ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN CHOWAN COUNTY Volume XXlX.—Number 39. Edenton Aces Encounter Little Trouble In Turning Back Williamston 41 - 0 Wayne Ashley Scores Three of Six Touch downs; Sexton Kicks Four Extra Points Greatly improved over their first outing against Roanoke Rapids, Edenton’s Aces on Fri day night outclassed the Wil ? liamston Green Wave and hung up an impressive 41-0 victory. The Aces scored the first of their six touchdowns near the end of the first quarter and from then on the outcome was little in ' doubt. After an exchange of punts Hiram Mayo in a beau tiful piece of running crossed | the goal line but the officials! ruled he stepped out of bounds on the 10-yar.d line. However, two plays later he crashed through the line to score. The Aces scored twice in the second quarter when Wayne Ashley raced 24 yards and near the end of the quarter Dickey Cobb connected with Douglas Twiddy from the 42-yard line. Near the end of the third quar ter Harry Spruill lugged the ball seven yards to score. Early in the fourth quarter Ashley crash ed through the line from the 13 yard line and several plays later he raced 64 yards to register the final touchdown. Douglas Sexton did an out standing job, adding four points out of five attempts to kick after touchdown. The other extra point was made by Spruill through the line. In the offensive department Ashley, Mayo, Spruill and Sex tor. consistently added yardage and had very little trouble, with 1 good blocking to evade the Wil ligmstoh defense. Dickey eobb performed ‘ well at quarterback and played the entire game. . Edenton’s defense also showed ' considerable improvement with Continued on Page 3, Section 2 Historical Group Will Be Guests Os Local Woman’s Club The Edenton-Chowan County Historical Commission members i will be guests of the Edenton | ■Woman’s Club at its October meeting. This will be a dinner meeting at 1 o’clock Wednesday , afternoon, October 3, at the! Edenton Restaurant. Dr. Robert Lee Humber of Greenville, chairman of the com-1 mission, will address the club at the meeting. . The commission was created j fc>y the North Carolina Legisla ture upon petition from the Edenton Woman’s Club for the purpose of acquiring and main taining local historical sites. Commission members will have their regular meeting at St. Paul’s Parish House following the luncheon. Mrs. Elton Forehand, president of the Woman’s Club, urges all members to attend the meeting. 20 Years Ago] As Found In lit FiUs Os j The Chpwan Hsrald j George A. Helms tendered his resignation as Edenton's Chief of Police to assume the chief tancy of the guards at the U. S. Marine Corps Air ( Station at Edenton. Henry Hopp, soil conservation ist of the V. S. Department of Agriculture wrote to the Cham ber of Commerce for information Continued on Page 8. Section 1 Mrs. Jack Leary Is Elected New President Os Hospital Auxiliary Chowan Hospital Auxiliary I •met Friday afternoon, September 21, at the nurses’ home, wherf new officers for the year were : elected. Mrs. J. D. Elliott, ’\p resident, presided over the meeting and the devotional was | conducted by Mrs. Jack Leary. U»t Those elected were: President, Mrs. Jack Leary; vice .president, lire. Roland Vaughan; secretary, übrs. J. Clarence Leary and ifeasßfer, Mrs. Jesse Harrell. THE CHOWAN HERALD [Meeting Changed] Mayor John Mitehener an nounced early this week that the October meeting of Town Coun cil has been postponed two days. The meeting will be held in the Municipal Building Thursday night. October 11, at 8 o'clock instead of Tuesday night, Octo ber 9. Reason for postponement of the regular meeting is the Dis trict Democratic rally which will be held in Edenton Tuesday night, October 9. Plans Complete For Chowan Fair Expected to Be One Os Best Held In Many Years Next week is Fair Week in Chowan County at the American Legion Grounds on Highway 17 and it is expected to be> one of the best fairs in years. Fire works nightly, a new show on the midway and craft demon strations are a few of the high lights. Preparations for the fair are Continued on Page 3. Section 1 Plans Being Made To Conduct Adult Classes At High School Sponsored by the Edenton Wo-, man’s Clubrpreßaytions are now beiftg made to rftarif*Bßult edu cation courses at the John A. Holmes High School. All adults interested in taking courses in typing, bookkeeping,. shorthand, art, science, math, and French, are requested to meet in the lunch room of the John A. Holmes High School on Tues day night, October 2, at 7:30 o’clock for an organizational meeting. The course will run for 12 weeks, and the cost will be $12.00, or SI.OO per session if at least 10 sign up for any one Officers installed j For Local Jaycettes Mrs. Ethel LaVoie Is President of New . Organization The Edenton Jaycettes, ac companied by their husbands, met in the Edenton Restaurant Thursday night, September 20, at 7 o’clock to install the first officers of the new club. Mrs. Jeannie Evans served as mistress of ceremony. After the invocation by the Rev. Hugh Evans, a delicious dinner was enjoyed by everyone. Charlotte Waller introduced special guests, Mrs. Mary L. Browning, who composed the Continued on Page 6—Sivtioii l EASTERN STAR MEETING Edenton Chapter No. 302, Or der of the Eastern Star, will meet Monday night, October 1, at 8 o’clock. Mrs. W. P. Good win, worthy matron,- requests all members to make a special ef fort to be present. (installed in January. The speaker for the occasion was Dr. L. P. Williams, Jr., who very interesting spoke on ,r Why I Came To Edenton, What I Brought With Me, What I Found, Here and What I Hope To Do.” The Auxiliary voted to have] meetings listed on the Com-; munity Birthday Calendar and j reports were heard from the chairman. ) Hostesses for the meeting. ( wisre Mrs. Richard Hardin aind]: Mrs. Joe Thorud. i> Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, September 27, 1962. Woodrow Lowe Is AgainNamedFarm Bureau President Large Number At tend Meeting Held In Armory Thurs day Night Chowan County Farm Bureau held its annual meeting in the Edenton armory Thursday night when a large number of mem bers and their families enjoyed a chicken dinner. President Wood row Lowe presided over the meeting. The principal speaker for the jccasion was A. C. (Lon) Ed wards of Hookerton, who is a past executive vice president of the North Carolina Farm Bu reau and at present is president of the Greene County Farm Bu reau. Mr. Edwards spoke very en thusiastically about the import ant role played by farmers and the necessity to have a strong Farm Bureau in order to look after the interests of farming. He pointed out the importance )f working together and to keep well informed. During the meeting officers for the Chowan Farm Bureau were elected. Woodrow Lowe was re-elected president. David Bateman was elected vice presi dent and Carroll Byrum was elected secretary and treasurer. Directors elected were Bristoe Perry, Edward Goodwin, George Lewis, T. O. Asbell, Jimmy Par rish, Harry Lee Winslow, Thomas Paul Griffin, W. M. Hare and J. Beecher Ward. I course. If less than 10 sign up for a- course, the cost will vary according' to hcAv many take' the • I course. The first regular session will be held on Tuesday night, Octo ber 9, beginning at 8 o’clock, with a two-hour period each Tuesday night for 12 weeks. Any person needing additional information before the organiza tional meeting should call the principal’s office, phone 3513. The Woman’s Club is very well pleased with the response in previous year and is hopeful many will enroll for the various courses again this year. Handicap Week October 7 To 13 15 Persons Now Reg istered In Local Em ployment Office A recent survey of application files in the Edenton office of the Employment Security Commis sion revealed that there are 15 handicapped persons registered and available for work. William A. Hollar, .manager of the local Employment Security office, stated that time and ex perience have shown that it is profitable to hire handicapped people, both from the standpoint of production and dependability. The week of October 7-13 has been declared “Employ The Handicapped Week”. The local Employment Security Commis sion offfce is cooperating with Mayor John A- Mitchener, Jr., and his committee in the pro motion of this very worthy and important program. Hollar stated, the Employ ment Security Commission urg es every employer who has a vacancy to consider hiring a handicap—it is a good policy. COMMISSIONERS TO MEET ON MONDAY. OCTOBER 1 Chowan County Commission ers will hold their October meeting Monday morning, Octo ber 1, at 9 o’clock at the Court House. LEGION MEETS TUESDAY Ed Bond Post No. 40 of the American Legion will meet on j Tuesday night, October 2, at g| o’clock. Some important busi-1 ness is scheduled to be consid- ( ered, so that Commander Alex-) ander Deßlois urges a large at- , '' ■iir t' KS IMy