CHOW AH J HERALD. EDENTON. NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY Heart Fund Officials Warning Against Food’ Peddlers t Chapel HilL Beware of the ’ advice given by “health food” promoters, door-to-door vitamin salesmen and special diet huck sters, a state health agency sug gests. In olden days, masked high way bandits approached lonely travelers with the spine-tingling demand: “Your money or your life.” Today, there are many merchants of quackery in the health fied who use hook and crook to go after your money and yottr life, as a recent Food and Drug Administration publi cation warns. y The North Carolina Heart As sociation urges Tar Heels to “get wise to these health ped dlers” and joins various gov ernmental, pharmaceutical and medical groups in offering some tips on how to spot health gyps: If it -Is a “secret remedy,” you can almost bet your bottom dol . lar that you are dealing with a /■ fake. If the ad claims a non prescription drug is good for heart trouble, it probably is bet -1 ter for the manufalturer’s bank roll than for the patient’s heart. If the sponsor claims he is bat tling the medical profession which is trying to suppress his wonderful discovery, you might also have reason to suspect you are being hoodwinked. If the treatment was ballyhooed in a sensational magazine, you might be wise to be skeptical. And if your doctor disapproves of the particular “remedy” or “cure,” you would be smart to stick with medical knowledge and- to shun pseudo - medical junk—for your heart’s sake. High on the heart agency’s list of health frauds are the ven dors of “instant health” and “do it-yourself medicine.” Many so called health books currently popular are examples of sheer / poppycock—for example, a recent bestseller which labeled honey and vinegar a cure-all charm against almost every kind of ailment. There are quite a few diet books which advocate practices which could be most harmful to persons taking them seriously; dietary cure-alls promoted by food faddists are often confused by wishful thinkers with spe cial dietary prescriptions; such as low-salt and low-fat diets prescribed by physician’s ■ ffer heart; patients. --Heart As sociation points out that the word “health” in “health foods” does not make such products healthful or more healthful than other food. North Carolinians are urged to use their common sense, and the Heart Association stresses that it makes little sense to let “doctor books” substitute for a doctor. Some parents raise their *r children by the book (or maga zine articles) and forget all too often that a parent-with-a-book still doesn’t qualify for a medical degree. Strop throats, if treated by parents as regular sore throats, can lead to rheumatic fever and possibly to serious heart damage, for example. High blood pressure, “kidney trouble” and “bladder trouble” may indicate disease which can- 1 Attractive printing at right prices! j One good way to get jfIHL people to read what you JBB want them to is to make good. ■fr what we’re in business for. See us soon. When you come to us, you know what real « . ’ ■ fine printing is ... . no matter what itjs for . . . our imaginative staff can create I I the type of printing~tp not be treated by self-medica tion, despite the claims of some hustlers of patent medicine and folk remedies. Calories do count, despite false claims made in a book for weight reduction and heart dis ease. As for “royal jelly,” ocean water, safflower oil capsules and “tired feeling” remedies, most of these are either totally use less or actually harmful because they mask symptoms of disease or keep patients from their doc tors until it’s too late. The average Tar Heel wouldn’t hire a rainmaker to pull a tooth or repair a television set. The North Carolina Heart Associa tion thinks that door to door “health” salesmen ought to have front doors slammed rudely in their faces. What one writer has termed a “mail-order supermar ket” of nutritional gimmicks is an especially serious problem. This mail-order smorgasboard of pills elixirs and superfoods is a multi-billion dollar racket na tionally, custom-made for “peo ple who have everything”—ex cept a mature concern for their own health. As for nasurc doctors and health practitioners who propose tc diagnose and treat diseases simply by turning dials on Rube Goldberg machines, they may be professionals, but they certainly don’t belong to the medical pro fession, according to the state heart group. Millions of dollars are spenl each year by North- Carolinians on falsely promoted, worthless or dangerous products and mil lions more are wasted on so called health foods. Worse than the financial lass, however, is the risk that reliance on some ineffective product may cause delay in getting proper medical treatment. It is against the law to pro mote and distribute these worth less or dangerous medical de vices and cures but it takes continuing public cooperation to stem this criminal assault on the public and its health. LIONS MEET MONDAY Edenton Lions will hold their weekly meeting Monday night, February 8 at 7 o’clock at the Edenton Restaurant. President Joe Thorud urges every Lion to be present. ROTARIANS MEET TODAY Edenton Rotarians will hold their weekly meeting this (Thursday) afternoon at 1 o’clock in the Parish House. President West Byrum urges a 100 per cent attendance. Use Force The nurse in Scotland was trying to persuade old Mary to take some liquid food. “Will you take some beef tea. Mary?" “Na,” replied Mary. “I could’t tak’ it.” “Perhaps you would care for a cup of cocoa?” “Na. I couldna ta’ that either.” “Well, what about a glass of toddy?” * “Aye,” responded the invalid. “Mak’ it strong and mak’ me ta’ it.” "SUPER-RIGHT” QUALITY HEAVY CORN-FED BEE? .. D Bill 1* wi ~W- K| 111 H w\ k k | y&tj/ ( ■ I BONELESS CHUCK -49 c CHUCK \ i - V SHOULDER f-f- C A K|| j CLOD LB. 39 |Jh if CHUCK BLADE STEAK - 45 c FLOUNDER > *.V - • erial brand beef ___ MORTON FROZEN BEEF, CHICKEN, OR TURKEY MEAT ~ sMo,ttD 8-OZ. C // HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES \\ ANN PAGE SPECIALLY PRICED 16 superb new volumes-glorious full color! ll mm| hmm gm kvj «. .m. Warwick dapk choc coatfo jfinj \\ i-M-4 now /I Til Mu if 1 Minis «9-'3?c ON SALE /L Qif J] IYI IU! 1# UI k 1 A " w r. A PUBIISHEDBY . r~X Li e Ln:-,-. , • 49c * mmhbhhh ANN rAGE CRIAMY smooth \ ( . „„ 0 ah BBfl M&tu'' \ /mL BUTTER ,Lb 59crv A us m . mi nr JH »'r| ft \JLLLt F- ► /i?c V ££ I ann PAr,E 401 \ IH AtP " OUR HNIST QUALITY" " BLACK PEPPER Con *- ‘*•g S, r , ( C*. 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