* /^zzzr 1 """" 1 " 1,11 ■ 1 1 ■ ' By Terry Jones F "And what I say unto *vou I tay unto aU. Watch." ' (Mark 13:37).' The Bible tells us many times thatj one day when we least ex pect it Christ shall break through the clouds and descend to earth This is known as the second coming of our Lord. Also we are told by the Scriptures that after Christ arrives the dead shall rise and all nations shall be judgeA. But we are not told in exactly what order and at what time these events will oc cur. I’ll leave that argument to the theologians. The important matter for uj is that Christ is coming and we should be pre pared for His coming. Some say that we are in the last days ’ right now. Let us search the Scriptures and see what they have to say. Christ said, "But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man - be,'.* (Matt. 24). He said that in the days of Noah ‘people were marrying and giving in marriage and liv ing a life of ease. He said again, "There will be signs in the sun. and in the moon, and in the stars, and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity. The sea and the waves roaring, men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming oh the earth; for the powers of Heaven shall ba shaken," (Luke 21). Daniel, rrankly Speaking J By FRANK ROBEHTS 'i L i Well, it’s all over ’til Novem ber, at which time Judge Dan 1 K. Moore is expected to win easily over Republican candi date Gavin for the Governor’s 1 chair— or is he? As the run off proved, anything can hap- 1 pen in the game of 'politics. So far as Chowan County is con cerned, Moore got the nomina tion ever Preyer by 45 votes, with Scott easily winning over Blue, but bv a smaller margin than previously. Now it’s time to remove stickers from cars, pins from suits and advertise ments from store windows and billboards. Come to think of it, though, those Moore billboards might as well stay up there. One more thing on the election. I asked a local integrationist if one of the reasons for Moore’s overwhelming victory wasn’t a protest against renewed integra tion activities in the Tar Heel State. He thought not, but I feel that it was a definite sign of hostility against the civil rights movement. , One of the happiest 'people in town these days is Eleanor. Powell’s momma, since her love ly daughter came back to the states after Dwrii Niven and ■ , Peter Sellers In | i, j I Cinemascope i . ' **♦„ — *+**** -f v - v \ I C j the prophet, spoke of the com ing of Christ &s a time when ' men will be running to and fro on earth and knowledge shall be greatly increased. Peter, the disciple, said that in the ldst days there will toe scoffers .walk ing on earth after their own lusts. I ask you, does this sound )ike ancient Scriptures written hun- dreds of years ago or does this sound like the morning news-| paper? , There is no doubt that i we are in a time of perplexity and tribulation today when, the great powers of the earth, threat en each other with ‘the ' Atomic bomb. Never, has there been a time when knowledge has in creased so fast as in the past two centuries. And certainly the! world today is full of scoffers i crying, “Where is God?” One' would certainly think from read-j ing the Scriptures that we are in the last days right now, but still the words of Christ must, be remembered and held true, "Bui of that day and that hour knoweth no man. no, not the, angels which are in heaven.' neither the Son. but the Father. ... Take ye heed, watch and, pray: For ye know not when the! time is." (Mark 13). [■ 1 i Note: Don’t forget to listen to I “A Thought For Today” at 8:55 ! A. M., on WCDJ radio in Eden , ton. ,ed. Hubby follows next month. Jaycee picnic with wives in vited was last week. Tonight the Jayeettes have a picnic with husbands invited. Same time: 7 o’clock, and same wonderful place, Sandy Point Beach. Jay cees served barbecued chickens while the wives will have ham burgers on the griddle. A fine time was had by all last week, with more fun anticipated to ! night. , Couple of folks' even went for an after-midnight swim, dressed in summer garb. Speak ing of that gathering, though, many of us were surprised to find that a lot of folks had neither a familiar name or face. More and more people seem to be moving into our town. And, speaking of Sandy Point Beach, they’re looking forward to' an other fine season. The always wonderful Layton family plays host to all visitors and, of course, what would Sandy Point Beach be without .Don Bell? Like the Giants without Willie Mays. Don, for those who’ve wondered, spends most of the fall and winter season around his home town of Washington, D. C. EXCITING REaldTngTn PARADE MAGAZINE .There's a reading treat in store £of you - in the exciting pages of* Parade Magazine distributed every Sunday with the Balti more News American. Take t)he “Personality Parade” feature for instance. In it you’ll find out important facts you’ve been ask ing yourself about important per sonalities. Be* Aire’to read PA RADE MAGAZINE every week in the BALTIMORE NEWS AMERICAN on sale at your local newsdealer y —; ; : : In Appreciation Rear Fellow Democrat, t „ v ~ ,i. •> ■ , . v On behalf of Dan K* M%orp, Democratic \ nominee r foi* i Governor of North Carolina, we w;ould like to take fthis means of expressing our appreciation for the fine support you gave Judge Moore in the second primary on June 27. We would especially like to thank those who contributed both financially and physically to Moore campaign* Had it not been for your ef forts, Chowan County again would have been in the losing column. > . 1 * THE CHOWAN HERALD, EPEHTOW, NORTH CARQ