14BCHON TWO PAGE TWO Sorry “Enough To Quit By Terry Jones "Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out . . . " (Acts 3:19). A Sunday school teacher once asked his class what was meant ■by the word, "repentance”. A little boy raised his hand. "Well, what is it, son?” “Being sorry for your sins,” was his answer. Quickly a little girl raised her hand and when asked what she thought of repentance, she said, “I think it’s being sorry enough ASCSNews ] w J Compliance About 80% of the measure ment of allotted crops, corn and diverted acreage in Chowan County is complete. We are glad to report this has been oone of •the best years we have experi enced in getting crops and di verted acreage measured. Every farmer has accepted his respon sibility and assisted our report ers when .they visited their farm. We are sure that less re measurement will be required because of your cooperation. We want to thank all of you for all you have done to help us com plete this measuring job. Starting Friday, notices of measured acreage were mailed and every Friday thereafter until all mailing is completed. When you receive your notice open it immediately and read it care fully. If you are overplanted you will have seven days to re- ■ quest remeasurement or dispo sition on tobacco. On peanuts, if you agree that you are over planted you have until harvest time to request disposition. How ever, if you do not agree with our measurements and want a remeasurement you must re quest this within 15 days from date of notice. On cotton, you 1 will have 15 days to request remeasurement or disposition. 1 If you are overplanted on com or under-designated on diverted acreage, you will have until July 15 to make your request for ad justment. If a remeasurement is needed the request will have to be made within 15 days from date of notice. As in past years, remeasurement cost will be SI.OO per acre with a SB.OO minimum. Disposition will be $5.00 for the first disposition spot plus SI.OO for each additional spot. Let us state again, please read your notice of measured acreage completely and take notice of all time limits since we will have to abide by all dates as shown. Price Support Regulations for obtaining loans on price supported commodities have been changed to make it simpler and easier for farmers to obtain these loans. In the past a sample of the commodity being placed under loan had to be taken and submitted to the Federal-State Inspection Service to be tested. Also measurement of the stored commodity had to be made. Sometimes this caus ed several days delay in disburs ing the loan. Under the new procedure, no sample will be taken and no measurement will ■be made. It will be possible for HEALTH’S ANONYM®! SHOCK TROOPS . _ < .■- . i Behind that little box ! : of capsules prescribed by\ > your doctor is a great army v , of white-coated scientists who are engaged in pharmaceutical and medical research. ( - f These are the “shock troops” in medicine’s fight to preserve your health. There is t never an armistice in their laboratory battle, against disease. Their cause is your health. / The fruits of scientific research are ' ‘readily ovaileMe in this pharmacy at au tubes. HOLLOWtLLS REX ALL DRUG STORE l* WWW HKGIBTdtXaJJ rmilMAvla'ra A Registered Pkaramocist Always On D*y IWBWWI - HWWCPT PEUUJU - to quit.” The little girl had the true definition. Repentance is not a resolve to turn over a new leaf because we happen to be sorry for what we’ve done. But .true repentance comes when we rea lize we are weak to the powers of sin and are willing to say, “Lord, cleanse me inside and out.” When we pray that pray er from the heart then we evi dently are sorry enough to quit. farmers to get their loan on the same day they apply. The ASCS loan inspector will check the commodity and he and the farm er will estimate the quantity stored. If everything is in or der, the loan inspector gives his report to the ASCS office and the loan can be disbursed im mediately. Wheat Wheat producers will not need a marketing card to sell their 1964 crop of wheat. Wings ‘‘ls your family going to be' active in society?” “I suppose so,” answered Sen ator Sorghum. “You can’t ex pect them to deny themselves the same pleasures that they enjoyed at home.” “Will you become a social butterfly yourself?” “No, I’ll keep working hard and try to fly high enough to get into the airplane class.” Our words have wings, but fly not where we would. —George Eliot. RECENT BRIDE HONORED The Northcutt cottage, home of Mr. and Mrs. Lellie Northcutt of Ahoskie, was the scene of a floating shower on Friday night, June 12, honoring Mrs. Bill Cow.and, a recent Pride. Seasonal decorations were used throughout the cottage. The guests were greeted at the door WSURAHCe? ■ NATIONWIDE for new Idem I □ auto aißwawce □ FIRE M9UMNCS □ LIFE INSURANCE □ HOMEOWNER* □ EDUCATION □ MORTGAGE □ ACCIDENT * StCKMAE □ RETIREMENT Nationwide has new Meat to I protection to fill any uuu* ante need at a cost you caa afford. Check the plan dMM interests you and cootacti Nat Kan D. Dail 20 Weatover Height. EDENTON, N. O. II PHONE 482-3792 * -••■Tv || Nationwide R S unoireioi m.iiuu mmim wmm Ivr-c* unomißi miw m muhomi MHAttIM UM MSHMQ (SMI •mu tan Ilium, A. THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDSNTOH, NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY. JUNE 25. 1904. ■and presented to the honoree by Mrs. Livingston White, sister of the bridegroom. Gifts were on ' display in the den. A table was covered with a | white linen cloth, flanked with | crystal candelabra holding bum- 1 ing white tapers. A color scheme of red and white was carried < out in refreshments, consisting | of bridal dainties, nuts and j mints. Miss Frances Cowand j served punch to the guests. | Minutes Os County Board Os Education S. The Chowan County Board of Education held its regular meet ing Monday, June 1 at 10 A. M., in the office of the Board. The following members were present: G. B. Potter, O. C. Long, Jr., Marvin Evans and Garland As bell. The meeting was called to or der by Chairman Potter. The Seeretaiy read the minutes of the last meeting. The minutes 1 were adopted as read on a mo tion' by Mr. Asbell, a second by Mr. Evans, and a unanimous vote. The Local School Fund Treas urer reports for Chowan and White Oak Schools were pre • sen ted. These reports were ap proved on a motion by Mr. Long, a second by Mr. Asbell, and a unanimous vote. A list of the bills paid during May was presented, along with the report from the County Ac countant. The total amount of r the bills was $6,314.50, leaving a balance of $12,138.99. This was in agreement with 'the report from the County Accountant.. Mr. Evans moved the approval of the payment of the hills and the report from the Accountant.' ■ Mr. Long seconded the motion and the vote in favor was unani mous. The school budget for 1964-65 Before you put up with. why not call an expert? He’ll come out and give you another winter of drafty Your Electric Comfort the full story on flameless ' heating... ; Conditioning Contractor. electric heating. n r f r • k > ■ He’ll show you how individual How flameless electric heat He’ll tell you why electric thermostats let you dial makes even, draft-free comfort heat will keep your home as the temperature you want ; ■ 10Q9/o automatic. clean and quiet as a light in each room. 1 > • bulb, fresh and healthy as sunshine. * ■ Compare his estimate o trw Get the full story on flamtlesc electric heat inctalJatinn anrf nfiAratiacr 1 »>fl- Find 001 how much you can save with . IHSiaiiailOn ana operatiag VEPCO's lowest homewide rate by including COSt With Other imating * j an electricquickrecovery water-heater In systems. You’ll: be pleasantly your set-up. When you compa e advantages • . * *, _ and economy, chances are you’ll do what SUfpnseO. **f over 6,ooofather homeowners In the VEPCO / " N area have done—go electric. .J«PN \ ’PfuwwmnV J <« * W X / J m\ I COMFORT I f - - CONDITIONING IBaU£ 1 contractor I VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY , was presented. The budget call ed for S total Os $56,939.00 in lap ' propriations and expenditures. lOf this amount, * $43,068.00 was ; budgeted for current expense, I $13,150.00 for capital outlay, and | $721.00 for ddbt service. The budget was adopted on a mo jtion by ■■Mr. Asbell, a second by I Mr. Evans, and a unanimous fav | orable vote. The budget was lat ler presented to the Board of j County Commissioners. | The District Committee re quested the approval of the election of Mrs. Rita Howell [ Lane to teach the 7th grade in | the Chowan School. The election of Mrs. Lane was* approved on a motion by Mr. Asbell, a sec ond by Mr. Evans, and a unani mous vote. A motion to continue paying the salaries of principals, teach ers, and janitors on (the 25th day of each school month was made by Mr. Long, seconded by Mr. Evans, and unanimously adopted. The Board voted unanimously (to renew its membership in the N. C. School Boards Association on a motion by Mr. Long and a second by Mr. Evans. All pupils were re-assigned for 1964-65 to the same school Which they attended in 1963-64. The beginning First Grade pupils were assigned through the pre- Call This Number 482-2217 For Fresh Fish AND OTHER SEAFOODS IN SEASON Broad St. Fish Mkt. HAYWOOD JONES School clinic which they attend, ed. This action was taken on a motion by Mr. Asbell, a second ; by Mr. Lang and a unanimous vote. The Vocational Plan for 1964- 65 was approved on a motion by Mr. Evans, a second by Mr. Long and a unanimous vote. On motion by Mr. Asbell, a second by Mr. Evans, and a unanimous vote in favor, the Board awarded the 1964-65 YOUR REWARD will be smiles and kisses when you select her anniversary card and a gift of candy or perfume l from... i MITCHENER’S PHARMACY! U ~ DIAL 482-3711 EDEKTON, N. C. - •9 school insurance contract to Pi- | lot Life Insurance Company. There being no further busi ness, the meeting was adjourn ed. The Board chairman and secretary proceeded to the Court House and presented the 1964- 65 school budget to the Board of County Commissioners for their consideration. G. B. POTTER, Chairman C. C. WALTERS, Secretary. ■ Wr.i- HEHi You Choose The CAR... \ well help YOU BUY 1T...! Trade in that old set of keys for a new set NOW! Ourl loans are “keyed” to your budget; you borrow at low j bank rates. Coms jn and talk over your money needs any time! v THE - it# i i i A RNL f- & V. i