PAGE FOUR —SECTION THREE : ' w 1 M| ||P » j .-awsr REV. CLARENCE NIDA Revival Is Set At Rocky Hock Rev. Clarence Ni d a of Greensboro, an evangelist of great acclaim, will conduct a series of revival services at Rocky Hock Baptist Church beginning August 29. Rev. T. W. Allred, pastor. *said Mr. Nida will preach the first sermon in the series at 11 A. M. Nightly sessions will be held each evening at 7:45 o’cluck through Satur day. The concluding ser vice will be on Sunday morning, September 5. Mr. Nida has been a pas tor for 15 years and served in churches in the south and far west. He was also a combat chaplain in the arm ed forces. He began to prepare for , the ministry at 17 and grad uated from college and sem * inary. Since he became a full time evangelist, Mr. Nida ha. Aj; D I iLI \a t mu iiCVv m • * For— /'\ ' , Progressive Historic Edenton, N. €» NEW BUSINESS FOR EDkNTON AND SURROUNDING AREA,. . . )V We Build Houses tPr Carolina model J HOME CORE. : ~ r tkm. • | He will preach at the 11 o’clock mornihg service and at the 7:30 o’clock evening service. Dr. Copeland has a broad and varied background in teaching, preaching and ser vice on the mission field. Born in West Virginia, he attended Mars Hill College, Furman University and holds doctorates from the South ern Baptist Theological Sem inary in Louisville and from Vale University. He has pastored churches in North Carolina, Indiana and Con necticut. He has taught and done mission work in Japan and India. Dr. Copeland is presently professor of mis sions at the Southeastern Theological Seminary in Wake Forest and is a writer, having authored such books as “The Japanese Govern ment and Protestant Chris tianity,” “Christianity and World Religions" and “Fron tiers of Advance.” The supervised church nursery will be open during both services for the care of children from cradle age through the age of five years. Bible News By HART AURID Member of Women's Speaken Korean, American Bible Society Russian Translation Thai or Siamese Translations The Thai characters are de rived from the Cambodian script and consist of 44 con sonants and 32 vowels writ ten above, below, or after the consonant. It was devis ed in the 12th century. The first publication of the Scrip tures was St. Luke’s Gospel in 1834 at Singapore by the London Missionary Society. The American Bible Socie ty work was begun in Thai land as early as 1837 but it was not until 1890 that an agency was established. The Bible House in Bangkok has printed and distributed mil lions of copies of Thai Scrip tures. The printers of the Bible introduced into Thai usage the separation of words, instead of printing them in solid lines. Seminary Topics Will Be Taught The Chowan Baptist Asso ciation resutnes its Semin ary Extension program cm Tuesday night, September 7, with classes in Old Testa ment Survey scheduled at the Warwick Baptist Church, the Rehoboth Baptist Church and the First Baptist Church in Elizabeth City. Designed primarily for laymen, these classes pro vide an unusual opportunity for Sunday School teachers, all church leaders and the general membership to en gage in extended study of the Old Testament. By meeting from 7:30 to 9 P M. each Tuesday through November 23, a total of 18 hours will be spent in this particular study. The class at Warwick will be taught by Rev. Warren Rollins, pastor of the church. Churches in Gates, Chowan and Perquimans Counties are especially urged to en courage their membership to take advantage of this course. According to Rev. Robert S. Harrell, superintendent of missions for the Chowan Baptist Association, thous ands of lay people all over the Southern Baptist Con vention have benefited from the many courses offered by the Seminary Extension De partment. Over 80 people in the Chowan Association attended similar classes last year. Additional courses will be offered each year through these classes in Bible, theo logy, church history, re ligious education and music. In a time when so much em phasis is being placed on adult education, it is to be hoped that many church people will enroll in these special classes with religious emphasis. This Is The Life By DONALD B. THOMAS TRAIN A CHILD Last week the papers were full of riots in Los Angeles and Chicago. Prop erty damage ran into the millions of dollars and peo ple were killed. A mob can be very ugly and mean and they will not listen to rea son. Such a mob killed our Saviour Jesus Christ. Who is to blame? It is the par ents or is the church at fault? If the preachers do not talk against mobs and violence and against sin and do not preach tKe Word, if could be his fault. Maybe he is afraid if he does preach the Word, he will make some one mad or the association doesn't like it and he will lose his job. He should lose it if he doesn’t preach the Word. I don’t care what color the skin you have, the parent could be to blame. We let our children run loose and don’t pay them no mind. How many of us send our child to a Bible be lieving church where the Word is preached? The crime rate, drinking and so on is high because we don’t ‘rain our children in God’s way. Do you train your child? The Bible says: “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”— Proverbs 22:fi. Gratitude, in most men, is only a strong and secret , hope of greater favors. —La Rochefoucauld. “I used to * cry for no reason at all" One of the first *Change-of-life* danger signals No wonder a woman feels like crying! The suffocating surge of hot flashes one minute; cold, clammy perspiration the next can make a woman wonder “What’s come over me!” Change-of-life panic sets nerves on edge, fills her with fear! Provan help! Woman aftar woman in doctors' tests got remarkable relief from hot flashes, nervous tensions! Some women worry themselves sick; some women do some thing about awesome change of-life symptoms. Thousands have found that Lydia E. Pinkham Tablets helped them as dramatically, as quickly as this gentle medication has helped other women. Not a new, johnny-eome-lately rem edy, but a tried and trusted “mend” relieve func tional mid-life relieve woman’s burden of suf fcrhg! Get Lydia E, Pinkham ■ ■ THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY. AUGUST 26. 1965. - I . ‘ • , ... •. , V. -iV to Church Sunday Sunday School Lesson THE PRESSURES FROM WITHOUT International Sunday School Lesson for August 29 Memory Selection: “The world passeth away, and the lust thereof; but he that deeth the will of God abid : eth for ever.”—l John 2:17. Lesson Text: Ephesians 6: 10-20; James 4:1-8; I John 2:17. In last week’s lesson we took under consideration the sins of the flesh against which every man has to bat tle. These were primarily private factors. But in this ltsson we study those things which are outside of our selves— outside our control as an individual—which put pressure on us and can hin der our growth as Christians. Herein lies a persistent and continuous struggle, and this lesson should enable us to withstand these temptations more effectively recogniz ing them for the evils that they arc. Christian life is warfare, and for it, the Christian needs the armor enumerated by Paul the loincloth of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shoes of the gospel of peace, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit. And, although the thought of continuous, daily strug gle may dismay some of us, still, we are adult enough to know that there is a lbt of truth in the old saying that if something is worth hav ing it is worth fighting for. And what could be more worth fighting for than God’s saving Grace? For it is true, that aS we face adversity and hard; ship and conquer them so we grow in stature as a person. How much more true it is that as we face the enemies of the spirit, and conquer them, so we grow spiritually! As we read Paul’s descrip tion of the armor needed by the Christian in his con tinuing warfare against evil, it should occur to us that Colonial Motor Co., of Edenton BUICK - OLDS - PONTIAC GMC TRUCKS Belk - Tyler’s W&r EDENTON’S SHOPPING CENTER W.E. Smith GENERAL MERCHANDISE "ROCKY HOCK” PHONE 482-3022 EDENTON M. G. Brown Co., Inc. LUMBER MILLWORK BUILDING MATERIAL Reputation Built on Satisfied Customers PHONE 482-2135 EDENTON Edenton Tractor & Equipment Co. YOUR FORD TRACTOR DEALER AGENTS FOR EVINRUDE OUTBOARDL U. S. 17 SOUTH— EDENTON. N. C. i . ■■■ —— ———————— READ ~- The Chowan Herald YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER ■ i■■ i M .arn .in IK t Bridge-Turn Esso Servicentea* ••Your Friendly ESSO Dealer” ESSO PRODUCTS ATLAS TIRES AND BATTERIES ir— » Western Gas & Fuel Oil Service 313 SOUTH BROAD StIIEXT ’ •> -- l’..a* - .y* ..x - most of the armor named is defensive. It should also oc cur to us, however, that the sword is an offensive weap on. In other words, we are not to stand still, merely warding off the onslaught of the enemy—Sin—but we are to strike back. It is not enough to merely refrain from being weak and bad. We must stand strong and good. , Spiritual weapons of cour age, truth, steadfastness and hope are-needed because the enemy we are facing is not made of flesh and blood. It is a spiritual enemy an enemy which would reduce man to the lowest that is in him. And it is a sad truth that we are not naturally equipped to face a foe like this; the very nature of man leans towards ease, indol ence, selfishness and indulg ence. It has indeed been truly said that the strongest chain is only as strong as its weakest link! The most telling weapon against sin in the world is the gospel of Christ. This is brought home to us as we take note of the adver sities which beset Paul. He never faltered in his devo tion to his Christian faith. If we will but follow Paul’s inspiring example, and be bold witnesses for Christ as we go our ap pointed ways on this earth, we will have the foe more than half vanquished at the outset. For the pressures from without become less of a personal problem for us if we are girt with the armor of Christianity. Remember we cannot fight this fight alone and win. We need God’s saving Grace to strengthen our stand against the forces of evil. (These comments are based on ontllnes of the Interna tional Sunday school Les sons, copy-rifhteded by the International Connell of Re ligious Education, and nsed by permission). This Space Sponsored By A Friend Os The Churches In Chowan County Edenton Savings & Loan Association Where t on oave DOES Make a Difference EDENTON. N. C. Hughes-Parker Hardware Co. SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS PHONE 482-2315 EDENTON Edenton Restaurant •‘Good Food Pleasant Surroundings” MRS. W. L. BOSWELL, Prop. PHONE 482-9723 EDENTON CALL AT Whiteman’s Service Center FOR— Complete Line of Groceries and Meats UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT PURE OIL PRODUCTS A. T. WHITEMAN, Owner -•- ■ ...I i Byrum Implement & Truck Co. incorporated International Harvester Dealer X k r '-' ; ; i, PHONE 482-2151 - EDENTON. N. C. „ ■ .Hi This Space Sponsored By A menu m me unurenes [ In Chowan County __ ... Then you will visit a travel agency, study maps, ALl _ p OR TMK GHURCH read travel books, and talk with those who have already made the journey. Th« church !■ the greatest factor And what about that far more important (and un- Z certain) journey ... the journey of life? The Church offers wise counseling from those who nor civilization can survive. There h&V6 Studied life. person should attend services re*u- The Church presents you with a map formed from isriy snd support the church They the fundamental truths of God and his directives for Are: (1) For his own sake. (2) For v . his children's sake. (3) For the sake UVlllg. The Church interprets for you the greatest of all which needs his moral and material travel books, the Bible. The Church gives you the companionship of the all wise Guide, who made this journey without a mistake, the Lord Jesus Christ. f Agency, map, travel book and Guide for life’s jour ney. Come to Church and find them all. Copyright IMS Ktitter Adocrtuing Sonia, Inc. Mi . Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday \\ iW W»J j9f~T Exodus Ruth Proverbs Isaiah Acts Romans Hebrews - x \ \ 7 15:11-11 1:16-22 4:10-19 2:1-5 16:6-15 15:19-29 12:12-17 t crrx> t t t wtz> These Religious Messages Are Published In The Chowan Herald and Are Sponsored By the Following Business Establishments Edenton Construction Co., Inc. GENERAL CONTRACTORS LS CIVOHH N Siee-ZB* HNOHd Mitchener’s Pharmacy PRESCRIPTION PHARMACISTS >, , v PHONE 482-3711 EDENTON Edenton Office Supply EVERYTHING FOR THE OFFICE PHONE 482-2627 5Ol S. BROAD ST. - li_ ■ s >. Albemarle Motor Company -Your Friendly FORD Dealer" V ’ ~Ju j • W. HICKS STREET EDENTON Leary Bros. Storage Company BUYERS OF Peanuts, Soybeans and Country Produce SELLERS OF Fertilizers and Seeds PHONES: 482-2141 AND 482-2142 Hobbs Implement Co., Inc. ••TOUR JOHN DEERE DEALER » r % Your Farm Equipment Needs Are a Life Time Job With Us! — rru n _ yuinn Furniture Company nv VIATD uV/iu«L \JP Pm TV fL Mr M&vf 11 f J f»