PAGE TWELVE -SECTION TWO /BROAD STREET BULLETIN [ Hr KATE .It would be impossible to count the number of birds which come to our bird feeder eteeh morning. They wait in a pecan tree and in the bushes for Bluff to feed them, and I expect to 'ook out tne window most any MeRRY (HRISTMas! Blrightly the spirit lights d rekindles after year, leased with lave served e anew our willingness to help our ) Community in any j way possible. A Very Merry Christmas To Youl Chowan Storage Company SPREAD THE BILl' for temperature dips with ''Even Payment Plan" Be ready for cold weather, get Phil* heat, first-class home heating oil from Phillips 66 and spread heat costs with our Even Payment Plan. Call for details! MjAmLLAaLimaLH WESTERN GAS & FUEL OIL SERVICE 204 S. Broad St. Phone 452-3122 Edenton, X. C. 0013000000 w* wish you an' , OID FASmOSID. 1 Edenton Furniture Co., Inc. time and see some of them perched on his shoulder. We both enjoy watching and count ing the different kind and see ing them congregate. And, like seme humans, ttmy get in fights ever the food. We mix fine THE CHOWAN HERALD. EDEHTOM. WORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 19. 1999. cracked corn with wild bird seed and occasionally put bread crumhs on the feeder, too. One morning last winter we counted ton different kinds of birds. An inexpensive bird feeder can be made by nailing a garbage can lid on a broom stick and driv ing -it into the ground high enough, away from the pestifer ous cats. Christmas gift wrappers, who discover ten. thumbs (me) with a glance at a roll of ribbon, can find help at a hardware store. Buy inexpensive, multi-faceted dull brass studs, used in uphol stering 4 . After you have com pleted your ribbon design and are wondering how to hold it together and get it on the pack age, push the brass stud through the ribbon and into- the box— thus a neat and attractive pack age. Apothecary jars, filled with various spices, make nice gifts ter the cook of the family. , Another “sweet” gift, made in yeur own kitchen and at a minimum of cost are the Pom ander balls, made of clove stud ded oranges. Select large, firm oranges: stick whole cloves in the peel of the orange until completely covered with cloves. The cloves can be inserted more easily if holes have been made with the tines of a fork. Roll in a mixture of orrisroot and giound cinnamon, about a table spoon and a half of the com bined spices for each orange— pat in as much of the powdered mixture as will adhere to each orange. Wrap the pomander in cclophane paper. As the pom ander dries and shrinks, it de veops a spicy fragrance. Re move the paper and shake off excess spices and the pomander is ready for use in linen and clothes closets. A hotel ay treat for dieters. For f-alone counters who want a hf-dge against the holiday urge to splurge; here’s an eggnog base that will let them enjoy the traditional Yuletide treat without qualmsi Eggnog cal ories in one serving, lfil. 1. Let stand in a small bowl until dissolved—2 saccharin tab lets, in 1 cup water. 2. Beat thoroughly 1 egg and a*.*; ~ 0 ' i STAR BRIGHT—Yvonne De Carlo was caught primp ing for the camera as she arrived in New York from Hollywood in connection with the opening of her movie, “McLmtocki” f >■ f WBm flßSrv* x - m?--'-* 11 ' W: .Ip : h s *> 1, I*' v v i.ty :^^ y# fm. i- m ® ''^7 STRAIGHT MAN GLEASON—Army drill In9ttortor Charles Nagle readies Jackie Gleason for ft tolo *\ dier in the Rain.” at Fort Qrd, CaliL 3 tablespoons dry skim ,milk and ,J 2 teaspoon vanilla. Chill makes one serving. Bishop’s bread: 3 cups biscuit mix, cup sugar, 1 egg, IVi cups orange juice, Vi cup sliv ered, blanched almonds, Vi cup glazed cherries, halved, Vi cup raisins, 1-6 ounce package of Semi-sweet chocolate morsels. Combine sugar and biscuit mix in a bowl—add egg and orange juice and beat hard for 30 sec onds. Stir in remaining ingre dients, turn in greased loaf pan or mold. Bake in moderate oven for one hour. Cool before slicing, sprinkle with 4-X sugar. This is good, served with -instant mocha drink, as follows: Com bine 3 teaspoons quick choco late-flavored mix with one level teaspoon of instant coffee and fill cup with hot milk. Top with unsweetened whipped cream, flavored with almond flavoring. Housing Problem “My girl and I would like to get married, but we don’t have a place to live. “Why don’t you live with your parents?” | “Can’t. They’re still living with their folks.” A good New Year’s resolution v.ould be for everyone to try to be as cheerful and happy as they seem at Christmas. BEST WISHES!— MAY ALL OF— THE WINDOWS— IN YOUR HOME——J ALWAYS GLOWih.—m! WITH HAPPINESS —■ l BEYOND MEASUP C _ -■■ ■■ j ; . ) . ' '• ' • - « . i Bridge-Turn Esso Service Station Ed Taylor and Employees 20 YEARS AGO V Continued from Pag* 1, Section 1, lal of 8,120 dressings were made in 16 work days. Though it was not generally known, Edenion had two couple* i who furnished as many as five' i sons for the armed forces. They : - were Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank . White and Mr. and Mrs. John ; W. Keeler. Plans were completed for a community Christmas tree to be placed on the Court House Green i and around which an appropriate - program was scheduled to be - held on Christmas day. Congressman Herbert Bonnet . i informed The Herald that an ad ditional project had been ap proved for new taxiways at th* U. S. Marine Corps Air Station. With falling temperatures, Edenlonians experienced th* first snow fall of the winter.. Aside from being Mayor of Edenton, Leroy Haskett was a member of the gasoline panel of the Chowan War Price and Ra tioning Board. In order to set an example in the matter of con serving gasoline. Mayor Haskett was riding a bicycle to get about I instead of his automobile. St. Ann’s Catholic Church joined Catholics ih the United | States in taking a pledge to boy cott indecent magazines and shows. Officers were installed for Unanimity Lodge No. 7, A. F. It A. Mm with W. Jim Daniels as’ new master. Mae Nell Weeks Riddick of Gatesvllle and Charles H. Wood.) J*m were united Ut marriage at: ML Mary's Episcopal Church -at Gataaville. Mia* Margaret Bunch and Wil liam J, Brooks war* united in marriage at the home of the bride's parents at the U. S. Fish Hatehery. Edenton Aces opened their bark el ball season by defeating Croat Road* 20 to 7. Little Time Left For Christmas Mail Continued from Pag* 1. Section 1 card or gift going to distant places out-bf-town; He points out that even a’ few hours delay at this critical time may mean disappointment for* friends and loved ones on Christmas Day. The Postmaster says that he expects the 1963. Christmas mails will break all records, and that the mail load will undoubtedly hit its peak Within the next few days. The flood of outgoing Christmas cards and gifts is be ing matched by a like torrent of incoming mail that is becoming greater every day. Postal employees are digging in harder than ever, and for the convenience of patrons the Post Office will remain open Satur day from 8:30 to S:00 P. M. Tbere’s still time for local de liveries, but all Christmas cards shotild be sent by first Class maifi. “Be sure to include your return address on all Christmas card envelopes and package la bels,” .says Mr. Chestnutt. The 'Postmaster expressed his thanks for the fine cooperation from the public so far, and asks the continued help so that all gift packages arid Christmas cards can be delivered before Christmas Eve. Farm Bureau Backs State Amendment Continued from Page 1. Section 1 House will stay the same. The Senate will have 50 members? the House 120. “Under the amendment plan, both houses of the Legislature would be changed, beginning '* ***** ********************* ' * d£V * .. * '•‘CStTV * * * * when leaves jBBr ; come down... j| f f : it’s time JgJ |[ 11 1 to signup for cleaner-burning * \ TEXACO FUEL CHIEF \ * , Heating Oil *|' * if you’re not entirely satisfied with the fuel oil, and service you Ere * f ★ getting—call us for Texaco Fuel Chief Heating Oil. It’s best on *f. if many counts. if ~ ★ CLEANEST BURNING) Texaco Fuel Chief is the cleanest-burning oil you can * f ★ buy. Burns completely, too - no wasted fuel. * ★ SMOKELESS, ODORIESSI No disagreeable odor-no smoke to smudge wall* £ 2 + and curtains. . • T 2 ji, v l \ j ' & NO DEPOSITS! Won’t leave harmful deposits on burners - saves repair bills. z ★ UNIFORM QUALttT! OrdinaryfUel oils Vary ih quality from batch to bsteh. * Texaco Fuel Chief the esme-you get dependable, wm/om. Aest. £ ,if •.; ; > -.. n . tsiSeu ■ 'J. £ » * iiiira DEFINDAIII MIUVIRYI Yost esn on | our on-time delivery seme*. We.schedule * ffljflh FJ—‘l[d|fc IJSII. deliveries eo you never rui short. ♦ - it ' • *:* ■ ■■ JIdIhiBJIIMh . A Jl Jt>a mm m ■ ■ ■ IW ’ -D rfUl f u MmPMk ■ I ■MEa*’ 5* ’with the 1967 session. The Sen-] ate would be, baajd on popula- 1 1 tion and the House on area. -- 1 1 I “The Senate would have 701 : members, apportioned on th* 'basis of senatorial district pop ulation. Each Senator would represent kn average of 65,0001 people. Each district Would be left up to the 1965 legislature. If the job isn’t done irt that ses sion, it would be .taken over by a special redistricting commis sion. “The House would have 100 , or, ! >4/s*ol. : i -pi 2 . a .< % ■ i k r % : t f:*. . W*' * ,L : yr I giIVER LABj^, |Pi OXaIR. a\ WenmoK * 0 *? ■ O