Company and contract to cover the service to them. On motion by J. H. Conger, Jr, seconded by Ralph E. Par rish and duly carried, Edenton Feed and Livestock Company is .to receive a refund of $326.64 to cover overcharge in billing elec tric service to them. On motion by Jesse L. Har rell, seconded by James P. Ricks, Jr, and duly carried, Supt. R. N. Hines is authorized to purchase required transform ers and associated equipment necessary to serve the U. S. Lumber Company and the line feeding same after receiving competitive bids on this equip ment. Chairman Byrum called upon Jesse L. Harrell who made an 1 up to date report on progress 1 being made in plans and specifi-. cations for sewage disposal sys tem. There being no further Inisi ‘ ness the meeting was adjourned. I RALPH E. PARRISH, 1 Secretary. Town Council Proceedings v Edenton, N. C, March 6,1962. The Town Council met this day in special session at 5:30 P. M, at the Edenton Municipal Building. Members present were Mayor John A. Mitchener, Jr, J. Edwin Bufflap, George A. Byrum, Luther C. Parks, C. A. Phillips, R. Elton Forehand and R. D. Dixon, Jr. 1 Motion was made by R. Elton Forehand, seconded by C. A. Phillips, and duly carried ac cepting Plan A in the construe-1 tion of bulkhead facilities at the foot of Broad Street. I Motion was made by R. Elton Forehand, seconded by R. D. Dixon, Jr, and duly carried ap-. proving the following resolution: WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Edenton desires a release of maintenance, obliga tions of the N'E, SW and Ihe NW, SE runways, and | WHEREAS, if said release is granted by the United States of America, acting through the Federal Aviation Agency, now ' THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Edenton will not sell this property, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,' that if any proceeds are deriv ed from the leasing of this property for any purpose ap proved by 'Federal Aviation Agency, the proceeds derived will be devoted entirely to the development, improvement, op eration, or maintenance of the Edenton Municipal Airport. Motion was made by C. A. Phillips, seconded by R. D. Dix on, Jr, and duly carried ap proving the following resolution: WHEREAS, the Town of Eden ton desires to purchase certain properties, described in the Con- REGISTER NOW UNTIL APRIL 7th FOR THIS GREEN’S FUEL APARTMENT SIZE GA^KI THIS GAS RANGE TO BE GIVEN AWAY DURING EDENTON’S TRADE FAIR EVENT. (Register each time you visit our store) WESTERN GAS SERVICE, INC. 2Q4 S. Broad St. Phone 3122 Edenton, N. C. tract of Sale by and between the United States of America and the Town of Edenton, dat ed Jamilary 30, 1962, and WHEREAS, the Town of Eden ton agrees to purchase said properties on the basis set forth in said . Contract of Sale, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, John A. Mitchener, Jr, the Mayor, and W. B. Gardner, Town Clerk, be and are hereby authorized, for and on behalf of the Town,of Edenton, to do and perform any and ay acts and things which may be necessary to carry out the foregoing, including the execution, acceptance, delivery and recordation of agreements, deeds, and other instruments pertaining to the sale of said property, and the payment of any and all sums necessary. There being no further busi ness, the meeting adjourned. W. B. GARDNER, Clerk. Edenton, N. C„ March 13, 1962. i The Town Council met this day in regular session at 8 P. M, at the Town Office. Members present: Mayor John A. Mitchener, Jr, J. E. 1 Bufflap, George A. Byrum, Lu- 1 1her C. Parks, C. A. Phillips, IR. Elton Forehand, and R. D. Dixon, Jr. Mayor Mitchener called the meeting to order and gave the invocation. Mr. John Graham appeared on behalf of M. G. Brown Co, re garding their proposed subdi , vision on Pembroke Creek. He I requested the Council to consid er putting |n necessary utilities, streets, and curbs, gutters on this property on an assessment basis. The • Council expressed their sympathy with the pro posal and the matter was re ferred to the finance committee for further study. Motion was made bv George A. Byrum, seconded by C. A. Phillips, and duly carried award ing the contract for breakwater facilities at the foot of Broad Street to Waff Bros, of Edenton, N. C.. Motion was made by George A. Byrum, seconded by R. D. Dixon, Jr, and duly carried calling for a public hearing on April 10, 1962, at 8 P. M, in the Town Office for the pur pose of discussing the adoption of a Fire Prevention Code and the extension of the Fire Dis trict lirtiits. R. Elton Forehand suggested thit study be given the prob lem of unattended dogs run ning throughout the Town. He expressed concern over this sit uation and urged the adoption of a stronger -Dog Ordinance. Mayor Mitchener will have con crete- proposal on this matter at the next Council meeting. Motion was made by C. A. Phillips, seconded by J. Edwin Bufflap and duly carried that E. & W. Dept, hills in the amount of $13,735.25 be paid. Motion was,made by R. Elton Forehand, seconded by R. D. Dixon, Jr, and duly carried that Town of Edenton bills in the amount of $527,367.63 be paid as follows: Norfolk & Carolina Tel. & Tel. Co, 50c; Edwards & Broughton Co, $18.51; Gulf Oil Corporation, $207.47; Elliott Oil Company, $14.53; R. J. Boyce, $4.00; Eden ton Office Supply, $2.48; The Karpark Corp, $5133.17; Byrum Hardware Co, $6.02; Mitchener’s l Pharmacy, $2.32; S. Abrahams & Co, Inc, $125.92; Colonial Mo tor Co, Inc, $1.00; Mills Plumb ing & Heating Co, $2.25; W. F. Miller, $100.00; Albemarle Motor Co, $28.74; Norfolk & Carolina Tel. & Tel. Co, $10.62; Gulf Oil Corporation, $22.31; Norfolk & Carolina Tel. & Tel. Co, $23.88; Volunteer Firemen, $5.00; East lern Carolina Firemen’s Associa tion, $5.00; Hughes-Parker Hard ware Co, $15.45; Bvrum Hard ware Co, $9.14; S. A. White, $23.00; M. G. Brown Co, Inc, i $1.48; Volunteer Firemen, $69.00; Albemarle Motor Co, $65.29; Edenton Oil Company, $91.12; Hunch’s Auto Parts, $1.22; By rum Hardware Co, Inc, $23.07; Norfolk-Southern Railway Co, $158.92; J. D. McCotter, Inc, $9.40; Norfolk-Carolina Tel. & Tel. Co, $11.00; Superior Stone Company, $202.19; By rum Imple ment & Truck Co., $20.59; Ash- Leary Plant Farm! EDENTON, N. C. Phone 2744 liiionlpd in thi* heart of Kocky Hock 9 j Cabbage— j Early Jersey Wakefield, { Ferry Round Dutch, As- | grow’s Round Dutch. Bedding Plants— Pansies: Swiss Giant (mix- j ed). Yellow, White, Blue;! Sweet Williams: Newport { Pinks, Mixed, Dwarf, Tall; j English Daisy: Mixed; Bas- j ket of Gold: Candy Tuft: • White Perennial. { Potted Plants — | Geraniums in 3-inch and j 4-inch pots: Begonias: Co- ' leus, Saltana. Lantana. I Shrubbery— Azaieas: Coral Bells and I Snows; Camelias: Proses- J sor Sargeant, Blood of. China. Also complete line : of Hollies, Pfilzer Juni- I pers, Liguslrium, Pyracan- { tha and Arborvita; Pine > Trees, Pin Oaks and Dog- • wood. Wr Guarantee AH We Plant j j . . . let us know your gar- j dening needs! jj 6-E CHEST FREEZER A Super Market In Your Home NOW ONLY NET CAPACITY UP TO T\Q Q P 420 UPS. OF I OOI) I # * # 3 iIJ p'' ;:*i| • ■ ; ‘ r. : < Model CB-232 jf Fast Freeze Anywhere In Food Compartment East Heat Transfer. Aluminum Tubing in Bonded Directly to an Aluminum Chip-Proof, Rust-Proof Inner Liner Which Thus Becomes a Huge Freezing Surface. SEE IT TODAY AT Quinn Furniture Co. of Edenton, Inc. Phone 2425 Edenton, N. C. ley Welding & Machine Co, | $3.51; Hugnes-Parker Hardware j Co, $7.86; Bill Perry’s Texaco' Service, $70.00; Bunch’s Garage, $15.55; Edenton Tractor & Im plement Co, $36.55: Gulf Oil Corporation, $234,87; W. B. Gard ner, $122.11; Byrum Hardware Co, $1.33; Town of Edenton E&W Dept, $253.00; W. E. Mills, Notice To Administrators, Executors And Guardians Thu law reijuiras an ANNUAL AC COUNT to Ik* made eaeli year and an Inventory to lie filed within 00 days J * after <|iialifyiii£. If your Annual Ac count, Inventory or Pinal Account are past due, we respectfully urjje that you file same at once, as we are w required to report all such eases to the Crand Jurv, which will convene at the April term of Chowan County Superior Court, April 2nd. YOt R COQPKRATIOX WILL P.E VERY MI CH APPRECIATED! LENA M. LEARY (Jerk of Superior Court JACQUINS VODKA $2 PIN T Ifegftj! ji Distilled from select grain /SO PROOF l : „. ' I ICNM.M. natmiol I Chas. Jacquin et Cie, Inc, Phila, Pa V —SECTION TWO PAGE SEVEN $25.00; Peoples Bank & Trust Co, $25,000.00; Hughes-Parker Hardware Co, $14.17; R. Elton Forehand, $150.00; M. G. Brown Co, $13.48; N. C. Department of Revenue, $5.61; total, $27,367.63. There being no further busi ness, the meeting was adjourned. W. B. GARDNER, Clerk

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