Vol. XXXlfj.—No. 6. Chowan Families tel $8,850 In Food Stamps ?;Chowan County Welfare Department authorized food stamps totaling $8,850 dur ing January. Mi's. J. H. McMullan, wel fare director, said 129 fam ilies paid in $3,522 and re ceived bonus stamps in, the antount of $5,328. The pro gram during January in cluded 730 persons. By the end of January the|re were 184 families cer ™ tified to purchase stamps. Under the guidelines for thil program, cortificd fam “ iliefi purchase a certain ampunt of stamps and are givtn bonus stamps. The number of bonus stamps givfen is determined by the family income and number of Children. Mrs. McMullan said by this week nearly 220 fam ilies had been certified. However, she 1 added, Janu ary , and February were ex pected to be the bigeest months for participatiqn since most 'people who do farm work are not employed at.' this time. The welfare director has said the program is doing a lot of good in this ccunty in providing extra food for pobr people in the area. During the month of Janu ary the welfare department had 257 cases in which per i sons received financial as * sisfance. in addition to the , food stamp program. The department handled 64 ser vice cases. There were 88 certifica tions for njgdicine during the month. There was a to tal of $1,207 paid from state funds for this medicine. The monthly welfare de partment report showed 121 drawing old age assistance. They shared in $5,689, or an average erant of $47. The • 42 participating in .Continued on Page Five Aces Grab 14 Straight Tilts . The Edenton Aces have won 14 straight games in the 2-A Albemarle Conference and Coach Jim Kinion says his team is getting close to reaching its potential. Gates was the latest victim, 'y with the Aces completely outclassing them on Tuesday night, 73-45. Charles Swan ner had 22 points while Thomas Willis had 15. Last Friday, Northampton again fell victim of the pow erfulACes, 77-61. Bill Grif fin arid Swanner shared scor ing honors with 16 each. The Aces defeated William ston, 76-49 in an earlier con test with Wes Chesson pour ing in 26 points while Swan ner was getting 17. Plymouth was defeated re cently 64-48. Swanner again lad the scoring with 26 and Chesson had 15. The local team has four more conference tilts on the schedule. .- 4 i Mrs. Bembry Employed J As Negro Home Agent Mrs. Daisy N. Bembry has been femployed as assistant Negro home agent in Chowan County. She will actually function as home agent. The new agent, who will begin her duties on March 1, will. replace Mrs. Onnie G. Charlton, who died some time ago. Mrs.. Bembry was pre _____ THE CHOWAN HERALD W 4 _ .*-> —> $ C £ no ■ t'. ' jA I ••-•'* ' ■ fEMBkg. ■■ % , V Ik - jdm W ■-'•> SSL-. * tfl ■hh' ’ al' If >-■ r ■•'f Suka^| • IW* JosJ' 4®.'" '/■K Fv ■ VjX Tp:' • * V . V.;w HAPPY VALENTINE Sanfra Ange strikes a pensive pose behind the traditional Valentine heart and reminds us that Si. Valentine Day is coming up Monday, February 14. Sanfra, a student at John A. Holmes High School, is the pretty daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ange. She was chief majorette widi the band and is a member of the basket ball team. ®{it public parade ON ALERT —Word comes from the local unit of the N. C. National Guard that it’s about time for their annual practice alert. This is a yearly require ment in the extensive train ing program of the National Guard. Local citizens should not be alarmed*'by'the ac tivity. DETERMINED TO FEED ....The youth of Edenton Methodist Church are mak ing another attempt at feed ing the community to raise money for the church build ing fund. Although word was put out recently that Howard Ange and Harry Lassiter would cook “regardless,” the sleet forced the group to cancel out. The herring has turned to colonial fried chicken with all the trimmings. The date is February 16 from 5:30 P. M., to 7:30 P. M., with plates to go or if you wish, you can eat at the church. Those who desire tickets should call Danny Hassell, Ricky Hardin, Rita Mayo, Sanfra Ange, Carroll Barn hill, or 482-3269 any time Saturday. SPORTS N O T E B O O K Physical education is an im portant part of the total de velopment of man. Whether he gets it by walking to or from work, playing with his children, or participating in senled to Chowan County .Commissioners at their meeting Monday. After hearing Mrs. Josephine Pat terson, district home agent, and Charlie Overman, 'local extension chairman, the commissioners voted unani mously to employ Mrs. Bem bry. The wife of Robert- Bem bry of Edenton, the new agent is now employed in the Nash County schools. In presenting Mrs. Bem bry, Mrs. Patterson said it is not easy to replace a per son of Mrs. Charlton’s abil ity. However, she said, those who know Mrs. Bem bry feel she has great po tential and are confident she will become an outstand ing home While Mrs. Bembry has 17 years of teaching experience this will be her first job as 'an extension agent. A-grad uate of Shaw University, she has previously taught in Washington and Perquimans Countv schools. Fletcher Lassiter. Negro farm agent, said he wel comes Mrs. Bembry to the local staff. He has doubled as farm and home a«ent since Mrs. Charlton * death. Edent owan County, North Carolina 27932 Thursday, February 10, 1966'. athletic events Is of little concern. In the past it has been physical, educational and en joyable, for fans of Edenton Aces just to attend sporting events and cheer on the boys and girls participating in various events. The Aces -bave'-ehown *their- apjJreeia*- tion for community support by bringing home the bacon in many sports. : While the emphasis has been on the gridiron in the past, basketball is pushing for a portion of the top billing. And with a three-time con ference track team, baseball and golf will have to come through with some cramming in order to hold the local tradition in the Spring. We mention this here be cause the Aces—football-wise —won their second straight 2-A Albemarle Conference championship last year. Un der the able direction of Coaches Jerry McGee and Marion Kirby they had an undefeated season and now have a 25-game string work ing- Coach McGee left this week for Manhattan, Kan., to become an assistant at Kansas State University. Coach Kirby has moved up and will direct the Aces next season. On the hardwood, Coach Jim Kinion has built a pow erhouse. The Aces have wrapped up thfe basketball title and are sure favorites in the annual conference tournament. The Aces—bas ketball-wise—has four ers who were on the football team, and will be playing baseball and track before long. Coach Kinion has guided his team to an undefeated season in the conference as the final games approach. Only a non-conference loss to Chowan puts a blemish on their 1965-66 record. The community has. sup ported athletics for many years. While the footbail fever has been prevalent, basketball is beginning to whittle out a place of its own. '• Edenton has excellent tal ent. Players excel in the classroom as well as on the playing area. Local school officials have recruited out standing coaches who are also exceptional classroom teach ers. Therefore,, those who arc saddened by the departure of Copch Jerry McGee frotn the local scene can take heart in the fact the Aces have an able replacement in Marion Continued on Page 4 BLOODMOBILK The Red Cro6* Moodmo bile will be at National Guard Armory here Febru ary 14 from 11 A. M. to 5 ,P. M. The regular blood mobile visits are sponsored by Edenton Jaycees. -r % j *V ’ ' Symphony Drive Is Given Boost Action by the city and county governing boards on Monday in support of a March visit of the North Ca rolina Little Spmphony has assured the local sponsors of financial success for the pro ject. . Chowan Arts Council- con tracted for the state sym phony to give an 8:30 P. M. concert here March 19 and set out to raise at least $750 of the SI,OOO fee. A limited campaign for funds realized $4lO by Monday. Mrs. Ross Inglis and Mrs. Thomas Chears appeared be fore Chowan County com missioners Monday morning with a request for the coun ty to underwrite a block of tickets to be given to chil dren. The commissione'rs came through with $l5O. The county’s contribution to this cause was matched Monday night by Town Councilmen and the council had pushed their campaign to $7lO in rapid order. “We are gratified by the cooperation and support dem onstrated by the two boards,” Mrs. Inglis said. “This will assure success of the project and should make it apparent that future projects of this type will be worthwhile un dertakings.” Continued on Page 4 Dowds Operate Western Union Local Western Union ser vices are now\being handled at Triangle Restaurant by Mr. and Mrs. Larry Dowd. Western Union recently moved from the old bus sta tion to the lobby of Hotel Joseph Hewes. However, John A. Wheeler retired Feb ruary 1 and moved to Wilson. The Dowds assumed the duties of operator of Western Union frorri their restaurant on February 7, Judge Mallard Refuses To Halt Bank Building A Superior Court judge re fused to grant an injunction which would have prohibited Peoples Bank •& Trust Com pany from building a teller’s window on North Broad Street. Action against the local bank was brought by First National Bank of Eastern North Carolina in Wake County Superior Court on November 24, 1965—the, day the Slate Banking Commis sion approved an application for trife facility. First National contended that they were being kept from opening- a branch in Edenton because of the local bank’s claim that additional facilities were not needed. Schools In Area Will Be Viewed By Survey Team Dr. J. L. Pierce of Raleigh will head a state survey team that will be in Cho wan County next week to conduct a study of local schools. Dr. Pierce is director. Division of School Planning, State Department of .Public Instruction. The other mem bers of the survey team are not known. Supt. Hiram J. Mayo told Chowan County Board of Education members Tuesday night the team will conduct the survey February 16 and 17. When a report will be made is not known. The survey team is com ing into Chowan County cn joint invitation from the city and county school boards. The team will make recommendations on the best utilization of the $293,000 al located to this county trom the recent school bond elec tion. A joint request for the services of a state survey team was made after the two school boards agreed to conditions for merger of the administrative units in the county. They agreed that an independent survey would serve the purpose. The survey team will visit both city and county schools, inspecting the facilities as well as the student popula tion and any anticipated changes by the boards. From information gathered at the on-the-scene visit, the team will make recommend ations on plant expansion and other items. The board discussed at length a program recom mended by Supt. Mayo for participation in a federal program to aid the economic ally and educationally dis advantaged students. . Supt. Mayo told the board 'Chowan County. has a bud get of $82,810.88. Because of guidelines established by federal agencies, a program could be conducted only at White Oak School. Continued on Page Six Action Is Taken By Committee Chowan County Demo cratic Executive Committee Tuesday afternoon reeom mended the re - appointment of two' members to the Coun ty Board of Elections and elected a new secretary treasurer. By unanimous action, the committee forwarded to the State Democratic Executive Committee the names of West W. Byrum and E. L. Hollowell for re-appoint ment to the Chowan County Board of Elections. Byrum is board chairman. The- committee elected W. B. ' Gardner as secretary treasurer. He succeeds James M. Bond, who resigned when he became acting postmas ter for Edenton. At the same meeting the committee made plans to raise the S4OO quota given for the Jefferson - Jackson Day Dinner in Raleigh, a major state party fund rais ing function. Tom Shepard, executive committee chairman, an nounced that precinct meet ings will be held at 10:30 A. M. Saturday, May 7. The county convention Will be held at 10:30 A. M. May 14 at Chowan County Court House with the state con yention being scheduled for May 19 in Raleigh. However, they said the ap plication for a new “branch” was contrary to Peoples Bank’s earlier claims. On January 11, Judge Ray ... 41 94 Center Hill 88 13 Wardvifle 63 24 Ycopim 27 29 Total 728 325 Luplon Chosen By Rep. Jones Floyd J. Lupton, 44. of Beaufort County, has been chosen administrative assist ant to Rep. Walter B. Jones <»f the First Congressional District. Luptoni is a former divi sional supervisor of the State Board of Paroles. The new administrative assistant will hold the same position as Henry Oglesby had with veteran Rep. Her bert C. Bonner. Oglesby has returned to his home in Winton, and an executive po sition with Cox Trailers. Lupton, who is related to Hector Lupton of Edenton, said the appointment was “the greatest challenge of my life.” He added it would be his hope “to- help render all possible assistance’’ to residents el this district.