' • ; Rocky Hock Section News 6 - By Mrs. T. W. Allred ' Ttonight (Thursday) is the an i niual Brotherhood “Wives’ per'’ to be held this year at fie Rocky Hock Community Build ing at 7 o’clock. All reports |jy> far seem, to indicate that the largest attendance yet is in view wtth about 80 reservations al ready assured. We are certain tivat the evening of good food, fellowship and inspiration to gether will be a memorabW'AMr Next ‘Sunday morning tne Junior Choir will wear their “new” robes for the first fibre since their reorganization. Tltey, will sing several Christmas' Se lections -in addition to the adult. Christmas number. Sunday evening at 7:30 (note change in the hour) the Christmas cantata by JOhn Peterson, ‘ Love Tran-' scehding” will be presented % the combined adult, youth ami junior choirs. The presentation (which will take less than; uii hour to perform .will be under the direction of Lloyd Wayne Evans and the accompanist Wijfl be Mrs. Robert Harrell. Robert Harrell is the narrator and solo ists are Nancy Spivey, Jack Ev ans and junior duet by Lynn Allred and Robert Worrell. Everyone attending is urged to bring a “White Christmas” of fering of food or staple gro ceries to share with the needy and shut-ins of our community, These will be placed in haskets in the vestibule during Sunday, This week has been a busy one as usual ana the look at the calendar shows that next week will be just as fuli, if. not more so. Some of the circle members apparently forgot the WMS gen eral meeting last week (due to five weeks in the month, per haps). The Lottie Moon offer ings are still coming in slowly STATEMENT Germantown Fire Insurance Co. Bonds, $2,926,086*6^*’ Stocks, $6,762,778.60 Real estate, $.{63,626.-16. Cash and bank deposits, $275,069.58 Agents’ balances or uncollected pre miums, net. $165,153.16. take” for premiums, 1!). Reinsurance recoverable on toss ntfei ments, $5,020.02. • ", Interest, dividends and real estate income duo and accrued, $21,525.97 » .Total admitted assets, $10,647,615 66. I.labilities, Surplus and Other Funds I-osses unpaid, $175,659.00 adjustment expenses unpaid. 15AJU. (JO. Contingent commissions and other similar charges, $85,550.86. Other expense's (excluding taxes, li censes and fees), $43,943.25. Taxes, licenses and fees (excluding federal income tax-es). $46 (jse-»i Unearned premiums. $1,526,436.62. Amounts withheld .or retained bv company for account of others. $921.04 Excess of liability and eomnensa tlon statutory and voluntary reserves over ease basis and loss expense' re serves, $8,538.49. All other liabilities, as detailed in statement. $26,748.52. Total liabilities. $1,927,927.75. Capital paid up. 51.301.520.C3. Unassigned funds (surplus), $7- 418,467.91. Surplus as regards policyholders. $8 ■*«* «87. n ' Total, $10,647,615.66. laamrin In North Carolina - During 1963 , , Line of Business, Direct Premiums Written and Direct Losses Incurred respectively: Fire, $24,429.34: $2,497.97. Extended coverage. $11,508.91: *2,- 288.83. Homeowners multiple peril, $70,- 808.64: $21,216.39. Brohd norm, $1.17: none. Total. $106,754.06: $26,003.19. ' President. Author O. Rusenlund: secretary. Warren R. Humphreys; treasurer. Ralph S. Allsopp. Home office, Germantown Market Square. Philadelphia. Pennsylvania. Attorney for service: Edwin S. Lanier. Commissioner of Insurance. Raleigh. N. C. North Carolina Insurance Department Raleigh. June 23. 196-4. I, Edw|n S. Lanier. Commissioner df Insurance, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct ab stract .of the statement of the Ger mantown Fire Insurance Company oi Philadelphia. Pa., filed with this De partment, showing the condition of said company on the 31st day of De cember, 1963. - * rtf Witness my hand and official srtrl, the day and date above written. (Seal) EDWIN S. LANIEft, Commissioner of InMimke-x f u-.-Ia s. —.. ,i-4w .. - | Amazing new I lubrication I H C. ll II 9 9UMI AAA 1 Jim Jj —„ — —« and a reminder again that the 20th is supposed to be a dead- Iline for the gifts. Surely we can bring our gift of love to God before we concern ourself about all the presents on our list —no matter how much or how little we have to spend. If any individual has a gift for the Lottie Moon offering to make, please see Mrs. W. H. Saunders, Mrs. O. C. Long, Rodney Harrell or Jack Evans. Either of these will be happy to accept your gift and see that it gets to the proper person. Wedding bells again! Carrol Peele and Judy Adams said their vows before Mr. Allred at the on Saturday afternoon last week while a good group of family and well wishers- were on hand to witness the happy event. We are happy to know that such a fine addition to our community will be living in our midst and be one of “us”—(and she’s already doing a fine job in nursing at '.Chowan Hospital). Welcome, Judy, and congratula tions Carrol. We wish all the best things in life for you both. Mrs. Bertha Dale had her third operations this past week and had some rough days, but seems to be improving now at Chowan Hospital. Mrs. J. T. MeClenny is also a patient out there following hospitalization for pneumonia last week. She, too, seems to be slightly improv ed. Henderson Nixon is stiil a patient in Norfolk and his con dition remains about the same. We learned that Mrs. Emily DEATH TfmKit- This Moslem minaret in Buk- 1 hara, Samarkand, U.S.S.R. was once used for execu tions. The condemned man would be placed in a sack,! hauled to the top of the: tower, tossed over the side. 1 ' THE CHOWAN HERALD. EDENTON. WORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 17, ISB4. The Stars in Our Flag: 14 1 VERMONT—MARCH 4, 1791 Green Mountain State Capital: Montpelier Before Samuel de Cham plain visited Vermont in 1609, the land was used as hunting grounds by the In dians. A tribal war between the Algonquins and Iroquois was what brought de Cham plain to Vermont. He only succeeded in making the vic torious Iroquois bitter ene mies of his native France. In 1666 Capt. La Mothe found ed the first white settlement, a fort and shrine to St. Anne, but the post was not per manent, and it wasn't until 1724 that Ft. Dummer near present-day Brattleboro was established by the English. The French built Crown Point seven years later but in 1763 yielded all claims to England by treaty. New Hampshire exercised Jurisdiction and the land west of the Connecticut Riv er became known as the New Hampshire grants. A battle royal between the gov ernors of New Hampshire and New York over deeding grants resulted in resent ment among the compara tively few settlers. Ethan Al len, with Seth Warner and Remember Baker, organized the Green Mountain Boys to 'rout the New Yorkers. But, when the Revolution broke / out, they forgot their quar rel with the province of New York. After the Minute men fired on the British at Lexington and Concord, Ethan Allen, aided by Bene dict Arnold, took his Green Mountain Boys across Lake (Leary)) Knock is a patient in. the hospital at Fayetteville, N. C. The word this week-end is that she will probably be there lor another week. The GT organizations had their first December meeting on Friday afternoon with a good group of the girls attending in both No. 1 and No. 2. Their next meeting will be Monday. December 21 at 7 P. M„ I be lieve. If this is not the correct hour, maybe someone will cor-' NEW McCulloch _ CHAIN JJ} If you've been thinking about buying a chain saw, there’s no better time than right now. The new McCullochs are here. More powerful, more dependable than ever—and at low, low prices. We have models for every need, whether it's cutting firewood, pruning, clearing land or felling giant timber. There’s attachments for brushcutting and earth drilling, too. Drop in soon. Try one. Buy one. You'll be glad you did. EASY TERMS • COMPLETE PARTS AND SERVICE Edenton Tractor & Implement Co., Inc. West Queen Street Telephone 482-3123 EDENTON, N. C. WANTED! ... To Keep You Comfortable Year- Around At Guaranteed Lowest Cost! Let Sears install you a Heating System .., Hot Air or Hot Water... We sell with satisfaction guaranteed! * , FREE ESTIMATES ... Low monthly payments Experienced men to do the installation. Don’t pay extreme prices to heat your home when you can do it for less. As Low as §575.00 Installed FOR CENTRAL HOT AIR HEAT Price Includes 84.000 BTU Counterflow Furnace With 7 Runs. 1 Return. And Labor ... 12 Months Guarantee! CALL STEVE HAMPTON Sales Representative, 482-2186 (HrrE PHONE 482-4557) Sears Catalog Sales Office j- Champlain, surprised a sleeping British garrison and took Ft. Ticonderoga on May 10,1775. Two days later Seth Warner seized the fort at Crown Point. Seth Warner’s action against Burgoyne’s army in 1777 gave the American forces time to gather strength for the vic tory at Bennington. British land operations in the north were stopped. In 1777 the colonists de clared their independence, adopted a constitution, the first to stipulate no person of legal age be held by law to serve any person as slave, servant or apprentice, and the first to give suffrage without property qualifica tions. From 1777 to 1791 a completely independent re public, Vermont became a little country issuing bills of credit, coining money, natu ralizing citizens and entering in diplomatic relations with foreign countries. In 1791 Vermont ratified the Consti tution and entered the Union on March 4, 1791. Intensely anti-slavery, Vermont sup ported Abraham Lincoln for President even though Stev en Douglas was a native son. . rect -us. Several new books have been added to the library this month from the WMS organization. These are the new Woman’s Missionary Union book by Almc Hunt and the aims books—“ E nlistment For Missions,” "Work Awareness,” “Christian Sharing of Possessions” and “Spiritual Life Development.” Some ol the WMU members who have not read these books as yet may find time during the Christmas ' holidays to read one of these short books for the mission reading. All are “must” read ings for those who are leaders in their ciicles and junior or gasizations. We highly recom ment that any circle wishing to study these as a mission study do so. They are excellent read ing. We fee! sure that the circles were all well attended during the Christmas emphasis this week. Sunbeams was scheduled for Wednesday and the Crusader and Pioneer Chapter- •of the RA’s on Wednesday evening. We hope you will be sure to read the back of your ‘ Student Night For- Christmas” bulletin on she 27th. I believe you will find it interestng. Glee Club concert at Chowan on Sunday evening was done ttuite professionally. Miss Wil 10-ughby continues to present a food account of her group ol musicians every year. We thought the staging was even setter than last year, with scen ery a little different and light ng effects were quite good—and we'll vote for Sandra Nixon i>: ihe “prettiest angel” any day in .he week. Glenda Bunch and Wilma Nixon were a credit to their piano teachers. We’re proud they’re “ours.” We learned this week liiat Kathleen Ward, studying in Paris, is having an opportunity o spend part of Christmas holi days in “the South of France.” Laird’s fl Apple Brandy |lßh Pint i laird'S I a -APFLE JACK I SB q/'J I 1*1«D 480 COM94n“ CO*CT»UII * * Distilled Straight Apple Brandy, 80 Proof Laird & Co., Scobeyville, N. J. mm ..jfoCfytffa'hMMtiTlVMi | ! A Diamond from Campen’s j . . . The Gift nf Gifts from S3O to $850.00 I i i i j 3-STONE Princess Diamond Ring Reg. $32.50 Value Special, $19.95 SUGGESTIONS: | Fine 14K Jewelry, Cultured Pearl Broaches, Pendants and Earrings, Rhinestone Bracelets, Watches by Bulova, Hamilton, Wyler, Leather Billfolds, Charms and Bracelets, Watch Bands by Speidel and J. 8., Rirthstones. . t . ~ ,/ ! M j SILVERWARE BY GORHAIvf AND INTERNATIONAL**^ I CAM PEN’S | PhonefimjLjEWELEßS Edenton j i - We think she still might enjoy a . Christmas greeting from her ; friends back home, even if it HOLIDAY SPECIAL—The Italians have a word for it: eligaza. This sleek out fit is a double-knit wool three-piecer and features a pleated skirt topped with short jacket. should arrive a few days late. 1 Her address is care American 1 Express. Paris. France. The Chowan ministers ana wives meeting on Monday is, scheduled at this writing to have! a program of Christmas music.’ using their own “homegrown talent.” Using parts of the* “Love Transcending” caniatj and other presentations. Janie Harrell and Sara (Mrs. Norman) Harris worked out the program. Doing solo numbers will be Paul Faircloth, Norman Harris. Clair Pressley, George Lewis. Aubrey McClelland and “The Allreds” l MAOLA MILK AND ICE CREAM COMPANY^ Jackson's Radio & TV Service /ANNOUNCES - ; mw 1965 m m V COLOR (from world famous'' • * .Genuine Handcrafted qualify ! j for greater dependability I t j from world’s top quality | specialists! 9 Wmr THE ASHBY MODEL 5219 fit ml Trim contemporary tine lurniture W \ Wf console in choice of Walnut or j mj Mahogany veneers and select - /Handcrafted, 100" handwired W Chassis, no production short- £ cuts, no printed circuits, for " greater dependability, } A Djkje, J 125 gold contacts in Zenith’s Super Gold Video Guard 82 channel tuning system for J greater picture stability, longer, > _ • A ' ■ ■ folor TV* most accurate hues > from Zenith’s patented Color De- Ik ™ enodulator circuitry with Zenitlf V & taveloged color hue tube?, / */-* | NO PRINTED • Zenith's New Custom ' Video Range 82-Channel Tunlno Quctem A-Jlomatic AlilomstK Tuning bystem Frequency Cu.ilinl Bays Boorr 1 Circuit e 21,000 Volts Picture Power The CHORDAIRE- Model M72S • Big 6(4' X 2t&* Speaker Drstinctivelystyled cabinet. Pre u. 1 ™-ii" cision vp- nier (me tunmg. Ch»r •-Automatic Fringe-Lock coa) co(or tir a ined Walnut end Circuit White color or White color. • Peak Picture Control IA AT • Zenith "Fin Cooled" 9 AM H*l Power Transformer Jackson's Radio & TV Service W. Eden St —PJione 482-3519—Edenton —SECTION THREE PAGE FIVE will be doing a duet. These aye our singing preachers and their wives. We really ought to have an audiertce for such an under taking. but since we have not had a rehearsal, maybe it’s just as well that we are “singing to ourselves.” The -meeting is at Ramouth Gilead Church this month and will be followed by iunch. served by the ladies of the church. The name "Christ” comes from the Greek word for “Mes siah.” according to World Book Encyclopedia.