If 1 A Newspaper Devoted To the Progress of the Albemarle Area ** Volume XXXl.—Number 9. Mrs. R. E. Leary Honored By Edenton BPW Club As Woman Os Year For 1963 Very Delightful Pro gram Held Thursday Night at Center Hill Community Building Edenton’s Business and Pro fessional Woman’s Club held its annual Bosses’ Night banquet Thursday night at the Center Hill Home Demonstration Club's Community Building with a large number in attendance. A delicious turkey dinner was ser ved by the Home Demonstration Club members. Miss Pauline Calloway, presi dent of the club, presided and after the dinner called upon Mrs. Maye Belle Wooten to serve as mistress of ceremony. The meeting opened with the Club Collect being sung by a quartet composed of Miss Catherine j Aman, Mrs. Artie Ange, Mrs. j Betty Cox and Miss Fran McCas-| kill, accompanied at the piano 1 by Miss Cecelia Willoughby.' The invocation was by the Rev. E. C. Shoaf, pastor of the Eden ton Methodist Church. Mrs. Wooten extended a warm welcome to those who were pres ent and Mack Rogerson gave the response. Special music, including fa miliar and popular numbers of the gay nineties, were sung by J. P. Snipes, principal of Chowan High School, who was accom panied at the piano by Mrs. Snipes. Mrs. Julia Hassell introduced the speaker of the evening, Mrs. Continued on Page 7, Section i I Green Beautification Project Is Presented To Commissioners The preservation tftifiaeau tilication of the ChoWan County Court House Green was made Friday morfiing' to the Chowan County Commissioners by the Edenton Woman’s Club. At a ceremony on the newly com pleted green, Mrs. George A. Byrum, club president, pre sented a scroll to Commissioner! J. Clarence Leary and express ed appreciation to the Commis sioners for permitting the Wom an’s Club to carry out this project. After an invocation by Mrs. Rotarians Will Elect New Officers Today Edenton Rotarians will hold their weekly meeting this (Thurs day) afternoon at 1 o’clock in the Parish House. At this meet ing officers for the new Rotary year will be elected, so that President Hiram J. Mayo urges every Rotarians to be present to take part in this important busi ness. j 20 Years Ago] j As Found In The Files Os j The Chowan Herald S ** A representative of the Haw thorne Airways explained to a A group of Edenton men a high speed pickup and delivery sys tem by air in which mail planes would snatch Edenton mail off the ground at speeds up to 150 miles per hour without damage Continued on Page B—Section Chowan County’s Typewriting Contest Scheduled To Be Held At Chowan High School March 3 Chowan High will be the host| school for the annual Chowan; County typewriting contest spon- j sored by East Carolina College.! H Mrs. Robert Hendrix, county co lt. ordinator, reports that this con- test will be held Tuesday, March f ■ 3, in the Chowan Commercial Department. The beginning con s’ test will begin at 10 A. M., and I be administered by a represen tative from the School of Busi> THE CHOWAN HERALD March 15 Deadline I For Releasing '64 j Cotton Allotment ii .1 .. , March 1 Is Deadline | To Make a Request For Additional Cot ton Acreage , Attention is called to Chowan County cotton farmers of the requirement to plant or release 75 per' cent of their 1964 cotton 1 allotment or be penalized by a 1 reduction of their cotton allot -1 ment. If any cotton farmer does not jplan to plant his allotment, he ! should release the acreage to the I local ASC Committee, so that it i can be allotted to other farmers l who desire to plant more cotton than their allotment allows. By releasing their 1964 allotment, a cotton farmer will not lose his allotment and at the same time it will help to protect the county and state allotment. The final date to release 1964 . allotments is March 15. Then, \ too, any farmers who desire to plant additional cotton acreage must register their request at the local ASCS office before March Ist. So important is the release of cotton allotment before the dead | Continued on Paye 6—Section j tt. J. Boyce and an introduction of guests by Mrs. Byrum, Mrs. W. J. P Earnhardt, chairman of the Edenton Planning Commis sion, made a short address, stating that the main purpose of the beautification had been to I landscape the green in keeping , with the pre - Revolutionary Court House. On accepting the scroll, Mr. Leary thanked the Woman’s Club on behalf of the County Commissioners and praised them for the extensive work done on ‘"’-mtinued on Par- 3, Section 1 Resigns 12 LEROY H. HASKETT After serving 20 years as a member of district health de partments, Leroy H. Haskett has tendered his resignation as a member of the Pasquotank-Per quimans - Camden - Chowan Dis trict Health Department. . high school is allowed to enter ;one contestant for each ten stu i dents enrolled in the beginning I typewriting course. Chowan High School, with 34 students enrolled, will enter three to rep resent their school in the be ginning division. John A. Holmes High School, with 56 enrolled in the beginning typewriting course, SLrs.ht r ss ? fir ”aiH Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, February 27, 1964. Mobile Museum Os History To Visit Edenton J ; | E, „ West Byrum, president of the Edenton Chaml er of Commerce, announces that the Mobile Mu seum of History, North Carolina's only traveling museum, will be on display in Edenton March 6 through March 9. The unique Motile Mu'eum of History will be located in front of the Betty Shoppe on Broad Street. It will be open from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. each day with free admission. Edenton Peanuts Distributed 4t N. C. Booth At New York' Trade Show By Mrs. Earnhardt; Thanks to Mrs. W. J. P. Earn- 1 hardt, Jr., who is one of four: chosen to man the North Caro- j lina Booth at the National Trade j Show at the Coliseum in New York City this week, the Town of Edenton will receive special recognition as an outstanding community for retirement with, a wide range of recreational op- ' portunities. This is how it all came about, j The Chamber of Commerce of fice had a supply of 800 small 1 advertising peanut bags left overj from a lot of more than 5,000 j distributed during North Caro-1 Preyer Speaks In Edenton March 4 Meeting Scheduled In Court House at 8A; M. ' Judge Richardson Preyer of Greensboro, one of the Demo cratic candidates for Governor of North Carolina, will speak in, Edenton Wednesday morning, March 4. 1 Edenton is one of Judge Prey er’s stops in his 100-county tour in behalf of his candidacy. The meeting will be held in the court room in the Court House at 8 o’clock on the morn ing of March 4, and Tom Shep ard, Chowan County Chairman i of the committee of Preyer for Governor, says coffee and dough nuts will be served to all who attend the meeting. The com mittee for Preyer’s candidacy is gradually picking up steam in Chowan County and members of the committee feel certain a large number of Chowan County citizens will be on hand to hear him. The public is cordially in vited to hear the gubernatorial candidate speak. Officers Eelected For Mental Health Two Edenton Again Chosen as Officers Meeting in annual session at j Hertford Thursday night, the Albemarle Mental Health Asso- j ciation re-elected officers for the new year. The officers are: President, the Rev. Heath Light of Elizabeth City; vice presi dent, Mrs. Ed Bond of Edenton; treasurer, Mrs. W. H. Hollo well, Jr., of Edenton; secretary, Mrs. W. K. Wassink of Camden and corresponding . secretary, Mrs. T. P. Brinn of Hertford. At the meeting the idea of employing an executive secre tary was considered. Mr. Heath pointed out that it is practically a volunteer job, but that the No. th Carolina Mental Health Continued on Page 3. Section i FIRST DEGREE TONIGHT ? -AT MASONIC MEETING A stated communication of Unanimity Lodge No. 7, A. F. St A. M" will be held tonight; (fhursday) at 8 o’clock. W. M. Rhoades, master of the lodge, announces that the first degree will be conferred upon a candi- I lina Day at the Hotel Roosevelt :in New York last year. Mayor | j John Mite.hener, recalling this j fact, called Mrs. Earnhardt on the telephone at the North Caro lina booth in New York and asked her if it would be per missable for her to distribute , these bags of peanuts advertis ' ing Edenton and its many advan- I tages for a retirement location, j The advertisement on the bag also plugged industry, history, i 1 and recreation. Ted Kramer, of- I I ficial head of the group in New [York, readily gave permission I Continued on Page 6—Section 1 Cupola House Topic At Meeting Os DAR Regent Asked to Try To Secure Bandpn School House ; A paper on the Cupola House was presented by Miss Elizabeth Moore as part of the observance of American History Month at i the February meeting of the Edenton Tea Party Chapter of the .DAR. Miss Moore told of the layout of the Towne on Queen Ar.ne’s Creek prior to the building of | the Cupola House about 1725. The house was built by Rich ard’ Sanderson of Perquimans ! Cojbßv. CoriMpbjad on Page 6, Section 1 LIONS MEET MONDAY'-' Edenton Lions will hold their weekly meeting Monday night, i ’ March 2, at 7 o'clock at the Edenton Restaurant. Dr. A. F. ( Downum, president of the club, ) urges every Lion to be present, i Mrs. R. E. Leary “Woman Os The Year” ■i ’i ? Fjjjj ■m ,ms Jgg[ , 4 f "V Alll warn At left is pictured Miss Pauline Calloway, president of the Edenton Business and Professional Women's Chib, presenting a beauti'j] floral tribute to Mrs. R. E. Leary. Mrs. Leary was named “Woman of the Year" at the BPW Club's annual Bosses' Night banquet held Thursday night at HiU Home Desn- i Robert L Bunch, Jr. Named Outstanding ’63 Young Farmer Pettijohn Says Land Not Poor But Pooi- Farmers Who Make It Poor At the annual Junior Chamber of Commerce outstanding young farmer banquet held Thursday j night, February 13, Robert L. j Bunch, Jr., was named Chowan County’s outstanding farmer for 1963. Judging was based on three major accomplishments, which are as follows: 1. Degree of progress in agri cultural career. 2. Extent of good soil and nat ural resource conservation practices. 3. Contributions to community, and nation. Mp, But*du,scored well in all three sectidSM^ Continued JKPuge s—Section 1 Coifntv Firemen Plan Basketball Game Feb. 28th The Center Hill-Cross Roads Volunteer Fire Department will I sponsor an old-time basketball game at Chowan High School gymnasium Friday night, Febru ary 28 at 7 o’clock. Admission will be 25c for children and 50 for adults. Proceeds will go for the pur chase of equipment for the Fire Department. Cheerleaders will I be Geraldine Evans, Katie Dail, Bertie Ward and other leaders of their group. ! Players will be the leans i Continued on Page 5, Section 1 Local Farm Bureau| Participates In New I Plan For Members! President David Bate- ' man Urging Every) Chowan Farmer to Become Member The Chowan County Farm Bu reau board of directors met Tuesday night, February 18, when they voted to participate in a new member program rec ommended by the North Carolina Farm Bureau Federation. New Farm Bureau members who join during the period March 1-15 will be given a tem porary receipt, stating that their membership is paid until Sep tember 1, 1965. Members falling within this category, when re ported to the state office, will be issued a temporary membership card until September 1, 1964, at which time a new membership card will be issued to them ex piring September 1, 1965. Mem bers joining during this period, if Otherwise eligible, may par- : ticipate in the service-to-member : Continued on Page 3, Section 1 1 Employee Improvement Class Started In Edenton; 58 Enrolled m Sponsored by the Edenton Chamber of Commerce, an em-' ployee improvement program j got under way Tuesday night I with a beginning class of 58 em-; ployees from 15 business firms ( in Edenton in the Hotel Joseph j Hewes ballroom, it is an- \ nounced by West W. By rum,, Chamber president. The initial class in the over- 1 all improvement program will 1 , consist of a total of 10 hours j instruction in customer rela- j tions under Professor Claude | Davis- of the College of the Al- Hospital Nursing Home To Be Opened By First Part Os June The Chowan Hospital Auxili ary is approaching the popular- j ity of a few years back when members used to gather at the ■ old hospital out at the Marine, base. The Parish House is proving to be a very conveni ent meeting place and where else can one gather with friends, hear an interesting pro- j gram and have a cup of tea at | no cost whatever? The Sole j purpose of the Auxiliary is to! support the hospital, and the j Auxiliary has been the contri-! Haskett Resigns From Health Board Served 20 Years as a Member of Health Departments Leroy H. Haskett has tendered his resignation as a member of the Pasquotank-Perquimans- Camden-Chowan District Health Department, a position he has filled for 10 years. Mr. Haskett has served a total of 20 years as a member of a Health Depart ment, for he previously was a member for 10 years of the Cho wan-Bertie-Gates District Health Department. Continued on Page B—Section 1 Two Day Candy Sale By YFW Auxiliary The VFW Auxiliary will con duct a house-to-house candy sale today (Thursday) and Friday. The Auxiliary will have three varieties of candy for sale, with the proceeds going to the VA Hospital and Caswell Training School. Another Herring Breakfast March 7 Sponsored by the Methodist Men’s Club, another pickled her ring breakfast will f>e held at the church Saturday, March 7. Breakfast will be served from 7 to 9 o’clock and it is expected fresh herring roe will be includ ed on the menu. $3.00 Per Year In North Carolina Mobile History Museum jWill Appear In Edenton | For Four Days, March 6-9 I Candidate j B. WARNER EVANS Early this week B. Warnerl Evans announced his candidacy for re-election as Representative I for Chowan County in the North 1 Carolina General Assembly. bemarle in Elizabeth City. The -Merchants Committee of the j Chamber, Alton Elmore, chair- ! | man, has been working some ! weeks on organization of this | distributive education curricula | sanctioned by the N. C. Depart - | ment of Public Instruction. I Other subjects to be taught doir | ing the employee improvement I program are 20 hours in oral l communications, 10 hours in (personality development and 20 ! hours in professional selling | and creative salesmanship. The Continued on Page 6—Section 1 butor of some valuable equip j ment over the years. Funds : are raised through the niember j ship drives, memorial fund, pen - cil sales at election time and ! projects such as the play which is now in rehearsals. At a meeting Friday afternoon Mrs. Jack Leary, president, j called the meeting to order and |W. P. Jones, hospital adminis | trator, reported that the gas I machine for the labor room has j been ordered and that the nurs ; Continued on Page 3—Section I Speaks In Edenton f s ju Jj JUDGE RICHARDSON PREYER Wednesday morning, March 4, at 8 o'clock Judge Richardson Preyer, one of the Democratic candidates for Governor of North Carolina, will soeak to the citi zens of Chowan Countv in the court room of the Chowan Coun ty Court House. Chowan Junior Livestock Show And Sale Scheduled For April 8 The Chowan Ruritan Club, sponsor of the tenth annual Jun ior Livestock Show and Sale, ex tends to Chowan County farm ers an invitation to attend this event on April 8. The show will be limited to junior exhibitors, both boys and girls. All hogs entered must be in place by 8:30 A. M., on the day of the show. Hogs may be weighed at the Edenton Feed & Livestock Market or the M. D. Baker Hog Market beginning at 1 P. M., on April 7. All intern es ted persons are invited to at tend the show and sale which will be at the Privott and Asbell For Quick Results ... Try a Classified Ad i In The Herald J !! Stationed In Front of Betty Shoppe; Ex hibit Includes Paint ing Owned By Mrs. John Gilliam Wood The Mobile Museum of History, North Carolina’s only traveling museum, will be on display in Edenton from Friday, March 6, through Monday, March 9, it is announced by West Byrum, chairman of the Mobile Museum visit. Featuring an exhibition of life in North Carolina during the first 100 years of the colony, the museum is part of the pro gram of the State Department of Archives and History’s Mu seum Division. The exhibit will include 28 j works of Jacob Marling, a j painter who worked in the state 'during the early days of the I last century. I The tribute to Marling will be I the first to an artist no longer j living. State artists previously ! honored were Francis Speight, la native of Bertie County, Josef Albers, former teacher at Black Mountain College and Hobson Pittman of Tarboro. 1 In addition to works by Mar ling, the show will also include ( a few paintings by artists of the same period and location to provide a more comprehensive survey of the art of the par | ticular time and place. Gener ally, the paintings will show prominent North Carolinians of j the 19th century, although the | show will also include what is j considered Marling’s finest | Continued on Page 4—Section 1 B. Warner Evans i Seeks Re-election f | Announces His Candi dacy Early This Week i • . 1 B. Warner Evans early this i week announced that he will be ' a candidate for re-election as | Chowan County’s Representative iin the North Carolina General Assembly in the May Democratic I primary election. Mr. Evans has served the coun !ty for one term and is of the I opinion that with this experi ! ence he will be able to better serve the county. He was a I member of 14 committees in the I House of Representatives in the last session of the General As sembly. He expressed his appreciation for the support given him in the last election and solicits the vote and support of Chowan County voters in the next elec tion. (civic calendar] Annual Chowan County type writing contest will be held at Chowan High School Tuesday, March 3. beginning at 10 A. M. Judge Richardson Preyer. one of the Democratic candidates for Governor of North Carolina, will speak at the Chowan County Court House Wednesday morn ing. March 4. at 8 o'clock. Center Hill-Cross Roads Fire i Department will sponsor an old | time basketball game Friday ! night, February 28, at 7 o'clock. I Continued on Page 7. Section 1 Warehouse at Cross Roads. The schedule is as follows: Hogs may be entered begin ning at 1 P. M., on April 7 and until 8:30 A. M., on April 8. Judging will begin at 9:30 A. M. The fitting and showmanship contest for steers and hogs for all junior exhibitors begins at 11 A. M. Trophies and ribbons will be presented at 2 P. M. Following this, all animals will be auctioned. The Ruritans hope that merchants and others will support this sale. Jack Parker, animal husbandry extension specialist of Raleigh, Continued on rage *—oectionk

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