For And About Women PAGE SIX vX£:§|&;:; 'Bf 'Jp: • ' . V ' « W PLAN AUGUST WEDDING—Mr. and Mrs. James B. Johnson announce the engagement of their daughter, Judith Gail, to Paul Glynn Halsey, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Leon Halsey of Edentpn. Miss Johnson was graduat ed* from Hampton High School and attended Newport Cdllege in Newport News, Va. She is employed by Nachman’s in Newport News. Mr. Halsey was graduated from John A. Holmes High School and attended College off the Albemarle in Elizabeth City. He is employed at N(|wport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co. An August Wffddmg is planned. Mr. MacKenzie To Speak Here i Rev. Bob Ware has an nounced that Immanuel Bap tist .Church will have a re vival beginning Sunday, June 27. ftnd ending July 3. The guest speaker will be Rev* James MacKenzie of Olivia. Mr. Ware said services will begin at 8 P. M., each everting, except Sunday when the (service will begin at 7:30 P. M. Ms. MacKenzie was at one time pastor of Edenton Pres byterian Church. There will be object les sons for the children as well as special singing each even ing. The public is invited to attend these special services. Try A Herald Classified Ad VACATION NOTICE! RICKS LAUNDRY & DR Y CLEANERS WILL BE CLOSED THE WEEK OF JULY 26th ■ JULY 31st Hie one week closing is to give our ! employees a vacation with a minimum i loss of service to our customers. •» REGULAR SERVICE WILL RESUME MONDAY, AUGUST 2nd i THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATRONAGE AND COOPERATION! I ’KICKS LAUNDRY & \ DR Y CLEANERS ft ; Edenton, N. C. Tel 482-2148 VACATION NOTICE! mi; THE CHOWAN HERALD JUNE 24, 19«5 Quality Reading Is Being Done Three students started quality reading at Shepard- Pru de n Memorial Library the day school closed this year. They are Terry Sar tain, Amy O’Neal and Susan Hare. Others who came in soon after vacation started are: John Barrow, Anne Gra ham, Betty Spruill, Stephen Lockamy, Ann Harrell, Em ily Holmes, Charles Swanner, Jennifer Crandall and Bar bara Crandall. Linda Jo Toppin, Rickey Hardin, Debra Johnson, Pam Douglas, Mary Sexton, Don ald Jordan, Susan George, Paul Bunch and Donald Jordan. Blue Ribbon Won By Clubs y Chowan County received a blue ribbon on its publicity book at Homemakers Week held at N. C. State Univer sity, Raleieh, June 15-18. Attending Homemak ers Week from Chowan County were Mrs. M. T. Bar rington, Mrs. B. P. Monds, Mrs. Glenn Langley, Mrs. R. E. Leary, Mrs. J. F. Phillips, and Miss Harriet Leary, ac companied by Miss Pauline Calloway, home economics agent. The Home Demonstration Club members who attend ed were very much impress ed with the classes in which they enrolled, as well as the information they gained from these classes. Mrs. Barring ton was enrolled in “Food and the Future,” a look in to the future at how nutri tion research and food sci ence work together to make available the kinds and amounts of food you will be eating in the space age. Mrs. Phillips, Mrs. Leary, Mrs. Monds, Mrs. Langley, and Miss Leary chose “The House and Its Interior,” a look at North Carolina houses which included archi tectural design, space, fami ly needs, and present trends in home building; how to decorate a house to express bo h formal and casual at mosphere. Furnishings were accented with North Carolina quality crafts. Miss Calloway chose “The Health of the Total Woman” —her responsibility to her self, to her family, to her community, and her respon sibility to future generations. Other classes which were taught during Homemakers Week were “The Frozen Food Picture.” “Guiding the Beginning Marriage”, “Your Guide to Better Dress,” “Le gal Affairs of the family,” “Effective Speaking and Lis tening”, “Know Your Car,” and “Taking Care of Your Plants”. RED MEN MEETING Chowan Tribe No. 12, Im proved Order of Red Men. will meet Monday night, June 28, at 8 o’clock. Nom ination of new officers for the next six-months term will be the principal item of business, so that Robert Whiteman, sachem of the tribe, urges a large attend ance. ■, Jfess. -»»t ..oASi -» %.- v \ . ''J. j, *■ * '*lgin MhL • 4p£. ~ t W/Kte-- 4 Sa«M|^sß4B^)MSwßr ! ‘SSI. :4 *.v 1 '■X'i I '. ’ Si wn 1 | HH 1 I W *s£| gridmk m ' ■ w m MiiifcWni —rr-r i 11 nritffMMMMBMB BHHHHBBHPW .v.«wEwHlßHßwßaßHa^»mjSsS&^-. SUMMER WELCOME —Welcome summer to your home by serving flavorful, refresh ing yet filling and nutritious salads. This Egg Salad Mold, a first cousin to popular potato salad, fills the bill. Pass assorted re lishes and your favorite bread. Creative Cooking The Herald Kitchen Hot weather meals call foi light refreshing menus. But for the sake of the man of the house they must be nourishing and filling, too. So. welcome summer, the salad season, to your home by serving flavorful supper salads the whole family will enjoy. One of these we can sug gest is a high-protein Egg Salad Mold. It is a first cousin to ever-popular pota to salad and is sparked witl canned diagonal - cut green beans. The superbly simple dressing is a blend of mel low cream cheese and zippy bottled French dressing. Un mold on crisp salad greens and serve it along with cold cuts, assorted relishes and freshly sliced breads. Egg Salad Mold 1 doz. hard-cooked eggs, chopped. 1 can (16 oz.) diagonal-cut green beans, drained. 6 slices crisp bacon, crumbled. Vt cup shopped celery. Vz cup chopped onion. Vi cup French dressing. Vi teaspoon salt. 2 pks. (3 ozs.) cream cheese, softened. Dash pepper. Combine eggs, drained can ned beans, bacon, celery and onion, tossing lightly to mix. Blend dressing and season ings into cream cheese. Com bine with egg mixture. Pack into one and one-half quart mold. Chill thoroughly. Un mold or serving platter and garnish with salad greens. Makes six servings. Another salad that is sure to be a family treat and is easy to prepare is Avant Garde Avocados. Rich, smooth avocados are hollowed out and filled with a delightful combination of crab meat, eggs, olives and cashew's. A tangy dressing of American blue cheese and sour cream crowns the salad supper. Remember to sprin kle the avocado and shell with lemon juice to prevent discoloration of the fruit. Avant Garde Avocados 1 can crab meat, flaked and boned. 1 can water chestnuts, sliced. 2 hard-cooked eggs, chop ped. V\ cup chopped ripe olives. Vt cup cashews. 2 ripe avocados. Lemon juice. Cut avocados in half and remove seeds. Scoop out meat from avocados, dice it and sprinkle the meat and the shells with lemon juice. Mix the chopped avocados with the rest of the ingredi ents. Pile high into avocado shells. Top with blue cheese dressing. Serves four. Blue Cheese Dressing 1 cup dairy sour cream. Cup crumbled blue cheese. Dash Worcestershire sauce. Dash of cayenne. Pinch of sugar. Pineapple-grapefruit juice. Blend sour cream with one-fourth cup blue cheese. Beat until smooth. Add sea soning and enough juice to thin the dressing. Stir in re maining blue cheese. Re frigerate. Serve on top of avocado salads. Makes one and one-fourth cups. Zippy V-8, with its eight vegetables flavor, lends it self ideally to sophisticated party garb. Included in every group are usually a number of guests who pre fer non-alcoholic cocktails. For your next patio party make up a batch of Minted By MILDRED HUSKINS accented V-8 and piling it high in glasses. Add the final filling of a perky mint sprig and short straw to each glass. Accompany the frosty beverages with an assort ment of crispy crackers. Minted V-8 Shrubs 1 can (46 oz.) V-8. 2 tablespoons lime juice. Mint leaves. In shallow baking dish combine V-8 and lime juice. Freeze to mushy consistency; stir two or three times. Just before serving, stir and pile into glasses. Garnish with mint. Serve with straws Makes 12 servings. Don’t overlook this V-8 Tropicale as a prelude to a curry dinner. V-8 Tropicale 1 can (12 oz.) V-8. Generous dash ginger. V* cup orange - pineapple juice. 3 lemon slices. 6 mandarin orange seg ments. In saucepan, heat V-8 and ginger; add juice. Chill Garnish with lemon and orange. Makes three serv ings. After a real he-man dinner a light, refreshing dessert is in order. If you’re dieting, leave off the whipped cream but serve, soon, Lime De light, piled high in those flaky frozen patty shells. This recipe w'as developed by the Pepperidge Farm people who, of course, developed the patty shells. At our house we search for ways to use these wonderful patty shells. Creamed chicken, turkey and ham, go into them and, of course, seafood Newburg has progressed from toast points right into patty shells. Now, we urge you to try them for dessert shells. Lime Delight 1 pkg. frozen patty shells. 1 envelope unflavored gela tin. i/2 cup cold water. 3 eggs, separated. 1/3 cup sugar. 1/3 cup lime juice. JAYCEES MEET TONIGHT Edenton’s Junior Chamber of Commerce will meet to night (Thursday) at 7 o’clock at the Edenton Restaurant. President Sam Cox requests every Jaycee to attend. LEGAL NOTICES North Carolina, Chowan County. In The Superior Court Notice Serving Process By Publication Paul Henry Capehart, Plaintiff vs. Helen Louise Savage Cape hart, Defendant. To Helen Louise Savage Capehart— Take notice that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above entitled action. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: An action for absolute di vorce on the ground of two years separation next preced ing commencement of this action. You are required to make defense to such pleading not later than July 29, 1965, and upon your failure to do so the party seeking s rrvice against you will apply to the court for the relief sought. This 22nd day of June, 1965. LENA M. LEARY, Clerk Superior Court 1 teaspoon grated lime rind. V\ cup sugar. '/» teaspoon salt. Whipped cream (optional). Prepare frozen patty shells according to packing direc tions. Sprinkle gelatine over cold water and let stand to soften. Beat egg yolks until thick and lemon colored. Add one-third cup sugar, lime juice and gelatin to tegg yolks. Cook in double boiler until custard coats a spoon, stirring constantly. Pour in to bowl and add lime rind. Refrigerate until mixture be gins to thicken and mounds slightly when dropped from a spoon. Beat egg whites until stiff, gradually adding ore-fourth cup sugar and salt. Fold into custard and chill until it holds its form. Spoon into patty shells and serve. (Note: Add a drop or two of green food color ing if you prefer a greener, cooler color). SPECIALISTS FORMATIVE JHH| understands young figures Superb fit it the outstanding. ' bra of cotton broadcloth . ML m / / §,■,' 1 > 1 /l Ll—Completely lined cups hold A— m II J their shape beautifully, / / Jy |Li providing a lovely silhouette. // 1 / / / 30-36 AA, 30-36A, I D. DftMOipEREO H l jL. V Eyelet-embroidered cotton A. IITTLEST ANGEL ,\ ( W broadcloth it perfectly \ \ w proportioned (or budding A bra dt.ign for Hi. young ’ K** / young figures. A stitched xa b.ginn.r which is M unique liXf. „ I bond and center elastic X'A n't patented. Magic Ore-Cups f l panel astute comfort / Y of 100% nylon stretch J \ and support. expand as th. first / JV \. s|Mtt 21-3 b A A JkVvy' contours of the figure /1/ ■ '—i rr and 3*-36A. fT start to develop . I i ' dl *1 lb J magic Spandex J qjL-- - X x\ tenter panels far I \ , // / maximum comfort. J I* X X A Body Sizes: 21, tt, W, H 34 I WP Ni jr B. | .“V,S.rj | | Voty Spotted A pretty beginning far yaonf figure controll 100% nylon yW X r f [lf -iv j Helonco In stripes // [iff [A/ ~ .. , -,*■ of pink, blue, ar while an X / j (iffff' ’’ ff ' l K «►<**» o-f0,,™.-, •/ \u -ybiawahm / j SOCIETY NEWS b> Lumberton Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bras well and daughter Wynn were weekend guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Btaswell in Luihfoerton. Visit fat Durham Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Mc- Gee and son spent the week end in Durham with Mr. and Mrs. Mike McGee and fami ly. With Relatives Mr. and Mrs. Archie Gay and daughter spent the weekend in Weldon visiting relatives. Visit Parents , Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Overman and children of Lee Mali, Va„ spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Elliott. Weekend Guests Miss Fat Mooney of Ra leigh was a weekend guest Os Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dan iels. Visit in Rdentoh Mr. and Mrs. Mack Wright of Greenville and daughtei visited her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Richard Hardin over the weekend. Returns Home Mrs. George D. Smith has returned home after spend ing several days in Norfolk with her son-in-law and dauehter, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Echols. Attend Convention Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wood attended the Southeastern Peanut Association Conven tion in New York last week. They also attended the World’s Fair. Id summer School Stuart Patten is enrolled in summer school at East Carolina College. Attends World’s Fair Mrs. Clarence Leary and her brother, Ercell Webb and daughter Sarah Collins of Greenville spent last week at the Waldorf Astoria Ho tel in New York. They at tended the World’s Fair. Attend Sessions Among those attending the annual State Legion Conven tion in Asheville last week were E. L. Hollowell, local Post Commander and Mrs. Hollowell; Mrs. Bertha Bunch, auxiliary president; Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Mills and Mr. and Mrs. Troy Top pin. Week At Beach Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Jones and family and Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Perry spent last week at Nags Head. ■ I In New Jersey Mrs. Mary Leggett Brown ing and Capt. Ben Brown ing are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Dave Redfield and daugh ter Ann Browning Redfield in Mountain Lakes, New Jer iey. ’ • In Winston-Salem Mr. and Mrs. James By rum spent the weekend in Winston-Salem visiting their ;on Edwin. Saturday Trip Mrs. C. E. Britton and Mrs. William Privott were visitors in Robersonville and Williamston Saturday. At Nags Head Mr. and Mrs. George Twiddy and family are at Nags Head for two weeks. With Grandparents Ned and Joe Leary of Nor folk are visiting their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Leary. Attend Convention Dr. and Mrs. Roland Vaughan and Dr. E. G. Bond were among those attending the Seaboard Medical Meet ing at Nags Head over the weekend. J® Ik ' Hi. : ENGAGED—Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sexton, Jr., of Eden ton announce the engage ment of their daughter, Anita, to Fred L. Ashley, Jr., son or Mr. and Mrs. Fred Louis Ashley, Sr., of Eden tcn. The wedding will take place September 5.