SECTION TWO rm The Roundup By WILBORNE HARRELL Saw a buttercup this morning —the first of the season. And this should be a good sign that Spring is on the way, or not far off, at least. PHIL OSOPHER SAYS—A bor rower will return your money quicker than he’ll return your books. It has taken me Several years to become sold on television, and JjP, have written derogatively on the subject; but now that I have joined the ranks of the devo tees of the Big Eye, you’d have a fight on your hands if you attempted to part me from my TV—unless, of course,. you were the repossess man. I am hav ing a little trouble, though, ad justing myself to the midget ’ silver screen. After several ■ years listening to voices on the ' ( radio, it is increasingly diffi cult to fit the voice to the man see qn TV. The same applies Seagrams Crown JtL ':3toHb§L $4,00 UAGRAM-DISTIIIENS COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY. BLENDED WHISKEY. 86 PROOF. 65% CRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS. ?K9HpJfl| most advanced ■SHI line of transplanting equipment W Available in one and multi-row lift and pull types I j - ? Sjpl’i2*?“'.j,i ? > •>« : '>V 4 IL>, - -.‘lvV*; C.‘-J«S '.f-Tv I 11111111 model" 42 TRANSPLANTER ' * ■SSPSIf&i« f 1 THE MOST AUTOMATIC TRANSPLANTER OF ALL ; EDENTON TRACTOR & IMPLEMENT CO. ■ . v % Queen St, Extd. Phoite 2123 Edenton, N. G. ■;g ~;- . ,4 -xgjLjsEsMM/dm*;. . , \ THE CHOWAN HERALD to radio dramas that are also produced on TV, particularly when played by different actors. For instance, Gunsmoke is play ed by William Conrad on radio, and by James Arness on TV. All the actors are different in| Gunsmoke, and I have a sense' of unreality ' when viewing it, { after having become used to an-| other set of voices. This also holds true ih the case of com-J menators and newscasters. Also preconceived ideas of fictional characters are difficult" to adjust so the TV version. Perry Ma son, in my mind’s eye, was a lean, hawk-eyed man; but. on TV he is somewhat heavy set ahd not in the least is he hawk eyed. Della Street I had pic tured as a blonde; why, I don’t know, but there ;t is. Dennis, as portrayed in the cartoon is a much younger, and chubbier kid than the TV Dennis. And so it goes—but I like it all, nevertheless, and as I said—try to take it away from me. The next step in the development of TV, if the present trend con tinues, will be pay TV. You know, the coin in the slot, the pay as you play brand. I haven’t given that phase of the ] situation much thought, but it 1 occurs to me, if pay TV did | materialize I’d hate to be caught ,in the midst of a tense eops- I and-robbers drama or a Dodge i City shoot-out without a spare coin. That would be a hardship far beyond the point of endur ance, and cruelty .personified. But maybe it' won’j. be as bad as all that —it be an ad vancement for the overall bet terment of programs and a gen eral improvement of the TV pic ture —no pun intended. Cast out Castro! Home Ec Teachers Meet At Camden I The Home Economics Teach ers of the Albemarle Area held their monthly meeting in the Camden County . High School. Due to a change in the April program, the March meeting was devoted to evaluation of this year’s meetings. The following is a list of programs discussed: August—“ Plans for the Year” September “Strengthening ' Future Homemakers of Ameri ca.” October—“ Just in Case” (civil defense). November “New Trends of Teaching in the Areas of Fami- WAKE UP PARIN' TO GO 5 Without Nagging Backache Now I Yo* can jet the fast relief yoti need from nagging backache, headache and muscular aches and pains that often cause g*atl«B» nights and miserable tired* out feelings. “ When these discomforts come on with over-exertion or stress and strain—you want relief—want H fast! Another disturbance may be mild bladder irritation following wrong food and drink—often setting up a restless un comfortable feeling. Doan's pills work fast in 8 separate ways: 1. by speedy pain-relieving action to ease torment pf nagging backache, headaches, muscular aehes and pains. 2. by soothing effect on bladder irrita tion. 3. by mild diuretic action tending to increase output of the 15 miles of kidney tubes. • Enjoy a good night's sleep and the same happy relief millions have for over 60 years. New, large sise saves money. Get Doan's Pills today ! Doan s Pills ■ , r- 1- r-unjnj-ti-Lru-u-iJ-xriri 1962 State Easter Seal Child T f » -4 . . "5*% J A > ££ Jgf oMjip Dr. John W. Baluss, Jr., president of the North Carolina Society for Crippled Children and Adults. Inc.—the Stale Easter Seal or ganization—announced the selection of Jimmy Foster of Reidsville as the 1962 State Easier Seal Child. Jimmy is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Foster. Although physically handicapped’ Jimmy, with the use of a wheelchair, is doing many of the things that other boys his age are doing. He is in the fifth grade at public school, and his main interests now are coin collecting, model air plane building and watching football on television. ly Relations, Clothing and Home Nursing with Emphasis on the Selection aqd Use of Printed! Materials and Other Visual j Aids” December —Group divided and; worked on plans for different: areas of adult education. January—“ Careers for High: School Graduates in Practical i Nursing”. February—“ Teaching Safety in . Homes”. Mrs. Mary Ann Combs of Co lumbia High School was in charge of the evaluation. Mrs. Ramona Wilson of Knapp High School served refreshments ; to the following: Mrs. Mabel Lucy Hall, area supervisor; Miss Sheron .Keel, Miss Rose Frazier and Miss Carolyn Brinkley, Ply mouth; Mrs. Jean Alexander, Creswell; Mrs. Mary Ann Combs, ColumhVet; Mrs, Hughes, Weeksvil'le; Mrs. Lucy H. Kit -: trell, Sunbury; Mrs. Helen Lara-1 bee, Central; Miss Frances New by, Perquimans; Mrs. Jean Pope, Elisabeth City; Mrs. Edna Reaves, John A. Holmes High School; Mrs. Loraine H. Roger- cBK > ■ * IfcL 1 • jpj|i JOE THORUD SAYS: A NEW IDEA FOR A NEW ERA COVERS YOU PAST 65 .rirtn irr.. 1 '.www*‘ m*. ***&•s ■ ' iVliii • • .... - viv:- •• I major 1 I medical I ft dew f' 1,539,000 acres of corn will be 1 | planted for all purposes, accord-1 1 ing to the North Carolina Crop Reporting Service. If farmers carry out their intentions, they will plant 48,000 acres or 3 per cent less corn than in 1961. This is the smallest corn acre age of record since the series began in 1866. Heavy partici pation in the Feed Grain Pro gram reduced acreage consider ably in 1961, and a further re j duction is indicated in 1962. ! Official ASCS figures show that i about 420,000 acres of corn were placed in the program to March 1,1962, and farmers have un til March 30 to sign up addition al acreage. Participation in the 1962 Feed Grain Program may exceed the 509,000 acres intend ed diversion from the 1961 crop. COLLEGE ENROLLMENTS HIT ALL TIME HIGH IN FALL '6l Enrollment of full and part-] time college students increased 1 | this fall for the 10th consecutive year to an all-time high of 3,-' 891,000, the U. S. Office of Edu-| Shrink Painful Piles with "REMEDEX" New Medicated Formula Relieve* Pain and Shrinks Hemorrhoids Complete instructions appear on eve 1 y package. Ask fot* REMEDEX at your drug store today, and for complete satisfaction do not accept any substitutes. Don’t Lag—Buy Olag j | dentists *ay "wonderful” I 'best tooth paste on tha market 'bp.t r'vp Rver used" Edenton, North Carolina . Thursday, March 29, 1962. cation has reported. This ex- 1 ceeded by 7.8 per cent the pre-j vious record of 3,610,000 set in | the fall of 1960. I The number of students en-j rolled for the first time in col-! lege rose to 1,026,000, a jump of! 10.4 per cent over the fall of 1960. 1 The 1961 fall enrollees includ- 1 ed 2,424,000 men and 1,467,000 | women compared with 2,271,000' men and 1,339,000 women in the, fall of 1960. The percentage in-! crease for men was 6.8; for wo-1 men it was 9.5. . A Good Yardstick 1 A young man was doing his own shopping. He said to the pretty girl behind the counter: “I want a pillowcase, please.” “Yes,” said the girl. “What size?” v “Why— er—l’m not sure ” said , the young man. “But I take a six and seven-eighths hat.” TRY P HERALD CLASSIFIED Prescription PSfr.i Service '// *. —by /■:J £&&**•***»***. j REGISTERED pharmacists Have your 1 ? Hp physician \ A f \ callus! \ ~ DIAL 3711 V.’E PICK UP AND DELIVER Mitchener's Pharmacy 301 S. Broad Street Edenlon. N. C. SWARMING termites FOR Contract AND Repair Work CALL Twiddy Insurance & Real Estate, Inc. PHONE 2163 EDENTON