—SECTION ONE PAGE FOUR Tlie Chowan Herald t*MbHahpd every Thursday «jr The Chowan Herald, a MrtMrKMD consisting ot fttwtn Huiflon end Hocto I iyton. at 4?3-Uo South Broad Street, Edenton. North irullna. *. EDWIN BUFFLAP iECTOR LUPTON —Advertising Manager SUBSCRIPTION RATES: |ne Year (outside North Carolina) >3.50 »ne Year (in North Carolina*™ *3.00 Sat Months — *l"s Entered as secona-tiass oiatte. Aujrus. SO, 1934, at Ui< poet office at Edenton. Nona Carolina, under the act ol March a 1879. Cards of thanks, obituaries, resolutions of ttspect, etc., will be charged for at regular idveftising rate. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1964. A LIFT FOR TODAY Ye have not chosen me; I have chosen you.— John 15:16. Life is a choice upon which the future depends. The most important of all is to choose Jesus Christ as our personal Saviour. O God, give us vision and wisdom to accept new opportunities for service to Thee. VUIAJT_i~-Ln ~i _n_nji j-u -irUtJ-'- ii cm aiioru relaxation wnen almost notning else can. | liMuiiMUiiiuMWuiiMMimHHbMMiiimHiiMHMtiiiiuimiimimHimHuniimH*" Q Jdetud &T | H.miiunmmuuurHWMiiniiiiii Christmas greeting cards are already arriv ing and one of my first was from DeWitt Cooper of Richmond, Indiana. “Coop” some years ago stopped over in Edenton on an ex tended trip covering the eastern part of the United States and fell in love with Edenton so much so that he subscribed and still does subscribe to The Herald so that he can keep up with what is going on. That he is a thor ough reader of the paper is reflected in his note in the Christmas card. Said Coop: “I think Mrs. Bufflap should be permitted to have her picture at the head of her column in The Herald, as her column is as interesting as yours. That is about the only way I will get to see her unless I run down there again some time.” Then a note to the Missus reads: “The above ought to hold him for a while. If you would refuse to go fishing with him until you get the picture cut made, you wouldn't have to wait very long.” Anyway, it was very nice to hear from an Indiana Hoosier who thinks Edenton is a wonderful place. o And speaking about Christmas cards, an unusual one arrived at home. Wednesday morning. It was addressed to our dog “Spike”, and while I have not had time to read it to him, it came from a friend or foe in Elizabeth City. o Christmas parties seem to be the order of the day with so many scheduled that it is hard to keep track of .them all. Those that have been held and those still to be held were and will be very pleasant affairs. However, here’s betting a good stogie that none will have more and better food than was served at the Scottish Rite Club party Friday night down at Kermit Layton’s Sandy Point Beach. Wives of members prepared the meal, which includ ed good old country ham, turkey and about a dozen other good things to go with it. Maybe I spoke too soon, though, for the Byrd Home Demonstration Club held a Christmas party Wednesday night at the home of Mrs. Mattie Speight to which husbands were invit ed. Os course, this writing is several hours before the party, but I’ve been to those af fairs before and there’s always the best kinds of food on hand and so much of it that a fel low hardly knows when to quit. o Members of the Center Hill-Cross Roads Fire Department plan to hold a turkey shoot \ Saturday, December 19, from 1 to 9 P. M. i Might be a good way to get a turkey for ' Christmas. The ladies will be selling hot coffee and sandwiches while the shooters are ‘esting their aim. o As stated before, the Edenton street Christ mas decorations are very attractive this year. And to add to the attractiveness is a large tree at the foot of Broad Street. It might be a good idea to give a prize to the person guess ing how many colored lights adorn the tree — there’s a lot of ’em. o- The Herald crew has been very much rush ed the past week or so, and will have their hands full the first part of next week. Due o the Christmas holidays, we will print the •ast section of the paper Tuesday in order to r et a day or two extra time off for the holi days. So, because of printing a day earlier, it will be necessary to have advertising and newsarticles in the office a day earlier. Mon day will be the deadline—but we can’t han dle everything on Monday. Let us have your news as early as possible. o Anybody want some extra exercise over the holidays? Jim Kinion says the John A. Holmes High School gymnasium will be open during the holidays for those who don’t get enough exercise working or running around with Christmas shopping, etc. *—o Free parking areas have been provided back of the P&Q Super Market, Edenton Furni ture Company, Belk-Tyler’s and back of Ho tel Joseph Hewes. These parking areas are sometimes filled to capacity and despite the extra space for parking cars* just try to get a parking place on Broad Street during busy business hours. It’s hard to figure where all the cars come from. parents insist that their children study musk and learn to p*»y at least one musical instru- I ment. \, A Countless hours of listening and playing pteasare coukl be theirs, if they were only taught what exists in the world of musk and’ how to appreciate ft/1, CfcMWWrfety coocfi^li THE CHOWAN HERALD. EDENTOtf. NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 17. 1964. Edenton Aceiets StiH Undefeated Claim Long End of Score In Three Con tests Played The Edenton Aceiets remained undefeated in three games, win ning two games in the past week on their .home court. Tlie Aceiets were very un ladylike to the Williamston girls on Tuesday night of last week, whipping them soundly 42-17. Every member of the team played and eight of them added figures to the scoreboard. The Aceiets led 28-11 at the half and held Williamston score less during the third period. Sharp-shooting sophomore Linda Hollowell was the high scorer with 12 points. Miriam Willis scored 11, Brenda Stallings 9. Arlene Fry 3, Ann Harrell 3. Sanfra Ange 2, Brenda Cuthrell 1 and Helen Rogerson 1. Becky Williford and Anna Perry were defensive standouts. The Aceiets kept their record spotless by defeating Bertie 30- 23. The game was pretty even until the third period, when the Aceiets added 7 points and the Bertie girls were held to one. The Edenton girls hit on 66% of their free throws; the forwards missed only 2 out of 16. . Miriam Willis kept up her steady output with 9 points to lead the team. Sanfra Ange and Linda Hollowell scored 8 and Brenda Stallings had 5. The Aceiets will meet the Plymouth girls here next Fri day night. 1 C. Os C. Endorses Library Building Continued from Page 1, Section 1 was one of several area citizens in New York recently discussing the proposed Hall of Fame with a nationally-known fund raising concern, reported to the board on this conference. He said a pre campaign survey will be made; by the New York firm shortly after January 1. Robinson reported on prelimi nary action by the Town Council directed towards establishment of an Airport Commission to op erate and maintain the Edenton Municipal Airport. He said such a commission would render valu-| able service to the community. | The treasurer’s report showed that $11,200 had been paid to wards a $14,000 goal for the Chamber this year. Robinson noted that this is running about $2,000 .more than at the same time last year. i The board, with Elmcre pre siding, met at the Hotel Joseph Hewes. . TRY A HERALD CLASSIFIED J a 1 ■ : ' 3. 1 JOE THORUD OF Nationwide Insurance says; “Insure family »■ of 4 for s i9.o6arconih” If you’ke age 30 and everyone’s in good J healUi, you can insure ,V your life for SIO,OOO Whole Life, your wife’s for an initial amount of -54,000 and each of the kids for SI,OOO, for $19.06 a month. That* only sf:72 more thir. "• you’d pay foe a SIO,OOO . . life insurance policy on I yourself alone. Ask •bout Nationwide’s | Family Plan. JOE THORUD MUH UM BUg. I SO4 1 1 PHONE 412*2428 I | II I I ] |j| I .. • IjJ | Hospital PHtofejl VfntttnjE (nan: **-« A. at: *-4 •4 S4t I*. K. Children ndtr IS | tot ptmirtM to nan omttoMU. , Patients discharged from Oho- J wan Hospital during the week! of December 7-14 were as fol-j lows: White Mrs. Barbara Farless ' William E. 3ond, Carroll War-j ner Ward, Mrs. Faye Page, Mas ter Michael LaDell Parker, Mrs. Beulah Thomas. Murray D. Baker, Warren J. Twiddy, Joe Covington, Mrs. Annette Nieh-j olson. MrS. Ethel Lassiter, Miss ' Sua'n Ann Twine. Mrs. Betty \ Lou West, Miss Sonjia Edwards, j Mrs. Marie Turner, Mrs. Mary Twiddy. Colored —Mary Louise Jordan, Mrs. Rosetta Key, WlHie Moore, Mrs. Essie Mae Holley, Mrs. Barbara Jean Taylor, James White, Cathleen Freeman. Mi's. Smithee Holley, Mrs. Hannah P. Clemmons, Mrs. Sandie Riddick. Birlhs White—Mr. and Mrs. Russell Jay Page, a daughter. /Colored—Mr. and Mrs. James Edward Holley, a son; Mr. and Mrs. William King Freeman, a son; Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Tay lor, a son. Holidays For City And County Offices —3 Municipal and county offices | will be closed for Christmas | holidays from 5 P. M., December j 23 until 9 A. M., December 28. | This announcement was. made this week by Mrs. Bertha Bunch, register of deeds and secretary to I the County Commissioners, and' William B. Gardner, town ad ministrator. This holiday schedule for mu nicipal and county employees has been arranged by officials of the two units in order to give people employed in public offices an ample Yule holiday. Eastern Star Party Monday, Dec. 21st Edenton Chapter No. 302, Or der of the Eastern Star, will hold its annual Christmas party. Monday night, December 21. i The party will begin following; a brief business session of the chapter which begins at 8 o’clock. I Mrs. Grace Byrum, worthy ma tron, is very anxious for all members to attend. PROPERTY MUST BE LISTED IN JANUARY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the List Takers for Chowan County will sit at the following places at the times named, at which places and in which month all property owners and taxpayers are required to return to the List Takers for taxation for the year 1964 all Real Estate, Personal Property, etc., which each one shall own on the Ist day of January, 1965, or shall be required to give in then. All male persons be tween the ages of 21 and 50 years are to list their polls during the same time. Return of property and giving in of polls are required under penalty imposed by law. FIRST TOWNSHIP Listers: Mrs. Pattie S. Byrum ... Mrs. Annie M. Hare Monday through Friday 9 to 5 o’clock Saturday 9 to 12 o’clock Every Day First Floor Hotel Joseph Hewes Building SECOND TOWNSHIP Lister: Henry Bunch January 5, 12, 19, 26 Bunch’s Store, Center Hill January 6 Earl Smith’s Store, Rocky Hock January 13 W. L.. Miller’s Store Januay 20 Fire Department, Cross Roads January 27 C. C. Nixon’s Store At Home All Other Days Except Saturday Afternoons THIRD TOWNSHIP Lister: T. A. Berryman January 9, 16, 23, 30 L. C. Briggs, Gliden January 28 H. R. Peele’s Store, Ryland January 14 - .....i. Ryland Post Office At Home All Other Days FOURTH TOWNSHIP Lister: Ward Hoskins Every Saturday I H. A. Perry's Store (January 2,9, 16, 23, 30) Every Wednesday .-J& A. Pitery’s Store (January 6, 13, JO, - Tuesday, February 2 H. A. Pony’s Store - At Home All Other Days '■ /»'■ | " m| -#■" 1 . 1 ■" ■ • 1* * j 1 j' I Escort To Bank’ ■ ~ -.4 Service Offered Due I To Unusually Large Deposits I. i Edenton Police Department is expanding its escort service during the holidays. Police Chief James H. Griffin said 1 during the holiday shopping [season merchants will have un -1 usually large deposits. There 'fore, if they desire a police es jeort to the bank—day or night— -1 they can call the Police Depart ment. ( Chief Griffin said a local po liceman will always be avail able to assist Edenton merch ants in any way possible, not only during the holiday shop ping rush but any time during the year. Also, the chief cautioned mer chants to keep a keen eye out for shoplifters. Thus far there have been no arrest for shop lifting,--but if merchants are lax •the looters will take items from the stores. Shoplifters are known to flourish during th.e holiday sea son when the stores are crowd-: 1 ed. Earlier in the season a film on the subject was shown to lo cal merchants. i Special Services At St. Paul’s Church f —— A festival of service of lessons and carols will be presented at Saint Paul’s Episcopal Church ; Sunday morning at 11 o’clock. The traditional service of les sons from Genesis, Micah, and the Gospels tells the story of the coming of Christ. Readers from real life as choristers, acolytes, students, laymen, lay readers, vestrymen participate. The Saint Paul’s Handbell Choir and the Junior Choir will perform this year in assisting the Senior Choir. "Once in Royal David’s City,” ‘ Rosemary’’ and “Silent Night” will be of fered. “The Holly and the Ivy” by ■ i the Senior choir will be followed iby “What Child Is This”, “In | the Bleak Mid-Winter”, “Lullay my Liking”, and “Joseph Dear est” as well as congregational singing. j Order is power. —Henri-Fi ederic " Amiel. Post Office Open To 5 P. M. Saturday Continued from Page 1. Section 1 can save 24 hours or more in , the delivery of most parcel post. “ZIP Codes on parcels means a far less chance of damage be cause of more direct routing and fewer handlings, tout the success of the program hinges on pub lic use of the ZIP Code numbers in addressing packages,” Mr. Chestnutt said. He suggested that even if peo ple do not know the ZIP Code of the address to which their mail is going, they should use the code on return addresses. When cards and packages ar rive, the five digit return ad dress codes, should be added to Christmas lists for use in the future. ZIP Coded mail from a small er post office will generally be sent to the nearest main post office or “sectional center.” From CLASSIFIED Coins - Coins 1 I Am Buying! Not Shopping! Paying cash on the barrelhead for the following in fine condi tion (including Carolina gold nieces): • Half Cents, Large Cents, Co lonial Cents • Half Dimes, 20c Pieces, Bust Quarters • Commemorative Halves (Uncirculated) • All Gold Coins U. S. and Foreign • Dollar Size Foreign Silver Coins • All Canadian Coins of Queen Victoria, Edward VII, and George V. As a specialist in the science _ of coins for over 35 consecutive years, my knowledge is your warranty of realistic aporaisal. Deal with me in confidence. You will be pleasantly surprised. John A. Taylor NUMISMATIST—ANAI4B46 P. O. Box 372, Edenton. N. C. Telephone 482-3802 FOR SALE —USED ELECTRIC range in good condition. A real buy for only $50.00. Western Gas & Fuel Oil Ser- Ehone 482-3122, Eden- ; ton. • ltc FOUND—ONE LADY’S BLACK kid glove. Owner may secure same by paying for this ad i (60c). Phone 482-2256. It FOR SALE CEDAR CHRIST-1 MAS TREES. Phone 482-3840. j Philip Smithson, Tyner, N. C. j Decl7,24pd 1 SPARE TIME INOOME Refilling and collecting money, from NEW TYPE high quality; coin operated dispensers in this area. No selling. To qualify! you must have car, references,' S6OO to SI9OO cash. Seven to 12 hours weekly can net excel lent monthly income. More full time. For personal interview, write P. O. Box 4185, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15202. Include phone num ber. ltpd . MUST SELL IMMEDIATELY— 1 Large 43 ft. x.B ft. house trail er. In good condition. Elec tric stove. A steal at SI6OO. . Call 482-3567 or 482-3430. 1 Decl7c HOUSE FOR RENT IN CENTER | HILL community. Apply at. George Chevrolet Co., phone - 482-2138. DeclOtfc ( FOR RENT A THREE-ROOM furnished apartment. Private bath. Hot air heat and priv ate entrance. 115 West Queen _ Street. Phone R. A. Tarking- ( ton, 482-3130. decl7-tf PONIES FOR CHRISTMAS—WE have a nice assortment of ponies as to color, price and size. We also have several mare ponies. Ponies can be seen at Haskett’s Stock Farm . back of radio station WCDJ., ' See or call L. H. Haskett, phone 482-3248 or A. E. Jen kins, phone 482-3389. > Dec3,10,17c HELP WANTED MAN OR woman—one week each rtionth. Must be able to read and write. Call 482-2224 for ap point. Electric & Water Dept., * W. Freemason St., Edenton.. Dec10,17,24c House For Sttlejl JI •/taSdT with lc* a*T| miitly 10 Hjillw frotn noperJl there, it is sent dihfecUy to thf -» sectional center nearest the final j destination. In most instances, this eliminates at least_pne fur- ' ther separation of mail. , . ’ Byway of illustration, Mr. Chestnutt pointed out that a' parcel mailed from Long Beach, California, to Vir ginia, without ZIP Code must be halted enroute at Cincinnati for further sorting. From there it is sent to the Washington, D. C., sectional center and then for warded to Alexandria. If the package is ZIP Coded,’ it Will by-pass Cincinnati and move directly to Alexandria through the Washington sec tional center. This usually saves at least 24 hours. LIONS MEET MONDAY Edenton Lions will hold their weekly meeting Monday night, December 21, at 7 o’clock at . the Edenton Restaurant. Presi dent Joe Thorud urges every Lion to be present. •FOR SALE: REBUILT UPRIGHT pianos, refinished, in perfect condition; reasonable. Edenton Furniture Co.. Inc. Junfit#' - CUSTOM HOMES LONG term financing. Very low down payment. Call Haywood ... Jones, 482-2314 or Tom Cross, 482-3159. jlyl6tf PICTURE FRAMING—FOR TIU best in custom picture framin| see John R. Lewis at the Edeik ton Fumit’ire Company. Coin plete line of moulding ta choose from. ttj SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS. ; Any make or model. Only I $3.00. All work done in your home, all work guaranteed. Write “Service Manager”, Box X, c/o The Chowan Herald. Dec3,10,17,24,Jan7,14c iSiwiNG MACHINES. Singer, electric, ifi modern style con sole cabinet. Complete with < attachments. Reconditioned and -•< guaranteed. 3 only to sell @ $22.50. Free home demonstra tion. Write “Service Manager” Box X, c/o Chowan Herald., I Dec3,10,17,24,Jan7,14c SINGER MACHINE:'In like new cabinet. ZIG-ZAGS, makes buttonholes, fancy stitches, and darns, etc. Local party may assume payments of $11.14 monthly or pay complete bal ance of $58.60. Full details and > where seen write: National’s Credit .Dept., Box 1612, Rocky Mount, N. C. N0v26,Dec3,10,17,24c SEWING MACHINE. Dial-A- Matic zig-zag in modem style console cabinet. Makes button holes, sews on buttons, mona grams, darns, embroiders, blind hems, and uses twin-needle. Repossessed; assume payments of $7.50 month, or pay total balance of $48.22. Free home demonstration. Write “Credit Manager”* Box X, c/o Chowan Herald. Dec3,16,17,24,Jan7,14e FOR - itENT—THREE-BEDROOM house, vacant, write or call Barrier, 120 E. Sherwood Dr., Havelock, N. C. Dec3tfc FOR SALE CHILD’S ELEC tric organ with bency. Very good condition. Perfect gift. Ages 4-10, Price $25. Mrs. J. P. Ricks, Jr/ Phone 482-3737. SALESMAN WANTED—Wanted at once: Rawleigh Dealer in Chowan County. Write Raw leigh, Dept. NCL-210-3, Rich mond, Va. D3,10,17p CAMERA FOR SALE LIKE new 35mm Yashica Lynx 1000 - With case. Cost new , half price $65.00. Also Kodak movie camera. Three lens with filters, $25.00. Call ; 482- 't 3601 after 5:30 P. M.. 1 Dec3,10,17* H s I- W > r ■ I I j