For Quick Results . .. Try a Classified Ad In The Herald ( 'Vol. XXXII.—No. 9. v Chowan’s Native Industry -|,| * New Fishery Now Nearing Completion Chowan County has a new in dustry. It is locally owned. Will •be locally operated. And will de pend on local products. It is Peele’s Fishery at Rocky Hock Landing, 11 miles from Edenton. It is owned and oper ated by J. D., Lloyd and Wallace Peele. Their product' will prim arily be herring. Commercial fishing is nothing new for the Peele brothers, while this type operation is. They have W great deal of faith in the Cho- Nwan River herring and have built si big building to prove it. j An attractive building is near ing completion with a giant freez er, a cold storage room and a small office. It is located just back from the river far enough to allow a parking area. Peele’s Fjshery 'will be in the retail as well a,s the wholesale business. They will fish 22 nets ' end work approximately 10 people during the peak season. v The freezer which they have installed will accommodate 350,000 pounds of fish. They expect to . fill it with 3,5f0 one-hundred pound boxes of herring during this season. The herring will be surplus fish-—that which cannot be Isold fresh. It wi'l be quick-frozen and sold as bait all along the eastern shore. The freezer is 30 by 40 by 10 feet and has machinery to draw the temperature down to, 90 de grees below zero. The cold stor age room will be between 30 and degrees above zero. The Peele’s will operate two £L>ats but a third boat will be nshing 20 nets out of the Peele Sanding. Wallace Peele said in the past they have sold their surplus fish to other fisheries but decided this yeaf* to make arrangements to (handle all the fish they catch. (Ilte |lublic Parade RIGHT TO KNOW—Senator „Sa#> J. Ervin, ls a cham pion of the people’s right to know what their elected of ficials and governmental agen cies are doing. He has again co-sponsored a 'Freedom of Information bill. This bill provides that every agency must make its records available promptly for any person, unless the information falls within certain excepted and it allows per sons denied information to ask a Federal court to order pro duction of records improperly withheld. ' This bill would also do a lot to open the doors of so-called executive sessions” of commit tees, boards, etc. lOne of North Carolina’s most respected editors says it is /the special responsibility of /the press 'to keep the people informed about what goes on in their government. This can ■only be done when elected of ficials transact public business in the open. This does not mean that re porters should have special privileges. Tom Lassiter of the Smith field Herald puts it this way: “The fundamental right is l not that of a newspaper re porter but of a citizen to ob serve and listen while his elected representatives discuss and transact the business of local governnient. It is incon venient for most citizens to be J there, so we go for them.” • "Secret service” should be left to the body that is re af sponsible, among other things, for .the protection of the Presi dent of the United States. There is only one place to discuss and transact public business. That is in public. I 'LITTLE' CHOWAN BIG f- SCHOLAR—Keith Rollins has I brought a great honor to him self and Chowan High School. 1 He has won a coveted More head Scholarship to the Uni ' versify of North Carolina. I ®ius, Keith becomes the first Chowan County student .to gamer such a scholarship. It is, both a credit to the stu dent and th* Chowan County * a* Cr'hnlnr from a school THE CHOWAN HERALD v 3® sis . ' - James M. Robinson, who left as executive secretary of the Edenton Chamber of Commerce, hailed the venture as a good ex ample of the faith local people I ' I BBS! | - BF V wmn flTi I .^ pT*" ■ 'f MR, NEW INDUSTRY—WaIIace Peele, right, shows James M. Robinson of Edenton Chamber of Commerce, a new sign which points the way to Chowan County's newest industry—Peele's Fishery. Located at Rocky Hock Landing, about 10 miles from Edenton on the Chowan River, the new venture includes fa cilities for freezing 350,000 pounds of herring for sale as bait. Peele find two brothers, J. D. and Lloyd, expect to employ 10 people during the peak herring season on the Chowan, Scholarship program. His principal, superintendent and fellow students are proud of him. The entire communi ty should also swell a bit and carry their head a little higher. Making Morehead Scholars is not easy. It takes a boy with ability, parents who en courage and a school which offers a balanced curriculum and other activities. So, to Keith, his parents and his school, we offer congratu lations. ‘Little’ Chowan has produced a big scholar. Who will be next? SLOPPY JOB— All is well in the State Department of Ar chives and History. They have ifhe valuable pre-Revolutionary Chowan records which two lo cal men saved from destruc tion. 'An assistant director of the state agency \yas in Edenton on Friday to pick up the rec ords. While he was signing a re ceipt for Robert B. Smith and Grayson Harding,' Dr. C. C. Crittenden, archives director was attempting to explain how his investigators missed the ■collection. Dr. Crittenden said his staff members never saw, the rec ords, as reported. He said when an inventory of old Cho wan County records was made in 1960, these particular docu ments were mixed Up with a group of worthless tax scrolls which were not on the inven tory. * However, local sources re member different facts. They report that the state depart ment did make an inventory in 1960. Then about a year ago an old building was being razed to make -room for the off-street parking lot behind ■the Hotel Joseph Hewes and more records were disc° vere d- j The county commissioners notified the department aind four men came to take a look. They said the papers were worthless. Just before they were hauled away, Smith hap pened along. He asked the person in charge of tearing down the building to sell the five boxes of old papers to him. He was denied. But the contractor gave them -to Smith to save him the trouble of hauling thdm off. Smith teamed with Harding to publish two booklets about Chowan County Taxabies for soon Tealiwi a llgCr 'DJ, - MTC Edei Chowan County, North Carolina 27932 Thursday, March 4, 1965 ; have in the commercial fishing : industry in Chowan. , The Peeles thought that fancy talk was all right, but what they i are waiting! for are the herring. 50 Jnrors Drawn For March Term Fifty names have been drawn for prospective jurors in the term of Superior Court which opens here March 29. ■ Judge George Fountain of Tarboro will preside over the session at which both criminal and civil cases will be heard. The jury list, as drawn by Chowan County Commissioners, includes: Isaac Overton, John P. Arcaro, Clarence L. Badham, Horace D White, J. C. Jordan, Carl M. Cayton, Vivian O. Copeland, Lassell E. Chappell, L. David Bass and Jesse Austin. Also, W. W. Bunch, Jr., Willis Walter Rawls, Frank Robert Jones, Wilford N. Toppin, Mer rill E. Copeland, Herman Lane, A. J. Evans, Hubert E. Harris, F. M. Francis and William I. Dail. And, Lycurygus Perry, Alton Williams, Frank Miller, G. H. Harding, Bryant F. White, Elvin L. Spivey, Wayland Byrum, Claude Perry, Claude E. Roger son ancj Louis C. Britt. Also, Hector Lupton, Raleigh Elliott, O. M. Blanchard, J. Haywood Bunch, Thomas F. Hopkins, Richard L. Lovitt, Ed mond White, Wilbur T. Jordan, Daniel P. Reaves and Horace Parks. And, Sydney Lee Perry, Leslie W. Nixon, Wallace B. White, J. Bertron Hollawell, William R. Ashley, Sr., Walter L. Moore, Jr., J. S. Turner, Anthony .Hath away, Jr., R. Graham White and Kesler M. Phillips. HERRING BREAKFAST The Methodist Men of Edenton Methodist Church will have an other pickled hairing breakfast Saturday from 7 A. M. to 9 A. M. at the church. Roe will be served and the public is invited to par ticipate in this church project. Keith Rollins Wins Morehead Grant CHAPEL HELL William Keith Rollins (Keith), the son -of Rev. and Mri, W. L. Rollins, Route 1, Box 292, Hobbs ville, has been presented a Morehead Award to the University of. North Carolina, it was an nounced Tuesdly. The announcement and the presentation of awards were ""made by Hu#i G. Chtftham of Elkin, ’a member of the Board of Trustees of the John Motley Foundation. Rollins is a siudent at Cho wan High School in Tyner. He is one of 67 boys to receive the valuable awards this year. The are worth $5,800 to No{tth Carolina residents for A i . w , t . . Entire Faculty At Rural School Put On Probation The principal and faculty a‘ White Oak Elementary Schoc.l arc on probation for the remainder ol the school term as the result oj an investigation into daily at tendance recoids. Chowan County Heard of Edu jation Monday night voted unani •nousiy to accept the recommenda . tion of Supt. C. C. Walters i; reprimanding Principal W. H Cieecy and the entire faculty an placing them on probation. Supt. Walters and O. C. Lone Jr., chairman cf the board, hav. been called to Raleigh to person ally explain the boaid’s action t the Mate Hoard of Public In ;tru; tion. T..e action came following mor than a month cf inve.-.tigatio into the daily attendance record it the Negro school and nunter jus meetings of the school board Investigators with the state de partment called the local board’; ittenticn Go the matter at th board’s regular meeting in Fob ruary. Creecy was called to a [> pear and denied that he had in dructed the teachers to file re ports which showed students pres ent when they were- not. Tire school board then inter viewed each teacher and all buv one gave statements which showed they had been pressured into keep ing inaccurate records on attend a nee. (Teacher allotment in school is based on average daily attend ance. It has been said that Whit- Oak School received funds fo' teachers in excess of $ 15,00* which were not substantiated b; rttendance). During Monday’s meeting, on< ■number of the county board saic he thing which made the situa ion at White Oak worse was that Greecy had teen placed on preb i tion approximately five years ag• "or a similar offense. Because o his, it is not known what actioi lie State Board of Public In traction will make today (Thurs lay) when thpv meet to hear Lonj and Supt. Walters. (Supt. Walters said he is con vinccd that the principal and :d faculty members are aware of th mistake* they made in keeping th* ■f-cords and he thinks they can b' rehabilitated. After lengthy discussion th* Hoard voted to reprimand the group and place them on proba- Conlinued on Page Six Local Police Give Various Citations Several arrests for minor vio lations have been made by members of Edenton Police De partment in the past week, ac cording to Chief James H. Grif fin. William Johnson, 28-year-old Negro, Route 3, Edenton, and Jimmy Marshall Perry, 19, of Edenton, were cited for having improper mufflers on their ve hicles. John Wright Floars 11, 17, 321 West Queen Street, was given a citation for disregarding a stop sign. Cited for improper passing was John " Arthur Wheeler, 68, 119 Morris Circle. Edward Lee Newsome, 25-year-old Negro, was booked for breach of peace. Amos June Hobbs was given a citation for failing to dim the lights on his car. GUEST MINISTER SUNDAY AT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Eugene Tolestedt, senior student at Union Theological Seminary, will be guest minister at the (Edenton Presbyterian Church Sun day morning, March 7 at 11 o’clock. The \ public is cordially invited" to attend the service. yearbook staff, vice president of the junior class, treasurer of the senior class, chief mar shal, a member of the Beta lUSIIH L Town Election Becomes Chief Topic With Many Names Bouncing Around; Mayor Expected To Seek Re-Election Ws« ’Wll mm ..Ha "Y‘Vf V'-S <*/' . _? t t FAREWELL TO 'JIM'—If James M. Robinson, center, had his bags packed to return to Cary he will have to make room for a handsome silver service which friends in the Edenton Cham " ber of Commerce presented him Friday night. Making the presentation is Mayor John A. Mitch ener, Jr., left, and W. E. Bond, chairman of the Chowan County commissioners. Robinson re signed recently as executive secretary of the Edenton Chamber of Commerce for reasons of poor health. He has headed the chamber here for more than four years. Community Leaders Praise ' Work Done By Robinson The final chapter in James M. Robinson’s book of memories of work with Edenton Chamber of Commerce will be water marked. It was that kind of farewell. Edenton Chamber of Com merce officials and corhmunity leaders honored the executive secretary last week with a ban quet at Edenton Restaurant. High tribute was paid Robinson by chamber presidents who had served with him and local busi nessmen who expressed appre- Registration Sol For An Classes Don Durland, assistant pro fessor of art at East Carolina College, will be in Edenton Tuesday night to greet prospec tive members in the Art Coun cil’s adult art class. Durland received his Bachelor of Fine Arts from Miami University and his masters degree from Bradley College. Registration for the'adult class will be at 7:30 o’clock in the Art Council Studio above the Edenton Savings & Loan office. The class is an East Carolina Extension Course and may be taken for college credit. The course will last ‘through the spring quarter and will cost $25. A minimum amount of art supplies will be required and will be available in Edenton. Those interested in the art class who are unable to attend regi stration are advised to call Mrs. L. Polk Williams,' Jr., before Tuesday. Club, the Monogram Club, the Library Club and the Glee Club. He is also a member of the varsity basketball and baseball teams and is co captain of the varsity basket ball team. He plans to study accounting. The Morehead Awards were first presented in 1951. They are presented cm the basis of ' outstanding merit reflected in academic ability and attain ment, character, leadership, ambition, unselfish service and physical vigor, without con sideration of need. Supt C. C. Walters of Cho wan County Schools was high in hjs praise of Rollins. “He is a fine student and we are extremely pleased that he has won this coveted scholarship” he paid •" elation for his accomplishments. And when ii was all over. Robinson, with a lump in throat and tears in his eyes,' packed up a beautiful silver ser vice and said farewell to men he had worked with almost daily j for four and a half years. “It is nevei- easy to arrive at j a swan song situation,” the chamber official said. He de scribed the banquet as a high point in his life and said: “I will always treasure the memory.” After hearing several eloquent speeches, Robinson said: “You: people did the job . , . I only kept the train on the track.” j He .added: “You have exaggerat-j ed my usefulness.” Mayor John A. Mitchener, Jr., was master of ceremonies and was the first to express deep appreciation to Robinson for his ■tireless efforts to make Edenton and the entire Albemarle Area a better place to live and do business. He said Robinson, in the time he was with the cham ber, was most successful in get ting the name of Edenton be- ; fore the public. Mayor Mitchener cited the Hall of Fame for Patriots of the Revolution as a typical Robin sonism. He said the citizens of this entire area will be indebted to him for years to come. W. P. (Spec) Jones, the first past president to speak, said Rob inson’s doctors say he can fill his own prescription. Jones said Robinson had been writing peo- j pie about how good fishing, hunting, etc., is in the Edenton area, now he should enjoy it himself. Bruce Jones, Joe H. Conger. Jr., and George Alma Byrum fol lowed suit. They all lauded Robinson for his ability to get a job done, his vast storage of ideas and his dependability. President Alton Elmore said a committee is now working to select a replacement for Robin son but the job is not easy. However, he said several good men are being considered. Approximately 30 people at tended the banquet. Lions Club Favors Time Change Bill Edenton Lions Club has gone on record favoring Daylight Sav ing Time. The club will write Rep. W. J. P. Earnhardt, Jr., asking him to support the bill which is now before the General Assembly. During discussion on the mat ter, local Lions said the time change would .be of value to this area because Virginia is on Day light Saving Time. Productions Set j By Choral Group | The choral ' society of Albe-i rnaile Area Development Asso ciation has planned a concert j for April il, the final day of the Pilgrimage of Colonial Eden ton and Countryside. Directed by Dr. Clifford Bair, the combined society, with the added voices of the College of, the Albemarle Carole, will be in concert at 4 P. M., at Edenton Baptist Church. The program is j expected to last approximately J one hour. The .members of the northeast ; and southwest divisions are now in practice for the presentation of the Easter portion of Handel’s “Messiah”. The Canticle of the Martyr by Dr. Vittorio Giannini; will also be presented, Dr. Gi- i annini is president of the N. C.j School of Arts at Winston- Salem. The chorus has been invited' to appear at the AADA meeting at Nags Head on April 26. Also, plans are now being made for presentation of English Madrigals and the staged pro duction of the musical play. 'Down in the Valley” by Kait Weill in May. Masons To Honor Former Masters I A stated communication of Unanimity Lodge No. 7, A. F. & A. M., will be held tonight (Thursday) at 8 o’clock. Carroll Boyce, master of the lodge, states that Past Masters’ Night will be observed, so that all; Masons are especially invited to I attend. High School Science Fair Is Open To Public Tonight The annual Science Fair at John A. Holmes High School will be held Thursday and Friday with students in five grades par ticipating, according to Mrs. Clara Boswell. Mrs. Boswell has announced that four faculty members at the College of the Albemarle in Eliza beth City will act us judges for the event, to be held in the high school gymnasium. Miss Claje Aylett of the math department, Austin J. Foard of the chemistry and physics depart ment and J. Parker Chesson and Robert L. King of the biology de partment, wiH judge the entries. Four trophies will be awarded. Two of them will be in the field of junior science and two in the area of senior Science. These trophes are made available by George Chevrolet Company. Also, Mrs. Boswell announced A Newspaper Devoted To the Progress of the Albemarle Area Single Copy 10c Seats On Council, Public Works Up For Vote On May 4 Political winds are beginning to blow in Edenton. However, with the municipal election 60 days off, they are not expected to reach hurricane velocity for another month. Edenton’s Town Council will get machinery into motion next week when they call for the board of elections to set the election for May 4. The filing deadline will be set by the elec tions group. At stake in the forthcoming balloting is the office of mayor, three seats on the council and two seats on the board of public work:s The election for the .mayor will be for two years while those elected to the boards will serve for four years. Mayor John A. Mitchener. Jr., is expected to run again. He i has not publicly announced but he has indicated he will stand for re-election. Councilmen whose terms ex pire this year are Elton Fore hand, Ward Three; Luther C. Parks, Ward Four; and George Alma Byrum, at large. Like Mayor Mitchener, these men have not formally announced their intentions although most of them are at the present expected to seek a four-year term. The councilmen who run this year are t'ompieting a twVycar term under the town's new staggered term system which be gan in 1963. Councilmen who have two more years to serve are J. D. Elliott, Ward One; C. A. Phillips, Ward Two; and J. Edwin Buff lap, at large. Phillips will not be able to serve out his full term as he is now building a new home outside the town Continued on Page Four Meeting I’lanncd By IJINC-G Group A luncheon meeting of the alumnae association of the. Uni versity of North Carolina at Greensboro will be held here at noon March 18, accoiding to Mrs. Wood I’rivott, 125 Blount Street. The meeting will be held at Edenton Restaurant. Alumnae of the University from District Nine including !2 counties Bertie, Canuien, Clio wan. Currituck, Dare, Gates, Hert ford, Martin, Pasquotank. Per quimans, Tyrrell and Washington —will attend. Mrs, Adelaide Holdcchess, im mediate past president of the, as sociation and chairman of the alumni district council and Miss Barbara Parrish, alumni secre tary, will be the principal speak ers. They will be overnight guests of Col. and Mrs. W. h. Rosevear. Mrs. George Barden of Ply mouth is director of District Nino and Mrs. Privott is luncheon chairman and alumni representa tive for Chowan County. that 12 medals will be presented to students with winning entries in the Science Fair. Judging will be held at J p. m, Thursday and the gymna sium will be open to the public from 7 p. m. to 9 p. m. that night. Also, the entries in the Science Fair will be on public display from 8:30 a. In. to 3 p. m. on Fri day and again Friday night from 7 to 9 o’clock. Students in grades seven through 12 will have entries in the event Which normally draws a tot of local interest. Much time and effort has gone into making these displays and the school of ficials invite the general public to

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